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In most concrete, aggregates are more or less chemically inert.

some aggregates react with the alkali hydroxides in concrete, causing
expansion and cracking over a period of many years.

This alkali-aggregate reaction has two forms:

•alkali-silica reaction (ASR) and
•alkali-carbonate reaction (ACR).
Alkali-silica reaction (ASR) is of more concern because aggregates
containing reactive silica materials are more common. In ASR,
aggregates containing certain forms of silica will react with alkali
hydroxide in concrete to form a gel that swells as it adsorbs water from
the surrounding cement paste or the environment.

These gels can induce enough expansive pressure to damage concrete.

Typical indicators of ASR are random map cracking and, in advanced

cases, closed joints and attendant spalled concrete.

Cracking usually appears in areas with a frequent supply of moisture,

such as close to the waterline in piers, near the ground behind retaining
walls, near joints and free edges in pavements, or in piers or columns
subject to wicking action.

Petrographic examination can conclusively identify ASR.

Alkali-silica reaction can be controlled using certain supplementary
cementitious materials. In-proper proportions, silica fume, fly ash, and
ground granulated blast-furnace slag have significantly reduced or
eliminated expansion due to alkali-silica reactivity.

In addition, lithium compounds have been used to reduce ASR.

It is also important to note that not all ASR gel reactions produce
destructive swelling.
Identification of alkali-silica reaction

Gel may be present in cracks and within aggregate particles. The best
technique for the identification of ASR is the examination of concrete in
thin section, using a petrographic microscope.

Alternatively, polished sections of concrete can be examined by

scanning electron microscopy (SEM); this has the advantage that the gel
can be analysed using X-ray microanalysis in order to confirm the
identification beyond any doubt.
Alkali-carbonate reaction (ACR) is observed with certain dolomitic
rocks. Dedolomitization, the breaking down of dolomite, is normally
associated with expansion. This reaction and subsequent crystallization
of brucite may cause considerable expansion. The deterioration caused
by alkali-carbonate reactions is similar to that caused by ASR; however,
ACR is relatively rare because aggregates susceptible to this
phenomenon are less common and are usually unsuitable for use in
concrete for other reasons.

Aggregates susceptible to ACR tend to have a characteristic texture that

can be identified by petrographers. Unlike alkali carbonate reaction, the
use of supplementary cementing materials does not prevent deleterious
expansion due to ACR. It is recommended that ACR susceptible
aggregates not be used in concrete
dolomite rocks
Tests for aggregate reactivity
Many test methods have been proposed by researchers for identifying
potential reactivity of aggregate all over the world. These may be
classified into three types.
•Petrographic examinations
•Chemical tests
•Expansion tests
Petrographic examination is the process of identifying the types of
minerals in aggregate or concrete section by observation using
microscope or other aids. This method can identify types of minerals in
the aggregate and give suggestions as for whether the aggregate is
potentially reactive or not. Because the uncertainties involved in the
test, the method is generally used as a screening test as a part of an
In an expansion tests, mortar bars or concrete prisms are made using
the aggregate to be investigated. There specimens are then put in to a
specified condition and the expansion of the specimens are measured.
Since at normal climate conditions the reaction will take a few years or
even longer to complete, measures to accelerate the reaction
sometimes adopted for such tests.

One of such measures is to place the specimens at 38ᶿC or 40ᶿC and

100% relative humidity. In such a condition the AAR and its expansion
complete within a few months time.

In another such test using mortar bar as specimens, the mortar bars are
immersed in a NaOH solution at 80ᶿC. This method is also referred to as
Accelerated Mortar Bar Test.

This test is intended to study the resistance of coarse and fine

aggregates to weathering action and to judge the durability of the
coarse aggregate.

•Sodium Sulphate Solution
•Magnesium Sulphate Solution

•Wet sieve the sample through a nest of IS sieves, the lower being 300
micron and the upper being 10 mm size.
•The material passing 10 mm sieve and retained on 300 micron sieve is
then dried and taken for the test.
•The sample collected as above is again sieved through a series of sieves
such as 10 mm, 4.75 mm, 2.36 mm, 1.18 mm, 600 micron and 300
•The amount of sample to be taken for sieving is such that, it will yield
not less than 100 g of each of the following sizes.
Passing Retained

10 mm 4.75 mm

4.75 mm 2.36 mm

2.36 mm 1.18 mm

1.18 mm 600 micron

600 micron 300 micron

•Weigh 100 g of sample from each of the separated fraction and place it
in separate containers for the test.
•Note- Fine aggregates sticking in the meshes of the sieves is not used in
preparing the sample.
•Wash the coarse aggregate through 4.75 mm IS sieve and dry the material retained on
the sieve in an oven maintained at a temp of 105 to 1100C, till it attains a constant
•Sieve the dried sample to separate it into different size fractions using sieves of sizes
80 mm, 63 mm, 40 mm, 20 mm, 10 mm, 4.75 mm.
•The sample should be of such an amount that it will yield not less than the following
amount of the different sizes, which shall be available in amounts of 5 percent or
Size Yield
10 mm to 4.75 mm 300 g
1000 g (consisting of 12.5 mm to 10
20 mm to 10 mm mm = 33% and 20 mm to 12.5 mm =
1500 g (consisting of 25 mm to 20
40 mm to 20 mm mm = 33% and 40 mm to 25 mm =
3000 g (consisting of 50 mm to 40
63 mm to 40 mm mm = 50% and 63 mm to 50 mm =
80 mm and larger 3000 g

Take proper weight of sample from each fraction and place it in separate containers for the test.
•Take individual samples in a wire mesh basket and immerse it in the solution
of sodium sulphate or magnesium sulphate for not less than 16 hours nor
more than 18 hours, in such a manner that the solution covers them to a depth
of at least 15 mm.
•After completion of the immersion period, remove the samples from solution
and allow it to drain for 15 minutes and place it in drying oven.
•Dry the sample until it attains a constant mass and then remove it from oven
and cool it to room temperature.
•After cooling again immerse it in the solution as described in step-1.
•After completion of the final cycle and after the sample has been
cooled, wash it to free from sodium sulphate or magnesium sulphate
solution. This may be determined when there is no reaction of the wash
water with barium chloride.
•Then dry each fraction of the sample to constant temp of 105 to 1100C
and weigh it.
•Sieve the fine aggregates over the same sieve on which it was retained
before test.
•Sieve the coarse aggregate over the sieve shown below for the
appropriate size of particles.
Size of Aggregate Sieve used to determine loss

63 mm to 40 mm 31.5 mm

40 mm to 20 mm 16.0 mm

20 mm to 10 mm 8.0 mm

10 mm to 4.75 mm 4.0 m

Gap grading is a kind of grading which lacks one or more intermediate

size. Gap graded aggregates can make good concrete when the required
workability is relatively low.

Advantages of gap grading are more economical concrete, use of less

cement and lower w/c ratios. When they are used in high workability
mixes, segregation may become a problem.

The resulting concrete is very stiff and has low workability. An extreme
case is no-fines concrete. This concrete is difficult to handle and
compact; developing low strength and high permeability.
Gap-graded mixes are used to obtain uniform textures for exposed-
aggregate concrete and can also increase strength and reduce creep and

Use about 25% by volume with rounded aggregate and 35% with
crushed material.

Generally we use well graded aggregate or continuous graded

aggregate, which means representation of all the standard particle sizes
in certain proportion. Assumption made in well gradation is that voids
created by the higher size of aggregate will be filled-up by immediate
next lower size of aggregate and again some smaller voids will be left
out which will again be filled-up by next lower size aggregates.
•Requirements of sand is reduced by 26 to 40%.
•Specific area of area of total aggregates will be reduced due to less use
of sand..
•Point contact between various size fractions is maintained, thus
reducing the dying shrinkage.
•It requires less cement as the net volume of voids to a greater extent.

The volume increase of fine aggregate due to presence of moisture

content is known as bulking. Fine sand bulks more as compared to
coarse sand. Extremely fine sand particularly the manufactured fine
aggregate bulks as much as about 40%.

The moisture present in aggregate forms a film around each particle.

These films of moisture exert a force, known as surface tension, on each

Due to this surface tension each particles gets away from each other.
Because of this no direct contact is possible among individual particles
and this causes bulking of the volume.
The extent of bulking can be estimated by a simple field test.

•Fill a sample of moist fine aggregate (sand) into a measuring cylinder in

the normal manner. Note down the level, say h1.
•Pour water into a measuring cylinder and completely cover the sand
with water and shake it. Since the volume of the saturated sand is the
same as that of the dry sand, the saturated sand completely offsets the
bulking effect. Note down the level of sand, say h2.
•Subtract the final level h2 from initial level h1 (i.e. h1-h2), which shows
the bulking of sand under test.
•Calculate percentage of bulking using formula given below.
•Percentage of bulking = [(h1-h2)/h2]*100

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