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Producer There. Hi. Hi can you hear me?

Hunter Yes.

Producer OK. Sorry. I'm having a lot of trouble with my phone today.

Hunter That’s not good.

Producer Yeah, I'm sorry. I don't know if you got, you know, many of the calls or not. I
couldn't tell. I couldn’t tell if they were going through. Um-

Hunter No, no, no. I was actually signed to another person earlier. There’s this thing-
my phone's been weird. It rings twice and then it quits ringing.

Producer Oh, OK. All right. Gotcha.

Hunter Yeah. Anyway.

Producer Well, um, I called Friday, I guess, or Thursday, I can't remember. Um. You
know, uh, you know, I don't know if, if uh, I think the woman that I was talking to, if she
mentioned me…

….I think what they said was the first, uh, the first uh, the first consultation is like three
hundred dollars, right?

Hunter Yeah.

Producer OK. So what's the next step?

Hunter OK, so the three hundred dollars includes your membership as well as your
consult. And then, uh, from from the membership, once the membership is in…you
know..done…then obviously we're going to do the consult and decide what is needed
for you.
if you need to do any analysis then we can start-- generally I start with the analysis. And
then from the analysis we decide, you know, what you would need treatment-wise.

Producer Right.

Hunter Um, you know and and if you just need some coaching. You know sometimes
people just need a little bit of coaching..

Producer Yeah.

Hunter .. to deal with whatever is going on. And I make that decision with the patient,
you know, we walk through everything and decide what's going to be beneficial for you
and then you decide what is going to work for you, you let us know what you can afford.
And you know the time frame that you're looking at doing the treatment. And and then
we put something together. And once you agree to what it is, then we start with
whatever we start with.

Producer Okay. Right. You said, was it your ‘urinalysis’ or ‘analysis’?

Hunter So it's analysis, it's different kinds of analysis. We have four different types of
analysis that we do. Actually we do have, we have six different types. Two of them we
have to send back or send away and then we wait for the results to come back and then
the other four are results that we give you the same day.

Producer Oh, I see. Okay. So like blood tests?

Hunter Yeah.

Producer Alright. I'm not real crazy about needles.

Hunter Urinalysis and saliva. And then blood and urine and then again and then we do
some live blood analysis and then you know a couple of other things too. Okay.

Producer Okay. Okay. Are you, now I saw on the website, are you the doctor? Doctor
Cathy? Or-?

Hunter Yes, I’m Doctor Hunter.

Producer I see, Doctor Hunter. Okay. So. All right. So if you're going to be doing the
exam, they were saying something about it being like three to four hours.

Hunter Yeah it's, it's- well, it can be anything from one hour to three hours. And then
you know like, if you have a big issue and we need to, you know-- I work with a lot of
patients you know from different walks of life and have different issues going on. Some
people just need a little bit of help and we don't need to sit there for three, four hours
and other people do. And so I give you the time you need. That's basically the reason
why she told you that is because we give you the time you need. It's not. We don't see a
hundred patients a day. We see a minimal amount so we can actually give them quality

Producer I got it. It's good. Yeah I was just trying to figure out, yeah also, you know,
taking off from work.

Hunter Well probably about an hour and a half to two hours would be a good range in
my opinion. Unless you have a specific situation that you know involves a lot of
paperwork and me looking at some of you know your past paperwork for instance
cancer. if you have cancer then automatically I'm going to spend a lot more time with

Producer Oh. OK.

Hunter But if you don't have cancer or some kind of disease where time is very
important then you don't need three, four hours.

Producer As far as I know I don't have cancer but my mother passed away, you know,
from pancreatic. So.

Hunter Yeah, that’s not a good one to play with.

Producer No. So that's a worry. I mean, are you able to diagnose that or- ?

Hunter I don't officially diagnose. So what I normally do is, I will look at look at
everything, see what's going on, and then… (Hunter speaks to someone else: “What
can I do for you? You good?” Then she continues.) Sorry. I normally would look at the
patient, see what's going on, give them a non-, you know, not a formal diagnosis. And
then if the patient wants to go out and do more testing, I give them that option. I'm not a
Texas Medical Board physician and because I'm not a Texas Medical Board physician, I
don't have the right to give a formal diagnosis. Honestly, I don't care for it. So...

Producer Oh, ok. I gotcha.

Hunter I don't box people. I will tell you if you do have something that concerns me and
um, you know, what to do. If there is something, say for instance, I see some concerns,
some cancer concerns, and I will tell you 'Listen, I think this is an issue and you need to
go get checked out and get a formal diagnosis if you choose one.' I get lots of patients
that don't want a formal diagnosis. They don't need it, you know. It depends on who you
are as a person. Some people need to be, need to hear that they have something going
on and other people don't. So it depends on where they're at. I meet them where they're

Producer OK. Alright. When could I, I mean, when could I make an appointment?...

Hunter Ok so my initial consults are generally done in San Antonio.

Producer Okay.

Hunter And then once you, once we've done the basic consult, then we have two
locations. So the first location is... The initial consult location is in San Antonio. That's
where we do all the basic testing and ‘blah blah blah’. Then after that you will be eligible
to do treatment at the New Braunfels office which will probably be more suited for
you…Yeah, we're in between New Braunfels and you know Spring Branch, Bulverde,
whatever. So it's, it's going to be a short run for you. It'll be about 15 or so minutes for
you to go to the New Braunfels office. But unfortunately on the initial consult we do
expect people to come in to San Antonio.
Producer Well, no, I am, I'm in San Antonio. So that's not a problem. Or when you say
‘into San Antonio’ you mean like, in the city or..? I'm new here. I’m new here.

Hunter Okay, so um we're in De Zavala. We're in De Zavala Road. So it's not the same.
It's more the north. Um, north. Yeah well, it's more on the north side of San Antonio.

Producer All right. Well so, okay, so, I mean but, in terms of day and time, what kind of
availability do you have?

Hunter OK. So I don't have any for today but I do have availability tomorrow. I don’t
know if it's too close for you. But I have the time on Thursday. So tomorrow I have—no,
actually I don't have anything available on Thursday. And then--Yeah. So really. I'm
wondering if I should --

Producer Friday?

Hunter Yeah, see, Friday I'm here in New Braunfels. I normally don't take new
consults... Ok, let's do this. I'm going I'm going to give an, I'm gonna give you an
opportunity to do this only because it's going to work for both of us. So I have space at
twelve o'clock in New Braunfels on Friday.

Producer OK.

Hunter If you want to come in and make an exception.

Producer I don't think that's that far, right?

Hunter No. Well it depends on. I mean-

Producer I mean, I've lived in a lot of places and even the driving in San Antonio, you
know it's not, I mean to me, it's like maybe it might seem like it a lot to some people, but
not to me you know. If you've ever been in an LA traffic jam you know.

Hunter Yeah, no. For me this is not driving at all. And I live in San Antonio and when I
drive out to my New Braunfels location it's a 45 minute drive and I enjoy it.

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