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0 Word is a single unit of language which has meaning

0 Kata adalah unit terkecil dari bahasa atau kalimat yang
memiliki arti

0 Class of words :
0 Noun (kata benda)
0 Verb (kata kerja)
0 Adjective (kata sifat)
0 Adverb (kata keterangan)
0 Pronoun (pengganti kata benda)
0 Preposition (kata depan)
0 Conjunction (kata hubung)
0 Determiner (kata penentu)
0 Exclamation (kata seru/seruan)
Kata yang menjelaskan :
0 Mahluk hidup (orang, hewan, tumbuhan)
0 Man, woman, dog, cat, tree
0 Benda mati
0 Stone, ball, fan, table, pen
0 Tempat
0 Temple, stadium, mall, beach, mountain
0 Pikiran, ide, pernyataan, kualitas (kecantikan, kepintaran, dll)
0 Truth, danger, birth, happiness, beauty
0 Contoh :
0 An apple
0 A man
0 A temple
0 A ball
0 A cat
0 Kata yang menjelaskan sesuatu yang dilakukan oleh
subjek atau sesuatu yang terjadi

0 Action (tindakan) - run, travel, study

0 Event (kejadian) - rain, occur
0 Situation (situasi) - be, seem, have
0 Change (perubahan) - become, grow, develop
0 Contoh :
0 A man stands
0 A cat eats
0 Students play
0 It occurs
0 You seem happy
0 She is smart
0 We are hungry
0 Banana tree grows fast
Kata yang menjelaskan kata benda itu sendiri

Contoh :
Beautiful, friendly, angry, old, young, small, big, sweet
0 Contoh :
0 An old man stands
0 A brown cat eats
0 Young students play
0 A sweet apple
Kata yang menjelaskan bagaimana kata kerja itu

0 Contoh : seriously, carefully, well, very, really, loudly

0 Contoh :
0 An old man stands well
0 A brown cat eats carefully
0 Young students play seriously
0 He is very smart
0 I really miss them
List of Noun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb
Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
Accept Acceptance Acceptable
Achieve Achievement Achievable
Act Action, activity, Active Actively
Add Addition Additional
Advise Advice Advisable
Amuse Amusement Amusing
Attract Attraction Attractive
Bleed Blood Bloody
Bore Boredom Boring
Breathe Breath Breathing
Bury Burial Buried
Care Care Careful Carefully
Choose Choice Chosen
List of Noun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb
Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
Clear Clarity Clear Clearly
Collect Collection Collective Collectively
Comfort Comfort Comfortable Comfortably
Confuse Confusion Confused
Continue Continuity Continuous Continuously
Craze Craze Crazy Crazily
Create Creation Creative Creatively
Damage Damage Damaged
Decide Decision Decisive
Decorate Decoration Decorative
Die Death Dead
Differ Difference Different Differently
Empower Power Powerful Powerfully
List of Noun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb
Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
Empty Emptiness Empty
Endanger Danger Dangerous Dangerously
Envy Envy Envious Enviously
Expect Expectation Expected Expectedly
Explain Explanation Explainable
Explore Exploration Exploring
Feed Food
Fly Flight Flying
Grow Growth Growing Growingly
Harm Harm Harmful Harmfully
Hate Hatred Hateful Hatefully
Heal Health Healthy Healthily
Hope Hope Hopeful Hopefully
List of Noun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb
Verb Noun Adjective Adverb
Inform Information Informative
Injure Injury Injurious Injuriously
Introduce Introduction Introductory
Live Life, Liveliness Lively, Alive Livingly
Lose Loss Lost
Move Movement Movable Movingly
Perform Performance Performing
Persuade Persuasion Persuasive
Please Pleasure Pleasant
Quicken Quickness Quick Quickly
See Scene, Sight Scenic
Whiten Whiteness White
Blacken Blakness Black
Fast Fast Fast Fast
Slow Slow Slowly
Pronoun adalah kata ganti yang digunakan untuk mengganti kata benda yang sudah
diketahui atau sudah disebutkan sebelumnya.

Person Subjective Objective Possessive Possessive Reflexive

pronoun pronoun pronoun adjective pronoun
1st singular I me mine My myself
2nd singular You you yours Your yourself
3rd singular He him his His himself
3rd singular She her hers Her herself
3rd singular It it its Its itself
1st plural We us ours Our ourselves
2nd plural You you yours Your yourselves
3rd plural They them theirs Their themselves
Subjective Pronoun
0 Contoh :
0 An old man stands well
0 He stands well
0 A brown cat eats fish carefully
0 It eats fish carefully
0 Young students play football seriously
0 They play football seriously
Objective Pronoun
0 I like her.
0 She wants to go there with him.
0 We play football with them.
0 He gives us money.
Possessive Pronoun
0 This book is mine.
0 That car is hers.
0 These books are yours.
Possessive Adjective
0 My friend is kind.
0 Their meals are so delicious.
0 Her dog is cute.
0 I like your shoes.
0 We play with his brother.
Reflexive Pronoun
0 I do my homework by myself.
0 She loves herself.
0 They cannot do it by themselves.
0 The dog heals pain by itself.
0 Preposition adalah kata depan yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan posisi,
waktu, atau bagaimana cara sesuatu dilakukan.

0 Her bag is under the chair

0 I ran between Putu and Komang

0 They arrived on Sunday

0 The lesson starts at 5 p.m.
0 They move to Denpasar after graduated

0 I go to school by bicycle
0 I do my homework without watching
List of Preposition
Preposition Meaning Preposition Meaning
Aboard Di atas At Di, kepada, pada
About Tentang, sekitar Before Sebelum
Above Di atas Behind Di belakang
Absent Tidak menghadiri Below Di bawah
Across Seberang Beneath Di bawah
After Setelah
Beside Di samping, sebelah
Against Melawan, terhadap
Besides Selain, lagi pula
Along Sepanjang, beserta
Between Di antara
Alongside Di samping
Beyond Melebihi
Amid Di tengah tengah
But Tetapi
Among Di antara
By Oleh, dengan
Amongst Antara
Circa Kira-kira, sekitar
Anti Anti
Around Sekitar, sekeliling Concerning Tentang, mengenai
Considering Penimbangan
Sama, misalnya,
As sebagai Despite Meski, walau
List of Preposition
Preposition Meaning Preposition Meaning
Down Di bawah Near Dekat
During Selama Of Dari, pada
Except Kecuali Off Terlepas dari
Excepting Perkecualian On Di atas,, pada
Excluding Tidak termasuk Onto Atas
Failing Kelemahan Opposite Berlawanan
Following Mengikuti, setelah Outside Di luar
For Untuk, karena, bagi Over Atas, di atas
From Dari, sejak Past Lewat
Given Memberikan Per Tiap, setiap
In Di, dalam, pada Plus Lebih
Inside Di dalam Regarding Sehubungan dengan
Into Ke dalam Round Mengelilingi
Like Seperti, ingin Save Menghemat
Minus Kurang Since Sejak
List of Preposition
Preposition Meaning Preposition Meaning
Than Dari, daripada Without Tanpa
Through Melalui
To Untuk, ke, kpd, hingga
Toward Terhadap
Towards Menuju
Under Di bawah
Underneath Di bawah
Unlike Tak sama
Until Hingga
Up Ke atas
Upon Di atas
Versus Melawan
Via Melalui
With Dengan
Within Dalam
0 Conjunction adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan kata,
frasa, clausa, atau kalimat yang satu dengan yang lain

0 He is smart
0 He is naughty
0 He is smart but naughty
0 I love fried chicken
0 I love pizza
0 I love friend chicken and pizza

0 I go to bed because I am tired

0 We wait at home until she arrived
List of Conjunction
Conjunction Meaning Example

And Dan I like candy and cake

Sementara, seperti,
As I try to read seriously as what you asked
karena, meskipun

Because Karena She doesn’t like cake because she has an allergy
But Tetapi He is smart but naughty
For Karena, untuk I need bicycle for commuting to work
Just as Sama seperti Jim is running just as fast as his friend
Or Atau You can choose the black bag or blue bag
Neither Baik, maupun Neither the black dress nor the gray looks right
Nor …maupun, …tidak, pun on me
Not only Tidak hanya Not only food that I need but also drink
So Jadi, sehingga, agar They need to learn hard so they could pass the test
Whether Apakah I doubt whether we can do it
Yet Namun, tetapi John tries hard in school yet he cannot pass the test
0 Determiner adalah kata yang menjelaskan kata benda. Kata ini biasanya
digunakan ketika kata benda disebutkan secara spesifik atau sudah
0 Contoh : a/an, the, every, this, these, that, those, many.

0 A black cat
0 An interesting game
0 The bad guy
0 This cat
0 These cats
0 That dog
0 Those dogs
0 Every cat
0 Many cats
0 Exclamation adalah kata seru atau seruan yang digunakan untuk
mengungkapkan perasaan yang kuat seperti kejutan, kemarahan,
kegembiraan, ucapan selamat atau sapaan. Kata ini biasanya diikuti
dengan penggunaan tanda seru ‘!’

0 Contoh :
0 How wonderful!
0 Surprise!
0 Ow! That hurt!
0 Hello!
0 Good job!
0 Phrase adalah gabungan kata tanpa predikat (verb)
yang nantinya akan membentuk sebuah kalimat.
0 Types of phrases :
0 Noun phrase (a good friend)
0 Verb phrase (were waiting for the movie)
0 Prepositional phrase (after the meal)
0 Adverbial phrase (around the block)
0 Sebuah frasa (phrase) tidak berisi subjek yang
mengerjakan sesuatu.
0 Examples :
0 Reading a book
0 The tall football player
0 Clause is gabungan kata yang berisi subjek dan
predikat (verb).
0 Examples :
0 I eat banana
0 She speaks clearly
0 We play football
0 It barks him
0 He sings well
0 They sleep after the meal
0 He cooks fried rice
0 They sweep the floor
0 She washes her clothes
0 I play badminton
0 You speak loudly
0 Kalimat adalah gabungan kata yang memiliki arti dan makna.
0 Sebuah kalimat sederhana setidaknya memiliki subjek dan predikat.

0 Sentence types :
0 Simple sentence : the dog is eating
0 Compound sentence : the dog is eating and drinking
0 Complex sentence : the dog which is eating is happy

0 Dari segi tujuan :

0 Declarative sentence : memberi informasi
0 Interrogative sentence : menanyakan sesuatu
0 Exclamatory sentence : menyatakan sesuatu yang luar biasa
0 Imperative sentence : memberitahu atau memerintahkan seseorang
0 Dari segi waktu (Tenses) :
0 Present Tense : menjelaskan hal yang terjadi saat ini
0 Past Tense : menjelaskan hal yang terjadi pada masa lampau
0 Future Tense : menjelaskan hal yang terjadi pada masa yang akan datang

0 Dari segi bentuk kalimat :

0 Positive sentence : I like banana.
0 Negative sentence : I do not like banana.
0 Interrogative sentence : Do you like banana?
 Present Tense  Future Tense
0 Simple Present Tense 0 Simple Future Tense
0 Present Continuous Tense 0 Future Continuous Tense
0 Present Perfect Tense 0 Future Perfect Tense
0 Present Perfect Continuous Tense 0 Future Perfect Continuous Tense
 Past Tense  Past Future Tense
0 Simple Past Tense 0 Simple Past Future Tense
0 Past Continuous Tense 0 Past Future Continuous Tense
0 Past Perfect Tense 0 Past Future Perfect Tense
0 Past Perfect Continuous Tense 0 Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Present Tense
To be ( linking verb)
Person Subject to be (LV) Sentence Example

1st person singular I am I am a student, I am happy

2nd person singular You are You are kind, you are teacher

3rd person singular

He is He is smart, he is a doctor

3rd person singular

She is She is pretty, she is an actress

3rd person (thing) It is It is a dog, it is funny

1st person plural We are We are sad, we are student

2nd person plural You are You are lazy, you are soldier

3rd person plural They are They are friendly, they are pilot
Simple Present Tense
0 Jenis Present Tense
0 Simple Present
0 Bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan fakta, kebiasaan, dan kejadian yang
terjadi saat ini.

Rumus Kata Sinyal

Always, every, never, normally, often,

S + V1 + s/es
sometimes, usually, seldom

Kalimat Positif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

S + V1 + s/es S + do/does not + V1 Do/does + S + V1 + ?

S + to be (is/am/are) + N/Adj S + to be + not + N/Adj to be + S + N/Adj + ?
Car has four wheels Car does not have four wheels Does car have four wheels?

I study everyday I do not study everyday Do you study everyday?

She is student She is not student Is she student?

They do not wake up every Do they wake up every
They wake up every morning
morning morning?
Simple Present Tense
0 Jenis Present Tense
0 Simple Present
Kalimat Positif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya
S + V1 + s/es S + do/does not + V1 Do/does + S + V1 + ?
S + to be (is/am/are) + N/Adj S + to be + not + N/Adj to be + S + N/Adj + ?
Car has four wheels Car does not have four wheels Does car have four wheels?
I study everyday I do not study everyday Do you study everyday?
She is student She is not student Is she student?
They do not wake up every Do they wake up every
They wake up every morning
morning morning?

We have a red car We do not have a red car Do we have a red car?

You are teacher You are not teacher Are you teacher?

He loves strawberry He does not love strawberry Does he love strawberry?

The dog eats its food The dog does not eat its food Does the dog eat its food?
Simple Present Tense
1. I ____ book.
2. She ____ a letter.
3. We ____ badminton.
4. Lita ____ fried rice.
5. The teachers ____ car.
6. He ____ his motorcycle.
7. The dog ____ its food.
8. They ____ to school.
9. My friend and I ____ fried chicken.
10. You ____ a student.
Simple Present Tense
1. I read book.
2. She writes a letter.
3. We play badminton.
4. Lita cooks fried rice.
5. The teachers drive car.
6. He rides his motorcycle.
7. The dog eats its food.
8. They go to school.
9. My friend and I love fried chicken.
10. You are a student.
Simple Present Tense
1. I do not read book.
2. She does not write a letter.
3. We do not play badminton.
4. Lita does not cook fried rice.
5. The teachers do not drive car.
6. He does not ride his motorcycle.
7. The dog does not eat its food.
8. They do not go to school.
9. My friend and I do not love fried chicken.
10. You are not a student.
Simple Present Tense
1. Do you read book?
2. Does she write a letter?
3. Do we play badminton?
4. Does she cook fried rice?
5. Do they drive car?
6. Does he ride his motorcycle?
7. Does the dog eat its food?
8. Do they go to school?
9. Do we love fried chicken?
10. Are you a student?
Simple Present Tense

1. She ____ water. a. are

2. They always ____ up in the morning. b. wake
3. Joni never ____ to school by bicycle. c. speak
4. He ____ a black cat. d. boil
5. We sometime ____ movies together. e. go
6. I ____ the floor every Sunday. f. play
7. Teacher ____ clearly in front of the class. g. seem
8. All of the students ____ happy. h. sweep
9. You ____ friendly. i. watch
10. I ____ basketball rarely. j. have
Simple Present Tense

1. She boils water. a. are

2. They always wake up in the morning. b. wake
3. Joni never goes to school by bicycle. c. speak
4. He has a black cat. d. boil
5. We sometime watch movies together. e. go
6. I sweep the floor every Sunday. f. play
7. Teacher speaks clearly in front of the class. g. seem
8. All of the students seem happy. h. sweep
9. You are friendly. i. watch
10. I play basketball rarely. j. have
Simple Present Tense
Simple Present Tense
Simple Present Tense
Andy’s Routine
Andy is a businessman. He always gets up
every morning. He does not forget to make his
bed tidy. After that, he takes a bath and has
breakfast before going to work. After having
breakfast, he goes to work until 2 p.m. He often
goes for shopping at supermarket. He also often
to walk his dog at city park near his house. Every
Saturday night, he has dinner with his partner. He
always watches TV and reads book at night. Then,
he goes to bed.
Present Continuous Tense
0 Jenis Present Tense
0 Present Continuous
0 Bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung
saat pembicaraan sedang berlangsung serta rencana di masa depan.

Rumus Kata Sinyal

At the moment, just now, right now,

S + to be (am/is/are) + Ving
now, Listen! Look!

Kalimat Positif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

S + to be + Ving S + to be + not + Ving to be + S + Ving + ?

I am studying right now I am not studying right now Are you studying right now?

Listen! Look at me!

Look! He is talking with his
They are playing games at the They are not playing games at Are they playing games at the
moment the moment moment?
Present Continuous Tense
0 We are studying right now.
0 They are playing badminton.

+ 0 I am standing just now.

0 She is waiting at the moment.
0 He is praying now.

0 We are not studying right now.

0 They are not playing badminton.

- 0 I am not standing just now.

0 She is not waiting at the moment.
0 He is not praying now.

0 Are we studying right now?

0 Are they playing badminton?
0 Am I standing just now? / Are you standing just now?
0 Is she waiting at the moment?
0 Is he praying now?
Present Continuous Tense
Present Continuous Tense
Present Perfect Tense
0 Jenis Present Tense
0 Present Perfect
0 Bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang masih sedang
berlangsung atau baru saja selesai. Tense ini menekankan pada hasil.

Rumus Kata Sinyal

Already, ever, just, never, not yet, so far,

S + has/have + V3 (past participle)
till now, up to now

Kalimat Positif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

S + has/have + V3 S + has/have + not + V3 Has/have + S + V3 + ?

He has already finished his He has not already finished his Has he already finished his
homework homework homework?
I have already eaten I have not eaten yet Have you eaten so far?
Present Perfect Tense
0 Menunjukkan suatu pengalaman
0 I think I have seen the movie before
0 Menunjukkan suatu perubahan
0 Your English has really improved since you studied in America
0 Menunjukkan suatu pencapaian
0 My daughter has learned how to read
0 Menunjukkan suatu kejadian yang belum selesai
0 I’m so worry, my boy has still not arrived from school
0 Menunjukkan beberapa kejadian dalam waktu yang berbeda
0 I have seen several doctor for my illness
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
0 Jenis Present Tense
0 Present Perfect Continuous
0 Bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang telah selesai di masa
lampau atau kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan di masa lampau dan berlanjut
hingga sekarang.

Rumus Kata Sinyal

For the past 5 years, the whole week,

S + has/have + been + Ving

Kalimat Positif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

S + has/have + been + Ving S + has/have + not + Ving Has/have + S + been + Ving + ?

He has been working here for He has not been working here Has he been working here for
the past 3 years for the past 3 years the past 3 years?
I have been living here since I have not been living here Have you been living here since
1996 since 1996 1996?
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
0 It has been raining for two hours today.
0 Hari ini sudah hujan selama dua jam.
0 I have been learning English since six years old.
0 Saya sudah belajar bahasa Inggris sejak umur enam tahun.
0 She has been watching TV since morning.
0 Dia sudah menonton TV sejak pagi.
0 They have been smoking for 3 months.
0 Mereka sudah merokok selama 3 bulan.
0 John has been playing game for the whole day.
0 John sudah bermain game seharian.
Past Tense
To be ( linking verb)
Person Subject to be (LV) Sentence Example

1st person singular I was I was a student, I was happy

2nd person singular You were You were kind, you were teacher

3rd person singular

He was He was smart, he was a doctor

3rd person singular

She was She was pretty, she was an actress

3rd person (thing) It was It was a dog, it was funny

1st person plural We were We were sad, we were student

2nd person plural You were You were lazy, you were soldier

3rd person plural They were They were friendly, they were pilot
Simple Past Tense
0 Jenis Past Tense
0 Simple Past
0 Bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi di masa

Rumus Kata Sinyal

Yesterday, 2 minutes ago, in 1996, last

S + V2
Wednesday, last week, last year, this
S + to be (was/were) + Adj/N

Kalimat Positif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

S + V2 S + did not + V1 Did + S + V1 + ?

S + to be (was/were) + Adj/N S + was/were not + Adj/N Was/were + S + Adj/N + ?
I ate pizza yesterday I did not eat pizza yesterday Did you eat pizza yesterday?
She did not study 2 minutes
She studied 2 minutes ago Did she study 2 minutes ago?
They were student in 1996 They were not student in 1996 Were they student in 1996?
She was not happy this
She was happy this morning Was she happy this morning?
Simple Past Tense
Kalimat Positif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

S + V2 S + did not + V1 Did + S + V1 + ?

S + to be (was/were) + Adj/N S + was/were not + Adj/N Was/were + S + Adj/N + ?
She was not angry this
She was angry this afternoon Was she angry this morning?
We did not take a bath
We took a bath yesterday Did we take a bath yesterday?
He slept this morning He did not sleep this morning Did he sleep this morning?
The mouse did not eat the
The mouse ate the cheese Did the mouse eat the cheese?
You cooked salad You did not cook salad Did you cook salad?

They were happy They were not happy Were they happy?
Adam played baseball Adam did not play baseball Did Adam play baseball
yesterday yesterday yesterday?
You were a doctor You were not a doctor Were you a doctor?

She was glad She was not glad Was she glad?

Lidia swept the floor Lidia did not sweep the floor Did Lidia sweep the floor?
Simple Past Tense
1. I ___ up early this morning. (wake)
2. She ____ spinach last week. (eat)
3. John ____ to his office last Sunday. (go)
4. They ____ the floor two days ago. (sweep)
5. We ____ a bath in the river yesterday. (take)
6. Cindy ____ a student in 1998. (is)
7. You ___ a glass on the table yesterday. (put)
8. We ____ horror movie. (love)
9. My father and I ____ crispy crab last month. (cook)
10. They ____ teacher last year. (are)
Simple Past Tense
1. I woke up early this morning. (wake)
2. She ate spinach last week. (eat)
3. John went to his office last Sunday. (go)
4. They swept the floor two days ago. (sweep)
5. We took a bath in the river yesterday. (take)
6. Cindy was a student in 1998. (is)
7. You put a glass on the table yesterday. (put)
8. We loved horror movie. (love)
9. My father and I cooked crispy crab last month.
10. They were teacher last year. (are)
Simple Present & Past Tense
1. I ___ up early every morning. (get)
2. She ____ her clothes last week. (wash)
3. Brian ____ for fishing every Sunday. (go)
4. They ____ computer two days ago. (buy)
5. We ____ our homework yesterday. (make)
6. Bella ____ a student. (is)
7. You always ___ my glass. (break)
8. She never ____ horror movie. (watch)
9. My friends and I ____ football last month. (play)
10. They ____ late three days ago. (are)
Simple Present & Past Tense
1. I get up early every morning. (get)
2. She washed her clothes last week. (wash)
3. Brian goes for fishing every Sunday. (go)
4. They bought computer two days ago. (buy)
5. We made our homework yesterday. (make)
6. Bella is a student. (is)
7. You always break my glass. (break)
8. She never watches horror movie. (watch)
9. My friends and I played football last month. (play)
10. They were late three days ago. (are)
Simple Past Tense
Simple Past Tense
One day my uncle told me about his childhood. When he was ten years old, he
liked to climb a mango tree. He usually climbed the tree with some friends. Then
they picked some mangoes without permission. Yap, they liked to steal mangoes.
They frequently ate mangoes on the tree. They had prepared a fruit peeler and a
plastic bag for the garbage. What a good preparation! They didn’t want to throw the
garbage everywhere. They kept the environment clean. That’s a good point. But
stealing fruits is a bad point.
My uncle said it was so fun. Sometimes they were caught by the owners. They
had ever met both kind and unkind owners. A kind owner was never angry to them.
She/he let them pick some mangoes. “Don’t eat too many mangoes or you will get a
stomachache” a kind owner advised one day. Meanwhile an unkind owner punished
them to clean a pool and back yard.
There was one owner who was really angry to them. Then he came to the kids’
parents and asked for much money for the mangoes they had eaten. Their parents
couldn’t afford it. The owner gave them some weeks to pay or he would call the
police. Then he and his friends tried to earn money to help their parents. After school
he worked at a car wash.
My uncle learnt that earning money was not easy. But it wasn’t impossible. After
three weeks, he could gave the money to the mango-tree owner. Magically, the owner
turned into a nice guy and asked my uncle to keep the money. He gave the money to
his parents. Finally he never stole the mangoes anymore but still liked to climb a
mango tree.
Past Continuous Tense
0 Jenis Past Tense
0 Past Continuous
0 Bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung
pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau serta kegiatan yang menginterupsi kejadian
Rumus Kata Sinyal

When, while, as long as, at this time

S + to be (was/were) + Ving

Kalimat Positif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

S + to be (was/were) +Ving S + to be + not + Ving to be + S + Ving + ?

Was I eating yesterday at 5 pm?

I was not eating yesterday at 5
I was eating yesterday at 5 p.m. Were you eating yesterday at 5
They were studying when Boy They were not studying when Were they studying when Boy
came Boy came came?
Lia and Adit were watching Lia and Adit were not watching Were Lia and Adit watching
while Cindy was washing while Cindy was washing while Cindy was washing?
Past Continuous Tense
0 We were studying yesterday at 7 p.m.
0 They were playing badminton when he studied.

+ 0 I was standing while John was sweeping.

0 We were not studying yesterday at 7 p.m.

0 They were not playing badminton when he studied.

- 0 I was not standing while John was not sweeping.

0 Were we studying yesterday at 7 p.m.?

0 Were they playing badminton when he studied?
0 Were you standing while John was sweeping?
Past Continuous Tense
Past Continuous Tense
Past Continuous Tense
Past Continuous Tense
Past Continuous Tense
Past Perfect Tense
0 Jenis Past Tense
0 Past Perfect
0 Bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang terjadi sebelum
waktu tertentu di masa lampau. Tense ini menekankan pada fakta daripada
Rumus Kata Sinyal

Before yesterday, till three days ago,

S + had + V3 (past participle)
already, until that day

Kalimat Positif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

S + had +V3 S + had + not + V3 had + S + V3 + ?

The students had gotten The students had not gotten Had the students gotten
warning before their parents warning before their parents warning before their parents
came came came?
When he came last night, the When he came last night, the Had the cake run out when he
cake had run out cake had not run out came last night?
I had not already eaten
I had already eaten breakfast Had I already eaten breakfast
breakfast by the time he picked
by the time he picked me up by the time he picked me up?
me up
Past Perfect Tense
0 Mengekspresikan aksi masa lampau yang telah selesai terjadi
sebelum past event lainnya.
0 Prior to the proclamation, Indonesia had been colonized by Japan for 3 years.
(Sebelum proklamasi, Indonesia telah dijajah Jepang selama 3 tahun.)

0 Menunjukkan seberapa sering sesuatu terjadi di masa lampau.

0 They had met twice before married. (Mereka bertemu dua kali sebelum

0 Menunjukkan reported speech

0 He said that he had listened carefully the instruction. (Dia mengatakan bahwa
dia telah mendengarkan instruksi dengan penuh perhatian.)

0 Mengekspresikan harapan atau impian yang tidak tercapai

0 Rina would been the same level with me if she had studied harder. (Rina akan
pada level yang sama dengan saya jika dia belajar lebih giat.)
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
0 Jenis Past Tense
0 Past Perfect Continuous
0 Bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang terjadi di masa
lampau dan telah selesai di masa lampau. Tense ini menekankan pada durasi
Rumus Kata Sinyal

S + had + been + Ving For, since, the whole day, all day

Kalimat Positif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

S + had + been +Ving S + had + not + been + Ving had + S + been + Ving + ?

I had been sleeping for a while I had not been sleeping for a Had I been sleeping for a while
when a woman knocked on my while when a woman knocked when a woman knocked on my
door on my door door?
The driver had been driving for The driver had not been Had the driver been driving for
over six hours before the driving for over six hours over six hours before the
incident before the incident incident?
They had been living They had not been living
Had they been living separately
separately before they moved separately before they moved
before they moved in together?
in together in together
Simple Future Tense
0 Jenis Future Tense
0 Simple Future
0 Bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi di masa yang
akan datang. Biasanya kegiatan yang tidak direncanakan atau mendadak
Rumus Kata Sinyal

In a year, next year, tomorrow, next

S + will/going to + V1
week, next day, five days later

Kalimat Positif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

S + will +V1 S + will + not + V1 Will + S + V1 + ?

S + be + going to + V1 S + be + not + going to + V1 Be + S + going to + V1 + ?
Boy will go to Denpasar Boy will not go to Denpasar Will Boy go to Denpasar
tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow?
We are going to do our We are not going to do our Are we going to do our
homework next week homework next week homework next week?
She will buy new bike next She will not buy new bike next Will she buy new bike next
month month month?
Future Continuous Tense
0 Jenis Future Tense
0 Future Continuous
0 Bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi pada waktu
tertentu di masa yang akan datang dan aksi yang pasti akan terjadi dalam waktu
Rumus Kata Sinyal

S + will + be + Ving Tomorrow morning, in one year

Kalimat Positif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

S + will + be +Ving S + will + not + be + Ving Will + S + be + Ving + ?

Boy will be going to Denpasar Boy will not be going to Will Boy be going to Denpasar
tomorrow Denpasar tomorrow tomorrow?
We will be doing our We will not be doing our Will we be doing our
homework next week homework next week homework next week?
She will be buying new bike She will not be buying new bike Will she be buying new bike
next month next month next month?
Future Perfect Tense
0 Jenis Future Tense
0 Future Perfect
0 Bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang akan berakhir pada
waktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang.

Rumus Kata Sinyal

S + will have + V3 By next Monday, in a week

Kalimat Positif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

S + will have +V3 S + will + not + have + V3 Will + S + have + V3 + ?

I will have finished in 10 I will not have finished in 10 Will you have finished in 10
minutes minutes minutes?
She will have been there She will not have been there Will she have been there
tomorrow morning tomorrow morning tomorrow morning?
We will have arrived by next We will not have arrived by Will we have arrived by next
Monday next Monday Monday?
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
0 Jenis Future Tense
0 Future Perfect Continuous
0 Bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan serangkaian kejadian yang terjadi
sebelum waktu tertentu di masa yang akan datang.

Rumus Kata Sinyal

For the last couple of hours, all day

S + will have been + Ving

Kalimat Positif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

S + will + have+ been +Ving S + will + not + have + been + Will + S + have + been + Ving +
Ving ?
Boy will have been going to Boy will not have been going to Will Boy have been going to
Denpasar tomorrow Denpasar tomorrow Denpasar tomorrow?
We will have been doing our We will not have been doing Will we have been doing our
homework next week our homework next week homework next week?
She will have been buying new She will not have been buying Will she have been buying new
bike next month new bike next month bike next month?
Simple Past Future Tense
0 Jenis Past Future Tense
0 Simple Past Future
0 Bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kalimat tidak langsung.

Rumus Kata Sinyal

S + would + bare infinitive

Kalimat Positif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

S + would + bare infinitive S + would + not + bare Would + S + bare infinitive +

S + was/were + going to + infinitive ?
bare infinitive S + was/were + not + going to Was/Were + S + going to +
+ bare infinitive bare infinitive + ?
He would forgive you He would not forgive you Would he forgive you?
Lia was going to give two Lia was not going to give two Was Lia going to give two
beautiful scarfs to her friend beautiful scarfs to her friend beautiful scarfs to her friend?
Past Future Continuous Tense
0 Jenis Past Future Tense
0 Past Future Continuous
0 Bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kalimat tidak langsung serta
menekankan serangkaian aksi yang terjadi.
Rumus Kata Sinyal

S + should/would + be + Ving

Kalimat Positif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

S + would + be + Ving S + would + not + be + Ving Would + S + be + Ving + ?

He would be working He would not be working Would he be working?

We would be studying We would not be studying Would we be studying?

Past Future Perfect Tense
0 Jenis Past Future Tense
0 Past Future Perfect
0 Bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kalimat tidak langsung serta
menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi di masa yang akan datang, waktu tertentu di
masa lampau, tetapi aksi yang terjadi harus sudah selesai sebelum waktu yang
akan datang.

Rumus Kata Sinyal

S + should/would + have + V3

Kalimat Positif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

S + would + have + V3 S + would + not + have + V3 Would + S + have + V3 + ?

She would have worked She would not have worked Would she have worked?

They would have drunk They would not have drunk Would they have drunk?
Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense
0 Jenis Past Future Tense
0 Past Future Perfect Continuous
0 Bentuk tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kalimat tidak langsung serta
menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi di masa yang akan datang, waktu tertentu di
masa lampau, tetapi aksi yang terjadi harus sudah selesai sebelum waktu yang
akan datang. Tense ini lebih menekankan durasi waktu yang sudah lewat dan hasil.

Rumus Kata Sinyal

S + should/would + have been + Ving

Kalimat Positif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

S + would + have been + Ving S + would + not + have been + Would + S + have been + Ving
Ving +?
She would not have been
She would have been driving Would she have been driving?
They would not have been Would they have been
They would have been working
working working?

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