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During my reading about bullying, I have extended my knowledge on

cyberbullying and how serious this social justice issue actually is. School bullying is a
phenomenon that affects a large population of students in many countries. In a 2001
study of over 15,686 U.S. students enrolled in public and private schools, T. R. Ansel
and colleagues found that 29.9 percent of the students in Grades 6 through 10 reported
moderates to frequent involvement in bullying at school. We are all aware what bullying
is. I, even personally experience being bullied when I was in High School, and I can say
that it is not easy, and it really hurt me a lot. I came to the point where I no longer want
to go to school. There are different kinds of bullying physical bullying, verbal bullying,
cyber bullying. These kinds of bullying are the most popular now. Being bullied will have
a big impact on a person. He/she might be depressed, anxiety, health compliant, and
might cause a death to other children who don’t take anymore her/his status of being
bullied. As the year goes by the students being bullied was also increasing.

Bullying is a major problem throughout the world today. In many cases, bullying
can lead to self-harm. In severe cases, bullying can even lead to death. Some people
may take a constructive route and speak up about their struggles from being bullied.
They may seek professional help to cope and deal with recovery. Others, who choose
to do nothing, don’t reach out for help. I believe more anti-bullying laws should be
passed to stop and sanctioned these bullies. I see and hear stories of teens being
bullied to the point where they commit suicide. These victims of bully’s decide they can’t
handle life itself anymore, so they commit suicide. Additional people may develop eating
disorders, if they were bullied because of their weight. The victims of bullies may
secretly cut or harm themselves. Why do people, teens especially, think they need to
end their life to stop all the hurt?

Society needs to become more aware of the consequences of bullying and to be

more accepting of others, as everyone is unique in their own different way. As a
country, we should come together to help these victims. But we also must consider why
these bullies are doing such actions. In one of the articles I read, bullies are the bullied
too. I guess, by helping these bullies and understand their situation, and the cause of
their actions, we might as well decrease the numbers of the bullies. I believe that more
anti-bullying laws should be passed to stop the bullies. let us help one another, spread
the word and get the victims seek psychiatrist, psychologist or a licensed counselor and
you could even save someone’s life!

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