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Python - Lab Programs 7 – OOP in Python 1 © WISEN IT SOLUTIONS

Lab Programs 7

OOP in Python


In this lab programs, you learn about

 Create object from the class

 Working the instance members
 Define & use the constructors
 Use the self keyword
 Return objects from methods
 Define & understand the concept of
 Define & understand the concept of inheritance
 Implement the concept of method overriding
 Define & understand the concept of
 Define & implement the nested classes
 Implement the recursion concept
 Understand the concept of garbage collection


Before working on this lab program, you must know

 How to develop PY programs.

 How to declare variables.
 How to use literals.
 About the expressions & operators.
 About Functions

Estimated time to complete this lab programs: 150 minutes

© WISEN IT SOLUTIONS 2 Python - Lab Programs 7 – OOP in Python

 Lab Program 01

1. Open the LiClipse Python project called <Your-Name-Project.>

2. Create a package called CHP-08 in <Your-Enroll-Number>Project.
3. Create a new Python file called ClassVariableEx1.py in the CHP-08 Package.
4. Type the below code
class Person :
def __init__(self):
print("Initialization Method Called")
john = Person()

5. Save the program.

6. Execute the program.

Program Output

What you learnt from this program?

 Lab Program 02

1. Create a new Python file called R01ObjectEx1.py in the CHP-08 Package.

2. Type the below code

class Person :
def __init__(self):
self.uniqueID = -1
self.firstName = None
self.lastName = self.firstName
self.isActive = False
print("Initialization Method Called")
john = Person()
john.UniqueID = 101
john.FirstName = "John"
Python - Lab Programs 7 – OOP in Python 3 © WISEN IT SOLUTIONS

john.LastName = "Peter"
john.IsActive = True
print("John First Name is "+john.FirstName)

3. Save the program.

4. Execute the program.

Program Output

What you learnt from this program?

 Lab Program 03

1. Create a new Python file called R11InstanceVariablesEx1.py in the CHP-08 Package.

2. Type the below code

class Student:
def __init__(self, studentID, firstName, lastName):
self.studentID = studentID
self.firstName = firstName
self.lastName = lastName
s1 = Student(101, "Mary", "Brown")
s2 = Student(102, "David", "Peter")

3. Save the program.

4. Execute the program.

Program Output
© WISEN IT SOLUTIONS 4 Python - Lab Programs 7 – OOP in Python
What you learnt from this program?

 Lab Program 04

1. Create a new Python file called R21ParameterPassingEx1.py in the CHP-08 Package.

2. Type the below code

class Student:
def __init__(self, studentID, firstName, lastName):
self.studentID = studentID
self.firstName = firstName
self.lastName = lastName
s1 = Student(studentID = 101, lastName= "Brown", firstName = "Mary")
s2 = Student(lastName= "Peter", firstName = "David", studentID = 102)

3. Save the program.

4. Execute the program.

Program Output

What you learnt from this program?

Python - Lab Programs 7 – OOP in Python 5 © WISEN IT SOLUTIONS

 Lab Program 05

1. Create a new Python file called R31KeywordPassingEx1.py in the CHP-08 Package.

2. Type the below code

class Student:
def __init__(self, studentID, firstName, lastName=""):
self.studentID = studentID
self.firstName = firstName
self.lastName = lastName
s1 = Student(101, "Mary")
print(s1.firstName+" "+s1.lastName)
s2 = Student(102, "David", 'Peter')
print(s2.firstName+" "+s2.lastName)

3. Save the program.

4. Execute the program.

Program Output

What you learnt from this program?

 Lab Program 06

1. Create a new Python file called R41OptionalArgumentEx1.py in the CHP-08 Package.

2. Type the below code

class Person :
def __init__(self):
self.uniqueID = -1
self.firstName = None
self.lastName = None
self.isActive = False
print("Initialization Method Called")
© WISEN IT SOLUTIONS 6 Python - Lab Programs 7 – OOP in Python
def displayFullName(self):
print(self.firstName + " "+self.lastName)
john = Person()
john.firstName = "John"
john.lastName = "Peter"

3. Save the program.

4. Execute the program.

Program Output

What you learnt from this program?

 Lab Program 07

1. Create a new Python file called R61InstanceMethodEx1.py in the CHP-08 Package.

2. Type the below code

class Demo:
def show(self):
print("Show Method Called")

def display(self):
print("Display Method Called")
c1 = Demo()

3. Save the program.

4. Execute the program.
Python - Lab Programs 7 – OOP in Python 7 © WISEN IT SOLUTIONS

Program Output

What you learnt from this program?

 Lab Program 08

1. Create a new Python file called R71CallMethodFromAnotherMethodEx1.py in the CHP-08 Package.

2. Type the below code

class Student:
def __init__(self, studentID, firstName, lastName):
self.studentID = studentID
self.firstName = firstName
self.lastName = lastName
def displayStudentInfo(self):
print(str(self.studentID)+" " + self.firstName+" " +self.lastName)
class College:
def getStudent(self):
s1 = Student(101, "Mary", "Brown")
return s1
c1 = College()
mary = c1.getStudent()

3. Save the program.

4. Execute the program.

Program Output
© WISEN IT SOLUTIONS 8 Python - Lab Programs 7 – OOP in Python
What you learnt from this program?

 Lab Program 09

1. Create a new Python file called R81ReturnObjectEx1.py in the CHP-08 Package.

2. Type the below code

class Student:
def __init__(self, studentID, firstName, lastName):
self.studentID = studentID
self.firstName = firstName
self.lastName = lastName
def displayStudentInfo(self):
print(str(self.studentID)+" " + self.firstName+" " +self.lastName)
return ""
class College:
def getStudent(self):
s1 = Student(101, "Mary", "Brown")
return s1
c1 = College()
mary = c1.getStudent()

3. Save the program.

4. Execute the program.

Program Output

What you learnt from this program?

Python - Lab Programs 7 – OOP in Python 9 © WISEN IT SOLUTIONS

 Lab Program 10

1. Create a new Python file called R91ReturnObjectWithoutNoneEx1.py in the CHP-08 Package.

2. Type the below code

class A:
def __init__(self):
self.public = 10
self.__private = 30
def display(self):
print("Public Variable Data is "+str(self.public))
print("Private Variable Data is "+str(self.__private))
a1 = A()

3. Save the program.

4. Execute the program.

Program Output

What you learnt from this program?

 Lab Program 11

1. Create a new Python file called S01SimpleInheritanceEx1.py in the CHP-08 Package.

2. Type the below code

class Point:
def __init__(self):
self.x = 10
def show(self):
print("Show Method Called")
© WISEN IT SOLUTIONS 10 Python - Lab Programs 7 – OOP in Python
class Line (Point) :
def __init__(self):
self.y = 10
def display(self):
print('Display Method Called')

l1 = Line()

3. Save the program.

4. Execute the program.

Program Output

What you learnt from this program?

 Lab Program 12

1. Create a new Python file called S11InheritanceMethodEx1.py in the CHP-08 Package.

2. Type the below code

class Point:
def __init__(self):
self.x = 10
def show(self):
print("Show Method Called")
class Line (Point) :
def __init__(self):
self.y = 10
def display(self):
print('Display Method Called')

l1 = Line()
Python - Lab Programs 7 – OOP in Python 11 © WISEN IT SOLUTIONS

3. Save the program.

4. Execute the program.

Program Output

What you learnt from this program?

 Lab Program 13

1. Create a new Python file called

S21AccessBaseClassvariableBeforeCallingBaseClassInitializationMethodEx1.py in the CHP-08
2. Type the below code

class A:
def __init__(self):
self.baseData = 10
print("Super Class Init Called")
class B (A) :
def __init__(self):
self.subData = 20
print("Sub Class Init Called")

def display(self):
print('baseData is '+ str(self.baseData))
print('subData is '+ str(self.subData))

b1 = B()

3. Save the program.

4. Execute the program.
© WISEN IT SOLUTIONS 12 Python - Lab Programs 7 – OOP in Python
Program Output

What you learnt from this program?

 Lab Program 14

1. Create a new Python file called S31CallBaseClassInitializationMethodEx1.py in the CHP-08 Package.

2. Type the below code

class A:
def __init__(self):
self.baseData = 10
print("Super Class Init Called")
class B (A) :
def __init__(self):
self.subData = 20
print("Sub Class Init Called")

def display(self):
print('baseData is '+ str(self.baseData))
print('subData is '+ str(self.subData))

b1 = B()

3. Save the program.

4. Execute the program.

Program Output
Python - Lab Programs 7 – OOP in Python 13 © WISEN IT SOLUTIONS

What you learnt from this program?

 Lab Program 15

1. Create a new Python file called S41DerivedClassMethosSameLikeSubClassMethodEx1.py in the CHP-08

2. Type the below code

class A:
def __init__(self):
print("Super Class Init Called")
def display(self):
print("Base Class Display Method Called")
class B (A) :
def __init__(self):
self.subData = 20
print("Sub Class Init Called")

def display(self):
print("Derived Class Display Method Called")

b1 = B()

3. Save the program.

4. Execute the program.

Program Output

What you learnt from this program?

© WISEN IT SOLUTIONS 14 Python - Lab Programs 7 – OOP in Python

 Lab Program 16

1. Create a new Python file called S51InvokeSuperClassMethodEx1.py in the CHP-08 Package.

2. Type the below code

class A:
def __init__(self):
print("Super Class Init Called")
def display(self):
print("Base Class Display Method Called")
class B (A) :
def __init__(self):
self.subData = 20
print("Sub Class Init Called")

def display(self):
print("Derived Class Display Method Called")

b1 = B()

3. Save the program.

4. Execute the program.

Program Output

What you learnt from this program?

 Lab Program 17

1. Create a new Python file called S61MultipleInheritaceEx1.py in the CHP-08 Package.

2. Type the below code
Python - Lab Programs 7 – OOP in Python 15 © WISEN IT SOLUTIONS

class A:
def __init__(self):
self.X = 0

class B:
def __init__(self):
self.Y = 0

class C(A,B):
def __init__(self):
self.Z = 0

c1 = C()
c1.X =10
c1.Y = 20
c1.Z = 30
print("X.Y.Z = "+str(c1.X)+"."+str(c1.Y)+"."+str(c1.Z))

3. Save the program.

4. Execute the program.

Program Output

What you learnt from this program?

 Lab Program 18

1. Create a new Python file called S71MultipleInheritanceCallSuperClassInitializationMethos.py in the CHP-

08 Package.
2. Type the below code

class A:
def __init__(self):
self.superClass1Data = "Super Class 1 Data"
© WISEN IT SOLUTIONS 16 Python - Lab Programs 7 – OOP in Python

class B:
def __init__(self):
self.superClass2Data = "Super Class 2 Data"

class C(A,B):
def __init__(self):
self.subClassData = "Sub Class Data"

c1 = C();

3. Save the program.

4. Execute the program.

Program Output

What you learnt from this program?

 Lab Program 19

1. Create a new Python file called S81MultipleInheritanceCallSuperClassInitializationMethosEx1.py in the

CHP-08 Package.
2. Type the below code

class A:
def __init__(self):
super(A, self).__init__()
self.superClass1Data = "Super Class 1 Data"

class B:
def __init__(self):
Python - Lab Programs 7 – OOP in Python 17 © WISEN IT SOLUTIONS

super(B, self).__init__()
self.superClass2Data = "Super Class 2 Data"

class C(A,B):
def __init__(self):
super(C, self).__init__()
self.subClassData = "Sub Class Data"

c1 = C();

3. Save the program.

4. Execute the program.

Program Output

What you learnt from this program?

 Lab Program 20

1. Create a new Python file called S91MethodOverridingEx1.py in the CHP-08 Package.

2. Type the below code

class A:
def __init__(self):
print("Super Class Init Called")
def display(self):
print("Base Class Display Method Called")
class B (A) :
def __init__(self):
print("Sub Class Init Called")

def display(self):
print("Derived Class Display Method Called")
© WISEN IT SOLUTIONS 18 Python - Lab Programs 7 – OOP in Python

b1 = B()

3. Save the program.

4. Execute the program.

Program Output

What you learnt from this program?

 Lab Program 21

1. Create a new Python file called T01EncapsulationEx1.py in the CHP-08 Package.

2. Type the below code

class A:
def __init__(self):
self.public = 10
self.__private = 20

def display(self):
print("Public Data is "+str(self.public))
print("Private Data is "+str(self.__private))

a1 = A()

a1.public = 30
a1.__private = 40

3. Save the program.

4. Execute the program.

Program Output
Python - Lab Programs 7 – OOP in Python 19 © WISEN IT SOLUTIONS

What you learnt from this program?

 Lab Program 22

1. Create a new Python file called T11StaticVariableEx1.py in the CHP-08 Package.

2. Type the below code

class Student:
collegeName = ''
def __init__(self):
self.studentID = -1
self.studentName = None
def show(self):

s1 = Student()
s1.studentID = 101
s1.studentName = "Mary Brown"
Student.collegeName = "Eswari Engineering College"
print(s1.studentName+ " "+Student.collegeName)

s2 = Student()
s2.studentID = 101
s2.studentName = "David Peter"
print(s2.studentName+ " "+Student.collegeName)
3. Save the program.
4. Execute the program.

Program Output
© WISEN IT SOLUTIONS 20 Python - Lab Programs 7 – OOP in Python

What you learnt from this program?

 Lab Program 23

1. Create a new Python file called T21NestedClassEx1.py in the CHP-08 Package.

2. Type the below code

class A:
def __init__(self):
print("A Initialization Method Called")

def display(self):
class B:
def __init__(self):
print("B Initialization Method Called")
b1 = B()

a1 = A()


3. Save the program.

4. Execute the program.

Program Output

What you learnt from this program?

Python - Lab Programs 7 – OOP in Python 21 © WISEN IT SOLUTIONS

 Lab Program 24

1. Create a new Python file called T31RecursionEx1.py in the CHP-08 Package.

2. Type the below code

def Fibonacci(nbr) :
if (nbr == 0) :
return 0;
if (nbr == 1) :
return 1;
return Fibonacci(nbr - 1) + Fibonacci(nbr - 2);

result = Fibonacci(10)

3. Save the program.

4. Execute the program.

Program Output

What you learnt from this program?

 Lab Program 25

1. Create a new Python file called T41DestructorCalledEx1.py in the CHP-08 Package.

2. Type the below code

class A:
def __init__(self):
print("A Initialization Method Called")

def __del__(self):
print("A Destruction Method Called")
© WISEN IT SOLUTIONS 22 Python - Lab Programs 7 – OOP in Python

a1 = A()

3. Save the program.

4. Execute the program.

Program Output

What you learnt from this program?

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