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Article appeared Friday, July 19th, 2019 in The News Today, Bangladesh

The Revelation (579) yousuf mahbubul Islam, PhD

To survive and function as human beings do we need systems to support our moment-
to-moment life? To understand and then decide whether we need anything, as
analogies, can we reflect on man made functional products that we use? For example,
do cars need any systems to be able to move around? Does a car need a combustion
and energy conversion system, a pneumatic braking system, an air-conditioning system,
a steering wheel system, etc., to function? These systems are all internal to the car.
What about external systems? Does the car need systems of roads, maps, traffic light
systems, lighting systems, etc., for the car to move about freely and safely? Collectively,
how did these integrated systems come into existence? Was it by design?

It is evident that the car cannot function effectively without both the internal and external
systems. What about human beings? Are there any systems that humans need both
internally and externally to function effectively? Humans have a digestive system that
converts food to energy and other things that the body needs. Humans have a system
integrated with the heart to carry and purify blood. To confirm our ideas and estimates
regarding systems needed, can we look up various websites? For example, we may type
what systems does the body need to function effectively in a browser and study what
comes up. As the body systems are integrated and work together, the number of
systems identified to date may be classified slightly differently {1, 2} by those who study
life sciences. The website article Human Body System {1} talks about 9 distinct systems
whereas another website article What is an Organ System? Definition and Pictures {2}
talks about 11 systems. Organ systems are introduced {2} with the following words:
“An organ system is a group of anatomical structures that work together to perform a
specific function or task. Although we learn about each organ system as a distinct entity,
the functions of the body's organ systems overlap considerably, and your body could not
function without the cooperation of all of its organ systems. In fact, the failure of even one
organ system could lead to severe disability or even death.” {2}

It may be concluded that all systems that we find are essential for the body to function
effectively. How do the different integrated systems happen to exist in our bodies? Just
like the designed systems of a car, is it possible that the body systems exist without an
Intelligent Designer, considering the needs of the body {3}, not only designing each
function, but also putting everything {4} together?

Even without scientific study, failure or even partial non-functioning of any organ causes
serious mental stress and thoughts of death cross our minds. The important question
here is, therefore, not what science has discovered or whether we have enough
scientific knowledge – it is whether we have taken all our internal systems for granted. It
is whether the human being enjoying these systems should be grateful to the One who
has designed, created, maintains and sustains these systems? In the case of a car, do
we acknowledge or ignore the manufacturer? Notice that we refer to the car by the name
of the manufacturer, e.g., it is a Mercedes Benz, or a Rolls Royce, or a Jaguar, or a

In a similar manner, should it be out of fashion to acknowledge the One who has given
us the body that we have together with the body parts? Let’s take a moment to
acknowledge and thank the Almighty Creator who has very thoughtfully designed and
put every system together in our bodies. Let us also thank Him for maintaining and
sustaining each system!

In addition, the Holy Scripture, Al-Qur’an reminds us of external systems that are
integrated {5} with our bodily functions.
“And He it is Who makes the Night as a covering for you; and Sleep (as a
means) for rest and has made the Day (as it were) a Resurrection.” [25.47]

In the above Verse [25.47] what does God mean by sleep as a means of “rest”? The
article 10 Benefits of a Good Night’s Sleep at the website verywellhealth.com {6}
discusses recent findings on how a good night’s sleep is integrated with body functions,
including improving memory, heart health and reduction of stress. Our waking up is like
being resurrected so that we can tackle the new day’s activities with a fresh mind and
rekindled motivation. Why has God arranged all these systems which science has
discovered to be blessings?
“He has made subject to you the Night and the Day; the Sun and the
Moon;…verily in this are Signs for men who are wise. And the things on this
earth which He has multiplied in varying colors (and qualities): verily in this is a
Sign for men who celebrate the praises of God (in gratitude).” [16.12 – 16.13]

The job of humans is to reflect on God’s blessings (Signs), think of the benefits provided,
and turn to God in adoration while acknowledging His Design. Does God talk about any
other external blessings that are important to sustain and maintain our day-to-day life?

25.48 “And He it is Who sends the Winds as heralds of glad tidings going
before His Mercy and We send down purifying water from the sky.”
Before giving rain as part of His Blessings, God informs us by sending winds that carry
the scent of rain. Why do we need rain?

25.49 “That with it We may give life to a dead land and quench the thirst of
things We have created cattle and men in great numbers.”
“It is He Who sends down rain from the sky: from it you drink and out of it
(grows) the vegetation on which you feed your cattle. With it He produces for you
corn olives date-palms grapes and every kind of fruit: verily in this is a Sign for
those who give thought.” [16.10 – 16.11]

How does the same rain give rise to the myriad variety of fruits, vegetation, grain,
flowers, etc.? Through the winds, God also makes the rain reach the lands that most
need it.

25.50 “And We have distributed the (water) amongst them in order that they
may celebrate (Our) praises but most men disbelieve (in the source of the
blessings) and are ungrateful.”
Should we reflect and turn to God?
{1} http://www.accuterm.com/life-sciences.html
{2} https://study.com/academy/lesson/what-is-an-organ-system-definition-pictures-quiz.html
{3} http://www.inquiriesjournal.com/articles/1010/intelligent-design-in-the-complexity-of-the-human-body
{4} https://toxtutor.nlm.nih.gov/08-003.html
{5} https://theconversation.com/a-dark-night-is-good-for-your-health-39161
{6} https://www.verywellhealth.com/top-health-benefits-of-a-good-nights-sleep-2223766

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