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TASK 4: ESSAYS (1000 words)

How to overcome obesity?

Based on The Economist Intelligence Unit’s “Tackling Obesity in Asean” report
released on June 1, Malaysia’s obesity prevalence is 13.3% while 38.5% of the
population is obesity. In Malaysia, obesity is most common amongst adults but can
also affect the elderly, teenagers, and even children. It will increases Malaysian’s risk
for ailments like heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancers, mental
health problems, and more. According to Datuk Bung Moktar Radin, he has declared
that there is a high rate of obesity among Malaysians because they are prosperous
and well-fed. Problem of obesity will be solved, If they are keen and proof of action to
overcome it.

First of all,they shall work closely with doctor and nutritionists. The majority of
cases of obesity are caused by their diet and lifestyle choices. They gain weight when
they take in more calories like either due to having a sedentary lifestyle, eating an
unhealthy diet, or both than burn through daily activities. In case, doctor can help to
overcome obesity. For examples, People who facing the problem of obesity can see a
doctor regularly to monitor for and treat other health conditions, such as diabetes,
high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Often, doctor can refer them to a
nutritionist. If they also collaborate with a nutritionist, problem of obesity can be solved.
Nutritionists are professionals trained to help people who keen to overcome obesity
eat healthy in the way that’s best for them. For examples, nutritionist can help obese
people to create a suitable meal plan, and to ensure them get all the vitamins and
minerals they need while eating to lose weight.

Diet control is important for obese people. Therefore, they shall eat fewer calories
and choose foods with low energy density. According to National Heart, Lung, and
Blood Institute, in general, eating plans that contain 1,200-1,500 calories each day will
help most women lose weight safely; however, eating plans that contain 1,500–1,800
calories each day are suitable for men and for women who weigh more or who
exercise regularly. Eating fewer calories is a way to safely and effectively overcome
obesity naturally. For examples, people who keen to overcome obesity can record
what they eat and how many calories have getting from their food. This way can
overcome their obesity. If obese people want to limit calories without losing nutritional
value, they can choose the low energy density foods likes fruits and vegetables.
According to healthline(2017), fruits and vegetables are genarally low in fat and
calories. They can also make their meal with whole grain. For examples, choose
whole wheat bread, rice, pasta, oats, and quinoa can lose their weight safely.

Besides that, junk food and sweets contain a lot of calories but in a small portion.
Junk food like chips, soda, and snacks contain lots of fat and sugar. It will quickly add
to their calories count. Therefore, people must limit and keep away these items in their
diet. People shall try to avoid high-fat items. Not only that, people shall also cut down
on sweet. In genarally, sugars add lots of calories and will cause health problems like
diabetes. Therefore, people shall try not to eat lots of sweets, desserts and sugary
drinks like sweetened coffee and tea and flavored water. People can Invigorate
regular water with natural flavors like mint or cucumber. This will cause people
overcome their problems of obesity.

Exercising is also important for obese people. According to Daniels Hussar

(2012), 30 minutes of moderate exeecise every day best for weight loss. Therefore,
people can get sweaty. They can try to make exercise be a part of their lifestyle. For
examples, take hikes, go swimming and others. All of this can improve health and the
problem of obese can be solved. The most important thing is enjoy when exercise and
keep it fun. If they have been overweight, they may have to start slowly. They can set
a small goal for themself. For examples, obese people can take a 15 minute walk
everyday this week. According to Meghan Rabbit(2018), When they adapt to this level,
they can start to take 30 minute walk everday, most days for the week. If they start to
consistently get exerise, it will become a good habit and obese people can overcome
their obese problem.

People who facing the obese problem can get a personal trainer. According to
Paige Waehner(2017), if they want to lose weight and get healthy, hiring a personal
trainer can be a step in right direction. Personal trainers can teach them how to
exercise properly and safely, and can be very motivational. Personal trainer can teach
them appropriate form for exercises and help them to develop a consistent plan with
gradually increasing levels of difficulty. A good trainer can help them to set up a
program that meets their goals and teach them the best way to exercise. According to
him again, finding and choosing a trainer can be a little confusing. It’s not easy asking
for help, but going in with more knowledge about how personal training works can
make it a little easier. If a personal trainer is out of their price range, try joining a class
at the gym or YMCA. Although they won’t get as much individualized attention, but
they will still have camaraderie and support from others.

People shall get 8 hours of sleep every night. According to healthline, the healthy
amount of sleep for average adult is around seven to eight hours each night. Poor
sleep habits will increase the body’s energy needs. At night, need for calories is
reduced and brain will release chemicals to signal hunger. This can lead to eating
more, exercising less and become obesity. Therefore, mantain a healthy and
consistent sleep schedule. For examples, they can set regular times to go to bed and
wake up, avoid napping during the day, avoid caffeine after 4 pm, or earlier if sensitive
to caffeine and try to create a relaxing ritual before bed such as taking a hot bath.
Through this way, their obese problem can be solved and stay healthy.

In conclusion, according to weight loss management (2018), obesity statistics in

Malaysia are getting scarier by the day. The World Health Organization(WHO) survey
in 2010 ranked Malaysia as sixth in Asia with the highest adult obesity rate. There are
the ways to overome obesity such as work closely with doctor and nutritionists, eat
fewer calories and choose foods with low energy density, cut on junk food and sweets,
exercising, get a personal trainer and get 8 hours of sleep every night. If Malaysian
can follow all of this ways, the problem of obesity in Malaysia can be solved and stay

(1130 words)

April Daniels Hussar.(2012, September 21). Study: 30 minutes of daily exercise best
for weight loss. Retrieved from
https://www.self.com/story/study-30-minutes-of-daily-exer. [28.08.2018].

Healthline.(2016, October 17). How does Seven to Eight Hours of Sleep Affect Your
Body? Retrieved from

Loh Foon Fong.(2018, Mar 12). Star online : Does Prosperity lead to obesity?
Retrieved from

Meghan Rabbitt.(2018, September 29). 7 Incredible Health Benefits of Walking 30

Minutes a Day. Retrieved from
Natalie Butler, RD, LD. (2017, October 5). Lsit of the bestLow-Carb Fruits and
Vegetables. Retrieved from

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.(2018). Healthy Eating Plan. Retrieved
from https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/educational/lose_wt/eat/calories.htm.

Piage Waehner. (2017 October 2017). Why a Personal Trainer May Be Right For You.
Retrieved from

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