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Grading for supletorio:

1. 2 points for full definitions, diagrams and drawing detailed on these pages, delivered Tuesday 16th July
2. 2 points for completion of the lab activities and assignments
3. 6 points for the exam, Wednesday 17th July

SCIENTIFIC ON METHOD (1. Drops of water on a coin)

Hypothesis - define

1. Independent - define
2. Dependent - define
3. Controlled - define

1. Line graph – when is a line graph used
2. Bar graph – when is a bar graph used

Cell theory – State the 3 elements of the cell cycle

Characteristics of living things – make a list of the <8 characteristics of all living things

Virus - define

Cell - define

Prokaryote – define

Eukaryote – define

Typical plant cell – drawing

Typical animal cell – drawing

Typical bacterial cell – drawing

Cell organelles – write the function of each:

1. Cytoplasm
2. Cell membrane(s)
3. Cytoskeleton
4. Nucleus
5. Mitochondria
6. Ribosomes
7. Endoplasmic reticulum (smooth & rough)
8. Golgi bodies
9. Centrosomes and centrioles
10. Chloroplasts - plant cells only
11. Cell walls - plant cells only
12. Lysosomes - mostly in animal cells

Cell cycle – labelled diagram

Cancer – State what is a malignant, cancerous tumour

A-sexual reproduction – define

Different methods of a-sexual reproduction – list >5

Mitosis - define

Meiosis - define

DNA – drawing of a short segment of DNA

Surface area : volume ratio – (2. lab assignment)

ECOLOGY (3. Sea shore food web assignment)

Food chain – an example with 4 organisms

Food web – an example with >8 organisms

Define each of the following:

1. Autotroph or Producer
2. Primary consumer
3. Secondary consumer
4. Tertiary consumer or Predator or Top carnivore
5. Decomposer
6. 10% rule

Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection – State Darwin’s 4 (or 5) tenets (observations and interpretations)

Peppered Moth – (4. Peppered Moth sequence of events assignment)

Cross-section through planet – labelled diagram

Tectonic plates – state what are tectonic plates

Rock cycle – labelled diagram

History of planet Earth – (5. Create a simple time-line)

Labelled diagrams of the following:
1. Water cycle
2. Carbon cycle
3. Nitrogen cycle

Greenhouse gases – list

FORCES (6. Construct a siphon and explain why it works)

Force – define

Pressure – define

Gravity - define

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