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babies are the model

observ ation
hy pothesis desire to explore
activ e testing through John Medina
experiment breaking stuf f

tongue testing book
301 pages

we ar e powerful DHaeseleer Johan

monkey see, monkey do and natural explorers
About lev eraged.be

12. Exploration 2009

Creativ e Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 3.0
f ire hose of curiosity
Ev eraldo Coelho
f rom dinosaurs to atheism mind map Cry stal Clear
discov ery brings joy
www.ev eraldo.com
images brain rules
20% where the mind will roam
Free Images Stock.Xchng
consistent exposure to the real world
map =/= book
consistent exposure to people who
analy ze the success of medical schools ideas
operate in the real world
consistent exposure to practical research programs
college of education that studies the brain
Is there a f actor that predicts how well y ou will age?
Can y ou turn Jim into Frank?
What's the bad news?
Surv iv al of the f ittest
can exercise treat disorders
starts with conception are cognitiv e blessings of exercise only f or the elderly ?

the x-f actor we can make a comeback

is bigger better recess twice a day

Exer c ise boosts
f irst hints brain power

gist of the experience Male ideas treadmills in classrooms and cubicles

1. Exercise
acute stress handled dif f erent dealing with traumatic situations
remember the details Female mal e and female brain ev olv ed under motion
brains are different increases oxy gen f low
v erbal communications aerobic exercise increases neuron
through competition boy s cooperate battle of the sexes 11. Gender
cementing relationships executiv e f unction
spatial tasks
do this boy s
sedentary reaction times
exercise positively affect s
negotiating status study quantitativ e skills
let's do this one activ e
memory scores
into adulthood
nature or nurture
emotions are usef ul
get the f act straight on emotions
gender dif f erence in processing inf ormation
in unstable outdoor env ironment
dif f erent gender arrangements in the classroom ideas
in nearly constant motion
use gender teams in the workplace brain = surv iv al organ
y ou adapt to v ariation itself

solv e problems
learn f rom mistakes
we see with our brains start teamwork
example wine tasters strongest brain surv iv e

Vi s ion trumps
all other senses create alliances

pictures beat text

10. Vision T he human
feeling it
pictorial superiority ef f ect worth a thousand words
brain evolved, too
relationships helped us surv iv e
pictures grab attention 2. Survival
teachers should use computer animations classroom
toss y our traditional ppt
great anti-brain env ironment cubicle

f ighting
f eeding
sound f unctions 4F
f leeing
reproductiv e behav ior
smell senses work together
meet y our brain
touch Lizard
three brains Paleomammalian brain
amount of inf o Human brain
processed simultaneously

1. Sensation

Am er ican 2. Routing British Model

Saturday night f ev er 7 billion sorts of intelligence
seem s 3. Perception
correct what y ou learn changes y our brain
American Model amazon
Together beginning
use it not education
bottoms up, School sy stem ignores that brain are
tops down Every brain is
wired differently wired dif f erently
surv iv al by teamwork
stimulate more of the senses
3. Wiring we all hav e a
Jennifer Aniston

multi sensory presentations Sti mulate more mapping the brain

supra additiv e integration of the sense
9. Sensory Integration smaller class size
word and pictures
multimedia principle ideas customized instruction
words alone

words pictures simultaneously

temporal contiguity principle
words pictures apart
Hearing and Vision we don' t pay attention
learning link to boring things
words pictures together
spatial contiguity principle rules f or the rest of us
words pictures apart medium interest
y ou loose attention af ter 10 minutes
extraneous material included prev ious experience
coherence principle
extraneous material excluded memory culture

animation and narration alerting and arousal network

Modality principle orienting network
animation and on-screen text
executiv e network
Can I eat it?
help retriev e the emotional detail odors Can I mate with it?
Book Sum m ary red alert
Nosing it out
Hav e I seen it bef ore
by Johan D'Haeseleer behav ioral characteristics
Meaning bef ore detail

multi sensory school lessons not capable of multitasking

4. Attention
af f ect motiv ations y our brain needs a break
sensory branding ideas lecture design 10 minute segments
proust ef f ect
bait the hook
smells at work
trigger an emotion
hooks needs to be relev ant
hook between modules
Str essed brains don't ideas
learn the same way sequential processor
alway s on line = alway s distracted
Martin Seligman
do 1 thing at a time brakes speed
no way out
Gamel learned helplessness example
cell phone car

learning hurt
dif f erence in kind of stress

3 part def inition

1. Aroused phy siological response terror and titillation rain man
dif f icult to detect stress
2. Stressor is perceiv ed as av ersiv e more than Darwinian Chess Piece
3. Not f eel in control of the stressor activ e remembering
f light memory ?
ov erall ef f ect retriev al
f ight
memories that inv olv e conscious awareness
cortisol at least 2 sorts
Hormone memories that don't
elite strike f orce f looding the sy stem
where memories go
surv iv al
life cycle declarative mem o r y
short period immediate
f rom snif f les to f orgetf ulness sliced and diced
Motley Crue Memory &mumbo jumbo
Cortisol retriev ing
8. Stress f orgetting
Chronic exposure can => depression
Villain/Hero types of encoding information
Stress hurts learning
Stress hurts people Automatic

repeat to remember semantic encoding

Tipping Point ef f ortf ul processing phonemic encoding
automatic or stick shif t
stress in the home 5. Short-term m em ory structural encoding
Ty pes of stress outside stimulus
the electric slide
balance between electrical language of the brain
C ontrol
is the stronger the memory
critical stress at work encoding in its initial moment
stimulation more details > greater learning
perceiv ed initial input
condition home lif e same parts
memory trace processed
Cracking the code
personal issues
work productiv ity No f irewall replicating the conditions
retriev al
initial encoding
Teach parents f irst
f ree f amily consulting elaborate

f ree child care Ideas inf o remembered meaningf ul

power to the workf orce contextual

compelling introductions be v ulnerable

same conditions
Sleep well, think well f amiliar settings encoding
env ironment
more elaborate
sleep is perhaps necessary to learn
executiv e f unction
working memory
Clarence Oddbody
mood loss of sleep hurts
no sleep = malf unction auditory
quantativ e skills
v isual
logical reasoning working memory
executiv e
motor dexterity
semantic memory
brain = activ e autobiographical memory
episodic memory
deepest part consolidation
brain = resting y ou cal this rest? reconsolidation
non-REM sleep
retriev al
circadian arousal sy stem
homeostatic sleep driv e
internal clocks
two opposing f orces mind the gap

early chronoty pe
maintenance rehearsal
hummingbirds lark or owl? remember to repeat thinking talking
spectrum in between 7. Sleep elaborativ e rehearsal
immediately af ter occurrence
6. Long-term m em ory
sleep debt late chronoty pe
age space out the input
gender long term potentiation
v aries remediate sparking interest
pregnancy f orgetting curv es
sleep need chatty marriage
we don't know
nomadic memory
Siesta memories on the mov e
napping is normal
allows to prioritize
NASA pilots perf ormance 34% up napping in the f ree world
26' nap Dan Schacter

Mendeley ev example many ty pes of f orgetting

go ahead sleep on it
f orgetting classroom and boardroom
sleep loss = brain drain
25' modules 3 times same subject a day
match chronoty pes ideas minutes and hours
promote naps day s and weeks
try sleeping on it

brain-rules.mmap - 3/27/2009 - Johan DHaeseleer

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