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Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai

Teaching and Examination Scheme for Post S.S.C. Di loma Courses

Pro ram Name : Di loma in Information Technolo
Pro ram Code : IF With Effect From Academic Year: 2017 - 18
Duration of Pro ram : 6 Semesters Duration : 16 Weeks
Semester : Third Scheme : I
Examination Scheme
Course Theory Practical
S. Course Credit Grand
Course Title Abbre
N. Code (L+T+P) Exam ESE PA Total ESE PA Total Total
viation Duration Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min
in Hrs. Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks Marks
Object Oriented
OOP 22316 3 2 2 7 3 70 28 00 100 40 10 25 10 50 20 150
ProgramlT1 ing Using C++
2 Data Structure Using 'C' DSU 22317 3 2 5 3 70 28 100 40 10 25 10 50 20 150

Principles of Database POD 22321 2 5 3 70 28 oo 100 40 10 25 10 50 20 150

4 Data Conn mun ication DCO 22322 70 28 00 100 40 I OO

Digital Techniques and

5 DTM 22323 4 2 6 3 70 28 00 IOO 40 10 25 10 50 20 150
Micro rocessor
Applied Multimedia
Techni ues
AMT 22024 2 4 6 50# 20 50- 20 I OO 40 I OO

Total 18 2 12 32 350 150 500 150 150 300 800

Oriented using course Code: 223
Progrannnoine C++

Program Namc : Computer Engineering Program Group

Program Code : CO/CM/IF/CW
Semester : Third
Object Oriented Programming using
Course Title
Course Code : 22316
In the modern world of Information technology, the Object Oriented Programming has become the nnost
preferred approach for software development. It offers a powerful way to cope up with complexity of real
world problems. Among the OOP languages available, C++ is the prinnitive language which develops
fundamental understanding of Object Oriented Concepts. This course enables students to develop
programs in 'C++' using Object Oriented Progrmnrning approach.

The aim of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified
competency through various teaching learning experiences:
• Develop applications Using OOPs concepts in C++.


The theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with this course are to be
taught and implemented, so that the student demonstrates the following industry oriented COs
associated with the above mentioned competency:
a. Develop C++ programs to solve problems using Procedure Oriented Approach.
b. Develop C++ programs using classes and 012jects.
c. Implement Inheritance in C++ program.
d. Use Polymorphism in C++ program.
e. Develop C++ programs to perform file operations.


Examination Scheme
Credit Theory Practical
Paper ESE PA Total ESE PA Total
Hrs. Max Min Max Min Max Min Max in Max Min Max Min
2 2 7 70 28 30* 00 1 00 40 10 25 10 50 20

Under the theory PA; ()ut of marks, marks Q/ - /heory PA are ./ör lnicro-prt?iec/ ass'essnqenl
10 /öcililale inlegralion o/• C()s and (he renaaining is lhe average Q/ • 2 tesl.s• 10 be
taken during the semester for the asses.wnenl Q/ lhe U()s required for lhe attainment Qf/he C()s.
Legends: T Tutorial/Teacher Guided Theory P- C Credit,
Progranlll)ing C++

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Data Structures using Course Code: 223 1 7

Unit Unit Outcomes (UOs) Topics and Sub-topics

(in cognitive domain)
Unit — l l a. Write simple C++ program for 1 . 1 Procedure Oriented Progrmnnning
Principles solving the given expression (POP) verses Object Oriented
using POP approach. Programming (OOP),
of Object .2
I b. Write POP based C++ program Basic concepts of Object Oriented
Oriented Programming. Object Oriented
using decision making and loop
Programm Languages. Applications of OOP.
structure for the given situation. l c. 1 .3
ing Write POP based C++ program
C verses C++, Structure of C++
program, Simple C++ Progranl.
using arrays to solve the given 1 .4 Tokens, keywords, variables,
problem. constants ,basic data types, User
Id. Use the structure in C++ defined data types, type casting,
progra]n for solving the operators, expressions.
given problem. 1 .5 Control structures: Decision making
statements and Loops
1 .6 Scope resolution operator, Illenlory
management operators.
Arrays, Strings and Structures in C++


Unit Unit ()utcomes (COs) Topics and Sub-topics

(in cognitive domain)
Unit- 11 2a. Develop relevant friend 2. I Class & Object: Introduction,
Classes functions 10 solve the specifying a class, access specifies,
given problem. defining member functions, creating
2b. Write C++ progralll to use array 2.2 Ob.jects, noemory allocations för
Objects objects.
of given objects.
2c. Write C++ program to create 2.3 Static data members, static member
the given object using function, friend Function
constructor. 2.4 Array of Objects, Object as function
2d. Write program to delete the arouments.
2.5 Concepts of Constructors, Types of
given object using destructor in
C++ program.
2.6 Multiple Constructors in a Class,
Constructors with default arguments

Unit-Ill 3a. Explain given type of 3. 1 Introduction to Inheritance, defining a

Extending inheritance based on its del'ived class, visibility noodes and
classes characteristic. effects.
using 3b. Implement given type of 3.2 Types of Inheritance : Single,
Inheritanc inheritance in C++ prograno. multilevel, multiple, hierarchical,
3c. Write C++ program using hybrid
3.3 Virtual base class, absti'act class,
virtual base class.
3d. Use constructor in the given constructors in derived class.
derived class.

MSBTE - Final copy 20.04.2018

Structures using course code: 223
Unit -IV 4a. Create C++ progranos to 4.1 Concepts of Pointer: Pointer
Pointers perform the given arithmetic declaration, Pointer operator, address
and operations using pointers. operator, Pointer arithmetic.
Polymorph 4b. Use function overloading to 4.2 Pointer to Object: Pointer to Object,
ism in C++ solve the given problem this pointer, Pointer to derived class.
4.3 Introduction of Polymorphisnn, Types
4c. Use operator overloading to
solve the given problem of Polynorphism.
4.4 Compile time Polymorphism: Function
4d. Implement run time
overloading, operator overloading,
polymorphism using
over10'ading of unary and binary
virtual functions in the
operators, Rules for operator
given C++ program. overloading.
Run time polymorphisno: Virtual
functions. rules for virtual functions,
pure virtual function

Unit-V 5a. Identify relevant class for 5. 1 C++ stream classes. Classes for file
operations performing the given file stream operations.
operation. 5.2 Opening files, closing files, reading
5b. Write statement to open and from and writing to files.
close the given file in C++. 5.3 Detection of end of file, file Inodes.
5c. Develop C++ program
to perform read/write
operati from/to the
given file
C+ 16

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Data Structures using Course Code: 223 1 7

Prooram Namc : Computer Engineering Program Group

Program Code : CO/CM/IF/CW
Semester : Third
Course Title : Data Structures Using 'C'
Course Code : 22317
Data structure is an important aspect for Computer Engineering and Information "Fechnology
Diploma graduates. Data structure is a logical & mathematical model of storing & organizing
data in a particular way in a coinputer. The methods and techniques of Data Structures are
widely used in industries. After learning this subject student will be able to identify the
problenn. analyze different algorithms to solve the problem & choose most appropriate data
structure to represent the data.

The aim of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified
competency through various teaching learning experiences:
• Implement relevant algorithms using Data Structures.
The theory. practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with this course are to be
taught and inoplenwnted, so that the student demonstrates the following industry oriented
COs associated with the above nwntioned competency:
a. Perform basic operations on arrays.
b. Apply different searching and sorting techniques.
c. hnplement basic operations on stack and queue using array representation.
d. limplennent basic operations on Linked List.
e. Innplennent prograln to create and traverse tree to solve problems.


licaching C IT(lit
Examination Scheme
rl"heory Practical

Pa per ESE PA Total ESE PA Total

Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max M in

2 5 70 28 oo I OO 40 251! 10 25 10 50 20

(*): Under lhe lheory PA: (hi/ Q/' Inarks, marks Q/ • theory PA are ./ör pnicro-projecl
10 /öcililale inlegra/ion C()s and (he remaining 2() marks is 1/71' average o/• 2 les's 10 be
taken during [he semes/er /ör the assessnaen/ Q/ lhe U()s required for lhe allainnwnl Q/ lhe (
Legends: L-Lec/ure: T - Tuloria//Teacher Guided Theory Praclice; P - Practical: C Credit,
ESE - End Senw.s•ler Exanlina/ion,• PA - Progres',s'ive Assessmenl

MSBTE - Final copy 20.04.2018

Structures using course code: 223
Unit Unit Outcomes (UOs) Topics and Sub-topics
(in cognitive domain)
Unit - 1 l a. Classify the given type of 1 .1 Concept and need of DS, Abstract Data
Introducti Data Structures based on Type
on to Data their characteristics. 1 .2 Types of Data Structures: (i) Linear Data
Structures l b. Explain con)plexity of Structures (ii) Non-Linear Data Structures
1.3 Algorithm Complexity: (i) Tinne (ii)Space
the given algorithrn in
ternls of time and space. Operations on Data Structures: (i)
Explain the given Traversing,(ii)Searching, (iii)lnsertion,
operations to be (iv)Deletion,(v) Sorting
performed on the given
type of data structures.
Unit— Il 2a. Explain working of the 2. 1 Searching: searching an iteln in a data set
Searching given search noethod using following methods:
and with an example. (i) Linear Search
Sorting 2b. Write an algorithm to (ii) Binary Search Sorting: sorting of
search the given key using data set in an order using win methods
binary Search method."

Unit Outcomes (UOs) Topics and Sub-topics

(in cognitive domain)
2c. Write an Algorithm 10 (i) Bubble Sort
sort data using a specified (ii) Selection Sort
sorting method. (iii) Insertion Sort
2d. Explain the working of (iv) Quick Sort
given sorting method (v) Radix Sort.
stepby-step with an
example and small data

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Data Structures using Course Code: 223 1 7
Unit- 111 3a. Develop an algorithm to 3. I Introduction to Stack
Stacks and perform PUSH and POP Stack representation in memory using array
operations for the given - Stack as an ADT
item in a Stack. - Stack Operations - PUSH, POP
3b. Convert the given - Stack Operations Conditions — Stack Full
expression from Infix to / Stack Overflow, Stack Empty / Stack
Prefix/Postfix using Slack. Underflow.
3c. Write steps to evaluate the - Applications of Stack
iven expression using the
- Reversing a list
- Polish notations
3d. Develop a program to
.2 Conversion of infix to postfix expression,
perform the given
operation on a linear Evaluation of postfix expression, Converting an
Queue. infix into prefix expression, Evaluation of prefix
3e. Write Algorithm to expression , Recursion, Tower of Hanoi .3
Introduction to Queue:
perform the given
- Queue representation in memory using
operations on circular
Queue as an ADT
- Types of Queues :- Linear Queue, Circular
Queue, Concept of Priority Queue
- Queue Operations INSERT, DELETE
- Queue Operations Conditions Queue Full,
Queue Empty
- Applications of Queue
Unit-IV 4a. Create relevant structure to 4.1 Introduction to Linked List Terminologies:
Linked represent the given node node. Address. Pointer, Infornnation field /
using linked list. Data field. Next pointer, Null Pointer, Empty
4b. Develop algorithm to list.
insert the given item in 4.2 Type of lists: Linear list, Circular list
linear linked list. 4.3 Operations on a singly linked list:
4c. Develop algorithm to Traversing a singly linked list, Searching a
delete the given item from key in linked list. Inserting a new node in a
linear linked list linked list. Deleting a node from a linked list
4d. Develop algorithm 10
traverse a circular linked
Unit —V 5a. Draw Binary Search Tree Introduction to Trees emtinologies: tree.
for the given data set. 5. degree ol'a node. degree
Trees and
5b. Write algorithms to •e. level of {1 node. leaf node, Dep
traverse the tree using e a Iree. In-degree & (hit-Degree

MSBTE - Final copy 20.04.2018

Data Structures using Course Code: 223 1 7

Unit Unit Outcomes (U()s) Topics and Sub-topics

(in cognitive (101main)
iven method. Path, Ancestor & descendant nodes
Sc. Construct Expression tree Tree Types and Traversal methods
for the given data. 5.2 Types of Trees: General tree, Binary tree.
5d. Represent the given Binary search tree (BST).
Graph using adjacency Binary tree traversal : In order traversal,
matrix and adjacency list. Preorder traversal, Post order traversal
Expression tree.
Introduction to Graph terminologies: graph,
node (Vertices), arcs (edge), directed graph.
undirected graph, in-degree, out-degree,

adjacent, successor, predecessor, relation,

5.5 path, sink, articulation point.
Adjacency List, Adjacency Matrix of directed
/ undirected graph.
Note: To a/tain ihe C()s and compelency, above listed [JOS' need 10 he underlaken to achieve
the 'Application Level of Bloom 's 'Cognitive Domain Taxonomy '


tJnit Unit Title Teaching Distribution of Theory Marks

No. Hours Total
Level Level Level Marks
Introduction to Data Structures 04 02 02 02 06

Searching and Sorting 08 02 02 08 12

Ill Slacks and Queues 16 02 04 14 20

IV Linked Lists 10 02 04 10 16
V Trees and Graphs 10 02 04 10 16
Total 48 10 16 44 70

Legends: R •Ren1en7ber, U— Undersland, A =Apply and above (Bloom 's Revised

taxononqy) Note • This spec(/ica/ion table provicles general guidelines to assist s/udent för
their learning and to teachers to leach and assess studenls with respect to attainment of U()s.
The ac/ual dislribution Q/)narks a/ di//eren/ laxonomy levels (of R, U and A) in the question
paper may vary fro"? above fable.

MSBTE - Final copy m. 20.04.2018 Page of

Principles of Database Course Code: 223

Title of Book Author Publication
2 Data Structures using ISRD Group McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi
2013, ISBN: 978-12590006401
3 Data Structures with 'C' Lipschutz McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi
(SIE) (Schaunfs Outline 2013, ISBN: 978-0070701984
4 Practical 'C' Steve Oualline OReilly Media
5 Data Structures Dr. Rajendra Kawale Devraj Publications


a. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/106102064/1
b. www.oopweb.com/algorithms
c. www.studytonight.com/data-structures/
d. www.cs.utexas.edu/users
e. liscs.wssu.edu http://www.academictutorials.com/data-structurcs
h. http://www.indiabix.com
i. https://www.khanacademy.org/

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Data Structures using Course Code: 223 1 7

Pro o ram Namc Course Code

Program Code • Diploma in Information Technology

Course Title : Third
: Principles of Database
: 22321
Database Inanagement system stores, organizes and manages a large amount of data which can
be used by different software application. Developing and managing efficient and effective
database applications requires understanding the fundamentals of database management
systems and techniques for the design of databases by following principles of database design.
This course enables students comprehending concept of database, they can design relational
database and perform basic operations on stored data.

The aim of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified coinpetency
through various teaching learning experiences:
Develop Relational l)atabase by applying principles of database design.


The theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with this course are to be
taught and implemented, so thal the student demonstrates the following industry oriented COs
associated with the above mentioned competency:
a. Use fundamental concepts of database in a Database System.
b. Choose relevant data model to solve a problems.
c. Develop relational databases using Entity Relationship modelling approach.
d. Apply constraints for data integrity in Relational database.
e. Apply data normalization and denormalization techniques on database.


Examination Scheme
Theory Practical
L+T+P) Paper Total

Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min

70 28 oo 100 40 25 10 20

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Principles of Database Course Cocle: 2232 1



Unit Unit Outcomes (UOs) Topics and Sub-topics

(in cognitive domain)
Unit — I l a. Distinguish the data and 1.1 Introduction: Data, Database and its
Basics of information based on their purpose, Characteristics of the database,
Database characteristics in the given file systeln vs. database approach,
and context. Different types of Database, Advantages
Architect I b. Identify database and disadvantages of database systems.
components for the given I .2 Concepts of database: Components of
database application. database- Hardware, Software, People,
I c. Differentiate the features of Procedure.Database Product, Data
the given databases with abstraction, Database languages —Data
examples. Definition Language(DDL), Data
I d. Explain the three level of Manipulation Language(DML),
architecture of database for the Data Control Language(DCL).Data
given application system. independence - Logical and Physical
Independence. Data integrity.
I .3 Architecture or data base: Three Level
Architecture for a Database
SystemDatabase (Data) Tier,
Application (Middle) Tier and User
(Presentation) -I'ier.
Unit— Il 2a. Explain the efficiency and 2.1 Database Models- Hierarchical
Data storage complexity of the Database Model. Network Database
Models given data models. Model, Object-()riented Database
and 2b. Explain the merits and draw Model.
database backs ofthc given data model. 2c. 2.2 Relational Database Model- Domain,
types Convert a given Hierarchical Attributes. Tuples and Relations.
Database to Relational 2.3 Types of Database System-
database. Centralized Database
2d. R epresent a dataset in ill • System. Parallel Database
elm, Client / Server Database
I. Distributed Database Systelll

Unit ()utcomes (UOs) Topics and Sub-topics

(in cognitive domain)
given data model graphically,

MSBTE - Final coy m. 20.04.2018

Principles of Database Course Cocle: 2232 1

Unit- 111 3a. Represent identified entities 3.1 Entities, Entity set, Relationships
Database set and their relationship in 3.2 Representation of entities, attributes,
l)esign terms of tables for the given relationship attributes, relationship set
using ER application system. 3.3 Generalization auore u ation
model 3b. Use relevant types of Key to 3.4 Structure of relational Database and
establish the given type of different types of keys. Expressing M
relation between tables. N relation
3.5 Shortcomings of ER Model,
Design E-R diagram for the
given application system. Enhanced ER (EER) model; sub class.
Identify the shortcomings of super class, Specialization and
ER modeling approach for Generalization.
the given system to resolve it
through EER approach.
Unit-IV 4a. Apply relevant key in database 4.1 Database schema and subschell)a
Relation to comply the given 4.2 Relational databases and relational
al Data constraints. database schenws, Entity integrity.
Base 4b. Describe with sketches the referential integrity and foreign key.
Model schema diagram of the given 4.3 Relational consti'aints and relational
database. database schemes-Domain
4c. Apply the given constraints on constraints, Key constraints, Not Null.
the specified identified 4.4 Codd's rules of RDBMS.
database application. 4.5 Working with RDBMS: Create table,
4d. Write procedure to manipulate insert values in the table. edit table,
the given table by adding/
modifying/ deleting records.
delete table using appropriate GUI
based database.
Unit -V 5a. Derive Functional Dependency 5.1 Concept of Normalization.
Normaliz of the given attribute in a table. Functional Dependency. Closures of a
ation 5b. Identify the Normal Form of the Set of Functional Dependencies.
given table. 5.2 Normal Forms based on keys (l NE, 2
5c. Convert the given table from NE, 3 NF. BCNF).
one normal form to another 5.3 Denormalization: Process. benefits and
(J iven normal form. draw back.
5d. Denormalize the given
database by introducing data
redundancy or data grouping.
Note: To allain lhe and competency, above lisled U()s need to be undertaken 10 achieve lhe
Applicalion Level ofBloom 's 'Cognitive Domain Taxonomy

MSBTE - Final coy m. 20.04.2018

Techniques Course

Pro u ram Name Diploma in Information Technology

Program Code
Course Title : Third
Course Code Digital Techniques and
: 22323
It is essential to know fundamentals of digital electronics to understand the concept of
microprocessor and its application. Microprocessor benefits to meet challenges of growing
applications of advanced microprocessor based technologies hence students are expected to
be conversant with components of microprocessors and microprocessor based programlning.
This course is designed to help the students to design logic circuits and to understand the
architecture of 8086 microprocessor. The course also enables students to develop assembly
language programs using instruction set of 8086 Microprocessor.

The aim of this course is to help the student to attain the following industry identified
competency through various teaching learning experiences:
• Build digital systems including microprocessor based systems.


The theory, practical experiences and relevant soft skills associated with this course are to be
taught and implemented, so that the student demonstrates the following industry oriented COs
associated with the above mentioned competency:
a. Test the Digital Systems, Logic Families and logic gates
b. Construct combinational logical circuit
c. Construct sequential logical circuit
d. Use registers and instructions of 8086.
e. Develop assembly language programs using 8086.


Examination Scheme
Credit Theory Practical
Paper ESE PA Total ESE PA Total
Hrs. Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min
4 2 6 70 28 30* 00 100 40 10 25 10 50 20

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Digital and Microprocessor Code: 22323

Unit Outcomes (UOs) Topics and Sub-topics

(in cognitive domain)
Unit - 1 I a. Convert the number from the 1.1 Terms - Bit, Byte, Nibble
Number (J iven number system to the I .2 Number systems — Decimal,
systems, specified number system. Binary, Octal and I-lexadecinull
Digital I b. Perform the given binary and their conversions froln one
Logic arithmetic operation on the number system to another (Integer
families given data. and fractional).
and Logic I c. Describe the characteristics of 1.3 Codes - BCD, Gray, ASCII,
Gates the given Digital Logic family. EBCDIC
1 d. Derive the truth table of the I .4 Binary arithmetic — Con)pliments
given basic logic gate/ derived 1 's and 2's, Addition, subtraction,
logic gate. multiplication and division.(up to 8
I e. Apply Boolean algebra for bit)
designing the given logic circuit. 1.1 Applications of digital circuits,
If. Design the logical circuit for the Comparison of
given application. Characteristics of digital
ICs.(Propagation Delay, Noise
Margin, Power dissipation, Fan-in
Fan-out. Threshold logic levels).

1.3 Basic logic operations using laws

of Boolean algebra. DE Morgan's
Unit- 11 2a. Simplify the given logical 2.1 Standard/canonical forms for
Combinati expression using Sum- Boolean functions, Min terms and
onal ofProduct (SOP) and Product- Max terms.
Logic ofSum (POS) approaches. 2.2 Simplification of logical circuit by
2b. Minimize the given logical way of Sum-of-Product (SOP) and
function using Karnaugh's map Product-of-Sum (POS) approaches.
(K-MAP). 2.3 Expressions simplification using
2c. Explain the approach of Boolean algebra techniques (i.e.
designing the given data for KMAP of variable K-MAPs)
hallladder/half-subtractor using 2.4 Construction of Half Adder and
IQ-MAP. Half subtractor using K-MAP.
2d. Construct the logical diagrams 2.5 Necessity, principle and types of
of multiplexer/demultiplexer multiplexer and denulltiplexer.
to solve the given problem.

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Digital and Microprocessor course Code: 22323
Unit- 111 Ja. Differentiate characteristics of the 3.1 Combinational and sequential logic
Sequential given logic Circuits. Circuits. Block diagram of
Logic 3b. Identify the given situations sequential circuit
Circuits where edge triggering is 3.2 Flip-flops: One-Bit meniory Cell
preferred over level triggering symbol applications of flip-flops,
with justification. Types of triggering flip-flops.
3c. Explain with sketches Edge triggered and level triggered
the workinrincl le of nci le of working of dilTerent

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Applied Multimedia Techniques course Code: 22024

Unit Unit Outcomes (UOs) Topics and Sub-topics

(in cognitive domain)
3d. of flip flop. flip-flop types- SR, JK, D and T
Choose relevant type of flip-flop Flip-flop.
(SR/ JR/ D/T) based on given
number of inputs and the manner
in which they affect the binary
state of the flip-flop.

Unit-IV 4a. Explain the process of 4.1 Evolution of Microprocessor and

Microproc executing the given instructions type. 16-bit Microprocessor-
essor: 8086 in 8086 microprocessor. 4.2 8086. Features of 8086, pin
and 4b. Derive physical address diagram and architecture of 8086,
Modern to locate the given data Flag register and segment
Microproc from memory registers of 8086, Minimum mode
4c. Segmentation. and maximum mode of operation.
Compare architecture of Timing diagram. Concept of
Microprocessor 8086 with the Memory segmentation and
specified processor on the given pipelining, pliysical address
4d. 4.3 generation. Overview of Pentiuln
Select the CISC/RISC 4.4 Family and
architecture based processor for 4.5 processors.
the given situation with Characteristics of RISC processor.
justification. CISC with RISC in terms of
Instruction set, Length,
addressing modes.
Unit-V 5a. Select relevant addressing 5.1 Programnming Model of 8()86
Assembly mode of 8086 to identify assembly language program.
Language instruction for solving the given 5.2 Addressing Modes Olt 8086
Program problem with justification with
5b. Choose relevant instruction to 5.3
perform the given operation
using fronl the instruction set of 8086 exalnples.
8086. with justification.
Sc. Group of instruction set-Data
Develop assembly transfer, Arithmetic and Logical,
language program to solve
the given expression. 5.4 Branch and loop, Flag
5d. manipulation, shift and rotate and
Develop the assembly
string instructions, (Only format
language program to solve the
and exannples)
given problem using decision
making and looping structure. Assembly Language programs
for (8-bit and 1 6 bit) Addition
subtraction, Multiplication
Division, Decision making and

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