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Taller de Traducción IV – Vitivinicultura

May 26 2019

1. Watch the video on grapevines’ seasonal growth cycle by Dr. Cassandra Collins of the University of Adelaide
(Australia) (available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYVu0mDSFAg)

2. Number the stages of grapevine development in the order in which they take place, starting with dormancy.
Then provide the Spanish translation for each term.

English Spanish
9 accumulation of carbohydrate reserves Acumulación de reserva de carbohidratos
2 leaf fall Caída de las hojas
5 flowering Floración
3 shoot growth Crecimiento de los pámpanos
1 dormancy Dormancia
6 berry development Desarrollo de la baya
4 development and enlargement of leaves, Desarrollo y aumento de hojas, zarcillos e inflorescencias
tendrils and inflorescences
8 harvest Cosecha
7 ripening or veraison Madurez o envero
10 winter bud stage

3. Answer the following questions. (10 pts each = 80 pts)

What factor leads to bud burst?

Temperature and variety.
Why does shoot growth decrease when inflorescences start to develop?
Shoot growth decreases because there is a competition between shoots and inflorescences for carbohydrates.
In what season do vines flower?
Vines flower in Spring
When does berry development begin and how long does it last, approximately?
Berry developments starts after fertilization and it can last ……………………..
What colour do shoots turn during veraison and what are they called?
Shoots change in colour from green to brown and then they are referred as canes.
How do winegrowers decide when to harvest?
Winegrowers use chemical measures such as sugar levels and pH to help them make a decision.
What can happen if harvest is delayed?
If harvest is delayed, fruit can overripe resulting in undesirable fruit characteristics.
How do vines accumulate reserves for the winter?
After harvest, the vines continue the process of photosynthesis creating carbohydrates reserves to store in the vines´
roots and trunk.

4. Translate the following passage into Spanish. The translation is intended for students in the last year of high
school in Mendoza.

Grapevines are long-lived deciduous plants. Each year they experience a period when new leaves, shoots, flowers and
fruit are produced, and a dormant period when they lose their leaves and stop growing. The grape grower’s year starts
in late autumn (May) after grapes have been harvested, when leaves turn yellow or red and fall from the vine. In winter
(June–late August), the bare vines are pruned. Most of the previous year’s growth is cut away, leaving a few short
shoots with buds. In spring (September–November) the buds swell and burst into leafy growth. Clusters of flowers
appear on the new shoots and develop into bunches of grapes in summer (December–February). The grapes ripen
through summer and are ready for harvest in autumn (March–May).

La vid es una planta longeva y de hoja caduca. Cada año la planta experiencia un período de producción de hojas,
brotes, flores y frutas, y un período de dormancia en el que la planta deja de crecer y pierde hojas. El año de
crecimiento de la uva(baya) comienza a finales de otoño (mayo) cuando se realizó la cosecha y las hojas se tornaron
amarillas y cayeron de la planta. En invierno (junio-finales de agosto) se podan las vides. La mayoría del crecimiento
del año anterior se poda y solo se dejan algunos brotes con yemas. En primavera (setiembre-noviembre) las yemas se
hinchan y comienza el crecimiento de las hojas. Racimos de flores aparecen en los brotes nuevos y se desarrollan para
volverse racimos de uvas en verano (diciembre-febrero.) Las uvas maduran durante el verano y están listas para su
cosecha en otoño (marzo-mayo.)

OPTIONAL: You may hand in points 2, 3 and 4 as a make-up TP to compensate for a TP you have not passed or
were absent to, or to compensate for an absence if you have not completed the mandatory attendance.

5. In pairs, translate the following abstract into Spanish for publication in a local academic journal.

Shoot growth of Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon grapevine varieties

Marcelo BorghezanI; Olavo GavioliII; Hamilton Justino VieiraIII; Aparecido Lima da SilvaI

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Agrárias, Departamento de Fitotecnia,
Rodovia Admar Gonzaga, nº1.346, CEP 88040-900 Florianópolis, SC, Brazil. E-
mail: mborghezan@hotmail.com, alsilva@cca.ufsc.br
Cooperativa Agrícola de São Joaquim - SANJO, Rua Francilicio Pinto Arruda, nº1.101, CEP 88600-000
São Joaquim, SC, Brazil. E-mail: olavogavioli@hotmail.com
Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária e Extensão Rural de Santa Catarina, Centro de Informações de
Recursos Ambientais e de Hidrometeorologia de Santa Catarina, Rodovia Admar Gonzaga, nº1.347,
Itacorubi, Caixa Postal 502, CEP 88034-901 Florianópolis, SC, Brazil. E-mail: vieira@epagri.sc.gov.br


The objective of this work was to evaluate shoot growth of the grapevine varieties Merlot and Cabernet
Sauvignon, during 2006/2007, and Cabernet Sauvignon, during 2008/2009, in São Joaquim, SC,
Brazil. The experiment was carried out in a commercial vineyard trained on a vertical trellis system.
The shoots of the central part of the plants were selected, and the lengths from the base to the apex of
20 shoots per cultivar were evaluated. In 2006/2007, monitoring began at pruning, on 9/15/2006, and
ended on 2/6/2007, totalizing 144 days of evaluation. During the 2008/2009 cycle, phenology and
shoot growth for 'Cabernet Sauvignon' were assessed from grape development (1/13/2009) (pea-sized
grapes) until shoot vegetative growth had ceased. Budburst occurred in the second half of September,
and shoot-growth cessation occurred during ripening. Higher growth rates (about 4 cm per day) were
observed in pre- and post-flowering, followed by reduction due to the competition for photosynthates
for the formation of flowers and bunches. Temperature and photoperiod induce grapevine shoots to
cease growth in the highland regions of Santa Catarina State, Brazil.

Index terms: Vitis vinifera, photoperiod, temperature, vegetative growth.


Hand in your printed translation (point 5) as TP # 5 on June 12.

El objetivo de este estudio fue

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