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i news 7

pa m pa n g a I aw m a ke r wit hd raws f ro lh t p"::"r: t:,IiP",13,,:",:.,

ncludedinmvlegislativeagendaas His-pronosedPhilippineNa-
,":..:;;;5--'-";;","r;rrurr,r"tur.ing "infavorofLord."
,the rresiaent is waiting ro. ur," r-^ffiJ"i to tional iancir Center (PNCC) can be
Levre Represenrarive-er".,'tii'iiiff ^ui"rJt
A sta,wart or president.Du,e"*
#:Ji*r#tl;T'iii:'#ff::T ti:iHe,i;;#;;^s*i#;,s;;; n#l*ikttifi:ll*m:
.."r:l,rii-,.l'.[:;it:T'*Y^Tg that the majority partv would be r*,",Ut[]itl5++*iil"q i:}:-iilstfft'*,fiml;:1.:i#';;
dri"ti"l*ir-" .r..iri ---'-' "**funding so that our rnolsenr carr.c, "iiilih.Jhiripp,;"'H"-t
'" o- be helpless"' istration'
p"ti*t! *itl no Ionqer
has withdrawn his from the nearry eooHour" nii,i#."o ;41rtir;iiri"g
enresentatives ii .ongr".'r*"r, ituld l,e declured genter' Naiional Kidnev Transplant
foi " "rri'^ii".rtj, of whom..;;'i; Fpp-iauuir,.
e$:il?:l:T ip"1*iBili,i..i?il",l, 'ffi:lli fi::'xp"fIi"::::f:?:fi"":11 -"il"i+r*ll;h:1ri*:'gq il$""i;a{*i}f?* .iii.l}i:
rJn ro be amons the contenders
ext speaker, andlra,s

't*?*ffiF*"T:lii$XlHi; '"t'H?frH'l#T??"r*,"to"ist't ;,';1"#;;"ncer

';;;;", Genter $i*X'r:m:tXl?fi:'#;1?:i11 '"'i:*'":i#;",,,o"e.'h:.r.',19-i'
s -:fi|":
ffit'f;ii'iiiif ihe Lord.Velasco"' said Gonzi
l'eaaua"ty our speaker
*;;aldez said it,s irli!)-that auows Lhe ireaiion or contenders ror the next
speaker in
;ili;; ;ii; ;;ident, mide

r: lor Velasco's speakership bid Velasco .-' :,^:^'-;:::;'i- r"'^'

' Reps. Johnny Pimentel, Juan Pabl:
- ,tl t-"
."ri"a ;,:l:,,:T:::',:'I::::l
o'' his
'.T:ilt"iiglil? the
corleasues to suPport a bill allowins- li?
i'"t siini"g sector lo set uP specialtv
Ji## "r
'^ private

tel sur. Pampangu u,'a o,i"''i1i \ii;;t;;il;;;tfi;

'"11i::'#fts#1H:il;i1'Jrti,1"s;; we aeciae t5 hospitals and clinics across
r:-r^.^ raa6o.tir/ol', ..rnfitmed tir-e the-manifesto "Once
tT5""Jii,iff$'"il?i;"Ji;';;;" ;; ""i"i." l"ia. tt"iGe other pa'ties the country.
;iu"i;rl;;. i am already countins "rhe crestion ot the spe-
;i#;; ;ilr!"il".a drir.,t 6"t",ii
'"' roJ #;;;"* i"* rv't!'--- puiti"!
p-.iit'i"ri r-.-:--- .iaty .utrcer hospital
amlly. ft5 vuLsD

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