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ISSN Print: 2159-3698, ISSN Online: 2159-3701, doi:10.5251/ajbms.2016.

© 2016, ScienceHuβ, http://www.scihub.org/AJBMS

Plasmid Profiling of Multidrug Resistant Bacteria Isolates from Surgical

Site Infection in Nigeria
1, 3*
Ehiaghe J.I, 3Nwobu R. A. U, 1, 2, 3 Ehiaghe, F.A, 3Agbakoba, N.R, 1Agbonlahor, D.E,
Uwabor, C.I
GSM: 08060138954, E-mail ehiaghejoy@gmail.com
Lahor Research and Medical Centre, 121 Old Benin—Agbor Road, Benin City, Nigeria
Department of Hematology, College of Health Sciences, Igbinedion University, Okada, Nigeria
Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria

*Correspondences: Ehiaghe J. I. Lahor Research and Medical Centre, 121 Old Benin-Agbor Road,
Benin City, Nigeria
Telephone: 08060138954., E-mail: ehiaghejoy@gmail.com


This study was carried out to determine the plasmid profiling of multidrug resistant bacteria
isolates recovered from 362 swabs specimens of patients with clinically diagnosed postoperative
surgical wound infections from University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH) and Nnamdi
Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital (NAUTH). Swab specimens were obtained aseptically using
the randomized sampling method and cultured on Blood and MacConkey agar media and
incubated aerobically and anaerobically for 48 hours. Result shows that one hundred and twenty
two (33.7%) surgical wound bacteria isolates which consist of four different species
(Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis and Staphylococcus aureus) were
recovered from postoperative surgical wound swab specimens. Antibiotic susceptibility testing
was done using the Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion technique on Mueller-Hinton agar. Plasmid
mediated multidrug resistant bacteria isolates were found in both locations (UBTH= 78%,
NAUTH= 85%; OR= 1.182; P value= 1.000). Post plasmid antibiogram revealed increased
susceptibility pattern of isolates to the previously used antibiotics. Bacteria isolates exhibited
highest resistance to Augmentin, Cefuroxime and Cefixime from both locations and least
resistance to Imipenem among the antibiotic discs tested against Gram negative isolates. The
most predominant isolates from both locations were P. aeruginosa (UBTH=60%; NAUTH= 36%)
and E. coli (UBTH=34%; NAUTH=52%). Findings in this study justify the need to strengthen
infection control to prevent the spread of plasmid mediated multidrug resistant bacteria in both

Keywords: Plasmid DNA, multidrug resistance, surgical site infection, post antibiogram.

INTRODUCTION endogenous bacteria from the patient’s skin, mucous

membrane or hollow viscera (1-2).
Surgical site infection (SSI) is defined as an infection
occurring within 30 days after a surgical operation or The development of an infection is influenced largely
within 1 year if an implant is left in place after surgical by the virulence of the organism and immunological
procedure. Surgical site infection is the most common status of the patient. However, any purulent
nosocomial infection in surgical patients, accounting discharge from a closed surgical incision together
for 39.9% of all infections. It is a significant source of with signs of inflammation of the surrounding tissues
post operative morbidity resulting in longer should be considered as wound infection (3-4).
hospitalization, increased cost, and increased
Thus, the routine use of antimicrobial agents in both
incidence of post-operative mortality as most
human and veterinary medicine has resulted in wide
infections are the results of wound contamination by
spread antibiotic resistance genes especially within
Am. J. Biotechnol. Mol. Sci., 2016, 5(1): 23-32

the Gram negative bacteria (5-6). Most bacteria have procedures. The colonies on the MacConkey agar
developed resistance to antibiotics through various were classified into lactose and non-lactose
mechanisms which includes; production of enzymes fermenting colonies. The Non-lactose fermenting
that inactivate the antibiotics, efflux pumping colonies and Lactose fermenting colonies were
machinery on the cell membrane, modification of further subjected to the necessary conventional
drug structure, loss of porin proteins and acquisition biochemical tests such as citrate utilization, urea
of genes that harbor resistant plasmids (7-9). production, indole production, Oxidase test, motility
test, sugar fermentation (maltose, sucrose and
In this study, the knowledge of types of bacterial
mannitol) test as described by Cheesbrough (14).
pathogens and antimicrobial resistant pattern can
Smear was made from the wound swab specimens
optimize treatment and decrease disease morbidity
after culturing and stained by Gram technique, and
and mortality rates of surgical wound infections. Also,
examined at X100 objectives for bacterial
bacterial resistance can result in complicated cases
of surgical wound infection such as septicemia
especially in immunocompromised patients leading to Antibiotics susceptibility testing: Antimicrobial
prolongation of therapy and even therapeutic failures susceptibility testing was carried out on each isolates
(10-12). Getting to know the drug resistance patterns by the disc diffusion method using the Kirby-Bauer
possessed by etiologic agents of surgical site disc diffusion method in accordance with the National
infections will greatly improve chemotherapeutic Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (15)
approaches in the treatment of wound infections guideline to evaluate the sensitivity of the test
worldwide. organisms to the various antibiotics inclusive of
Ceftazidime (Caz 30µg), Gentamycin (GN 30µg),
Ofloxacin (ofl 5µg), Ciprofloxacin (Cpr 5µg),
A total of 362 clinical wound swabs samples were Erythromycin (Ery 10ug), Imipenem (lmp 10ug),
collected from post operative hospitalized surgical Oxacillin (oxa, 1ug,), Cefuroxime (Crx 30ug),
patients. One hundred and eighty one of the samples Cefixime (CXM 5ug), and Augmentin (Aug, 30ug)
were from UBTH in Edo state while one hundred and (Oxide). The discs were procured from Oxoid Ltd,
eighty one was from NAUTH in Anambra state. Wade Road, Basingstoke, and Hants, RG24 8PW,
UK. After incubation, diameters of zones of inhibition
Sample collection: Random samplings of patients
were measured to the nearest millimeter using a
with post operative surgical wounds were used in this
transparent meter rule. The clinical isolates diameter
study. An informed consent form was signed before
zones were compared with reference control
sample collection. Samples were only collected from organism (E.coli ATCC 25922, P.aeruginosa ATCC
patients before surgical wound dressing. Two swabs 27853 and S.aureus ATCC 6538) held at Lahor
sample were collected using sterile swab sticks from Research Laboratories, Benin City.
each patient and placed inside an Amies transport
medium. All collections were done under strict Plasmid dna isolation and profiling: Plasmid
aseptic conditions. Specimens were transported isolation was carried out using a commercial plasmid
immediately to the Medical Microbiology Department isolation kit (ZR Plasmid Miniprep - Classic with
of Lahor Research Laboratories and Medical Centre, Catalog Number D4O15, D4016, and D4O54) as
Benin City, Edo state for analysis within 3-4 hours of previously been described by Sambrook and Russel;
sample collection. Ranjbar et al. (16-17). In brief, Zero point five millitre
of the overnight culture was centrifuged. The
Bacteriological analysis: The wound swab
supernatant was discarded. 200µl of P1 Buffer was
specimens were inoculated on Blood agar,
added to the pelleted cells. 200 µl of P2 Buffer was
MacConkey agar, Nutrient agar, and Mannitol salt added and mixed. It was incubated at 25 C for 2
agar plates and were incubated aerobically and minutes. 400 µl of P3 Buffer was added and mixed. It
anaerobically at 37 C for 24 hours. Duplicate blood
0 was centrifuge at 16.000× g for 2 minutes. The
agar plates were incubated anaerobically at 37 C for TM
Supernatant was loaded inside the Zymo-spin IIN
24 hours. Bacterial isolates were phenotypically
column and was centrifuged for 30seconds. The flow
identified morphologically and biochemically (13, 14).
through was discarded. 200 µl of Endo- Wash Buffer
Microscopic examination, isolation and was added to the column in a collection tube and
identification: All isolates were identified centrifuged for 30 seconds. 400 µl of plasmid Wash
phenotypically and biochemically following standard Buffer was added and centrifuged for 1 minute. The

Am. J. Biotechnol. Mol. Sci., 2016, 5(1): 23-32

spin Column was placed in a new micocentrifuge Although this is lower than an earlier report of 39.9%
tube and 30 µl of DNA Elution Buffer was added and (2, 20), it is still on the high side when compared to
centrifuged for 30 seconds. the result of (11) who reported a prevalence rate of
9.6%. However, World Health Organization in (21)
Preparation of 0.8% agarose gel: Zero point eight
gave a prevalence of 5 – 34% of SSI and this is in
percent agarose gel was prepared by dissolving 0.8g
line with the result of this study. One hundred and
in 100ml Tris EDTA Buffer. The mixture was then
eighty one (181) patients from each location were
heated in a microwave for 5 minutes to dissolve
0 investigated. Irrespective of location a total of 122
completely. It was then allowed to cool at 56 C and 6
(33.7%) of all patients studied had wound infection. A
ul of ethidium bromide was added to it. The agarose
statistically higher prevalence (39.8%) of wound
gel was poured into the electrophoresis chambers
infection was recorded among patients in NAUTH
with gel comb, and allowed to solidify as previously
while the prevalence of wound infection among study
been described by Bikandi et al. (18).
participants in UBTH was (27.6%). Though this is
Plasmid DNA detection: Ten microlitres of the lower than that of (22) who reported a prevalence
molecular markers was loaded into the first well. Two rate of 75% in surgical wounds, it is higher than that
microlitres of the loading dye was mixed with 8 µl of of (23) who reported a prevalence rate of (11%)
the plasmid DNA extract and then loaded into the (Table 1).
other wells. Electrophoresis was performed at 90V for
The distribution of etiologic agents of surgical wound
60 minutes. After electrophoresis the products were
infections from the two locations showed that P.
visualized by Wealtec Dolphin Doc UV
aeruginosa (60%) was found to be more predominant
transilluminator and photographed. Molecular weights
in UBTH followed by E. coli (34%), S. aureus (6%)
were estimated using molecular weight standard of
and P. mirabilis (0%) while E. coli (52%) dominated in
the maker.
NAUTH followed by P. aeruginosa (36.1%), S.
Plasmid DNA curing aureus (8.3%) and P. mirabilis (2.8%) (Table 2).
There was a variation of distribution of the isolates
The method previously described by Ehiaghe et al. from the two locations with E. coli and P. aeruginosa
(19) was used. In brief, 9 µl of freshly prepared ranking highest in distribution and this is in
nutrient broth was inoculated with 1ml overnight agreement with the works of (24,25) who found P.
culture that was grown in Luria bertani broth aeruginosa and E. coli to be more prevalent in
containing antibiotics for 24 hours at 37 C. The
surgical site infections; even though other bacteria
resultant mixture was grown for 4 hours to allow for isolates such as S. aureus had predominated in
minimal growth of the microorganisms. 1µl of 10% some studies (26,27, 28) E. coli was found to be
sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) curing agent was extremely predominant in hospital acquired infections
added to 9 ml nutrient broth culture, and was worldwide making it the first nosocomial pathogen
incubated at 37 C for 24 hours. 1 ml of the cured
culture was inoculated unto 9ml freshly prepared
nutrient broth and incubated at 37 C for 24 hours. In the work of Nejad et al. (30) E. coli (34.4%) was
The overnight broth culture was then used to carry mostly isolated from surgical wounds infections.
However, in other studies P. aeruginosa have been
out post susceptibility test on Muller Hinton agar plate
with the necessary antibiotic disc placed and mostly recovered from post operative surgical
incubated for 24 hours at 37 C for analysis. wounds despite the site of infection and location of
specimens due to its high survival characteristics in
hospital environment (27, 31). It is known to rank
Results obtained were analyzed with Bivariate second among nosocomial pathogens isolated from
analysis of variance using Graph Pad InStat version hospitals, often contaminating hospital equipments
3.05 statistical packages. such as wound dressing sinks and other surgical
apparatus and even antibiotic resistant strains can
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION survive in supposedly sterile equipments used in the
21N 22N 40N 23N 24NNC 25N 26N L 27N 28N 29N hospitals
30N 31N 32N L
A total of three hundred and sixty two (362) post making it a dangerous nosocomial
operative wound swabs specimens from hospitalized pathogen widely distributed in the hospital
patients at UBTH and NAUTH were analyzed. A total environments where they are particularly difficult to
of 122 clinical bacterial isolates were isolated from eradicate (32).
both locations, giving overall prevalence of 33.7%.

Am. J. Biotechnol. Mol. Sci., 2016, 5(1): 23-32

The result revealed a high resistance of the bacteria wards and lack of basic facilities for standard hygiene
isolates from UBTH to be Cefixime (94%) followed by condition which is common in sub-Saharan African
Cefuroxime (68%), Augmentin, (68%), Ofloxacin, countries including Nigeria (35). Prevalence of
(54%), Ciprofloxacin, (52%), Ceftazidime, (48%), multidrug resistant isolates were found to be
Gentamycin (42%), Imipenem (14%), Erythromycin, drastically high in both locations (UBTH= 78%,
(0%) and Oxacillin, (0%) whereas in NAUTH the NAUTH= 85%; OR= 1.182; P value= 1.000) (Table
isolates displayed the same highest percentage 5). This high resistant pattern is an indication of the
resistance to Augmentin and Cefixime (94%) followed multidrug resistant strategies possessed by the
by Cefuroxime, (79%), Ceftazidime, (75%), clinical bacteria isolates. Many studies have been
Ciprofloxacin, (69%), Ofloxacin, (58%), Gentamycin carried out on multidrug resistant bacteria and such
(53%), Imipenem (17%), Erythromycin, (17%) and resistance maybe promoted due to the high selective
Oxacillin, (17%) (Table 3). The high resistance the pressure exerted on bacteria due to numerous
isolates showed to the various antimicrobial agents reasons like poor adherence to hospital antibiotic
used in this study may in part be due to various policy and excessive and indiscriminate use of broad-
factors such as inappropriate usage of antibiotics and spectrum antibiotics (37, 36). The odd ratio indicates
drug resistance mechanism possessed by the that patients from both locations have equal chances
bacterial isolates. Cephalosporins and Penicillins of being infected with multidrug resistant strains.
have been found to be highly resisted by surgical
This study reported the plasmid profile of multidrug
wound pathogens. In the works of Eduardo et al.
resistant surgical wound isolates from the two
(33), Ceftazidime and Augmentin were mostly
locations and found that NAUTH (34.4%) isolates had
resisted by surgical wound etiologic bacterial. This is
a higher prevalence of plasmid mediated multidrug
mostly likely due to the presence of
resistance than those from UBTH (28.2%) (Plate 1,
Cephalosporinase and Penicillinase enzymes which
Plate 2 and Table 6). This is attributed to poor
prevent the action of the Beta-lactam ring structure of
hygienic practices by people living in these areas
the antibiotics (34-35).
giving room to frequent acquisition of resistant
Here, P. aeruginosa (90%) ranked highest in plasmid among bacterial isolates from surgical wound
resistivity to antibiotics among UBTH isolates infections. Bacteria resistance can be expressed
followed by E. coli (70.6%) and S. aureus, (0%) through their ability to colonize new hospital
while in NAUTH, E. coli (95%) displayed highest environments where selective pressure prevails,
resistance capacity before P. aeruginosa (92%), S. some opportunistic pathogens such as E. coli and P.
aureus (16.7%). There was a high preponderance of aeruginosa are able to adapt to this new environment
resistance by the isolates from the two locations to through the acquisition or development of
the antibiotics (UBTH=78%; NAUTH= 84.7%) (Table mechanisms of resistance and persistence (7, 38).
4) and this is largely due to the fact that bacterial
All plasmid borne multidrug resistant bacteria isolates
isolates develop resistance by different mechanisms
from surgical wounds infection in this study were
such as ability to modify the antibiotics target site,
cured of their plasmid upon treatment with sodium
possession of efflux pumps, presence of inhibiting
dodecyl sulphate (Table 7). This made them
enzymes, acquisition of resistant plasmids and
susceptible to the drugs to which they where once
mutation of the drug receptor sites. The
resistant as they have now lost their resistant
Postantibiogram pattern of P. aeruginosa that were
markers. The importance of plasmid curing in the
multidrug resistant at preantibiogram stage became
investigation of etiologic agent of diseases as a
susceptible. This suggests that plasmid borne
chemotherapeutic approach in hospitals cannot be
multidrug resistant gene had been denatured by the
overemphasized as it has improved the policy of
sodium dodecyl sulphate used as the curing agent.
antibiotics administration in chemotherapy (39). Thus,
Treatment should be based on current laboratory
in cases of multidrug resistance in hospitals, the need
susceptibility test result of the isolate.
for the knowledge of the resistant tendency of
The high prevalence of isolates from NAUTH (84.7%) surgical wound bacteria isolates in chemotherapy is
is probably due to poor hygienic practice in the area of paramount importance in order to discourage blind
which may have been the cause of high rate of therapy. Post operative surgical procedures have
multidrug bacterial surgical wound infections among been greatly implicated in Gram negative bacterial
patient NAUTH. Bacterial infections of surgical contamination of surgical wounds in which isolates
wounds are attributed to overcrowding of hospital rise to a substantial quantity (> 10 ) at the surgical

Am. J. Biotechnol. Mol. Sci., 2016, 5(1): 23-32

site making meticulous operative technique very Location

paramount. Based on this also, Surgeons have UBTH 181 50(27.6) 0.569 0.365,0.890
recommended prophylaxis administration of NAUTH 181 72(39.8) 1.756 1.120,2.798

antibiotics before surgical procedure (40, 41). T0TAL 362 122

Table 1: Prevalence of surgical wound infection
in UBTH and NAUTH N =Number of sample examined
OR= Odd ratio
Variable N No. OR 95%CI Cl = confidence interval
Table 2: Distribution of etiologic agents of wound infection
Variable N E. coli P. aeruginoa Proteus mirabilis S.aureus
N (%) N (%) N (%) N (%)

UBTH 50 17(34.0) 30 (60.0) 0(0.0) 3(6.0)

NAUTH 72 38(52.8) 26(36.1) 2(2.8) 6(8.3)

p value 0.062 0.008 0.643 0.894

N = Total number of clinical isolates

P = P<0.05 were considered significant

Table 3: Antibiotic susceptibility profile of clinical isolates

Am. J. Biotechnol. Mol. Sci., 2016, 5(1): 23-32

Penicillin Augmentin 34(68) 16(32) 68 (94) 4 (6)

Oxacillin 0(0) 3(100) 1(17) 5(83)

Macrolide Erythromycin 0(0) 3(100) 1 (17) 5 (83)

Amino-glycoside Gentamycin 21 (42) 29(58) 38 (53) 34 (47)

Cephalosporin Ceftazidime 24 (48) 26(52) 54 (75) 18 (25)

Cefuroxime 34(68) 16(32) 57 (79) 15(21)

Cefixime 47(94) 3(6) 68 (94) 4 (6)

Carbapenem Imipenem 7(14) 43(86) 12 (17) 60 (83)

Quinolones Ofloxacin 27(54) 23(46) 42(58) 30(42)

Ciprofloxacin 26 (52) 24(48) 50 (69) 22(31)

n = number of antibiotics
N=Number of isolates
R=Resistant, S=Sensitive
Table 4: Percentage antibiogram of bacteria isolates from the two locations


Isolates N R (%) S (%) N R (%) S (%)

P.aeruginosa 30 27 (90) 3(10) 26 24 (92) 2(8)

E.coli 17 12(70) 5(29) 38 36(95) 2(6)
Proteus mirabilis 0 0 (0) 0 (0) 2 0 (0) 2(100)
Staph aureus 3 0 (0) 3(100) 6 1(16.7) 5(83)
Total 50 39 (78) 11(22) 72 61(84.7) 11(18)

N=Number of clinical isolates

R=Resistant, S=Sensitive

Am. J. Biotechnol. Mol. Sci., 2016, 5(1): 23-32

Table 5: Prevalence of multi-drug resistant isolates

Variable N N (%) OR 95%CI P value

UBTH 50 39(78.0) 0.982 0.492,206 1.000
NAUTH 72 61(85.0) 1.182 0.475,231
N=Number of isolates
P = P<0.05 were considered significant
N (%) = Percentage number of multidrug resistant isolate

Table 6: Plasmid profile of multidrug resistant surgical wound isolates

Variable N N.WT.P (%) No.W.P. (%) OR 95%CI P value

UBTH 39 28(72) 11(28.2) 0.589 0.219,1.560 0.329
NAUTH 61 40(66) 21(34.4) 1.708 0.641,4.552

P = P<0.05 were considered significant

N=No of clinical isolates
N.W.P= No. with Plasmid
N.WT.P= No. without plasmid

Table 7: Plasmid curing profile of multidrug resistant bacteria isolates

Variable No. with No. cured (%)
UBTH 11 11(100)
NAUTH 21 21(100)

L NC 57 56 45 23 34 30 8 20 14 4 L



Plate1: Plasmid profile of multiple drug resistant bacteria isolated from surgical wound patients in UBTH
analyzed on a 0.8% agarose gel electrophoresis stained with ethidium bromide. L is 100bp-1000bp ladder
(molecular marker). Samples 8 and 23 are positive for plasmid genes with bands at 750bp while samples 4, 14,
20, 30, 34, 45, 56 and 57 are negative for plasmid genes. NC is a no plasmid DNA template control.

Am. J. Biotechnol. Mol. Sci., 2016, 5(1): 23-32



Plate 2: Plasmid profile of multiple drug resistant bacteria isolated from surgical wound patients in NAUTH
analyzed on a 0.8% agarose gel electrophoresis stained with ethidium bromide. L is 100bp-1000bp ladder
(molecular marker). Sample 240(E.coli) is positive for plasmid genes with double bands at 450bp and 670bp,
samples 242(Ps) and 273(Ps) are supercoiled plasmid with band ranging from 900bp to 200bp while samples
263 and 264 are negative for plasmid genes. NC is a no plasmid DNA template control.
CONCLUSION International Journal of Biological and Chemical
Sciences. 2004, 3(4): 810-818.
Findings in this study justify the need to strengthen
infection control to prevent the spread of plasmid 6. Enabulele IOM, Yah SC, Yusuf EO, Eghafona NO.
mediated multidrug resistant bacteria. Therefore, Emerging quinolones resistant transfer genes among
efforts to promote the appropriate use of Gram-negative bacteria isolates, isolated from faeces
antimicrobials are paramount to avoid therapeutic of HIV/AIDS patients attending some clinics and
failure in both locations. Hospitals in the City of Benin, Edo State, Nigeria.
Online Journal of Health and Allied Sciences. 2006, 3:
We acknowledge the cooperation of the members of 7. Prescott LM, Harley JP, Klein DA. Microbiology. 7

staff of the Lahor Research Laboratory, Benin City, Edition. McGraw-Hill Companies, New York. 2008, pp.
Nigeria. 366-367.

8. Lee JC, Kang HY, Jeong JH, Seol SY, Cho DT, Kim J,
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