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.Monday, Iulyf,Z0fg@

1' AWMAKERS have declared the from divisive leadership. deal 6etween him and Marinduque the 36thmonth of the 18th Congress sharing agreement with Velasco.
I termsharinginthespeakership "Insisting on term sharing is in- Rep. lord Allan Velasco to address will be by Velasco.
Ll race as dead as such arrange- dicative ofweakness, if not political the isiue in the speakership race.
Pimentel said in an interview that
Some Iawmakers have said the Duterte is clear in saying he will not
meni will only imperil the legislative sloth. Theywanttobe spoon-fed, be- The election for the next speaker term sharing between Velasco and
agenda ofthe 18th Congress. reft of any mandate from members of interfere in the speakership race as
will be held on July 22, the same day Cayetano is the "easiestway" to elimi- all three candidates for the chamber's
Capiz Rep. Fredenil Castro, Su- the House of Representatives," Cas- as the President's fourth State of the nate others eyeing the speakership.
rigao,del Sur Rep. Johnny Pimentel highest position are his friends.
tro, president of the National Unity Nation Address.
and dirakalusugan Party-list Rep. "I hope the good Congressman from
Party (NUP), said.
Mike Defensor said the decisions of
Under the agreement, Cayetano Pimentel on (ayetano Taguigwill not be offended, because he
Earlier, Taguig Rep. Alan Peter Cay- said he would occupy the speaker- ACCORDING to Pimentel, Cayet'ano could already see that Velasco already
lawmakers to reject the term-sharing etano claimedthat President Duterte ship post' for the first 15 months is seeing a defeat in the speakership
agreeiarent will save the,chamber hinrsel,f is pr,rshingf or a term-sharing [has] the numbers," Pimentel added.
while the remainin1 21 months of race that'swhyhe is insisting his term- lotelhie ,Delac.l,z

* Fr.rccr -,4.16 u

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