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1. Introduction to ES6
a. ES7 and ES8
2. Introduction to var and why to avoid using it – Function level scope, var scoping
3. Javascript Hoisting
4. let, const and Block Scoping, let vs const
5. Arrow Functions
6. Arrow Functions and lexical this
7. Default function parameters
8. Rest and Spread operators
9. Object Literal Extensions
10. For…of Loops
11. Template literals
12. Destructuring Objects and Arrays, when to use
13. Ternary Operator
14. Class Fundamentals, constructor, get and set, inheritance and super - syntactic sugar
for prototypal inheritance
15. Import and Export
16. Module Basics
17. Extends and super
18. Object.assign and Object.is
19. IIFE


1. Introduction to Node.js
2. Installation of Node.js (latest LTS version)
3. Installation of MongoDB (NoSQL database)
4. Various Frameworks for Node.js
5. Introduction to Express.js, Node.js Framework
6. Node.js project structure setup
a. Package.json file
b. Node_modules directory
c. server.js file
7. module.exports and require, exports vs module.exports
8. Using Async Await instead of Promises or callbacks
9. Using nodemon to auto start the server on code changes
10. RESTful APIs
a. HTTP Methods
11. Routing in Express.js
a. API endpoints
12. Templating in Express.js
a. PUG
b. EJS
c. Handlebars
13. Middlewares concept
14. Project directory setup
15. MVC pattern (in case of using templating engines)
16. Error handling in Node.js
a. Handling all errors from a single place
17. Connecting to the MongoDB database using ODM – mongoose
18. Introduction to Mongoose
19. Create models
20. Perform CRUD operations on MongoDB
a. Implementing pagination in fetch apis
21. Creating User Accounts
a. First_name
b. Last_name
c. Password
d. Salt
e. Email

22. JWT token authentication instead of session authentication

23. Implementing Login and Logout feature
24. Implementing authenticated routes using middleware
25. Resetting password
26. Sending Emails using Node.js
27. Uploading Images
28. Deploying the application to the cloud
29. .env – Environment variables
30. .gitignore
31. PM2 – process manager

1. MongoDB CRUD operations
2. MongoDB aggregation
3. Creating Indexes
4. MongoDB Geo-spatial Data

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