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Keywords: different kinds of membership, family membership, four membership cards,

institutional membership, ten membership cards, individual membership, one person

Suggested Summary:
The talk is regarding available membership types for a library. Family membership, with four
membership cards, is the most common and is available for £50 a year. Institutional
membership, with ten membership cards, is available for £100 a year. Individual membership,
for one member only, is available for £15 for half a year.

Keywords: causes of obesity, sedentary lifestyle, avoid physical activity, kind of food, oily, spicy,
high caloric, inheritance

Suggested Summary:
The lecture discusses three reasons for obesity. Lack of activity and sedentary lifestyle is a major
reason, as a result of which we are not able to burn off the calories that we have consumed.
Another reason is the oily, spicy and refined food that we eat. And, of course, there is also the
reason of inheritance that makes children of obese parents prone to obesity.

Key words: form of energy, dangerous, sources vary, radioactive substances, medical use,
impurities, nuclear reactors, cell damage, fatal, cancer

Suggested Summary:
Radiation is a form of energy which is very harmful for the human body. It comes from various
substances in nature and from radioactive waste materials generated during various human
activities like medical equipment, nuclear reactors etc. Prolonged exposure to radiation may
damage human cells, cause cancer and may even be fatal.

Key words: more susceptible, inorganic, organic - biodegradable, deplete oxygen, anaerobic -
undesirable, aquatic bacteria

Suggested Summary:
Standing water systems like lakes and ponds are more susceptible to water pollutants, organic
and inorganic, and are extremely harmful for aquatic life. Organic pollutants, generated mainly
from domestic, municipal and industrial sewage, are bio-degradable. Though high concentration
of organic pollutants draws out oxygen from water and renders it unsuitable for aquatic life,
only a limited amount that can be decomposed by bacteria should be released at a time.

Key points: process, typesetting , machine operators, camera operators, retouching, printing
press operators, adjust, technicians, check

Suggested Summary:
The printing process consists of typesetting and precision composition. The latter function has
since been taken over by computers. Then there are camera operators, lithographers etc. who
reshape the images. Finally, there are the printing press operators and technicians whose job it
is to check the final product formatting and quality.

Key words: two ways, hypertrophy, existing cells, increase, exercise, hyperplasia , satellite cells,
unspecialised, can be induced

Suggested Summary:
Muscle cells grow in two ways. One way is hypertrophic, in which muscle cells grow in size due
to accumulation of water and proteins. Such type of cell growth comes with nourishment up to
a certain age and with exercise. The second way of cell growth is hyperplasia in which muscles
are formed from stem cells which, though unspecialised, can also take the place of specialised
cells under certain conditions.

For one of the boys, Monday`s schedule is for studying chemical composition, Tuesday for
practicals in the laboratory, Wednesday and Thursday for chemical reactions, Friday for the
method to name chemicals. The sixth day of the week is for seminars and other such pursuits.
For the other, Monday is for general facts, Tuesday for historical events, Wednesday for awards
and honours, Thursday for United Nations and Friday for studying sports personalities.

Key words: began in 1929, lasted for decade, stock market collapse, banks failed,
unemployment, tariffs, increased, trade , half

Suggested Summary:
The lecture is about Great Depression in North America and Europe that started in 1929 and
lasted for a decade. The crash of the stock market led to failure of several banks. The sharp
decline in factory output also caused unemployment. To avoid the ill-effects of depression, the
industrialised countries increased tariffs and set quotas for imports. This almost halved the
volume of international trade.

Key words: cancer of blood, general, chronic, symptoms, exposure to radiations, cancer causing

Suggested Summary:
Leukemia is cancer of the blood in which there is abnormal increase in WBC count. It is of two
types: general and chronic. It causes deficiency of blood platelets and red blood corpuscles.
Some of its symptoms are bleeding gums, fatigue, weakness and fever. Radiation or cancer
causing substances are sometimes responsible for blood cancer or leukemia.

Key words: dejection, sadness, if persist, psychotherapy, misdiagnosed, rather than underlying
cause, 80% treated successfully

Suggested Summary:
Depression is not just any feeling of sadness. It is a serious psychological disorder in which a
person has a constant or prolonged feeling of hopelessness so much so that it affects his general
well being. Unfortunately, it often gets misdiagnosed and even psychologists often seek to treat
the symptoms rather than the underlying causes. It can be easily treated if properly diagnosed.

The talk is about two nuclear bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II.
They resulted in more than two hundred thousand deaths in the two Japanese cities, most of
them civilians. However, they led to the surrender of the Japanese forces and the end to World
War II. The bombs were made of uranium and plutonium, which cause high radiation.

The ban on drugs is not always for medical or scientific reasons. Drugs like alcohol, cigarettes or
caffeine could be as harmful or even more harmful than some of the drugs that have been
banned. Drugs that are addictive or have abuse potential could be more harmful than some of
the drugs that are banned by law and are popularly considered harmful.

The talk is about the characterization as well as the plot of Dan Brown`s popular novel Da Vinci
Code. There are several characters and sub-plots in the novel, all leading to the climax. Through
various twists in the plot as well as the brain teasers, the author leads the characters to the
location of the Holy Grail.

Mushrooms have recently gained much popularity as a source of food as they are rich in many
vitamins and minerals and also have other medicinal properties. However, out of 100, 000
species of mushrooms, only 700 are presently used as food. A lot of research is being conducted
to unravel the species of mushrooms that have varied medicinal properties.

Though there is no general agreement on what to eat, how much to eat and how much physical
activity to do, it is generally agreed that we should eat in moderation. The habit of skipping
meals to reduce weight may actually be counter-productive because it may lead to eating more
afterwards. Though eating good is preferable, if we sometimes eat for pleasure, we must
exercise moderation.

The ancient man`s stress and anxiety of survival has been replaced by stress of a different and
more serious kind in the modern day. The material pursuits have led the modern man to longer
and stressful working hours as well as disruption of sleep, pleasure and relaxation. The `relief`
from drudgery provided by modern technology has rather proved evasive.

There are today about 30 species of cockroaches, some of them as long as 30 mm. But these are
nowhere in size, compared to some of the extinct cockroaches that were so big that they were
considered pests, not insects. They are omnivorous and hence are found near kitchen garbage
where they get a lot to eat.

Different muscles surrounding the eye have their own role to play. The eyelids protect the
surface of eyes from dust and light. Eyelashes have their own role. The tear glands secret tears
that serve as lubricants as well as washers. But more importantly tears have antiseptic
properties. So tears are not only an expression of emotion, they also have an important
medicinal role to play.

There are many reasons why one skips one`s breakfast. One could be plainly busy or have poor
eating habits or even may wish to reduce weight. But skipping breakfast is rather counter-
productive. This actually results in eating of unhealthy fast food and snacks that build up the
calorie intake without corresponding health benefits.

It has now been established that Eagle Crater region of Mars once had surface water, though it
may not have been too deep or stayed for too long. If there was water, the place could have
been habitable and could have supported some sort of life. Though scientists find it difficult to
hazard a guess about the type of life, it is unlikely to have been complex or multi-cellular.

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