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Applause from Ludovic Benistant and 80 others

Mike Shi Follow
Democratizing Open Machine Learning @ modeldepot.io
Apr 21 · 6 min read

Deep learning in your browser: A
brisk guide
Use your webcam and Tensor ow.js to detect objects in
real time.

Original Image

Tensor ow.js is a new deep learning library that runs right in your
browser. Being a machine learning and Javascript enthusiast, I
immediately started working on an object detection library using
Tensor ow.js after it was released.
Here, I’ll walk through how I got started, and break down the di erent
points of tfjs-yolo-tiny. You can check out the live demo here.

We’ll cover pulling the original Tiny YOLO Darknet model, converting it
into Keras, converting that into Tensor ow.js, doing some predictions,
gotchas while writing in Tensor ow.js, and using webcam/images
easily for predictions.

YOLO9000: Better, Faster, Stronger
Yes that’s seriously the original paper title. We’ll be using Tiny YOLO, a
fast object detection model that can run at 200 FPS. We’ll use Tiny
YOLO instead of the full YOLOv2. Why? First, YOLOv2 runs “only” at 40
fps on a powerful desktop, which most users don’t have access to. The
model le is also ~5x bigger than Tiny YOLO, which would take forever
to load over the web. Lastly, YOLOv2 has a reorg layer that isn’t
supported as a native Tensor ow.js layer yet. We’ll grab the network
con g (neural network structure) and weights (magic numbers) for
Tiny YOLO in the next step.

YAD2K: Yet Another Darknet 2 Keras
You might have noticed that YOLO is written in Darknet, and Darknet
doesn’t sound like Tensor ow. So our rst stop is to convert our YOLO
model into something more Tensor ow-y, in our case, Keras! Keras is a
higher-level, deep learning framework. It’s the recommended format
for converting your weights into the Tensor ow.js format.

We’ll use YAD2K to convert the Darknet model to Keras. Go ahead and
follow the instructions here to install YAD2K, I’ll wait.
Fine, you can also pretend you did it and use the nal weight les I’ve
published, but it won’t be as fun!

Now we’ll have to x a bug in YAD2K to load Tiny YOLO without error.

Open up yad2k.py in your favorite text editor and on line 83, change
buffer=weights_file.read(16) to buffer=weights_file.read(20) .
Why? No idea.

Now run the following command in your terminal. It’ll download the
Tiny YOLO weights and con g as well as output the converted model
le to model_data/yolov2-tiny.h5

wget https://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov2-tiny.weights

./yad2k.py yolov2-tiny.cfg yolov2-tiny.weights


Next we want to ensure that our new model actually works! Fun fact: I
forgot to do this and I spent a whole day wondering why Tensor ow.js
was b0rk.

./test_yolo.py model_data/yolov2-tiny.h5

The model should output some predictions. If not, feel free to bug me
with a comment below!

Tensor ow.js Convertor: Our Last Weight
This step is simpler, I promise! See the o cial guide here. Again if this
seems like all too much, I’ve already done all the hard work, so you can
skip right ahead :)

We’ll want to install the o cial convertor tool. Run pip install

tensorflowjs in your terminal to install the convertor.

And now to convert our model, again using the terminal!

tensorflowjs_converter --input_format keras \

model_data/yolov2-tiny.h5 \

Now we nally have all our model les in tfjs_model_data ! Notice

that the folder contains a model.json as well as a bunch of other shard
les. model.json tells Tensor ow.js what is the structure of the neural
net and which shard les correspond to what weights. The shard les
contain weights for the model. Make sure that the shard les are
located in the same directory of model.json , or else your model will
fail to load properly.

Tensor ow.js Time
Now, the fun part. (Every part is the fun part.) ML and JS code at the
same time!

We’ll start o by importing some Tensor ow and loading the model.

import * as tf from ‘@tensorflow/tfjs’;

const model = await tf.loadModel(url);

Wait but what is `url`? You can either use the hosted model le here or
supply the path to the les you converted. Learn more here!

Fantastic, now we can do some real deep learning:

function yolo (input) {

return model.predict(input);
Huh. That seemed quite mundane. Oh wait. We forgot to translate the
output into bounding boxes, class labels, and probabilities!

The numbers Mason, what do they mean?? Original Image

Turning Numbers into Boxes and Numbers
I’m not going to dive too deep into this, as post-processing YOLO can be
a couple blog posts of their own. Instead, I’ll highlight the challenges I
faced when converting the Python version to Javascript.

Certain tensor operations not available

Tensor ow.js is still young, and thus some things weren’t available yet
such as boolean mask or NMS. You might run into this issue too, but
luckily you can work around it by using

const expected_shape = tensor.shape;

const data = await tensor.data(); // Async transfer from GPU
to CPU
// Note: data is a flattened TypedArray of the original
//... data manipulation in JS on CPU
tf.tensor1d(data).reshape(expected_shape); // Shape it back
into where we were before

Note: Doing this can bottleneck your application, but sometimes it’s

You can’t use -1 index like Python

In python you can use -1 as “last element”. Unfortunately in
Tensor ow.js, if you try this on tf.slice , it’ll silently fail. Instead you
must specify the size explicitly.

You can’t use 5d tensors

Beware that Tensor ow.js’s WebGL backend can not support 5d

tensors. Why use 5 dimensions if I can’t even imagine them? Well in
YOLO we reshape the output into [batch_size, xy, wh,

box_confidence, box_class_pred] . This is clearly 5d. Luckily to avoid

such pain and su ering, I simply dropped the batch_size dimension. An
alternative would be to not reshape into a 5d tensor. Something to be
wary of.

Otherwise, my experience was uid. I only had to reimplement two

algorithms in CPU (traditional JS) that Tensor ow normally has out of
the box.

An NPM Install
Let’s drop our deep learning right into an application!

Luckily a poor chap had already written the code so just run an NPM
install in your terminal:

npm i tfjs-yolo-tiny

And now we’ll wave our Javascript wand around a bit

import yolo, { downloadModel } from ‘tfjs-yolo-tiny’;

const model = await downloadModel();

const inputImage = webcam.capture();

const boxes = await yolo(inputImage, model);

Whoa whoa, what is this webcam.capture() you speak of?

Maybe a bit more than an NPM install…
You might’ve noticed we haven’t touched upon what exactly is being
fed in our YOLO. And this is one of the coolest parts of Tensor ow.js.

We can take a video or image from the document (DOM) and turn it
into a tensor!

We can write something like this in JavaScript:

/* Pretend we had the following element in index.html.

Always use alt tags for accessibility!
<img id=”image” src=”/test_input.jpg” alt=”YOLO Model Test

const image = document.getElementById(‘image’);

const input = tf.fromPixels(image);

BAM! Input now has the image as a tensor! And to swap from image to
webcam, you’d just have to point it at the right element. That’s pretty
✨ magical to me.
After this, we’d have to do some pre-processing. In this case, cropping it
to be square, resizing to 416x416, and then dividing by 255 to get pixel
values ranging from 0 to 1. Why? Because the boss said so (we trained
YOLO that way).

Final Thoughts
We’ve walked through how to convert models to Tensor ow.js format.
We can load a model and predict with it. We then explored some pain
points of writing post-processing code in Tensor ow.js, but we
prevailed. We also now know how to grab data via static image or
webcam. Now we can convert most ML models from Python to
Tensor ow.js and run them in your browser.

Want to see it all in action? Check out the live demo. Want to use it in
your app without the fuss? Check out the NPM package.

Feel free to join the conversation over at ModelDepot as well! Or even

browse around for the next machine learning model for your project!

. . .

Special thanks to HS, KZ, VP, and JS for polishing my alphabet soup

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