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EXCLI Journal 2014;13:491-501 – ISSN 1611-2156

Received: December 20, 2013, accepted: May 08, 2014, published: May 09, 2014

Original article:



Abdol ali Shahrasbi1, Minoo Afshar2, Farnaz Shokraneh3, Faezeh Monji3, Mahjabin Noroozi3,
Maryam Ebrahimi-Khojin3, Seyed Farzam Madani3, Mehdi Ahadi-Barzoki4, Mehdi Rajabi3*
Department of Tehran Medical Unit, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Department of Pharmaceutics, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Islamic Azad University, Pharmaceutical Sciences
Branch, Tehran, Iran
Department of Clinical Pharmacy, Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, Zanjan, Iran
Corresponding author: Dr. Mehdi Rajabi; e-mail: Mehdirj@aol.co.uk

Ongoing concerns exist regarding the dangers inherent when handling cytotoxics, particularly
drugs which are in parenteral formulations. On occasions, nurses and medical doctors have
been preparing and administrating these drugs in the open spaces of wards in the absence of
suitable personal protective equipment (PPE) and safety cabinets. To explore further into the
severity of occupational hazards, we conducted our research in order to evaluate the
healthcare’s understanding of occupational exposure to cytotoxics and occurrence of any side
effects. A cross-sectional study using a self-administered questionnaire was distributed
amongst oncology nurses in nine specialized cancer centers in Tehran. The questionnaire was
based on most reputable international guidelines, aiming to evaluate the attitude, knowledge
and safe practices of nurses' handling cytotoxic drugs. The gathered data and reported side
effects were compared between “oncology/hematology” and “non-oncology” participants.
The majority of nurses from oncology wards were aware of the potential hazards associated
with handling of chemotherapy and reported high levels of compliance with the use of PPE
during reconstitution of antineoplastic agents. Almost all nurses reported the use of a safety
cabinet during preparation, however only 55 % reported that they have annual medical check-
ups and 45 % reported having received specialized training. This work was also to evaluate
the experimental procedures as well as cleaning solutions used to reduce the level exposure.
While the level of knowledge about antineoplastic agents is high among nurses, along with
the level of PPE use, medical surveillance and employee training seems to be lagging behind.

Keywords: Cytotoxic drugs, surface sampling, cleaning solutions, contamination, occupa-

tional exposure, questionnaire

INTRODUCTION manifestation at low doses in animal or hu-

man experiments (ASHP, 1985). Cytotoxic
Hazardous drugs, defined by the Ameri-
drugs, sometimes known as antineoplastic,
can Society of Health System Pharmacists
anticancer or cancer chemotherapy drugs are
(ASHP), are drugs manifesting genotoxicity,
defined as hazardous drugs (Ansari Lari et
carcinogenicity, teratogenicity, fertility im-
al., 2001). Their pharmacological property to
pairment, serious organ or any other toxic
EXCLI Journal 2014;13:491-501 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: December 20, 2013, accepted: May 08, 2014, published: May 09, 2014

kill tumor cells is by interfering with cell di- compared with current guidelines (Martin
vision. However, their action is not specific and Larson, 2003; Polovich and Martin,
to cancerous cells, and non-cancerous cells 2011; Krstev et al., 2003). Hepatic injuries
may also get damaged (Barton Burke and can also develop, but some other studies
Wilkes, 2006). As a result, they can induce have failed to support a relation between ex-
significant side effects in patients or any oth- posure and this particular problem. During
er person exposed to them in the treatment the past 30 years, professional organizations
chain. The medical, clinical, nursing team and government agencies have developed
and workers are exposed to hazardous drugs guidelines to protect health care workers
throughout their career cycle (Gambrell and from adverse effects of occupational expo-
Moore, 2006). They are involved in manu- sure to antineoplastic drugs. The occupation-
facturing transport, distribution, use in health al exposure to antineoplastic drugs is directly
care setting and waste disposal (Connor and linked to the poor effectiveness of cleaning
McDiarmid, 2006; Zeedijk et al., 2005). procedures or indeed the solutions used for
Acute exposure generally causes transient cleaning the work surface (Lé et al., 2013).
symptoms such as headache, nausea, ma- Various agencies and organizations include
laise, dizziness, rash, dermatitis, skin and the US Department of Labor’s Occupational
mucous membrane irritation or ulceration Safety and Health Administration (US De-
and eye or throat irritation. The side effects partment of Labor, 1995), the National Insti-
of repeated exposure are significant and dan- tute for Occupational Safety and Health
gerous (Valanis et al., 1993a). This together (NIOSH, 1988), the Oncology Nursing Soci-
with the increasing complexity of chemo- ety (Brown et al., 2001), the American Soci-
therapy, have raised the concerns about the ety of Health System Pharmacists (ASHP),
risks to health care workers who are in- and the American Medical Association’s
volved in this cycle. Council on Scientific Affairs (AMA, 1985)
Falck et al. (1979) first reported the evi- do jointly express concerns about failure in
dence of mutagenicity in urine samples of cleaning procedures and recommend a need
the nurses handling cytotoxic drugs. Other for validated cleaning protocol standards.
studies have found increased chromosomal Previous studies of outpatient and office-
aberrations and evidences of mutagen- based health care workers in Iran show weak
ic/carcinogenic risks in exposed nurses’ compliance of their practice with safe-
urine samples (Terui et al., 2011; Moretti et handling guidelines (Ansari Lari et al.,
al., 2011; Suspiro and Prista, 2011; Ursini et 2001). In addition, since nurses and medical
al., 2006; Kopjar et al., 2010). Fetal loss in- doctors have been preparing these cytotoxic
duced by chronic exposure to cyclophos- drugs in the open spaces of wards in the ab-
phamide, doxorubicin and vincristine, in sence of appropriate garments and personal
nursing personnel was also observed (Sele- protective equipment, it is important to eval-
van et al., 1985). The report of learning disa- uate the current system and the risks associ-
bilities in children of nurses who had han- ated with the exposure to the cytotoxic drugs
dled chemotherapy drugs was provided by a in these centers.
study of Martin (2005). Numerous studies
have been published that have demonstrated MATERIALS AND METHODS
contamination of workplace with antineo-
Site observation
plastic drugs (Hedmer et al., 2005, 2008; The visiting report was conducted at var-
Zeedijk et al., 2005; Mason et al., 2003; ious specialized cancer centers in Tehran, in
Maeda et al., 2010; Acampora et al., 2005), order to determine the severity of occupa-
use of analytical methods to determine con- tional hazards. The exposure of health care
tamination concentration level in surface workers to antineoplastic drugs during pre-
(Turci et al., 2002) and evaluation of pattern paration and administration was the main
of use of personal protective equipment and consideration. This study was one of the

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:491-501 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: December 20, 2013, accepted: May 08, 2014, published: May 09, 2014

largest studies in its own right as nine pro- Table 1: Demographic information of nursing
fessional and specialized cancer centers in staff participating in the study
Tehran (governmental and private centers) ( %) of Respondents
were selected. Although, there are in excess Characteristic (n = 225)
of thirty five known cancer treatment centers Gender
Female 67.5
in Tehran but these selected centers are cho-
Male 32.5
sen purely based on the fact that they had the Marital status
participant’s recruitment criteria for our Single 10
study and are known as the most reputable Married 90
cancer centers with good practicing habits in Non-oncological
the capital city. These centers were studied experiences (years)
1-5 5
through an on-the-spot investigation and data 6-10 22
were analyzed in terms of being consisted 11-20 68
and close to the standards. Observations 21 or more 5
were conducted in order to predict how and Oncological/hema-
where (at what stages) nurses would be ex- tology experiences
posed to antineoplastic drugs. 1-5 37
6-10 30
Population recruitment 11-20 26
A total number of 225 rotational nursing 21 or more 7
staffs were provided with the questionnaire,
among 152 women and 73 men. All the par-
ticipants were working at least for 12 months Questionnaire
as a fully registered nurse, rotating in “on- The questionnaire was in two parts and
cology/hematology” for a period of no less based on the most reputable international
than six months compared in parallel with guidelines such as American Society of
the nurses from “non-oncological” wards Health System Pharmacists (ASHP), the Oc-
with no exposure to the cytotoxic drugs. The cupational Safety and Health Administration
participants in both groups were approxi- (OSHA) and the Health & Safety Executive
mately similar in terms of sex and number of (HSE-UK) guidelines for handling cytotoxic
years of experience with the median age of drugs in clinical settings. First part was
37.3 years old. Exclusion criteria were: ac- aimed to establish the participant’s under-
tive drinkers or smokers, known uncon- standings of hazards associated with their
trolled chronic medical conditions (cardiac jobs and existence or lack of resources to
problems, diabetes, arthritic related disorders help them to minimize such risks. The se-
and respiratory diseases), bleeding disorders, cond part was aimed at gathering any report-
any past cancer diagnosis or active compli- ed side effects which may be due to acute or
cated medical or surgical therapies in the chronic exposure to cytotoxic. Acute side
past 12 months. The aim of this stringent se- effects were classified as irritation of mucous
lection in terms of health and age was to membranes, eyes and skin, dizziness, head-
avoid any bias or any unrelated symptoms ache, nausea and vomiting. The question-
reporting by the nursing staff. Demographic naire had to be specific without causing any
details of all participants in this study are concerns for participants when answering the
shown in Table 1. questions. The questions had to be translated
from English to Persian without any loss of
meaning, therefore, expert opinions were
considered and once the translation was
completed, the questionnaire was validated.
The validation process was simply by vari-
ous pilot studies, cross referencing to clarify

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:491-501 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: December 20, 2013, accepted: May 08, 2014, published: May 09, 2014

the participant’s understandings and ulti- tions were used alone or in combination with
mately analyzing the findings and compari- each other. The surface sampling was done
son against the guidelines recommendations. before and after cytotoxic drugs preparations
using the identical standard operating proce-
Surface sampling and analysis dure for cleaning the surface. The results
Surface wipe samples were taken from were then compared bearing in mind the var-
the surface of the cabinets or isolators (where iations in cleaning solutions and following a
the drugs were prepared) before and after proper cleaning standard operating proce-
cleaning, as recommended by the interna- dure.
tional standards. The method was adopted
from previous works (Ziegler et al., 2002). Chemicals and materials
The samples from surfaces were taken by 5-Fluorouracil was purchased from
wiping thoroughly the surface with sterile Kocak Farma (Tekirdag, Turkey). Sodium
gauze (10 cm×10 cm) which had been wet- hydroxide was from Merck KGaA (Darm-
ted with 5 ml of 30 mM sodium hydroxide. stadt, Germany). Formic acid was obtained
All samples were collected into the separate from Merck Schuchardt OHG (Hohenbrunn,
sealed plastic boxes and kept at -18 °C be- Germany). Na Hypochlorite was purchased
fore the analysis. The formic acid with the from Tizpak (Khorasan, Iran), Isopropyl Al-
PH of 3 (5 ml) was added to each sample. cohol was from Sepidaj (Tehran, Iran), hy-
The prepared samples were then sonicated drogen peroxide was from Merck KGaA
and injected in to the HPLC. Analyses were (Darmstadt, Germany) and Triethanolamine
carried out with the HPLC system model was from Sinchem (Dongguo, Tengzhou,
SPDM-10ADvp from Shimadzu (Kyoto, Ja- Shandong, China).
pan) consisting of LC-10Advp binary pumps,
a SCL-10Avp controller, a SPD-M10Avp RESULTS
PDA detector and a DGU-14A degasser In this cross-sectional study, the site ob-
model and operated with Class-VP software servation was performed on multiple days
(Shimadzu Scientific instruments, Inc.). Sep- and on different individuals in order to de-
arations were done on a C18-M51002546 termine the risk of exposure, and the poten-
250 × 4.6 mm column from Hector (Venture tial contaminated work surfaces at each side
Town, South Korea). The mobile phase used of the hospital. List of all cytotoxic drugs
for chromatography was formic acid with the used in these centers were obtained and the
PH of 3, with a wavelength of 200 and flow most common ones were classified based on
rate of 1.4. The selectivity of the method and International Agency for Research on Cancer
accurate recognition of the substance (5-FU) (IARC, 1981) (Table 2).
was verified by the UV spectra. The work force studies were carried out
in each center and compared with the re-
Deactivator or cleaning solutions commendations by the guidelines. Recom-
We are proposing that one of the reasons mendations on training, transport, type of
for exposure to these drugs is the lack of isolators and maintenance of the clean room
suitable deactivator or cleaning solution in were compared with our centers (Table 3).
our investigated centers or indeed the lack of
existence of standard cleaning protocols.
New combinations of deactivating and clean-
ing agents were used and comparison be-
tween the current brands and recommended
cleaning solutions were made. The most
used agents are Na Hypochlorite, sterile wa-
ter, isopropyl alcohol 70 %, hydrogen perox-
ide and alkaline cleaning agents. These solu-

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:491-501 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: December 20, 2013, accepted: May 08, 2014, published: May 09, 2014

Table 2: Classification of common cytotoxic agents based on IARC

Cytotoxic Drugs IARC classifications * Frequency % # Contact exposure %
Methotrexate 3 43.6 68
5-Fluorouracil 3 42.7 67.3
Cyclophosphamide 1 30 41.2
Cisplatin 2A 18 24.3
MOPP regimen 1 16 21.6
Etoposide 1 11.1 11.3
Busulfan 1 9.7 6.5
Mitomycin C 2B 8.3 6
Bleomycins 2B 7.2 5.4
Adriamycin 2A 4.3 3.7
Vinblastine 3 4.1 3.6
Dacarbazine 2B 3.8 3
Melphalan 1 3.5 2.7
Group 1: carcinogenic to human
Group 2A: probably carcinogenic to humans
Group 2B: possibly carcinogenic to humans
Group 3: not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans
*Frequency: % of days in which drugs were used in six months
#Average percentage of contact exposure: calculated based on shift patterns, time of preparations and administrations on a
daily basis for a period of six months
MOPP regimen: Mechlorethamine, Vincristine (Oncovin), Procarbazine, Prednisone

Table 3: Comparison of recommendations by the guidelines against practices in cancer centers

Hospital practices AHSP/OSHA/HSE
No. of nurses employed All nurses employed in Based on clinical governance
in cytotoxic preparations Onc/Haem wards (no
specific defined clinical
Average no. of drug 14-26/day No specific numbers. Based on individual center’s work-
preparations for each force
Specific training courses Almost every 6 months Training on the adverse effects of cytotoxic drugs and
arranged by hospitals theoretical training, but the potential of long-term health risk. Each individual’s
not in all centers knowledge and technique should be evaluated. Written
examination and direct observation of the individual’s
performance is needed. All staff who will be compound-
ing hazardous drugs must be trained in the stringent
aseptic and negative-pressure techniques necessary for
working with sterile hazardous drugs.
Trained staff must demonstrate competence by an objec-
tive method, and competency must be reassessed on a
regular basis.
Drug transfer to wards Nurses by hand Drug transfer from aseptic unit by trained porters
Types of hoods Vertical laminar flow, any Negative-pressure isolators, Class II biological-safety
biological-safety cabinet cabinet
Frequency of cleaning Usually once after prepa- At least twice daily
workbench in a day rations in every shift
Detergent used for Saline, Alcohol Sterile Alcohol, Sterile water, Peroxide, Sodium hypo-
cleaning purposes chlorite solutions
Use of modalities to Non observed Fully described by all guidelines
avoid drug spread
Floor and furniture clean- Very infrequent (in one Ventilated cabinet should be cleaned two or three times
ing center no cleaning was daily for 24 hours service. Once weekly wall cleaning and
done) once monthly wall and ceiling cleaning
Individual protective Thin plastic cover or Double nitrile, powder free gloves are preferred.
measures gown, protective goggle, Disposable Gown made with long sleeves and tight-fitting
powder free latex, double elastic or knit cuffs
layer surgical mask were Respiratory protection
supplied but their use Eye protection: face shield, splash goggles
was infrequent by nurses

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:491-501 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: December 20, 2013, accepted: May 08, 2014, published: May 09, 2014

Using the validated questionnaire, we parts was the next one in line. The least level
aimed to investigate the prevalence of acute of reduction was by using the Triethanola-
adverse effects. The oncology/hematology mine with the reduction value of 71.5 %. The
rotational nursing staffs (rotation in various only “cleaning solution brand” used in the
medical/surgical as well as oncology/hema- cancer centers contains Propan-1-ol, Propan-
tology specialties) were compared in parallel 2-ol, Mecetronium ethyl sulfate with the
to the “non-oncology” nursing staff referred ability of contamination reduction of 77 %
as a control group. An acute adverse effect (Table 5).
such as skin irritation is the most reported In order to investigate the training ar-
one (38 %) by the nurses working in the on- rangements and the sources of such train-
cology units in comparison to the control. ings, the questionnaire included both direct
Skin irritation could be any rash and skin and open questions to establish the exact
redness (dermatitis like reactions) while sources. 52 % of nurses received information
working with cytotoxic agents. In all cases about cytotoxic drugs from text books and
nurses confirmed that they had no other rea- internet, 27 % from nursing associations and
sons or life style changes to be the cause for previous undergraduate training. Training
such reactions. Other reported acute adverse obtained from nursing co-workers was re-
effects by this group of nurses in order were ported by 14 % of the nurses and participa-
hair loss with 33 % of the nurses reporting tion in conferences was 3 %. Respectively, a
and nausea and vomiting with 26 %. The minute level, 4 % of the nurses received
questions presented to the nurses were; “In training program from the clinical settings
general, have you experienced more episodes directly while working as a nursing staff
of hair loss while working in your current (Table 6).
wards?” and “In general, have you experi- There was very limited training materials
enced more episodes of nausea and vomiting offered for nursing staff to read on or indeed
while working in your current ward?” The any specific continues profession develop-
results of comparing symptoms associated ment (CPD). The phrase “CPD” was unfa-
with occupational exposure to chemotherapy miliar to 63 % of the registered nursing staff
agents in both, exposed and control group participating in our investigation. However,
are indicated in Table 4. they all acknowledged that professional de-
One of the reasons for exposure could be velopment was always strongly recommend-
due to use of inappropriate cleaning solu- ed by the university lecturers and by many
tions. Therefore, the common cleaning and medical professional working alongside of
deactivating solutions were used to compare nurses such as pharmacists and medical doc-
the ability for reduction of contamination. tors. The lack of time, encouragement and
Sodium hypochlorite was the only solution limitation in number of staffing was a major
with the highest level of reduction and its reason for not being able to take on further
combination with sterile IPA 70 % in equal CPD shared by all the participants.

Table 4: Acute adverse effects reported by nursing staff using questionnaire

Groups Hair loss Skin irritation Nausea and vomiting
Oncology/hematology 33 % 38 % 26 %
Control 8% 4.5 % 5.5 %
P-value 0.001 0.000 0.01

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:491-501 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: December 20, 2013, accepted: May 08, 2014, published: May 09, 2014

Table 5: Comparison of common cleaning solutions using the HPLC method

Concentration Solution used for cleaning Concentration Reduction of
before cleaning after cleaning contamination
(μg/cm2) (μg/cm2) (%)
20.0 Na hypochlorite ND a 100 %
22.4 Na hypochlorite:IPA70 % (50:50) 0.2 98.8 %
1.2 H2O2+IPA+deionized water 0.0 97.5 %
15.0 IPA70 % 0.5 96 %
0.2 H2O2 0.0 93.7 %
9.4 The only Brand used in cancer 2.1 77 %
centers (Propan-1-ol, Propan-2-ol,
Mecetronium ethyl sulfate)
9.5 H2O2+TEA 2.6 72 %
2.4 Triethanolamine 0.7 71.5 %
Not detectable.
Surface sampling (average of three) was taken randomly from the surface of the isolators/cabinets where the preparations of
cytotoxic drugs were taking place. The method (adopted from Ziegler et al., 2002), before cleaning in comparison to the after
cleaning of the isolator surfaces (as described in our method section).

Table 6: Training methods on handling, manufacturing, administrating and disposing cytotoxic agents
for nursing staff
Questions Response (%)
Classes and training held by the hospitals 4
Participation in conferences 3
Information obtained from coworkers 14
Nursing associations and previous university training (during under- 27
graduate training)
Individual studies using various texts and internet 52

DISCUSSION with cytotoxic exposure and their actual us-

age of safety measures
To the best of our knowledge the pre-
sented manuscript is one of the most exten- (iii) Investigate and compare the level of
sive investigational studies in its own right acute side effects that were associated with
including the large number of participants occupational exposure to chemotherapy
and tackling occupational exposure in the agents in comparison to those working in
healthcare setting. The selected cancer cen- non-oncological units
ters in the capital city of Iran were offering (iv) Evaluate the current cleaning proce-
the appropriate participants as well as being dures and cleaning solutions against the re-
known as the premium cancer centers. The commended suitable cleaning and deactiva-
aim of this investigation was to evaluate the tor solution.
current practices of nursing staff working in Increasing utilization of chemotherapeu-
the oncology units and the level of exposure tic agents in treating patients with malignan-
to cytotoxic agents. This study was objective cy has led to the potential for widespread
in all aspects and was carried out in four dif- exposure of healthcare workers who come
ferent parts; into contact with patients or these agents in
(i) To investigate the procedure of cyto- the work place. Unfortunately, these drugs
toxic drug preparation and administration in are toxic to both the abnormal and normal
comparison to the guidelines somatic cells. This occurs in the patient, and
(ii) Assess the level of training and is also likely to affect any individual who is
knowledge of the nurses on risks associated exposed. There appear to be widely diver-

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:491-501 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: December 20, 2013, accepted: May 08, 2014, published: May 09, 2014

gent opinions concerning the extent of haz- (Sessink et al., 1997). Furthermore, occupa-
ard of coming into contact with these agents, tional safety and health administration guide-
in spite of which caution and minimizing ex- lines state that training of all staff involved
posure risk seems only prudent and appro- in any aspect of the handling of hazardous
priate. The known cytotoxic agents are clas- drugs is essential (IARC, 1981).
sified by the International Agency for Re- The nurses’ safe practice and the usage
search on Cancer based on the carcinogenici- of recommended health safety measures are
ty to the human due to exposure (Table 2). directly associated with the individual beliefs
Consumption or administration, direct con- rather than the rules and regulations pertain-
tact and inhalation are referred as the main ing to the cytotoxic drugs. Other studies had
exposure routes (IARC, 1981). Our results similar findings where beliefs about “what
show for instance, nursing staff (working 40 protection was required” had stronger corre-
hours a week for a period of six months) are lation with actual use than policy content in
exposed to group 1 classified agents (car- relation to the cytotoxic protection (Martin
cinogenic to human) in the oncology units and Larson, 2003). However, eating or
with contact exposure between 2.7 % for drinking was strictly forbidden in the prepa-
preparing Melphalan to 41.2 % for preparing ration room or indeed anywhere cytotoxic
Cyclophosphamide. Therefore, initially it is drugs were handled or prepared. In compari-
suggested that factors in preparation area like son, other studies did disclose that eating or
hood type, coverage plan, inlet and outlet even smoking was observed in the similar
filters, and filters replacement are important clinical settings (Aydemir et al., 2003). The
to reduce the exposure (Kopjar et al., 2009). findings about the use of personal protective
All employees exposed to chemotherapy equipment showed that all of the nurses were
agents require wearing the job specific re- using some protective equipment necessary
commended level of PPE as the guidelines. during the handling of cytotoxic drugs. For
Furthermore, the cleaning procedures condi- instance, all nurses were using gloves, masks
tion in the preparation and administration and gown when preparing the chemothera-
areas like appropriate space, exclusive use, peutic agents albeit not the exact recom-
access restrictions, presence of warning mended types by the guidelines (Al-Ghamdi
signs, dressing room, sinks, eyewash, show- and Al-Mustafa, 1997).
er, adequate lightening and ventilation, mi- Questionnaire data on work practices,
croclimate conditions, intact floor and walls potential exposure, extent of side effects, use
are also important to be considered (Sessink of protective personal equipment and rele-
et al., 1994). vant training were collected from all grades
Our results indicate that the level of of nursing staff and evaluated. For occupa-
knowledge of the nurses on the risks of ex- tional health services it is important to have
posure is satisfactory. However, the usages sensitive and specific methods for monitor-
of safety measures are not as recommended ing exposure to cytotoxic drugs (Kopjar et
by the mentioned guidelines (Table 3). Simi- al., 2009). The medical surveillance program
larly, other studies have reported that nurses should include general health questionnaires
handling the cytotoxic drugs don’t have sat- that should be completed upon hire, periodi-
isfactory level of knowledge about the risks cally (such as yearly), and at job termination.
(Habib and Karam, 1992). The lack of In our centers and in many developing coun-
knowledge on preventive measures is very tries no such questionnaires were offered,
much the point of concern as it increases the however, when such questionnaires were of-
health workers’ health and safety. Usually by fered, no objections were made by the clini-
participating in training programs, the level cal setting’s director (Chaudhary and Karn,
of knowledge will significantly improve and 2012). Therefore, this could be argued that
the safe practice is more likely to happen this level of ignorance is not intentional and

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:491-501 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: December 20, 2013, accepted: May 08, 2014, published: May 09, 2014

is due to lack of knowledge or resources to shelves. The traces of 5FU were commonly
deal with this type of issues. In majority of detected in our samples. Most of the contam-
developed countries, clinical or hospital ination was found inside the laminar flow or
pharmacists are heavily and actively in- safety cabinets (Ziegler et al., 2002). This
volved in staff training and aseptic manufac- finding could be expounded by the facts that
turing activities and management (Castiglia nurses are not trained and monitored for their
et al., 2008). The questionnaires were used to expertise on reconstitutions of cytotoxic
identify the level of exposures and reported drugs and not using the appropriate cleaning
acute side effects. In our recruited popula- solutions (Table 5). In similar studies
tion, one of the most common acute side ef- (Acampora et al., 2005; Castiglia et al.,
fects such as skin irritations were reported in 2008), it was proposed that the nursing staff
38 % of all oncology/hematology group in were exposed to the cytotoxic surface con-
comparison to only 4.5 % of the reported tamination due to the haphazard working
cases in control group. Likewise, other acute practices and cleaning procedures.
side effects such as hair loss as well as nau- The health care setting managers do not
sea and vomiting were significantly higher seem to be acting proactively when it comes
(Valanis et al., 1993b). This extraordinary to staff training and in some studies it has
level of acute adverse reporting was due to been suggested that the hospitals do the min-
the fact that participating oncolo- imum requirement to get away with the regu-
gy/hematology nursing staff were also rotat- lations (Sessink et al., 1994; Krstev et al.,
ing in various specialties and each were 2003). The main source of information for
comparing their own adverse effect experi- more than half of participants (52 %) re-
ences between oncology and non-oncology mains to be the individual readings either
rotations (Table 4). In similar pattern with from the text books or searching through the
other studies, the most prominent reported internet (Table 6). This level of reliant can be
side effect was skin irritation when the same very risky as the extent of searches can vary
number of female participants were consid- between the individual nursing staff and ma-
ered (Valanis et al., 1993b). In male partici- jority of available information are in English
pants, the hair loss was the most reported language where many nurses are unfamiliar
side effects with the average number of 8 % with it. The staff training should be conduct-
of the male nurse participants. Overall, the ed before beginning duties, at least yearly or
number of oncology/hematology nurses more often if deficiencies are observed. The
complaining of acute side effects due to oc- level of detail and complexity of training
cupational exposure to drugs in male and should be tailored to the specific job area.
female participants was significantly higher This study suggests that although the ex-
when compared against those in control act existing guidelines are not compatible to
group (Valanis et al., 1993a, b). Due to its be followed in our centers, but with some
importance, in many developed countries modifications, major improvements will be
following the strict in house guidelines a possible. Data from the validated question-
complete blood count with differential and naires are strongly linking the risk of occu-
additional tests such as liver function test are pational hazard and current practices. The
required for those at risk of cytotoxic expo- reported adverse effects as a result of current
sure (Sessink et al., 1994).   exposure are apparent. In order to reduce the
The contamination rate of 5FU as the contamination in the working areas, immedi-
most commonly used drug in these centers ate actions should be taken. More efficient
was measured. The sample locations includ- cleaning procedure with the use of proper
ed places in the cytotoxic production area cleaning solvents and enhanced cleaning fre-
such as working surfaces, in the storage and quencies should be offered. Ultimately, prac-
checking room, refrigerator and storage tical suggestions and training from the clini-

EXCLI Journal 2014;13:491-501 – ISSN 1611-2156
Received: December 20, 2013, accepted: May 08, 2014, published: May 09, 2014

cal and aseptic pharmacists will significantly Castiglia L, Miraglia N, Pieri M, Simonelli A, Basili-
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