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Title No. 116-M18

Mechanical Properties of Concrete Made from Different

Expanded Lightweight Aggregates
by Kyung-Ho Lee, Keun-Hyeok Yang, Ju-Hyun Mun, and Seung-Jun Kwon

The objective of the present study is to provide a databank and made using lightweight aggregates possesses several advan-
comprehensible design equations of the mechanical properties of tages as a building material. A lower concrete density permits
concrete prepared using different expanded lightweight aggre- the structural elements to have smaller and lighter members,
gates. For the statistical database, 25 lightweight aggregate which decreases the seismic loads on the structures through
concrete (LWAC) mixtures using expanded bottom ash and dredged
the reduction of dead load. A lower thermal conductivity
soil granules were tested under design compressive strengths of
capacity of concrete is favorable to improving the energy
18, 24, and 35 MPa (2.61, 3.48, and 5.08 ksi) and targeted oven-
dried densities between 1300 and 1800 kg/m3 (81.6 and 112.4 lb/ consumption efficiency of heating and cooling systems of
ft3). Wherever feasible, the mechanical properties measured in commercial and residential buildings.
the present concrete specimens were compared with those data Specific knowledge and a reasonable estimation of the
compiled from LWAC specimens made of expanded clay and/or mechanical properties of a material are essential for reli-
fly ash granules. The mechanical properties including the moduli able design of structures. It is commonly known10-12 that
of elasticity and rupture, stress-strain relationship, splitting and lightweight aggregate concrete (LWAC) possesses infe-
direct tensile strengths, shear friction strength, and bond strength rior mechanical characteristics because of high porosity
were proposed as power functions of the compressive strength and low strength of the aggregates when compared with
and oven-dried density of concrete. The mechanical properties the normalweight concrete (NWC) at similar compres-
predicted using the proposed equations closely agreed with the test
sive strengths (fc′). The low strength of lightweight aggre-
results; the coefficient of variation of the ratios between the exper-
gates also yields more rapid crack propagation and more
iments and predictions was mostly less than 0.18. In addition, the
proposed formulae for the compressive strength development and brittle fracture of concrete because the cracks mainly pass
stress-strain relationship corresponded adequately with the exper- through the aggregate particles, which results in localized
imental response of LWAC. Meanwhile, the design equations of the failure zones.13 Furthermore, the mechanical performance
fib model resulted in overestimations while predicting the early- of LWAC is significantly affected by the particle charac-
strength gain, direct tensile strength, and bond strength of LWAC. teristics including shape, angularity, substrate state, and
Overall, the proposed equations possessed adequate potential to gradation.12 A relatively smooth substrate characteristic of
properly evaluate the different mechanical properties of concrete lightweight aggregate particles results in a weak interfacial
prepared using expanded lightweight aggregates. transition zone with a cement matrix, which yields a low
tensile resistance capacity of concrete. Cui et al.11 pointed
Keywords: design equations; expanded granules; lightweight aggregate
concrete; mechanical properties. out that lightweight aggregates with a higher shape factor
are favorable to enhancing the strength of concrete. Wang
INTRODUCTION et al.14 revealed that the use of lightweight aggregates with
With the gradual growth of global efforts to conserve the reasonable particle gradation contributes to reduction of the
natural resources and curtail the issue of depletion of natural cement content required to achieve the design strength of
aggregates, a large part of the concrete industry is displaying concrete and enhances the tensile resistance of concrete.
considerable interest in the practical application of artificial Thus, the mechanical properties of LWAC significantly
lightweight aggregates. In addition, with global attention depend on interfacial cohesion between aggregates and the
on the political and social requirements for the recycling of cement matrix, as well as the strength of the aggregates.15
industrial by-products and waste materials, artificial light- This implies that fundamental research is required for an
weight aggregates have been manufactured from a variety understanding of the mechanical properties of LWAC and
of source materials such as fly ash, bottom ash, dredged for examining the reliability of design equations specified in
soil, reservoir sludge, and oil palm shell.1-5 Using indus- code provisions when lightweight aggregates with different
trial by-products and waste materials is beneficial in terms qualities or produced from different source materials are
of sustainability goals including recirculation of resources used for the concrete.
and restoration of landfill.6 Thus, partial or complete use As one of the positive actions in the concrete industry in
of artificial lightweight aggregates for producing concrete response to the global sustainability requirements, the Korean
can be highly effective for preserving natural resources such
ACI Materials Journal, V. 116, No. 2, March 2019.
as natural sand, crushed rock, and gravel, considering the MS No. M-2018-128.R1, doi: 10.14359/51712265, received May 1, 2018, and
report7 emphasizing that approximately 9 billion tons of reviewed under Institute publication policies. Copyright © 2019, American Concrete
Institute. All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is
natural aggregates are consumed annually by the concrete obtained from the copyright proprietors. Pertinent discussion including author’s
closure, if any, will be published ten months from this journal’s date if the discussion
industry. Moreover, it is commonly known8,9 that concrete is received within four months of the paper’s print publication.

ACI Materials Journal/March 2019 9

Table 1—Physical properties of lightweight aggregates
Type Source materials Maximum size, mm Bulk density, kg/m3 Water absorption, % Fineness modulus

Expanded coarse Bottom ash and dredged soil 19 1.0 17.2 6.4
aggregate Clay and fly ash 19 to 25 0.8 to 1.2 4.0 to 30.0 5.0 to 7.3

Expanded fine Bottom ash and dredged soil 5 1.1 12.9 4.4
aggregate Clay and fly ash 5 0.8 to 1.0 8.0 to 28.0 2.4 to 2.7

Notes: 1 mm = 0.039 in.; 1 kg/m3 = 0.062 lb/ft3.

government has strived to produce artificially expanded compared with the predictions by code equations. Ulti-
lightweight aggregates through the calcination process of mately, the test data and proposed equations demonstrate
bottom ash and dredged soil powders. A few studies16 have that the mechanical properties of LWAC are affected by the
been conducted to examine the workability and compressive artificial aggregate type as well as the compressive strength
strength development of LWAC using artificially expanded and oven-dried density of concrete.
bottom ash and dredged soil granules. They revealed that
the compressive strength of concrete using those types of EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS
lightweight aggregates is comparable to that of concrete Materials
using artificially expanded clay granules. However, there are For all the concrete mixtures, ordinary portland cement
very limited available test data and reports on the mechan- (OPC) conforming to ASTM Type I21 was used as a
ical properties of LWAC using expanded bottom ash and main cementitious material. Locally available artificially
dredged soil granules. As a result, the reliability of the code expanded granules with maximum sizes of 19 and 5 mm
equations is still imprecise for concrete using those types of (0.74 and 0.2 in.) were used for structural lightweight coarse
lightweight aggregates. and fine aggregates, respectively. Bottom ash and dredged
This study aims to empirically propose the design equa- soil were used as the source materials of the lightweight
tions for various mechanical properties of structural LWAC granules. The source materials underwent various manu-
prepared using expanded bottom ash and dredged soil granules facturing processes including calcination and expansion in
(hereafter, this concrete type is referred to as LWAC-BS). For large rotary kilns at approximately 1200°C (2192°F). This
the statistical database, 25 LWAC-BS mixtures were prepared process is almost identical to that for artificially expanded
with the test parameters of the design compressive strength clay granules. Natural sand with a maximum particle size
(fcd) of 18, 24, and 35 MPa (2.61, 3.48, and 5.08 ksi) at the of 1.2 mm (0.047 in.) was also used as normalweight fine
targeted ρc between 1300 and 1800 kg/m3 (81.6 and 112.4 lb/ aggregates for adjusting the grading of the lightweight fine
ft3). In the mixture proportions of the concrete specimens, the particles.
water-cement ratio (w/c) and the natural sand content (RS) for The lightweight aggregate particles made from bottom
the replacement of lightweight fine aggregates were varied ash and dredged soil were spherical in shape and had a
to achieve the targeted requirements. Wherever feasible, the closed surface with a marginally smooth texture. The core
measured values of the mechanical properties of the present of the particle has a uniformly fine and porous structure.
concrete specimens were compared with those data compiled The quality of the artificially expanded granules satisfies
from LWAC specimens made using expanded clay and/or the requirements for structural lightweight aggregates spec-
fly ash granules (hereafter, this concrete type is referred to ified in ASTM C330/C330M.22 The specific gravity, water
as LWAC-CF), by using the comprehensive database estab- absorption, and fineness modulus for the lightweight coarse
lished by Yang et al.17 and Sim.18 Straightforward empirical particles were 1.0, 17.2%, and 6.4, respectively. The corre-
equations were proposed based on nonlinear regression sponding values for the lightweight fine aggregates were 1.1,
analysis using test data to rationally predict the mechan- 12.9%, and 4.4. These values were very close to the ranges
ical properties of LWAC, such as compressive strength (fc′), commonly measured in the expanded lightweight clay and/
splitting (fct) and direct (ft) tensile strengths, shear friction or fly ash granules, as provided in the compiled database18
strength (τf), moduli of elasticity (Ec) and rupture (fr), stress- (Table 1). The natural sand used for replacing the light-
strain relationships, and bond strength (τb) of a reinforcing weight fine aggregate possessed considerably lower water
bar embedded in the concrete. The reliability of design equa- absorption of 1.6% and lower fineness modulus of 2.2.
tions specified in ACI 318-1419 and the fib model20 is also
examined by comparing with test data and the proposed Concrete mixture
equations, wherever feasible. A total of 25 LWAC-BS mixtures classified into two series
were tested, as presented in Table 2. In the first series, the fcd
RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE varied among 18 MPa (L-group), 24 MPa (M-group), and 35
This study provides novel data on the mechanical prop- MPa (H-group) (2.61, 3.48, and 5.08 ksi). In each group, 0 to
erties of LWAC prepared from expanded granules produced 100% (at an interval of 25%) of the lightweight fine aggregates
using different source materials and examines the reliability were replaced with natural sand. The mixture proportions
of code equations through comparison with test data. The of all the concrete specimens for the targeted requirements
proposed design equations for the mechanical properties were determined in accordance with the procedure proposed
yield a more conservative and consistent applicability when by Yang et al.17 Thus, the value of w/c in each group of the

10 ACI Materials Journal/March 2019

Table 2—Range of test parameters investigated in each group
Series Group fcd, MPa RS, % w/c w, kg/m3 c, kg/m3
L 18 0 to 100 @25 0.52 to 0.58 185 319 to 356
I M 24 0 to 100 @25 0.47 to 0.53 175 to 185 330 to 394
H 35 0 to 100 @25 0.35 to 0.41 170 415 to 486
S0 Not designed 0 0.30 to 0.50 @0.05 120 to 200 400
S50 Not designed 50 0.30 to 0.50 @0.05 120 to 200 400

Notes: In first series of mixtures, marginally lower value of w/c was selected with decrease in Rs (increase in lightweight fine aggregate content) to achieve fcd; 1 MPa = 0.145 ksi;
1 kg/m3 = 0.062 lb/ft3.

first series decreased marginally with the decrease in RS to τb between the concrete and reinforcing steel bar was esti-
achieve fcd. The unit water content (w) was fixed at 185 kg/m3 mated by the pullout test using a 150 mm (5.85 in.) cube
(11.5 lb/ft3) for L-group and 170 kg/m3 (10.5 lb/ft3) specimens. Deformed bars of 16 mm (0.62 in.) diameter and
for H-group mixtures. For M-group mixtures, w varied yield strength of 600 MPa (87 ksi) were used for the pullout
from 175 to 185 kg/m3 (10.9 to 11.5 lb/ft3) for achieving the test. The aforementioned tests were conducted in accor-
required slump value. A lower value of w was designed with dance with the procedures specified in ASTM.24 The ft was
the increase in fcd to regulate the segregation and immod- measured using I-shaped specimens with dimensions of 250
erate bleeding in fresh concrete. In the second series, w/c x 150 x 100 mm (9.75 x 5.85 x 3.9 in.) with embedded studs
varied from 30 to 50% at intervals of 5% under the fixed at both ends. The τf of the concrete specimens was recorded
RS values of 0% (S-0 group) and 50% (S-50 group). Thus, by push-off tests under a concentric load acting as pure shear
fcd was not previously targeted in the concrete mixtures of in the shear plane of the test zone. The push-off specimens
the second series. The unit cement content (c) in the second had a width, height, depth, and critical shear plane area of
series was fixed at 400 kg/m3 (24.8 lb/ft3), indicating that w 300, 820, 120, and 200 x 120 mm (11.7, 31.98, 4.68, and 7.8
varied from 120 to 200 kg/m3 (7.4 to 12.0 lb/ft3) according x 4.68 in.), respectively. Three specimens were prepared for
to the investigated value of w/c. The fine aggregate-to-total the measurement of each mechanical property. The mechan-
aggregate ratio was fixed to be 40% for all the concrete ical properties ft, τf, and τb were measured at 91 days owing
mixtures. No water-reducing agent was added in any of the to the large number of specimens. It should be noted that the
concrete mixtures because adequate workability with the equations of mechanical properties at the different ages were
initial slump exceeding 150 mm (5.85 in.) was obtained, and formulated using the compressive strength measured at the
segregation phenomenon was not observed. corresponding age.

Casting, curing, and testing DATABASE FOR LWAC-CF MIXTURE

All the aggregates were prepared in a saturated surface-dry Yang et al.8 and Sim et al.13 established a comprehensive
state and dry-mixed with cement in a 0.35 m3 (12.4 ft3) database of the mixture proportions and mechanical prop-
capacity mixer for 1 minute. Immediately before mixing, erties of LWAC-CF extracted from different sources in the
the moisture content in the aggregates was measured and available literature. The database included 228 all-LWAC
then accounted for the calculation of the net unit water (lightweight coarse and fine aggregates) mixtures and 884
content of each mixture proportion to prevent excessive sand-LWAC mixtures (lightweight coarse aggregates and
bleeding or segregation of fresh concrete owing to the high normalweight sand). As several manuscripts do not provide
water absorption of the lightweight aggregates. Then, water complete information on the mixture proportions and the
was added, and the combination was mixed for another 1 physical properties of the lightweight aggregates, the abso-
minute. After testing the initial slump and air content of lute volume method was employed to determine the dry
fresh concrete, each mixture was placed into various steel density of concrete. In addition, test data mentioning the
molds for preparing the specimens. All the specimens were different mechanical properties of concrete are very limited
consolidated in accordance with the casting requirements because most of experimental studies were focused on eval-
by vibration specified in ASTM C31/C31M.23 Immediately uating the workability and fc′ in terms of the mixture propor-
after casting, all the specimens were cured under a tempera- tions. The distribution of the various parameters in the data-
ture of 20 ± 2°C and relative humidity of 60 ± 5% until being base can be summarized as listed in Table 3. None of the
tested at the specified age. All the concrete specimens were LWAC-CF mixtures contain supplementary cementitious
demolded at the age of 3 days. materials. There are no available data on τb in the available
The values of fc′, fct, and oven-dried density (ρc) and the tests. In addition, tests to evaluate ft and τs are relatively
stress-strain relationship of the concrete were measured insufficient when compared to those for the other properties.
using cylindrical specimens of dimensions 100 x 200 mm For test specimens in the database used to examine the
(3.9 x 7.8 in.) at the ages of 3, 7, 28, 56, and 91 days. In compressive strength with respect to the mixing proportions,
the measured stress-strain curve, the Ec was calculated as a the 28-day compressive strength (fcu) and ρc of concrete
secant slope between zero stress and 40% of peak stress. The ranged between 10.9 and 77.5 MPa and 1109 and 1683 kg/m3
fr was measured using prismatic beams with dimensions of (1.6 and 11.24 ksi and 68.8 and 104.3 lb/ft3) for all-LWAC;
150 x 150 x 550 mm (5.85 x 5.85 x 21.45 in.). The value of they ranged between 10.0 and 79.7 MPa and 1340 and

ACI Materials Journal/March 2019 11

Table 3—Incidence of main parameters in database of LWAC-CF compiled from different sources
Main parameters
fcu, MPa ρc, kg/m3 w/c
Mechanical 1000 to 1400 to 1600 to 1800 to 0.5 to
properties 10 to 20 20 to 35 35 to 50 50 to 80 1400 1600 1800 2000 0.2 to 0.3 0.3 to 0.4 0.4 to 0.5 0.7
fcu, MPa 94 472 432 205 21 81 258 495 121 493 402 173
Ec, MPa 19 138 266 118 13 49 172 169 69 195 170 68
fct, MPa 35 214 193 81 2 68 158 152 41 207 206 83
fr, MPa 9 86 111 40 2 31 98 53 10 108 114 36
ft, MPa 8 58 57 — 2 29 50 5 5 45 45 23
τs, MPa — 27 19 — — 4 1 41 Not available

Notes: No data for τb are available in database for LWAC-CF specimens; 1 MPa = 0.145 ksi; 1 kg/m = 0.062 lb/ft .
3 3

1998 kg/m3 (1.5 and 11.56 ksi and 83.1 and 123.9 lb/ft3) for Oven-dried density
sand-LWAC, respectively. A total of 291 data sets for high- The value of ρc of LWAC can be straightforwardly deter-
strength (above 40 MPa [5.8 ksi]) concrete are included for mined from the absolute unit weight (wA) of each ingredient
sand-LWAC. The entrained air content (vA) per unit volume including cementitious materials, fine and coarse aggre-
of fresh concrete generally ranged between 0.9 and 9%. The gates, water, and entrained air. The ACI 213 recommenda-
data ranges for fcu and ρc of concrete are 28.2 to 73.5 MPa tion25 permits the determination of the dry density of LWAC
and 1288 to 1923 kg/m3 (4.1 to 10.66 ksi and 79.9 to 119.2 as a summation of the unit content of all the solid ingredi-
lb/ft3) for testing Ec, 13.2 to 79.7 MPa and 1288 to 1998 kg/ ents and an additional constant value of 50 kg/m3 (3.1 lb/ft3).
m3 (1.9 to 11.56 ksi and 79.9 to 123.9 lb/ft3) for testing fct, Furthermore, ρc of LWAC is commonly lower by 3 to 8%
and 14.1 to 74.4 MPa and 1298 to 1936 kg/m3 (2 to 10.79 than its air-dry density and independent of age.18 Figure 1
ksi and 80.5 to 120.0 lb/ft3) for testing fr, respectively. The shows the relationship between the absolute unit weight and
tests for ft and τs were mostly conducted using concrete spec- ρc using the different types of expanded lightweight gran-
imens with fcu of 10.9 to 49.8 MPa (1.6 to 7.22 ksi) and ρc of ules. The ρc increases with the increase in wA, indicating that
1288 to 1782 kg/m3 (79.9 to 110.5 lb/ft3). the increasing rate was insignificantly affected by the type
of lightweight aggregates. From the NLR analysis, ρc can be
TEST RESULTS AND DISCUSSION straightforwardly expressed as a function of wA as follows
Table 4 summarizes the test results for 25 LWAC-BS
mixtures. No particular problems, such as segregation or ρc = Ad(wA)1.1 (1)
floating of lightweight aggregate particles, were observed in
the mixing and mold casting phases. Most mixtures exhib- where the experimental constant Ad was determined to be 0.45
ited relatively high slump values (over 150 mm [5.85 in.]). and 0.47 for LWAC-BS and LWAC-CF, respectively. This
The air content ranged between 4.0% and 6.0%, satisfying implies that the relationship between ρc and wA is insignifi-
the requirements25 recommended for air-entrained LWAC cantly affected by the type of expanded lightweight aggregate.
not exposed to freezing. In addition, the increase in RS
resulted in the increase in ρc owing to the increase in the Compressive strength development
natural sand content. In general, the compressive strength of LWAC is inversely
The current discussion focuses on the formulation of proportional to w/c and vA, but increases proportionally with
empirical equations to predict the various mechanical prop- its density.18 This implies that a lower w/c is required for
erties of LWAC-BS and comparisons with the common LWAC of lower density to achieve the design compressive
trend that can be observed in LWAS-CF established strength. Yang et al.8 formulated an empirical equation to
through the comprehensive database.8,13 The empirical evaluate fcu of LWAC from the mixing proportion condition,
equations were formulated through nonlinear regression as shown in Fig. 2. In accordance with the fundamental form
analysis (NLR) using test data. In establishing the funda- of their equation, the NLR analysis was conducted using the
mental models for the mechanical properties, each influ- data sets obtained from the current test and the established
encing parameter investigated was combined and adjusted database. As a result, fcu of LWAC can be estimated using the
repeatedly by the trial-and-error approach until a relatively following equation (Fig. 2)
higher correlation coefficient (R2) was obtained. However,
it was occasionally challenging to obtain a high R2 value 0.95
 ρ   C  -0.1 
f cu
for LWAC-CF because the data were collected from various = Ac  c    v A  (2)
sources with different mixing and curing methods for the f0  ρ0  W 
concrete and dissimilar test setup approaches to measure
the mechanical properties. where f0 (= 10 MPa [1.5 ksi]) and ρ0 (= 2300 kg/m3 [142.6
lb/ft3]) are the reference values for the 28-day compressive
strength and oven-dried density of concrete, respectively.

12 ACI Materials Journal/March 2019

Table 4—Summary of test results for LWAC-BS
Oven- Compressive strength, MPa Tensile resistance
Air dried
content Slump density ρc, ft, fct, fr, τf, τb,
Series Specimen vA, % Si, mm kg/m3 3d 7d 28 d 56 d 91 d Ec, MPa ε0 ε0.5 MPa MPa MPa MPa MPa
L-0 5.8 230 1301 10.3 13.1 20.8 23.4 27.5 11,728 0.0025 0.0043 1.32 2.21 3.35 3.15 6.37
L-25 4.0 250 1409 10.0 13.0 18.9 22.1 26.2 13,007 0.0024 0.0041 1.46 2.24 3.39 3.23 6.62
L-50 5.0 245 1486 9.8 12.5 18.2 22.4 25.4 13,288 0.0024 0.0047 1.48 2.25 3.49 3.41 6.65
L-75 4.0 255 1528 9.4 11.7 17.6 21.6 24.8 14,184 0.0024 0.0052 1.75 2.28 3.52 3.87 7.10
L-100 6.2 250 1540 8.8 11.0 17.1 21.1 23.5 14,091 0.0023 0.0056 1.86 2.35 3.59 4.01 7.27
M-0 4.5 235 1366 15.6 23.0 26.7 30.3 34.1 11,200 0.0026 0.0040 1.65 2.24 4.22 3.22 6.01
M-25 4.9 210 1491 15.4 20.2 25.8 28.8 33.4 13,152 0.0025 0.0042 1.74 2.28 4.39 3.66 6.25
I M-50 4.3 230 1611 14.9 19.6 24.8 28.0 33.0 14,227 0.0025 0.0046 1.84 2.31 4.48 3.80 6.89
M-75 4.6 245 1641 13.9 18.8 24.8 28.0 32.4 14,901 0.0025 0.0048 1.87 2.34 4.50 3.87 7.13
M-100 4.6 240 1698 13.8 17.7 23.0 27.3 32.1 15,259 0.0025 0.0053 1.91 2.44 4.70 4.12 7.45
H-0 4.8 165 1605 29.1 36.1 38.9 43.6 46.3 16,981 0.0026 0.0029 1.88 2.80 4.18 3.60 7.97
H-25 4.8 175 1667 28.5 35.3 36.7 43.0 45.8 17,299 0.0026 0.0029 1.98 2.85 4.43 4.09 8.13
H-50 5.1 210 1686 27.1 34.2 35.8 42.6 44.8 17,752 0.0026 0.0030 2.07 3.36 4.67 4.12 8.10
H-75 4.8 215 1757 26.8 33.2 35.3 42.2 43.8 18,200 0.0026 0.0031 2.17 3.66 4.95 4.41 8.22
H-100 5.0 225 1783 25.9 33.1 35.1 41.3 43.6 19,374 0.0025 0.0031 2.01 3.70 5.06 4.65 8.37
S0-50 4.7 220 1312 11.2 15.6 21.8 22.8 24.8 12,100 0.0024 0.0036 1.30 2.12 3.63 2.72 6.99
S0-45 4.0 225 1288 13.3 15.9 22.4 24.6 26.4 12,314 0.0025 0.0030 1.41 2.22 3.76 2.86 7.05
S0-40 4.5 205 1309 14.6 19.4 24.1 26.6 30.3 12,984 0.0025 0.0028 1.44 2.27 3.84 2.91 7.29
S0-35 4.6 165 1330 20.5 21.6 24.7 31.0 33.5 13,584 0.0025 0.0028 1.47 2.32 3.96 3.16 7.64
S0-30 5.0 15 1394 21.2 24.6 28.9 32.3 34.1 14,566 0.0025 0.0029 2.12 2.43 4.12 3.31 8.01
S50-50 4.5 250 1571 17.4 20.5 28.5 32.3 34.5 15,541 0.0025 0.0035 1.23 2.01 5.49 3.66 6.48
S50-45 5.0 250 1619 20.6 23.3 30.5 35.0 38.5 16,311 0.0025 0.0035 1.87 2.18 5.49 2.79 6.87
S50-40 5.0 195 1706 26.4 31.0 35.2 40.6 42.9 17,920 0.0026 0.0035 2.08 2.22 5.74 4.23 7.78
S50-35 4.9 180 1727 30.1 34.9 37.8 43.8 45.7 18,842 0.0026 0.0034 2.28 2.24 6.11 4.61 8.34
S50-30 4.9 40 1736 34.2 38.0 43.1 47.2 49.8 20,311 0.0026 0.0035 2.79 2.40 6.54 4.64 8.94

Notes: Specimen notation includes two parts to identify group membership and test parameter investigated in each group. First and second parts in Series I specimens refer to design
compressive strength of concrete (L for fcd = 18 MPa; M for fcd = 24 MPa; and H for fcd = 35 MPa) and natural sand content (RS) for replacement of lightweight fine aggregate, respectively.
Corresponding parts in Series II specimens indicates values of RS and w/c in %, respectively. For example, specimen L-25 in Series I indicates LWAC mixture containing RS of 25%
designed to satisfy an fcd of 18 MPa. Specimen S0-50 in Series II indicates all-LWAC mixture with RS of 0% and w/c of 50%; 1 mm = 0.039 in.; 1 MPa = 0.145 ksi; 1 kg/m3 = 0.062 lb/ft3.

Fig. 1—Relationship between oven-dried density and abso-

Fig. 2—Regression analysis to predict 28-day compressive
lute unit weight. (Note: 1 kg/m3 = 0.062 lb/ft3.)
strength of LWAC.
The experimental constant Ac was determined to be 1.5 for
Figure 3 shows the typical compressive strength devel-
LWAC-BS and 1.2 for LWAC-CF. This indicates that the
opment [fc′(t)] of LWAC-BS normalized by fcu measured
LWAC-BS exhibits a marginally higher fcu when compared
in each specimen with respect to age (t, in days). All the
with the LWAC-CF of similar mixing proportions and/or
concrete specimens exhibited a parabolic curve, indicating
similar density of concrete.
that the increasing rate of the compressive strength gradu-

ACI Materials Journal/March 2019 13

Fig. 3—Typical compressive strength development of Fig. 4—Modeling of βc in Eq. (3) to predict compressive
LWAC-BS. strength development.
ally decreased with the increase in the age. With the increase At present, it is challenging to assure the reliability of the
in RS (that is, with the increase in ρc) and the decrease in values of α and βc on the strength gain rate of LWAC-CF
w/c (that is, with the increase in fcu), the strength gain rate owing to the inadequate available test data.
at an early age tended to increase, whereas the long-term
gain rate decreased. Relative to fcu, the strength gain rates Stress-strain relationship and modulus of
ranged between 49 and 83% at an age of 3 days and 114 elasticity
and 141% at 91 days. The corresponding values for normal- Typical stress-strain curves measured from the present
strength NWC cured under room temperature condition are concrete specimens are plotted in Fig. 5. Yang et al.17
commonly estimated to be 30 to 60% at 3 days and 110 to proposed a straightforward and rational stress-strain model
115% at 91 days.26 This indicates that higher strength gain of concrete covering a wide range of fc′ (between 10 and 180
rates at early and long-term ages were observed in the current MPa [1.5 and 26.1 ksi]) and ρc (between 1200 and 4500 kg/
LWAC mixtures than in the common normal-strength NWC. m3 [74.4 and 279.0 lb/ft3]). In their regression analyses to
In addition, the predictions by the fib model20 exhibited a formulate Ec, the strain (ε0) at the peak stress, and the strain
higher strength gain at an early age but a lower strength gain (ε0.5) at 50% of the peak stress on the descending branch,
at a long-term age. Overall, the parameters that account for all the LWAC data were compiled from specimens made
the strength gain rate in prediction models should be adjusted using expanded clay and/or fly ash granules. The form of
for LWAC, as discussed in the following. a compressive stress-strain curve of LWAC-BS could be
In general, the parabolic strength gain curve of concrete characterized as a parabola with its vertex at the peak stress,
can be properly formulated using the following equation20 displaying the following tendencies with the decrease in ρc:
1) the slope of the ascending branch decreased; 2) the strain
   28  α  (ε0) at the peak stress increased; and 3) the stresses at the
f c′(t ) = exp βc 1 −    f cu (3) descending branch decreased more rapidly. These tendencies
   t   are very close to those commonly observed in LWAC-CF
specimens. However, the measured stress-strain curves
The parameter βc and power α relate to the increasing rate exhibited a slightly higher slope at the ascending branch
of strength gain at an early age and long-term age, respec- and rapider stress decrease at the descending branch when
tively. The lower the value of βc is, the higher the strength compared with those predicted using the model by Yang et
gain at an early age. The values of βc and α in Eq. (3) for al. This difference was more apparent with the increase in
each LWAC-BS specimen were determined through regres- fc′ and decrease in ρc. The lateral expansion of concrete is
sion analysis using the present test data. The value of α significantly affected by the propagation of cracks between
obtained was within the range of 0.01 and 0.03, indicating an the cement matrix and aggregate particles. This implies that
insignificant variation in terms of the test parameters. Thus, a lower cohesion of cementitious materials also results in
the value of α could be on an average set to be 0.025. Mean- a higher likelihood of brittle failure of concrete. Moreover,
while, the value of βc tended to increase with the increase the use of aggregates with lower stiffness results in reduced
in ρc and decrease in fcu. For the fixed value of α of 0.025, deformation resistance capacity of concrete. Thus, the slopes
βc was redetermined for each specimen, and then NLR of the ascending and descending branches of the stress-strain
analysis was conducted considering the influencing parame- curves of LWAC vary with the characteristics of the light-
ters. Overall, the parameter βc in Eq. (3) can be expressed for weight aggregates.
LWAC-BS as follows (Fig. 4) Yang et al. derived the key parameter (β1) that determines
the shapes of the ascending and descending branches of the
 f ρ 
stress-strain curve on the basis of numerical and statistical
βc = 34.1 0 ⋅ c  (4) analyses using the equations for the reference parameters
 f cu ρ0 
(Ec, ε0, and ε0.5), as presented in Table 5. To fit β1 in the
model for the present LWAC-BS specimens, the values of

14 ACI Materials Journal/March 2019

Table 5—Summary of compressive stress-strain model of LWAC

 ε 
 (β1 + 1) ⋅  c  
  ε0  
Fundamental model: f c =  β1 +1  f c′

 εc  
+ β
  ε 0  1

 
where fc is concrete stress corresponding to strain εc; and β1 is key parameter determining slopes of ascending and descending branches of curve.
For LWAC-BS For LWAC-CF (Yang et al.’s model)

  ( f ′)1.6     f ′ 
ε 0 = 0.0023 exp 7.44  c   ; ε 0 = 0.0016 exp  240  c   ;
  Ec     Ec  
0.89 1.17
 ρ  ρ 
Ec = 8090  f c′(1/3)  c   ; Ec = 8470 f c′(1/3)  c  ;
  ρ0    ρ0 
 f ′ ρ     f ′  ρ  
1.5 0.67 1.17

β1 = 0.19exp 0.54 c  0   for εc ≤ ε0; β1 = 0.2exp 0.73  c   0   for εc ≤ ε0;

 f 0  ρc     f 0   ρc  
 f ′ ρ     f ′  ρ  
1.5 0.67 1.17

β1 = 0.32exp 0.58 c  0   for εc > ε0 β1 = 0.41exp 0.77  c   0   for εc > ε0

 f 0  ρc     f 0   ρc  

for Ec, ε0, and ε0.5 were modified, and then β1 was formulated
for LWAC-BS in accordance with the approach generalized in
Yang et al.’s model. Ultimately, the stress-strain relationship
of LWAC could be generalized as summarized in Table 5.

Tensile resistance capacity

Figure 7 shows the regression analysis results for the
tensile resistance capacities using the present test data and
LWAC-CF specimens available in the database. Owing to a
lower increasing rate in the tensile resistance capacity than
that of fc′, most of the code equations19,20 have proposed the
tensile resistance capacity as a power function of fc′. Consid-
ering the tensile resistance capacity of LWAC to be less than
that of NWC, the code equations introduce the modification
factors. The ACI 318-14 provision19 specifies the constant
values of the modification factors as 0.85 for sand-LWAC
and 0.75 for all-LWAC for evaluating the fr, whereas the fib
model20 formulates the modification factor as a linear func-
tion of ρc for evaluating ft. Choi et al.27 demonstrated that the
ft of LWAC can be optimally formulated as a power function
of the governing parameters of fc′ and ρc to represent the
reduced cohesion between the lightweight aggregate parti-
cles and cement matrix and the aggregate fracture response
along the cracks. In addition, Yang and Ashour28 indicated that
a more reliable approach is to express the modification factor
as a power-function of ρc rather than a linear function of ρc
to account for the softened aggregate interlock at crack inter-
faces. Hence, the tensile resistance capacity of LWAC can be
Fig. 5—Typical stress-strain curves of LWAC-BS. (Note: 1 n1 n2
formulated using the following forms: ( f c′) (ρc /ρ0 ) , where
MPa = 0.145 ksi.)
αs, n1, and n2 are experimental coefficients. Thus, from the LNR
Ec, ε0, and ε0.5 were formulated through NLR analysis, as analysis, the equations for ft, fct, and fr can be expressed as
shown in Fig. 6. In the same figure, test data compiled from follows
the LWAC-CF specimens are also presented. The values of
Ec and ε0 of LWAC-BS are marginally higher than the best-fit  2

0.1  ρ 
curve determined from the LWAC-CF specimens, whereas f t = At  ( f c′) ⋅  c   (5)
  ρ0  
LWAC-BS exhibited lower ε0.5 values when compared with
those values measured in LWAC-CF. Overall, the equations

ACI Materials Journal/March 2019 15

Fig. 6—Regression analysis for reference parameters in
Fig. 7—Regression analysis for tensile resistance capacity
stress-strain relationship. (Note: 1 GPa = 145 ksi.)
of LWAC. (Note: 1 MPa = 0.145 ksi.)
  ρc  
Shear friction strength
f ct = As  ( f c′) ⋅    (6) As the magnitude of the primary tensile and compressive
  ρ0  
stresses acting on an element under a pure shear stress state
is equivalent to that of the shear stress at the shear plane, the
  ρc  
frictional failure of a concrete member is critically governed
f r = Ar  ( f c′) ⋅    (7) by the magnitude of the primary tensile stress along the
  ρ0  
shear cracking planes. Thus, τf decreased with the decrease
in ρc, and the increasing rate in τf with respect to fc′ was not
The best-fit values of At, αt, As, αs, Ar, and αr in the Eq. (5) linear, as shown in Table 4. This trend was similar to the
to (7) were determined to be 2.38, 0.67, 0.79, 0.41, 1.21, and observations for the tensile strength. Kwon et al.29 pointed
0.44 for LWAC-BS, respectively. The corresponding values out that the shear friction behavior of monolithic concrete
for LWAC-CF were 1.68, 1.66, 0.46, 0.58, 0.93, and 0.52, joints under pure shear can be reasonably interpreted by
respectively. the upper-bound theorem of concrete plasticity. In addition,
their numerical analysis approach accounts for various coef-

16 ACI Materials Journal/March 2019

Fig. 8—Modeling for shear friction strength of LWAC-BS. Fig. 9—Modeling for bond strength of LWAC-BS governed
(Note: 1 MPa = 0.145 ksi.) by splitting failure. (Note: 1 MPa = 0.145 ksi.)

ficients including the effectiveness factor for compression, where the experimental constants Ab and αb were determined
ratio of effective tensile to compressive strengths, and angle to be 3.6 and 0.23, respectively. These constants would be
of concrete friction using the stress-strain relationships in modified for LWAC-CF through further collection of test data.
compression and tension. Meanwhile, most equations30 have
been proposed based on regression analysis using test data, Comparisons of test results and predictions
particularly for non-reinforced concrete joints, for a straight- Table 6 summarizes the mean (γm), standard deviation (γs),
forward estimation of τf. Overall, NLR analysis for simple and coefficient of variation (γv) of the ratios of the measured
equation was conducted as follows (Fig. 8) and predicted magnitudes of various mechanical properties
of concrete using different expanded lightweight aggregate
αf particles. The table also includes the corresponding statis-
 0.1  ρ 
 tical values determined using the design equations of ACI
τ f = Af  ( f c′) ⋅  c   (8)
  ρ0   318-1419 and fib model20 provisions, wherever feasible. For
the compressive strength gain with different ages and stress-
strain relationships, the mean (γe,m) and standard deviation
where the experimental constants Af and αf were determined
(γe,s) of the normalized root-mean-square error values were
to be 5.0 and 0.63 for LWAC-BS, respectively. For LWAC-
calculated from direct comparisons for each LWAC-BS
CF, the best-fit curve could not be obtained because avail-
specimen, as presented in Table 7, although typical compari-
able tests were mostly conducted under the variation of the
sons are presented in Fig. 3 and 5, respectively. The mechan-
maximum aggregate size at a constant range of compressive
ical properties predicted using the proposed equations were
strength and density of concrete.
in good agreement with the test results. The values of γm and
γs determined from the LWAC-BS specimens ranged from
Bond strength
0.89 to 1.03 and from 0.05 to 0.13, respectively. The corre-
All the concrete specimens subjected to the pullout
sponding values were from 0.85 to 1.06 and from 0.05 to
tests were governed by the splitting failure of concrete
0.18 for LWAC-CF specimens, respectively. As a result, the
rather than the pullout failure of a reinforcing bar. The fib
values of γv were mostly less than 0.18. Thus, the accuracy of
model20 considers τb of the unconfined concrete that failed
the proposed equations was not sensitive to fc′ and ρc. Mean-
under tensile splitting as a function of the square root of fc′;
while, the ACI 318-14 equations tended to underestimate
however, the model does not account for any of the details
fr, although an adequate agreement for Ec as observed. The
on the reduced cohesion between LWAC and a reinforcing
fib model exhibited overestimation in predicting ft and τb,
bar. The bond performance between concrete and the rein-
indicating the γm values of 0.69 and 0.60 for the LWAC-BS
forcing bar depends on the cohesion of the concrete along
specimens, respectively.
the bar surface and the bearing capacity at the bar ribs. If the
The proposed equations also yielded a good conforma-
cohesion and bearing resistance capacity are higher than the
tion with the measured compressive strength development
tensile resistance of concrete, τb is determined by the split-
and stress-strain relationship, regardless of fc′ and ρc. The
ting failure of concrete. Hence, τb of LWAC governed by
predicted compressive strength gains closely agreed with
splitting failure can be formulated using a similar format as
the test results, showing that predictions were mostly
the regression analysis of the tensile resistance capacity. As
within ±20% of the measured values. The values of γe,m
a result, τb of LWAC-BS by splitting failure can be expressed
and γe,s determined from the direct comparison of compres-
as follows (Fig. 9)
sive strength development are 0.10 and 0.05, respectively.
αb The values of γe,m and γe,s determined from the compar-
  ρ  ison of the stress-strain relationship are 0.20 and 0.11,
τ b = Ab  ( f c′) ⋅  c   (9)
  ρ0   respectively, revealing that the proposed model provides
superior accuracy in predicting both the ascending and
descending branches of the stress-strain curves of LWAC.

ACI Materials Journal/March 2019 17

Table 6—Summary of statistical values of ratios between measured and predicted properties of LWAC
properties ρc fcu Ec ε0 ft fct fr τf τb ρc fcu Ec ε0 ft fct fr τf τb
γm 1.00 1.02 1.00 0.98 1.03 0.89 1.01 0.99 0.99 1.06 1.00 0.86 0.99 1.01 0.85 1.02 NA NA
γs 0.06 0.11 0.05 0.01 0.13 0.13 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.18 0.12 0.11 0.17 0.13 0.11 NA NA
γv 0.06 0.11 0.05 0.01 0.12 0.14 0.10 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.18 0.14 0.11 0.17 0.15 0.11 NA NA
γm 1.00 — 0.99 — — — 1.54 — — 1.06 — 0.85 — — — 1.59 — —
γs 0.06 — 0.05 — — — 0.17 — — 0.06 — 0.08 — — — 0.17 — —
γv 0.06 — 0.05 — — — 0.11 — — 0.06 — 0.09 — — — 0.11 — —
γm — — 1.04 1.15 0.69 0.95 1.02 — 0.60 — — 0.85 1.08 0.33 1.18 1.00 — NA
fib model γs — — 0.14 0.13 0.09 0.15 0.11 — 0.05 — — 0.11 0.21 0.09 0.04 0.14 — NA
γv — — 0.14 0.11 0.14 0.16 0.10 — 0.08 — — 0.13 0.20 0.27 0.04 0.14 — NA

Note: Test data for τf and τb of LWAC-CF are not available.

Table 7—Comparisons of normalized root-mean- This difference was more notable with the increase in the
square error obtained from each LWAC-BS specimen compressive strength (fc′) of concrete and decrease in ρc.
Compressive strength
4. The mechanical properties predicted using the proposed
development Stress-strain relationship equations were in adequate agreement with the test results,
demonstrating that the accuracy of the proposed equations
Statistical Proposed Proposed
values model fib model model fib model was not sensitive to the type of lightweight aggregates.
The values of the mean (γm) and standard deviation (γs) of
γe,m 0.10 0.40 0.20 0.40
the ratios between the experiments and predictions ranged
γe,s 0.05 0.14 0.11 0.20 from 0.89 to 1.03 and from 0.05 to 0.13, respectively, for
LWAC specimens using expanded bottom ash and dredged
Meanwhile, the predictions by the fib model do not corre- soil granules. The corresponding values for LWAC using
spond adequately with the measured compressive strength expanded clay and fly ash granules were from 0.85 to 1.06
development and stress-strain relationship, indicating that and from 0.05 to 0.18, respectively.
the values of γe,m determined for those relationships were 5. The proposed equations also yielded an adequate confor-
0.40 and 0.40, respectively. Ultimately, the proposed equa- mation with the measured compressive strength development
tions exhibited a reasonable potential to properly evaluate and stress-strain relationship regardless of fc′ and ρc.
the different mechanical properties of concrete using the 6. The ACI 318-14 equations tended to underestimate
expanded lightweight aggregates, although more reliable the modulus of rupture of LWAC. The fib model exhibited
test data are required for high-strength concrete. overestimation in predicting the direct tensile strength and
bond strength of LWAC. In addition, the predictions by the
CONCLUSIONS fib model do not correspond adequately with the measured
From the experimental estimation and proposals for compressive strength development and stress-strain rela-
empirical equations of various mechanical properties of tionship of LWAC prepared using expanded bottom ash and
concrete using different expanded lightweight aggregates, dredged soil granules.
the following conclusions may be drawn:
1. The increasing rate of the oven-dried density (ρc) of AUTHOR BIOS
LWAC with respect to the absolute volume weight of each Kyung-Ho Lee is a Graduate Student at Kyonggi University, Suwon, South
concrete ingredient was insignificantly affected by the type Korea. His research interests include the mechanical properties of light-
weight aggregate concrete.
of the expanded lightweight aggregates.
2. With the increase in ρc and the decrease in the 28-day Keun-Hyeok Yang is a Professor at Kyonggi University. His research
compressive strength (fcu), the strength gain rate at an early interests include the development of sustainable concrete materials and
structural technology.
age tended to increase, whereas the long-term gain rate
decreased. Jy-Hyun Mun is an Assistant Professor at Kyonggi University. His
3. The measured stress-strain curves of LWAC using research interests include the development of structural lightweight aggre-
gate concrete using high-volume supplementary cementitious materials and
expanded bottom ash and dredged soil granules exhib- seismic strengthening technology of masonry walls.
ited a marginally higher slope at the ascending branch and
more rapid stress decrease at the descending branch, when Seung-Jun Kwon is an Associate Professor at Hannam University,
Daejeon, South Korea. His research interests include modeling of micro-
compared with those predicted using the model by Yang et structure and deterioration analysis in cement composites using neural
al. for LWAC using expanded clay and/or fly ash granules. network algorithms, and strengthening techniques for concrete structures.

18 ACI Materials Journal/March 2019

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS and Building Materials, V. 38, No. 1, 2013, pp. 854-864. doi: 10.1016/j.
This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of conbuildmat.2012.09.073
Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea Government (MSIP) (No. 14. Wang, Q.; Yan, P.; Yang, J.; and Zhang, B., “Influence of Steel
NRF-2017R1A2B3008463) Slag on Mechanical Properties and Durability of Concrete,” Construc-
tion & Building Materials, V. 47, 2013, pp. 1414-1420. doi: 10.1016/j.
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ACI Materials Journal/March 2019 19

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