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Katrina Erazo

Singaporean 21st Reflective Essay

I remember when I was a student, one of my problems is to wake up in the

morning and get up for school. I was always late way back in elementary,

highschool and college . The technology before is innovated but not as powerful

as we have right now. We have to admit that technology nowadays is moving our

children away from us. They are building their own world that their parents and

guidance didn’t know. One of the examples is the blue whale challenge, they

even commit suicide because of the technology that we as their guidance did’nt

know because we are not updated anymore. So for me it is a good thing that we

future teachers, need to embrace technology for us to be updated in their lives

and in their future, of course with the proper guidance and proper knowledge to

teach the rules and regulations inside the classroom and same in the house as

well, that's how technology take place.

Yes of course we need to get innovative teaching ideas for us to engage

our students in learning not just in school but in their homes as well. The

traditional way of learning is that the teacher is the monopoly of teaching, all of

our knowledge comes from the teacher, It's a good thing that our sources of

knowledge is very broad now that all of our materials can be used in learning.

Our teacher now act as a facilitator that guides the student in learning things,

they give instructions on where we they should go and get information.

They teach the students to use social media as a platform of education. This

style of teaching makes me think twice because I know that social media is one

of the biggest distractions for all of us. Using this as a platform for teaching is a

big no for me. Although a lot of studies show that this is a good platform for

making education more fun and exciting and maybe engage them in learning. We

all know that if we use facebook, twitter, instagram etc it make us distractive in

many ways, our time pass without finishing our tasks. I know that we can share

knowledge through this platforms but they should always think of the students

who are not willing to study but they are excited to make fun in school. Not all

students are the same in terms of learning.

On the other side social media platforms can be used in learning when we

are at home. We can use this as a platform for blended learning, sending files,

collaborating, communication and getting feedback from others, all over the

world. Aside from that when we are talking about the Philippines not all students

can go to school and using phones, tablets, gadgets etc can make them more

unmotivated because they cant afford buying those things and make them more

far from school because of poverty. I think it will be convenient for rich countries

like Singapore, America and other states because they can afford this kind of


Over all we can use technology in private institutions as a great source of

knowledge, information and making students competitive inside and outside the

school but not all institutions can have this kind of learning especially here in our
country. But overall technology and 21st singaporean teaching is a good idea but

we cant afford the facilities, honestly.

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