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Modul Al-Kimiya Bab 02-Sebatian Karbon |Chap. 02 Carbon Compounds A. Sebatian Karbon/ Carbon compounds Senarai seanale Chek fst ‘ Menvatakn maksol sebatian Karbon 1 State what carbon compound is {IMenvatakan scbatian karbon toleh dikelaskan | State the carbon compounds an be classified into hepeda dua Itmpulan,iaitn sebatian organite dan | "two groups, Le, organic and inorganic sebatlan tak organik ‘ Menyatakan maksull sebatian organi + State wheat onganie compound is, { Memberan contoh sebatian Karbon organik dan | Gives extmples of organic and inorganic carbon fsebatian harbon tak organik compounds, Menyatakan makeud hidrokarbon 4 State whe? a hydrocarbon i, Menyenaraikan stimber-sunber hidrokarbon List the soures of hyroearbon, { Mengenal past sil pembakaran sebatian karbon | Identify the combustion prosucts of organic earbon nga compounds 1, Sebatian Karbon adalah sebatian yang mengandungi karbon sebagai salah satu unsur dalam bahan itu. Carbon compounds is a compounds contains carbon as one of element in that substance. 2, Sebatian karbon boleh dibahagikan kepada: Carbon compounds can be divided to: a, Sebatian karbon organik b. Sebatian karbon tak organik Organic carbon compounds Inorganic carbon compounds a, Sebatian organik / Organic Compounds 1, Merupakan sebatian karbon yang dijumpai dalam, yang dihasilkan oleh, atau berasal dari unsur-unsur hidup. Is @ carbon compound found in, produced by, or derived from living elements. 2, Sebatian daripada sumber semula jadi seperti haiwan atau tumbuh-tumbuhan dan mengandungi satu atau lebih atom karbon dalam struktur utama di mana atom-atom terikat secara kovalen dengan unsur-unsur lain seperti hidrogen, oksigen atau nitrogen dan lain-lain. Compounds from natural resources such as animals or plants and contain one or more carbon atoms in their main structure whereby the atom are bonded covalently with other elements such as hydrogen, oxygen or nitrogen ete. b. Sebatian karbon tak organike/ Inorganic carbon compounds 1, Sebatian karbon yang bukan daripada sumber organisma hidup. Carbon compounds that not originate from living organisms. 2. Biasanya diperolehi daripada Sumber Bumi Normally obtained from the Barth's Resources Page ST | uplave Feb 2016 [Guna worpewncom Modul Al-Kimiya Bab 02 Sebatian Karbon |Chap. 02 - Carbon Compounds SEBATIAN KARBON CARBON COMPOUNDS — —_ Sebatian karbon organik Sebatian karbon tak organik Organic carbon compounds Inorganic carbon compounds Contoh ] Examples Conton | Examples Btana Ethane Karbon monoksida Carbon monoxide Kloroform Chloroform Karbon dioksida Carbon dioxide Methanol Methanol kalsium karbida Calcium carbide Etena Ethene Kalsium karbonat _Caleium carbonate Asid Etanoik Ethanoie acid Natrium karbonat Sodium carbonate Metil Etanoat Methyl ethanoate Kuprum(ll) karbonat —Copper(ll) carbonate B. Sebatian Hidrokarbon / Hydrocarbon Compounds 1, Sebatian organik yang mengandungi hidrogen, H dan karbon, C sahaja Organic compounds containing hydrogen, H and carbon, C only. 2, Hidrokarbon boleh dibahagi kepada 2: Hydrocarbon can be divided 2: a) Hidrokarbon tepu b) Hidrokarbon tak tepu Saturated hydrocarbon Unsaturated hydrocarbon 3. Hidrokarbon tepu ialah hidrokarbon yang mempunyai ikatan kovalen tunggal antara atom karbon, C dengan atom karbon, C yang lain. A saturated hydrocarbon is a hydrocarbon that has only single covalent bonds between atoms carbon, C to another atom carbon, C 4, Hidrokarbon tak tepu ialah hidrokarbon yang mempunyai ikatan kovalen ganda dua atau ganda tiga antara atom karbon, C dengan atom karbon, C yang lain. An unsaturated hydrocarbon is a hydrocarbon that has double or triples covalent bonds between atoms C to another atom C SEBATIAN HIDROKARBON HYDROCARBON COMPOUNDS —— Hidrokarbon tepu Hidrokarbon tak tepu Saturated hydrocarbon Unsaturated hydrocarbon HoH HH Lt tl H-C-C-H H-C=C-H Id HoH ‘Page 32 | update: Fob 2016 [cikgundura wordpress.com Modul Al-Kimiya Bab 02 ~ Sebatian Karbon |Chap. 02 ~ Carbon Compounds Aktiviti 1: Dari jadual di bawah, kenal pasti sebatian karbon. Activity 1: From the table below, identify the carbon compounds. Etanol Karbon ‘Air Propana Butena Bthanol dioksida Water Propane Butene Carbon dioxide HO CoH Cos CO, Kalsium oksida Asid Kloroetana | Asid metanoik ‘Metil Calcium oxide | hidroklorik | Chloroethane | Methanoic acid | butanoat cao Hydrochloric CHCl HCOOH Methyl acid butanoate HCl HCOOC:Ho Ferum “Gas bromin Metanol | Natrium ‘Oktena Iron Bromine gas Methanol hidroksida Octene Fe Bro CHO ‘Sodium CioHoo hydroxide ‘NaOH ‘Natrium Kalium Propil butanoat Neon Heksana metanoat karbonat Propyl Neon Hexane Sodium. Potassium butanoate Ne Cots methanoate carbonate | C2HsCOOCsHo HCOONa K.COs B. Alkana/ Aikanes Senarai semak heck ist * Menvatalkn makstd alkane { Menvatakan maksed formu struktur { Mendedulskan formu moleeul septa abi pertama allan ‘+ Melutés formula struktur bagi sepuluh ali pertama flkari rant har ‘+ Mendedesi frm a alkest { Menamakan sepulub abli pertama alkane ‘ Menghubungkaitkan perubahn sifatfak alkana dengan pertambahan biangan atom karbon dalam lek alkane ‘ Menerangkan kesan pertambahan bilangan atom Jearbon dalam moleil alka terhadap takst dina + Menghraikan pembakaran engkap dan ‘pembakaran tak kengkap alana + Monghuraikan tindak balas penukergantian alkana ‘+ Menghura metana member kesan dala kehidupan sebarian, * state wat alkane i, {state wat strictural formal is, ‘edvice the molecular formulae of the fist ten «Draw the structural formulae fr the frst ton. «+ Deduce the gener fortoulaof alkanes ‘Nante the fest ten alkanes, ‘Relate changes in physical properties with increase fn the number of carbon atoms in alkanes molecules plain the effect of the inerease in number of ‘carbon atoms in allenes molecules om the molecules bring points, ‘Describe complete and incomplete combustion of «+ Describe the substitution reaction of alkanes, {nite chemical equations fr combustion and substitution reaction of methane, «+ Deseribe how methine aeets everyday tie 1, Sebatian karbon merupakan sebatian yang utama dalam petroleum Carbon compounds as a major substance in petroleum 2, Hanya ikatan tunggal di antara atom karbon dengan atom karbon yang lain Only have single bonds between carbon atoms to other carbon atom, Page 33 | plate: Feb 2016 [Guam worpreancom

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