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Teacher Name:

Class Name:

Teacher ID: Teacher Link #:


© 2005, International Association for the <PIRLS National Research Center Name>
Evaluation of Educational Achievement <Address>
Teacher Questionnaire

Your school has agreed to participate in the Since PIRLS is an international study and all
IEA Progress in International Reading Literacy countries are using the same questionnaire,
Study (PIRLS), an educational research project you may find that some of the questions seem
sponsored by the International Association for unusual or are not entirely relevant to you
the Evaluation of Educational Achievement or schools in <country>. Nevertheless, it is
(IEA). PIRLS is investigating children’s reading important that you do your best to answer all
literacy in about 40 countries around the of the questions so comparisons can be made
world. It is designed to measure and interpret across countries in the study.
differences in national education systems
in order to help improve the teaching and It is estimated that it will require
learning of reading worldwide. approximately 30 minutes to complete this
questionnaire. We appreciate the time and
This questionnaire is addressed to teachers of effort that this takes and thank you for your
<fourth-grade> students, who are asked to cooperation and your contribution.
supply information about their academic and
professional backgrounds, classroom resources, When you have completed the questionnaire,
and the instructional materials and activities please place it in the accompanying envelope
used to teach reading and promote the and return it to:
development of students’ reading skills and
<Insert country-specific information here>.
strategies. Since your class has been selected
as part of a nationwide sample, your responses
are very important in helping to describe
reading education in <country>. Thank You.

Some of the questions in this questionnaire

refer to “this class.” This is the class which
is identified on the front of this booklet, and
which will be tested as part of PIRLS in your

Students in this Class

1 4
a. How many students are in this class? How many students experience difficulties under-
standing spoken <language of test>?
Write in a number. _____________<fourth-grade> students in this class
Write in a number.

b. How many of the students in #1a are in <fourth

a. How many students need <remedial> instruction
_____________<fourth-grade> students in reading?
Write in a number.

_____________<fourth-grade> students in this class

Questions 2-6 ask about the <fourth-grade> Write in a number.
students in this class.

b. How many of the students in #5a receive

<remedial> instruction in reading?

2 _____________students
By the end of the school year how many years Write in a number.
in total will you have been teaching the <fourth-
grade> students in this class?

Check one circle only.

a. Is there any provision for <enrichment> reading
One year or less --- Ó instruction in your school?
Two years ---- Ó Check one circle only.

Three years ---- Ó

Four years or more ---- Ó
Yes ----Ó
No ---- Ó
(If No, go to #7)
According to your experience, how would you If Yes...
describe the reading level of the <fourth-grade> b. How many students receive <enrichment> reading
students in this class? instruction because they are advanced readers?
Check one circle only.
_____________<fourth-grade> students in this class
Most are above average ---- Ó Write in a number.
Most are average ---- Ó
Most are below average ---- Ó
Reading level varies greatly ---- Ó

Teacher Questionnaire 3
<Language of Test> Language
and Reading Instruction

Questions 8-9 ask about <language of test>
In a typical school week, what percentage of your language instruction for the <fourth-grade>
time in class with students do you devote to the students in this class.
following activities?

Write a percentage for each.

a) Teaching the class as a whole --------------------______%

b) Working with individual students
or small groups -------------------------------------______% a. In a typical week, how much time do you spend
on <language of test> language instruction and/
c) Administrative duties or activities with the students?
(e.g., attendance)-----------------------------------______% Include instruction or activities in reading, writing,
speaking, literature, and other language skills.
d) Maintaining discipline -----------------------------______%

e) Other duties -----------------------------------------______% ___________hours and ___________minutes per week

Write in the hours and minutes.
Total = 100 %

b. Regardless of whether or not you have formally-

scheduled time for reading instruction, in a typical
week about how much time do you spend on
reading instruction and/or activities with the
Include things you do across curriculum areas and
during formally-scheduled time for reading instruction.

___________hours and ___________minutes per week

Write in the hours and minutes.

c. Is any of the time in #8b explicitly for formal

reading instruction?

Check one circle only.

Yes ----Ó
No ---- Ó
(If No, go to #9)

If Yes...
d. How much time is explicitly for formal
reading instruction?

____________hours and ___________minutes per week

Write in the hours and minutes.

4 Teacher Questionnaire
Questions 11-17 ask about reading instruction
How often do you have reading instruction and/or
for the <fourth-grade> students in this class.
do reading activities with the students?

Check one circle only.

Every day ----
Three or four days a week ---- Ó
When you have reading instruction and/or do
Fewer than three reading activities, how often do you organize
days a week ---- Ó students in the following ways?

Check one circle for each line.

10 Always or almost always
Besides you, do any other teachers teach the Often
<fourth-grade> students in this class for a Sometimes
significant portion of the school week? Never
a) I teach reading as a
Check one circle only.
whole-class activity ------------
No, I am the students’ teacher for all or most of
b) I create same-ability groups -- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
the school week ------------------------------------------------ Ó
Yes, the students have specialist teachers for c) I create mixed-ability groups - ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
core subjects (e.g., math, science, language)--------------- Ó d) I use individualized
Yes, I share teaching responsibilities with one instruction for reading --------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
other teacher (e.g., team teaching, job sharing) ----------- Ó e) Students work independently
Other -------------------------------------------------------------Ó on an assigned plan or goal -- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
f) Students work independently
on a goal they choose
themselves ---------------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ

Teacher Questionnaire 5
12 13
When you have reading instruction and/or do When you have reading instruction and/or do
reading activities with the students, how often reading activities with the students, how often
do you use the following resources? do you have the students read the following
types of text?
Check one circle for each line.
Check one circle for each line.
Every day or almost every day
Once or twice a week Everyday or almost every day

Once or twice a Once or twice a week

month Once or twice a
Never or month
or almost Never or
never almost

a) Textbooks ------------------------
a) Short stories (e.g., fables,
b) Reading series (e.g., fairy tales, action stories,
basal readers, science fiction,
graded readers) ----------------- detective stories) --------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
c) Workbooks or worksheets ---- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ b) Longer books with
d) Children’s newspapers chapters (fiction) --------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
and/or magazines -------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ c) Poems ---------------------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ

d) Plays ------------------------------ ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ

e) Computer software for
reading instruction (e.g.,
CD, DVD)------------------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ e) Descriptions and
explanations about things,
f) Reading material on the people, or events
Internet (Web pages) ---------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ (non-fiction) --------------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
g) A variety of children’s books f) Instructions or manuals
(e.g., novels, collections of
stories, non-fiction)------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ about how things work ------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
g) Charts, diagrams, graphs ------ ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
h) Materials from other
subjects -------------------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
i) Materials written by 14
students -------------------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ Which of these best describes how you use
reading instructional materials for students at
different reading levels?

Check one circle only.

I use the same materials with all students

because all students are at the same reading level ------- Ó
I use the same materials with students at different
reading levels, but have the students work at
different speeds ------------------------------------------------- Ó
I use the same materials with all students
regardless of reading level and have students
work at the same speed --------------------------------------- Ó
I use different materials with students at different
reading levels---------------------------------------------------- Ó

6 Teacher Questionnaire
15 16
When you have reading instruction and/or do After students have read something, how often do
reading activities with the students, how often you ask them to do the following?
do you do the following?
Check one circle for each line.
Check one circle for each line. Every day or almost every day
Every day or almost every day Once or twice a week
Once or twice a week Once or twice a
Once or twice a
month Never or
Never or never
never a) Answer reading
comprehension questions
a) Read aloud to the class ------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ in a workbook or on a
worksheet about what they
b) Ask students to read aloud have read ------------------------ ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
to the whole class -------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
b) Write something about or
c) Ask students to read aloud in response to what they
in small groups or pairs ------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ have read ----------------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
d) Ask students to read silently c) Answer oral questions
on their own -------------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ about or orally summarize
e) Ask students to read along
what they have read ----------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
silently while other students d) Talk with each other about
read aloud --------------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ what they have read ----------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
f) Give students time to read e) Do a project about what
books of their own choosing - ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ they have read
g) Teach or model for students
(e.g., a play or art project) ---- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
different reading strategies f) Take a written quiz or test
(for example, skimming/ about what they have read --- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
scanning, self-monitoring) ---- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
h) Teach students strategies
for decoding sounds and
words----------------------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
i) Teach students new
vocabulary systematically ----- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
j) Help students understand
new vocabulary in texts they
are reading ---------------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ

Teacher Questionnaire 7
Computer and Library Resources

17 18
How often do you ask the students to do the Are computers available for use by your class?
following things to help develop reading
comprehension skills or strategies? Yes ----Ó
No ---- Ó
Check one circle for each line. (If No, go to #19)
Every day or almost every day
Once or twice a week If Yes,
Once or twice a
month a. Where are computers available for use by your
Never or
never Check one circle for each line.
a) Identify the main ideas
of what they have read -------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ Yes
b) Explain or support their a) One or more computers available in the
understanding of what they ÓÍÍÓ
classroom ------------------------------------------
have read ------------------------ ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ b) Available elsewhere in the school or nearby - ÓÍÍÓ
c) Compare what they have
read with experiences they b. Do any of the computers have access to the Inter-
have had ------------------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ net (e-mail or World Wide Web)?

d) Compare what they have Check one circle only.

read with other things they
have read ------------------------ ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ Yes ----Ó
No ---- Ó
e) Make predictions about
what will happen next in the c. How often do you have students do the following
text they are reading ----------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ computer activities?
f) Make generalizations and Check one circle for each line.
draw inferences based on
Every day or almost every day
what they have read -----------
Once or twice a week
g) Describe the style or Once or twice a
structure of the text they month
have read ------------------------ ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ Never or
a) Look up information
on the Internet ------------------ ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
b) E-mail or chat with other
students about what they
are learning --------------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
c) Read stories or other texts
on the computer ---------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
d) Use instructional software
to develop reading skills
and strategies ------------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
e) Use the computer to
write stories or other texts ---- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
f) Use the internet to do
projects with students
in other schools or countries - ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
8 Teacher Questionnaire
19 20
Do you have a library or reading corner in your How often do you take or send the students to a
classroom? library other than your classroom library?

Check one circle only. Check one circle only.

Yes ----Ó Ó
Every day or almost every day ---
No ---- Ó Once or twice a week ---- Ó
(If No, go to #20)
Once or twice a month ---- Ó
If Yes, Never or almost never ---- Ó
a. About how many books and magazines with
different titles are in your classroom library?

_____________different titles of books

Write in a number.

Write in a number. (Count each title only once)

b. How often do you give the students in your

class time to use the classroom library or
reading corner?

Check one circle only.

Every day or almost every day -- Ó

Once or twice a week ---- Ó
Once or twice a month ---- Ó
Never or almost never ---- Ó

c. Can the students borrow books from the class-

room library or reading corner to take home?

Check one circle only.

Yes ----Ó
No ---- Ó

Teacher Questionnaire 9
Homework Reading Difficulties

Questions 21-22 ask about homework for the Questions 23-24 ask about how you deal with
<fourth-grade> students in this class. reading difficulties of <fourth-grade> students
in this class.

How often do you assign reading as part of 23
homework (for any subject)? Are the following resources available to you to deal
with students who have difficulty with reading?
Check one circle only.
Check one circle for each line.
I do not assign reading
for homework ---- Ó(Go to #23) Always

Less than once a week ---- Ó Never

1 or 2 times a week ---- Ó a) A <reading specialist> is

available to work in my
3 or 4 times a week ---- Ó classroom with those

Every day ---- Ó

students -------------------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
b) A <reading specialist> is
available to work in a
22 <remedial reading
classroom> with those
In general, how much time do you expect students
to spend on homework involving reading (for any
students -------------------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
subject) each time you assign it? c) A teacher-aide or other adult
is available to work in my
Check one circle only. classroom with those
students -------------------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
15 minutes or less ----
d) Other professionals (e.g.,
16-30 minutes ---- Ó learning specialist, speech
31-60 minutes ---- Ó therapist) are available to
work with those students ----- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
more than 60 minutes ---- Ó

10 Teacher Questionnaire

Questions 25-27 ask about assessment for the
What do you usually do if a student begins to fall
<fourth-grade> students in this class.
behind in reading?

Check one circle for each line.

No 25
a) I wait to see if performance improves with
maturation----------------------------------------- ÓÍÍÓ How much emphasis do you place on the following
sources to monitor students’ progress in reading?
b) I spend more time working on reading
individually with that student ------------------ ÓÍÍÓ Check one circle for each line.

Major emphasis
c) I have other students work on reading with
the student having difficulty -------------------- ÓÍÍÓ Some emphasis
Little or no
d) I have the student work in the regular
classroom with a teacher-aide ---------------- ÓÍÍÓ a) Diagnostic reading
e) I have the student work in the regular tests (including miscue
classroom with a <reading specialist> ------- ÓÍÍÓ analysis) ------------------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
f) I have the student work in a remedial reading b) Classroom tests (for
classroom with a <reading specialist> ------- ÓÍÍÓ example, teacher-made
or textbook tests)--------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
g) I assign homework to help the student
catch up-------------------------------------------- ÓÍÍÓ c) National or regional
achievement tests -------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
h) I ask the parents to help the student
with reading--------------------------------------- ÓÍÍÓ d) Your professional
judgment ------------------------ ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ

Teacher Questionnaire 11
26 27
a. How often do you use each of the following to How much are portfolios (collection of samples of
assess students’ performance in reading? students’ work, a reading log, etc.) a part of your
assessment of students’ progress in reading?
Check one circle for each line.

At least once a week Check one circle only.

Once or twice a month Major source ---- Ó

Supplementary source ---- Ó
Once or twice
a year
Do not use at all ---- Ó
a) Multiple-choice questions
on material read ---------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
b) Short-answer written
questions on material read --- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
c) Paragraph-length written
responses about what
students have read ------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
d) Listening to students read
aloud -----------------------------

e) Oral questioning of students - ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ

f) Students give an oral

summary/report of what they
have read ------------------------ ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
g) Meeting with students to
discuss what they have been
reading and work they have
done ------------------------------ ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
b. How do you use this information?

Check one circle for each line.


a) To assign marks or grades ---------------------- ÓÍÍÓ

b) To adapt my instruction ------------------------- ÓÍÍÓ

c) To inform parents of student progress -------- ÓÍÍÓ

d) To identify students in need of

remedial instruction ----------------------------ÓÍÍÓ
e) To group students for instruction -------------- ÓÍÍÓ

f) To provide data for national

or local monitoring ------------------------------- ÓÍÍÓ

12 Teacher Questionnaire
Home and School About You

28 29
For the typical <fourth-grade> student in this class, By the end of this school year, how many years will
how often do you do these things? you have been teaching altogether?

Check one circle for each line.

_____________ years
At least once a week Please round to the nearest whole number.
Once or twice a month
4-6 times a year
1-3 times
a year
a) Meet or talk individually with By the end of this school year, how many years in
the child’s parents to discuss total will you have been teaching <fourth grade>?
his/her progress in reading --- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
b) Send a progress report on the _____________ years
child’s reading home to Please round to the nearest whole number.
his/her parents ------------------ ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
How old are you?

Check one circle only.

Under 25 ---- Ó
25-29 ---- Ó
30-39 ---- Ó
40-49 ---- Ó
50-59 ---- Ó
60 or more ---- Ó

Are you female or male?
Female ---- Ó
Male ---- Ó

Teacher Questionnaire 13
33 35
What is the highest level of formal education you As part of your formal education and/or training,
have completed? to what extent did you study the following areas?
Check one circle only. Check one circle for each line.
Did not complete <ISCED Not at all
Level 3> ---- Ó Overview or introduction
Finished <ISCED Level 3> ----Ó to topic
It was an area
Finished <ISCED Level 4> ----Ó of emphasis

Finished <ISCED Level 5B> ----Ó a) <Language of test>

language ------------------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
Finished <ISCED Level 5A, first degree> ----Ó
b) Literature ------------------------ ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
Finished <ISCED Level 5A, second
degree> or higher ---- Ó c) Pedagogy/teaching reading --- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ

d) Psychology----------------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
34 e) Remedial reading --------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
Are you certified to teach?
f) Reading theory ----------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
Check one circle only.
g) Children’s language
Yes ----Ó development -------------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
No ---- Ó h) Special education--------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
(If No, go to #35)
i) Second language learning ---- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ

If Yes...
What type of license or certificate do In the past two years, how many hours in total
you hold? have you spent in <in-service/professional develop-
Check one circle only. ment> workshops or seminars that dealt directly
<Full certificate> ----Ó with reading or teaching reading (e.g., reading
theory, instructional methods)?
<Provisional certificate> ----Ó
Check one circle only.
<Emergency certificate> ----Ó
Other ----Ó
None ----
Less than 6 hours ---- Ó
6-15 hours ---- Ó
16-35 hours ---- Ó
More than 35 hours ---- Ó

14 Teacher Questionnaire
37 40
For your professional development, about how Where do you prepare materials for instruction?
often do you read each of the following?
Check one circle only.
Check one circle for each line.

At least once a week

Only at home ----Ó
Once or twice a month Mostly at home ---- Ó
Once or twice About equally at home
a year
Never or
and at school ---- Ó
Mostly at school ---- Ó
a) Books or professional Only at school ---- Ó
journals related to teaching
in general ------------------------ ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
b) Books or professional
journals related to teaching
reading --------------------------- 41
How much do you agree with the following
c) Children’s books ---------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ statements?

Check one circle for each line.

38 Agree a lot

When you are at home, how often do you read for Agree a little
enjoyment? Disagree a little
Disagree a lot
Check one circle only. a) I am content with my profession
Every day or almost every day ---Ó
as a teacher ------------------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
Once or twice a week ---- Ó b) I am satisfied with being a
teacher at this school-------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
Once or twice a month ---- Ó
c) I would describe the teachers
Never or almost never ---- Ó at this school as a satisfied
group--------------------------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
39 d) I had more enthusiasm when
I began teaching than I
Do you work full time or part time? have now ---------------------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
Check one circle only. e) I do important work as
a teacher ---------------------------- ÓÍÍÓÍÍÓÍÍÓ
Full time ----Ó
Part time ---- Ó
About how long did it take you complete this

Write in a number.

Teacher Questionnaire 15
16 Teacher Questionnaire
Thank You
Thank you for the thought, time, and effort you have
put into completing this questionnaire.

Teacher Questionnaire 17
TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center
Lynch School of Education, Boston College


© 2005, International Association for the

Evaluation of Educational Achievement

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