Você está na página 1de 18

Armas de 1 mano

Comando Nombre de objeto

It_1H_AncestorSword_01 Sword of Anchestors
It_1H_AssDagger_01 Assassins Dagger
It_1H_AssSword_01 Assassins Sword
It_1H_BarbarianSword_01 Barbarian Sword
It_1H_Bastardsword_01 Bastard Sword
It_1H_Broadsword_01 Broad Sword
It_1H_Club_01 Club
It_1H_Crescent_01 Crescent
It_1H_ElBastardo_01 El Bastardo
It_1H_Epee_01 espee
It_1H_FlameSword_01 Flame Sword
It_1H_GreatSword_01 Great Sword
It_1H_Iceblade_01 Ice Blade
It_1H_Ingvar_Sword Ingvar-Sword
It_1H_Inquisitor_01 Inquisitor
It_1H_Katana_01 Katana
It_1H_Longsword_01 Longsword
It_1H_MasterSword_01 Master Sword
It_1H_MiloksFirst_Sword_01 Krush Milok Sword
It_1H_Moonblade_01 Moon Blade
It_1H_OrcSlayer_01 Orc Slayer
It_1H_PaladinSword_01 Paladin Sword
It_1H_Rubyblade_01 Rubyblade
It_1H_Runesword_01 Runesword
It_1H_Scimitar_01 Scimitar
It_1H_Sword_01 Sword
It_1H_Sword_01_OLD Barbarian Sword
It_1H_Sword_02 Sword
It_1H_Sword_Broad_01 Broad Sword
It_1H_Sword_Long_01 Long Sword
It_1H_Sword_Long_02 Long Sword
It_1H_Sword_Rhobar_01 King's Sword
It_1H_Sword_Rust_01 Rusty Sword
It_1H_Wenzel_Sword_01 Wenzels Sword

Armas de 2 manos
It_2H_AncestorMight_01 Anchestor's Might
It_2H_Axe_01 two hand Axe
It_2H_Axe_Double_01 Axe
It_2H_Axe_Double_02 Double Axe
It_2H_Axe_Lumberjack lumberjack axe
It_2H_Axe_Normal_01 Axe
It_2H_Axe_Rust_01 Rusty Axe
It_2H_Bak-Arash_Staff Shaman Staff
It_2H_BarbarianAxe_01 Barbarian Axe
It_2H_Bardiche_01 Bardiche axe
It_2H_BerserkerAxe_01 Berserker axe
It_2H_DemonSword_01 Deamon Sword
It_2H_Executioner_01 Executioner
It_2H_GreatInquisitor_01 Great Inquisitor
It_2H_Halberd Halberd
It_2H_Halberd_01 Halberd
It_2H_HeavyClub_01 Heavy Club
It_2H_InnosWrath_01 IInnos Wrath
It_2H_NailedClub_01 Nailed Club
It_2H_OgreMorningStar_01 Ogre-Morningstar
It_2H_OrcAxe_01 Krush Pach
It_2H_OrcHalberd_01 Krush Tarach
It_2H_OrcSword_01 Krush Varok
It_2H_OrcWaraxe_01 Krush Agash
It_2H_OrderSword_01 Order Sword
It_2H_SpikedClub_01 Spiked Club
It_2H_Sword_01 two hand Sword
It_2H_Sword_Bastard_01 Bastard Sword
It_2H_Sword_Old Rusty two-handed Sword
It_2H_Sword_Ore_01 Ore-two-handed sword
It_2H_Sword_Rust_01 Rusty two handed Sword
It_2H_Waraxe_01 Waraxe
It_2H_Warhammer_01 Warhammer

It_Axe_01 Axe
It_Axe_BarbarianAxe_01 BarbarianAxe
It_Axe_Bardiche_01 Bardiche Axe
It_Axe_BattleAxe_01 BattleAxe
It_Axe_BerserkerAxe_01 BerserkerAxe
It_Axe_BerserkerRageAxe_01 Berserker Rage Axe
It_Axe_HeavyClub_01 Heavy Club
It_Axe_NailedClub_01 Nailed Club
It_Axe_OgreMorningStar_01 Ogre Morning Star
It_Axe_OrcSword_01 Krush Varok
It_Axe_OrcSword_02 Krush Morok
It_Axe_OrcWaraxe_01 Krush Agash
It_Axe_Orc_01 Krush Pach
It_Axe_Rust_01 Rusty Axe
It_Axe_SpikedClub_01 Spiked Club
It_Axe_Waraxe_01 Waraxe
It_Axe_Warhammer_01 Warhammer
It_BattleAxe_01 BattleAxe

It_Bow_01 Bow
It_Bow_Army Bow of army
It_Bow_Ass Assassin's Bow
It_Bow_Bone Bone Bow
It_Bow_Composite Composite Bow
It_Bow_Deathbringer Deathbringer Bow
It_Bow_Demon Demon Bow
It_Bow_Dragon Dragon Bow
It_Bow_Fight Fight Bow
It_Bow_Horn Horn Bow
It_Bow_Hunting Hunting Bow
It_Bow_Long Long Bow
It_Bow_Nimroder Nimroder Bow
It_Bow_Oak Oak Bow
It_Bow_OrcRipper Orc Ripper Bow
It_Bow_Ork Ork Bow
It_Bow_Ranger Ranger Bow
It_Bow_Rune Rune Bow
It_Bow_SilentDeath SilentDeath Bow
It_Bow_War Warbow
It_Bow_WolfRipper WolfRipper Bow
It_Crossbow_01 Crossbow
It_Crossbow_BloodHarvest Crossbow: Blood Harvest
It_Crossbow_Bounty Crossbow: Bounty
It_Crossbow_Heavy Crossbow Heavy
It_Crossbow_KrashMorra Crossbow: KrashMorra
It_Crossbow_Merc Crossbow: Merc
It_Crossbow_Nrd Crossbow
It_Crossbow_Orc Orc-Crossbow
It_Crossbow_Rhino Crossbow: Rhino
It_Crossbow_SlaveKiller Crossbow: SlaveKiller
It_Crossbow_War War Crossbow

Alabardas y bastones
It_Halberd_01 Halberd
It_Halberd_Orc_01 Halberd Orc
It_Irmak_2H_Halberd Krush Irmak
It_Staff Staff
It_Staff_BladeStaff_01 BladeStaff
It_Staff_Darkmage_01 Staff: Darkmage
It_Staff_Darkmage_02 Staff: Darkmage
It_Staff_Darkmage_03 Staff: Darkmage
It_Staff_Dominion_01 Staff: Dominion
It_Staff_Druid_01 Staff: Druid
It_Staff_Fire Staff: Fire
It_Staff_Firemage_01 Staff: Firemage
It_Staff_Firemage_02 Staff: Firemage
It_Staff_Firemage_03 Staff: Firemage
It_Staff_FireProt_01 Staff: Fire Protection
It_Staff_Fire_01 Staff: Fire
It_Staff_Healing_01 Staff of Healing
It_Staff_Ice Staff: Ice
It_Staff_IceProt_01 Staff of Ice Protection
It_Staff_JudgementStaff_01 JudgementStaff
It_Staff_Lightning Staff: Lightning
It_Staff_Magic Staff: Magic
It_Staff_MagicProt_01 Staff of Magic Protection
It_Staff_Mana_01 Staff: Mana
It_Staff_Mana_02 Staff: Mana
It_Staff_Mana_03 Staff: Mana
It_Staff_OrcShaman_01 Staff: OrcShaman
It_Staff_Power Staff of Power
It_Staff_Prot_01 Staff of Protection
It_Staff_Prot_02 Staff of Protection
It_Staff_Prot_03 Staff of Protection
It_Staff_Quarterstaff_01 Staff: Quarterstaff
It_Staff_Scythe_01 Staff: Scythe
It_Staff_Sorcery Staff of Sorcery
It_Staff_Spear_01 Staff: Spear
It_Staff_Watermage_01 Staff of Watermage
It_Staff_Watermage_02 Staff of Watermage
It_Staff_Watermage_03 Staff of Watermage

Flechas y virotes
Arrow Arrow
BluntArrow BluntArrow
Bolt Bolt
Bolt_Sharp Sharp Bolt
ExplosiveArrow Explosive Arrow
FireArrow Fire Arrow
Fist Fist
Mike_Arrow Arrow
Mike_Axe Axe
Mike_Bolt Bolt
Mike_Bow Bow
Mike_Crossbow Crossbow
Mike_Staff Staff
Mike_Sword Sword
TrollFist TrollFist
PoisonArrow PoisonArrow

sMage Elite-Assassin's Armor
Body_AssNovice Novice Assassin's Armor
Body_AssWarrior Assassine's Armor
Body_Babe_Myrtana_Peasant ?
Body_Babe_Myrtana_Peasant_02 ?
Body_Babe_Myrtana_Slave ?
Body_Babe_Nrd_Peasant ?
Body_Babe_Varant_Dance ?
Body_Babe_Varant_Peasant ?
Body_Babe_Varant_Slave ?
Body_Druid Druid robe
Body_Firemage Fire robe
Body_Firemage_Dirty Fire robe
Body_Ghost ?
Body_King Rhobars Armor
Body_KingGuard Prunk Armor
Body_Leather Leather Armor
Body_MercElite Heavy Orc Merc Armor
Body_MercNovice Low Orc Merc Armor
Body_MercNovice_02 Low Orc Merc Armor
Body_Merc_Orcish Ork Armor
Body_Mercenary Orc Merc Armor
Body_Mercenary_02 Orc MercArmor
Body_Nom_Elite_Outlaw Heavy Nomad Armor
Body_Nom_Novice_Outlaw Low Nomad Armor
Body_Nom_Warrior_Outlaw Nomad Armor
Body_Nomad Nomad Armor
Body_NomadNovice Low Nomad Armor
Body_NomadWarrior Heavy Nomad Armor
Body_NrdElite Heavy Northman Armor
Body_NrdScout Low Northman Armor
Body_NrdWarrior Northman Armor
Body_Nrd_Ancient ?
Body_Out_Elite Bandit's Armor
Body_Out_Novice Bandit's Armor
Body_Out_Novice_02 Bandit's Armor
Body_Out_Warrior Bandit's Armor
Body_Out_Warrior_02 Bandit's Armor
Body_Paladin Paladin Armor
Body_PaladinWounded ?
Body_PaladinWounded_02 ?
Body_PaladinWounded_03 ?
Body_Paladin_02 Paladin Armor
Body_Paladin_03 Paladin Armor
Body_Peasant Bauernkleidung
Body_Peasant_02 Peasant Armor
Body_Player Armor
Body_Ranger Ranger Armor
Body_RebBandit Low Rebel Armor
Body_RebBandit_02 Low Rebel Armor
Body_RebElite Heavy Rebel Armor
Body_RebWarrior Rebel Armor
Body_RebWarrior_02 Rebel Armor
Body_Slave Slave Armor
Body_Watermage Water robe
Body_Xardas Black Mage robe
Body_Zuben Zubens Armor
Fat_Body_AssTrader ?
Fat_Body_AssTrader_02 ?
Fat_Body_Cook ?
Fat_Body_NrdElite ?
Fat_Body_Slave ?
Fat_Body_Smith ?
It_Armor_Ass_H Elite-Assassine's Armor
It_Armor_Ass_L Low Assassine's Armor
It_Armor_Ass_M Assassine's Armor
It_Armor_Druid Druid robe
It_Armor_KDF Fire robe
It_Armor_KDW Wasser robe
It_Armor_Leather Leather Armor
It_Armor_Merc_H Heavy Orc MercArmor
It_Armor_Merc_L Low Orc MercArmor
It_Armor_Merc_M Orc MercArmor
It_Armor_Nom_H Heavy Nomad Armor
It_Armor_Nom_L Low Nomad Armor
It_Armor_Nom_M Nomad Armor
It_Armor_Nrd_H Heavy Nordmar?Armor
It_Armor_Nrd_L Low Nordmar?Armor
It_Armor_Nrd_M Nordmar?Armor
It_Armor_Paladin Paladin Armor
It_Armor_Peasant Peasant Armor
It_Armor_Ranger Ranger Armor
It_Armor_Reb_H Heavy Rebel Armor
It_Armor_Reb_L Low Rebel Armor
It_Armor_Reb_M Rebel Armor
It_Armor_Rhobar Rhobars Armor
It_Armor_RoyalGuard Prunk Armor
It_Armor_Xardas Schwarzmagier robe
It_Armor_Zuben Zubens Armor

It_Helmet_Crown_01 Die Crown of Myrtana
It_Helmet_Guard_01 Wachenhelm
It_Helmet_HeavyTurban_01 Heavy Turban
It_Helmet_Horn_01 Horn Helmet
It_Helmet_Leather_01 Leather Helmet
It_Helmet_Leather_02 Leather Helmet
It_Helmet_LightHorn_01 Lowr Horn Helmet
It_Helmet_LightLeather_01 Lowr Leather Helmet
It_Helmet_LightMerc_01 Lowr Merc Helmet
It_Helmet_Merc_01 Merc Helmet
It_Helmet_Turban_01 Turban

It_Am_Assassin_01 amulet of Assassine's
It_Am_DEX_01 amulet of Hunter
It_Am_Druid_01 amulet of Druid
It_Am_HP_01 amulet of Life
It_Am_Hunter_01 amulet of Hunter
It_Am_Jaeger_02 amulet of Intelligence
It_Am_Jaeger_03 amulet of Hunter
It_Am_Krieger_01 amulet of Might
It_Am_Krieger_02 amulet of Honor
It_Am_Krieger_03 amulet of Knight
It_Am_Mage_01 Mage amulet
It_Am_Magier_01 amulet of wise
It_Am_Magier_02 amulet of mage
It_Am_Magier_03 amulet of mage
It_Am_MP_01 amulet of mage
It_Am_Paladin_01 amulet of Paladins
It_Am_Priester_01 amulet of priest
It_Am_Priester_02 amulet of honor
It_Am_Priester_03 amulet of priest
It_Am_Prot_Edge_01 amulet of protection
It_Am_Prot_Edge_02 amulet of protection
It_Am_Prot_Edge_03 protection amulet
It_Am_Prot_Edge_04 amulet of Protection
It_Am_Prot_Fire_01 amulet of Fire protection
It_Am_Prot_Ice_01 amulet of ice protection
It_Am_Prot_Lightning_01 amulet of Energie protection
It_Am_Prot_Missile_01 amulet of Geschoss protection
It_Am_SP_01 amulet of stamina
It_Am_STR_01 amulet of strenght
It_Am_Thief_01 Thief's amulet
It_Am_Warrior_01 amulet of Warrior
It_Artefact_Amulet amulet: Artefact
It_Ramon_Amulet Ramons amulet

It_Recipe_2Handed two handed sword
It_Recipe_2HandedOre Ore-two handed sword
It_Recipe_Alligator Alligator
It_Recipe_AncestorMight Might of Anchestor's
It_Recipe_AncestorSword Sword of Anchestor's
It_Recipe_Bastardsword Bastard Sword
It_Recipe_Bison Bison
It_Recipe_Bloodfly Bloodfly
It_Recipe_BluntArrow recept BluntArrow
It_Recipe_Boar Boar
It_Recipe_Booze_1 Booze
It_Recipe_Booze_2 Booze
It_Recipe_Booze_3 Booze
It_Recipe_Booze_Nrd Northman's ?
It_Recipe_Broadsword Broadsword
It_Recipe_CureDisease Desease Heal
It_Recipe_CurePoison Cure poision
It_Recipe_Deadly deadly poision
It_Recipe_DEX drink of dexterty
It_Recipe_ElBastardo El Bastardo
It_Recipe_ExplosiveArrow recept Explosive Arrow
It_Recipe_FireArrow recept Fire Arrow
It_Recipe_Firewaran Fire waran
It_Recipe_Fire_1 Fire
It_Recipe_Fire_2 Fire
It_Recipe_Health_1 Heal drink
It_Recipe_Health_2 Heal drink
It_Recipe_Health_3 Heal drink
It_Recipe_Health_4 Heal drink
It_Recipe_HPMax Heal drink
It_Recipe_Lion Lion
It_Recipe_Longsword Longsword
It_Recipe_Lurker Lurker
It_Recipe_Mana_1 Mana drink
It_Recipe_Mana_2 Mana drink
It_Recipe_Mana_3 Mana drink
It_Recipe_Mana_4 Mana drink
It_Recipe_MasterSword Master's Sword
It_Recipe_MC Minecrawler
It_Recipe_Meatbug Meatbug
It_Recipe_Meatbugragout Meatbugragout
It_Recipe_MPMax Drink of concentration
It_Recipe_NrdSword Northman-sword
It_Recipe_PoisonArrow recept Poison Arrow
It_Recipe_Poison_1 Poision
It_Recipe_Poison_2 Poision
It_Recipe_Poison_3 Poision
It_Recipe_Rhino Rhino
It_Recipe_Rubyblade Ruby Blade
It_Recipe_Runesword Ruby Sword
It_Recipe_Sabertooth Sabertooth
It_Recipe_Scavenger Scavenger
It_Recipe_Shadowbeast Shadow Beast
It_Recipe_Snapper Snapper
It_Recipe_SPMax Drink of stamina
It_Recipe_Stamina_1 trank of stamina
It_Recipe_Stamina_2 trank of stamina
It_Recipe_Stew Stew
It_Recipe_Stollengrollen Stollengrollen
It_Recipe_STR Drink of Strenght
It_Recipe_SwampLurker SwampLurker
It_Recipe_Waran Waran
It_Recipe_Wolf Wolf

It_Perk_1H1H_1 Fight with 2 Swords
It_Perk_1H1H_2 Master of 2 Swords
It_Perk_1H_1 Sword Knight
It_Perk_1H_2 Heavy Sword Knight
It_Perk_1H_3 Sword Masterer
It_Perk_Acrobatic Acrobatic
It_Perk_Assassin Assassin
It_Perk_Axe_1 Great Weapons
It_Perk_Axe_2 Great Weapons II
It_Perk_Axe_3 Great Weapons III
It_Perk_Barter Barter
It_Perk_Bow_1 Bow
It_Perk_Bow_2 Mowman
It_Perk_Bow_3 Master Bowman
It_Perk_Crossbow_1 Heavy Crossbow
It_Perk_Crossbow_2 Crossbowman
It_Perk_Crossbow_3 master Crossbowman
It_Perk_Darkmage Darkmage
It_Perk_DeadlyArrow Deadly Arrows creation
It_Perk_Druid Druid
It_Perk_Excuse Excuse
It_Perk_ExplosiveArrow Explosive Arrow creation
It_Perk_FireArrow FireArrow creation
It_Perk_Firemage Firemage
It_Perk_HeavyArmor Armor advance
It_Perk_Hunter_1 Hunter
It_Perk_Hunter_2 Great Hunter
It_Perk_ImmuneToDisease Immune To Disease
It_Perk_ImmuneToPoison ImmuneToPoison
It_Perk_JumpAttack JumpAttack
It_Perk_KnockOut Knock Out
It_Perk_Learn Faster Learn
It_Perk_LightArmor robe advantage
It_Perk_LockPick_1 Lockpick 1
It_Perk_LockPick_2 Heavy Lockpick
It_Perk_LockPick_3 Lockpick 3
It_Perk_MasterGladiator raineration
It_Perk_MasterMage Manaraineration
It_Perk_MasterThief Master Thief
It_Perk_Mining Mining
It_Perk_OrcHunter Orc Hunter
It_Perk_OrcSlayer Orc slayer
It_Perk_Orcslayer Orc slayer
It_Perk_Paladin Paladin
It_Perk_PickPocket_1 easy Pickpocket
It_Perk_PickPocket_2 Heavy Pickpocket
It_Perk_PickPocket_3 Pickpocket 3
It_Perk_PoisonArrow Poison Arrow creation
It_Perk_PoisonBlade Blade poision
It_Perk_PotionDangerous Dangerous Potions
It_Perk_PotionHP Heal Potions
It_Perk_PotionMP Mana Potions
It_Perk_PotionPerm Potions permanent
It_Perk_PotionPoison Potions Poision
It_Perk_PotionTransform Transform Potions
It_Perk_ResistCold Resistance Cold
It_Perk_ResistHeat Resistance Hot
It_Perk_SharpenBlade Sharpen Blades
It_Perk_Shield_1 Shield parade
It_Perk_Shield_2 Heavy Shield parade
It_Perk_Smith_1 Smith
It_Perk_Smith_2 Ore Smith
It_Perk_Smith_3 absolute ore smith
It_Perk_Sneak_1 Sneak
It_Perk_Sneak_2 Sneak Hunter
It_Perk_Sprinter Sprinter
It_Perk_StaffMagic Magic Staffs
It_Perk_StaffParade Magic Staffs
It_Perk_Staff_1 Staff Fighting
It_Perk_Staff_2 Staff Fighting II
It_Perk_Staff_3 Staff Fighting III
It_Perk_TrophyFur Tierfelle nehmen
It_Perk_TrophySkin Throphy Skins
It_Perk_TrophyTeeth Trophy Teeth, Horn, Claw
It_Perk_Watermage Water Mage

It_Plant_Alligator ?
It_Plant_Booze ?
It_Plant_Booze_Snow ?
It_Plant_Cactus ?
It_Plant_DemonMush ?
It_Plant_DemonMush_Snow ?
It_Plant_DEX ?
It_Plant_DEX_Snow ?
It_Plant_DruidStone ?
It_Plant_Health ?
It_Plant_HealthPerm ?
It_Plant_HealthPerm_Snow ?
It_Plant_Health_02 ?
It_Plant_Health_02_Snow ?
It_Plant_Health_03 ?
It_Plant_Health_03_Snow ?
It_Plant_Health_04 ?
It_Plant_Health_04_Snow ?
It_Plant_Health_Snow ?
It_Plant_Lion ?
It_Plant_Mana ?
It_Plant_ManaPerm ?
It_Plant_ManaPerm_Snow ?
It_Plant_Mana_02 ?
It_Plant_Mana_02_Snow ?
It_Plant_Mana_03 ?
It_Plant_Mana_03_Snow ?
It_Plant_Mana_04 ?
It_Plant_Mana_04_Snow ?
It_Plant_Mana_Snow ?
It_Plant_Perm_01 ?
It_Plant_Perm_01_Snow ?
It_Plant_ShapeMush ?
It_Plant_ShapeMush_Snow ?
It_Plant_Snapper ?
It_Plant_Stamina ?
It_Plant_Stamina_01 ?
It_Plant_Stamina_01_Snow ?
It_Plant_Stamina_02 ?
It_Plant_Stamina_02_Snow ?
It_Plant_STAPerm ?
It_Plant_STAPerm_Snow ?
It_Plant_StoneNettle ?
It_Plant_StoneNettle_Snow ?
It_Plant_STR ?
It_Plant_STR_Snow ?
It_Plant_SwampWeed ?
It_Plant_ToadMush ?
It_Plant_ToadMush_Snow ?
It_Plant_Trelott ?
It_Plant_Wolf ?
It_Plant_Wolf_Snow ?

It_DruidStone_Lion Druid stone of Lion
It_DruidStone_Lurker Druid stone of Lurkers
It_DruidStone_Ripper Druid stone of Rippers
It_DruidStone_Ripper_Broken Broken Druid stone
It_DruidStone_Shadowbeast Druid stone of Shadowbeast
It_DruidStone_Snapper Druid stone of Snappers
It_DruidStone_Waran Druid stone of Warans
It_DruidStone_Wolf Druid stone of Wolfes
It_Scroll_ALC_01 Alchemic I
It_Scroll_AnimalForm Animal Transformation
It_Scroll_ArmyOfDarkness Army Of Darkness
It_Scroll_BanishVermin Banish Vermin
It_Scroll_BlessWeapon Bless Weapon
It_Scroll_Bloodlust Bloodlust
It_Scroll_CallAnimals Call Animals
It_Scroll_Charm Charm
It_Scroll_CureDisease Cure Disease
It_Scroll_CurePoison Cure Poision
It_Scroll_DestroyEvil Destroy Evil
It_Scroll_Disease Disease
It_Scroll_DuskToDawn Dusk to Dawn
It_Scroll_Fear Fear
It_Scroll_Fireball Fireball
It_Scroll_Firerain Firerain
It_Scroll_Flamesword Firesword
It_Scroll_FrostWave Frostwave
It_Scroll_Hailstorm Hailstorm
It_Scroll_Heal Heal
It_Scroll_Healing Healing
It_Scroll_HealOther Heal Other
It_Scroll_HeatWave Heatwave
It_Scroll_Icelance icelanze
It_Scroll_INT_01 Old Scroll
It_Scroll_Light Light
It_Scroll_Lightningbolt Lightning Bolt
It_Scroll_Meteor Meteor
It_Scroll_Mist Mist
It_Scroll_OpenLocks Open Locks
It_Scroll_Poison Poision
It_Scroll_Refresh Refresh
It_Scroll_Resurrect Resurrect
It_Scroll_ShockWave Shockwave
It_Scroll_Sleep Sleep
It_Scroll_SoulTravel Soul Travel
It_Scroll_SpiritLink Spirit Link
It_Scroll_SummonDemon Summon Demon
It_Scroll_SummonGoblin Summon Goblin
It_Scroll_SummonGolem Summon Golem
It_Scroll_SummonImp Summon Imp
It_Scroll_SummonLightning Summon Lightning
It_Scroll_SummonSkeleton Summon Skeleton
It_Scroll_TameAnimal Tame Animal
It_Scroll_Telekinesis Telekenesis
It_Scroll_TimeBubble Time Bubble
It_Scroll_WordOfControl Word of Control
It_Spell_AnimalForm Animal Transforming
It_Spell_ArmyOfDarkness Army of Darkness
It_Spell_BanishVermin Banish Vermin
It_Spell_BlessWeapon Bless Weapon
It_Spell_Bloodlust Bloodlust
It_Spell_CallAnimals Call Animals
It_Spell_Charm Charm
It_Spell_CureDisease Cure Disease
It_Spell_CurePoison Cure Poision
It_Spell_DestroyEvil Destroy Evil
It_Spell_Disease Disease
It_Spell_DuskToDawn Dusk to Dawn
It_Spell_Fear Fear
It_Spell_Fireball Fireball
It_Spell_Firerain Firerain
It_Spell_Flamesword flamesword rufen
It_Spell_FrostWave icewave
It_Spell_Hailstorm hailstorm
It_Spell_Heal heal
It_Spell_Healing healing
It_Spell_HealOther other healing
It_Spell_HeatWave flamewave
It_Spell_IceBomb iceexplosion
It_Spell_Icelance icelanze
It_Spell_Light Light
It_Spell_Lightningbolt Lightning Bolt
It_Spell_Meteor Meteor
It_Spell_Mist Mist
It_Spell_OpenLocks Locks open
It_Spell_Poison poision
It_Spell_Refresh refresh
It_Spell_Resurrect Resurrect
It_Spell_ShockWave Schockwave
It_Spell_Sleep Sleep
It_Spell_SoulTravel Soul Travel
It_Spell_SpiritLink Spirit Link
It_Spell_SummonDemon deamon summon
It_Spell_SummonGoblin Goblin summon
It_Spell_SummonGolem Golem summon
It_Spell_SummonImp skeleton summon
It_Spell_SummonLightning lightning summon
It_Spell_SummonSkeleton skeleton summon
It_Spell_TameAnimal Tame
It_Spell_Telekinesis Telekinesis
It_Spell_TimeBubble time bubble
It_Spell_WordOfControl word of control

It_Am_Jaeger_01 Ring of Hunters
It_Artefact_Ring_01 Adanos' Ring
It_Artefact_Ring_02 Adanos' Ring
It_Artefact_Ring_Geldern Alter Alchemistenring
It_Ring_DEX_01 Ring of Hunting
It_Ring_HP_01 Ring of Life
It_Ring_Missile_01 Ring of arrow protection
It_Ring_MP_01 Ring of Magic
It_Ring_Prot_Combat_01 protection ring of Combat
It_Ring_Prot_Edge_01 weapon protection ring
It_Ring_Prot_Edge_02 Ring of protection
It_Ring_Prot_Fire_01 Fire protection ring
It_Ring_Prot_Ice_01 ice protection ring
It_Ring_Prot_LIGHTNING_01 Ring of Lightning protection
It_Ring_Prot_Lightning_01 Ring of Lightning protection
It_Ring_Prot_Magic_01 protection ring of Magie
It_Ring_Prot_Missile_01 Ring of Arrow protection
It_Ring_SP_01 Ring of Dex
It_Ring_STR_01 strenght ring
It_Ri_Jaeger_01 Ring of hunters
It_Ri_Jaeger_02 Ring of hunters 2
It_Ri_Jaeger_03 Ring of hunters 3
It_Ri_Krieger_01 Ring of Warriors
It_Ri_Krieger_02 Ring of Warriors 2
It_Ri_Krieger_03 Ring of Warriors 3
It_Ri_Magier_01 Ring of Mages
It_Ri_Magier_02 Ring of Mages 2
It_Ri_Magier_03 Ring of Mages 3
It_Ri_Priester_01 Ring of Priest
It_Ri_Priester_02 Ring of Priest 2
It_Ri_Priester_03 Ring of Priest 3

It_Teleport_Ardea Teleport to Ardea
It_Teleport_Bakaresh Teleport to Bakaresh
It_Teleport_Beliar Teleport to Beliar
It_Teleport_BenErai Teleport to Ben Erai
It_Teleport_BenSala Teleport to Ben Sala
It_Teleport_Braga Teleport to Braga
It_Teleport_Faring Teleport to Faring
It_Teleport_FireClan Teleport to Fireclan
It_Teleport_Geldern Teleport to Geldern
It_Teleport_Gotha Teleport to Gotha
It_Teleport_Hammerclan Teleport to Hammerclan
It_Teleport_Innos Teleport to Innosschrein im Kloster
It_Teleport_Ishtar Teleport to Ishtar
It_Teleport_KapDun Teleport to Kap Dun
It_Teleport_King Teleport to Thronee of K�nig Rhobar II.
It_Teleport_Lago Teleport to Lago
It_Teleport_LeaveVangard ?
It_Teleport_Monastery Teleport to Monatery
It_Teleport_Montera Teleport to Montera
It_Teleport_MoraSul Teleport to Mora Sul
It_Teleport_Nemora Teleport to Nemora
It_Teleport_Okara Teleport to Okara
It_Teleport_Reddock Teleport to Reddock
It_Teleport_Silden Teleport to Silden
It_Teleport_Trelis Teleport to Trelis
It_Teleport_VangardTempel Teleport to Temple of Vengard
It_Teleport_Wolfclan Teleport to Wolfsclan
It_Teleport_Xardas Teleport zu Xardas
It_Teleport_Zuben Teleport to Zubens palace
It_Potion Potion
It_Potion_Alligator Transforming Alligator
It_Potion_Bison Transforming Bison
It_Potion_Bloodfly Transforming Bloodfly
It_Potion_Boar Transforming Boar
It_Potion_CureDisease cure disease
It_Potion_CurePoison cure posion
It_Potion_Deadly deadly poision
It_Potion_DEX Drink of Hunting
It_Potion_Empty empty potion
It_Potion_Fire Fire
It_Potion_Firewaran Transforming potion
It_Potion_Health Heal Potion
It_Potion_HPMax potion of Life
It_Potion_Lion Transforming Lion
It_Potion_Lurker Transforming Lurker
It_Potion_Mana Mana potion
It_Potion_MC Transforming Minecrawler
It_Potion_Meatbug Transforming Flicechwanze
It_Potion_MPMax Drink of concentration
It_Potion_Poison potion Poison
It_Potion_Rhino Transforming Rhino
It_Potion_Sabertooth Transforming Sabertooth
It_Potion_Scavenger Transforming Scavenger
It_Potion_Shadowbeast Transforming Shadowbeast
It_Potion_Snapper Transforming Snapper
It_Potion_SPMax Drink of ?
It_Potion_Stamina potion of stamina
It_Potion_STR Drink of Strenght
It_Potion_SwampLurker Transforming Swamplurker
It_Potion_Swamplurker Transforming Swamplurker
It_Potion_Waran Transforming Waran
It_Potion_Wolf Transforming Wolf It_Potion Potion
It_Potion_Alligator Transforming Alligator
It_Potion_Bison Transforming Bison
It_Potion_Bloodfly Transforming Bloodfly
It_Potion_Boar Transforming Boar
It_Potion_CureDisease cure disease
It_Potion_CurePoison cure posion
It_Potion_Deadly deadly poision
It_Potion_DEX Drink of Hunting
It_Potion_Empty empty potion
It_Potion_Fire Fire
It_Potion_Firewaran Transforming potion
It_Potion_Health Heal Potion
It_Potion_HPMax potion of Life
It_Potion_Lion Transforming Lion
It_Potion_Lurker Transforming Lurker
It_Potion_Mana Mana potion
It_Potion_MC Transforming Minecrawler
It_Potion_Meatbug Transforming Flicechwanze
It_Potion_MPMax Drink of concentration
It_Potion_Poison potion Poison
It_Potion_Rhino Transforming Rhino
It_Potion_Sabertooth Transforming Sabertooth
It_Potion_Scavenger Transforming Scavenger
It_Potion_Shadowbeast Transforming Shadowbeast
It_Potion_Snapper Transforming Snapper
It_Potion_SPMax Drink of ?
It_Potion_Stamina potion of stamina
It_Potion_STR Drink of Strenght
It_Potion_SwampLurker Transforming Swamplurker
It_Potion_Swamplurker Transforming Swamplurker
It_Potion_Waran Transforming Waran
It_Potion_Wolf Transforming Wolf

It_Aldo_Schatulle old Schatulle
It_Ali_Artefact Artefact
It_AlShedim_Deadkeeper_01 Urn of Deadkeeper
It_AlShedim_Healer_01 Krug of Healer.
It_AlShedim_Warrior_01 Figur of Warrior
It_Amul_Goldsack Amul�s Sack
It_Ancestor_Stone_01 Anchestor's stone of Akasha
It_Ancestor_Stone_03 Anchestor's stone of Snorre
It_Ancestor_Stone_04 Anchestor's stone of Baldar
It_Ancestor_Stone_05 Anchestor's stone of Angir
It_Ancestor_Stone_06 Anchestor's stone of Berek
It_Artefact_Abbas Artefact of Water Trader
It_Artefact_Crown Adanos Crown
It_Artefact_GeldernShadowBeastRuin ShadowBeast Zepter
It_Artefact_Helmet_Geldern Helmet of first Paladins
It_Artefact_ robe Adanos' robe
It_Basir_GoldChest goldchest of Basir
It_Black_Stonepiece black stone piece
It_Chalice_Beliar Asams beliar
It_Chest_Good chest good
It_Chest_Normal chest normal
It_Cup_Gold gold cup
It_Cup_Gold_KapDun gold kap dun cup
It_Cup_Gold_MoraSul gold MoraSul cup
It_Cup_Horn Horn Cup
It_Cup_Silver Silver Cup
It_Cup_Silver_KapDun Silver Cup from Kapdun
It_Ejnar_Helm Helmet
It_FiremageCup Fire Cup
It_FiremageCup_Blessed Gesegneter Fire Cup
It_Fokus Fokus Stone
It_Gold Gold
It_GoldChalice_Lares GoldChalice
It_GoldNugget Gold Nugget
It_GoldRing Gold Ring
It_Gold_Stack_01 Gold
It_Gold_Stack_02 more gold
It_Gold_Stack_03 Much more Gold
It_Gold_Stonepiece Golden stonepiece
It_Gold_Stoneplate Golden stoneplate
It_Ilja_Artefact Iljas Artefact
It_Kamak_Artefact Kamaks Artefact
It_Necklace Necklace
It_Nefarius_Spell Nefarius spell
It_Ore Ore
It_Scepter Scepter of Varant
It_Thorald_Armor Thoralds Armor

Cosas escritas (por ej libros)

It_Ashton_GoldList Ashtons Golden List
It_Aidan_Book Aidans Book
It_AlShedim_Priest_01 Stoneplate of priest
It_AlShedim_Wise_01 Scroll of Wise
It_Bernado_Letter Bernados Letter
It_Black_Stoneplate Schwarze Stoneplate
It_Bradley_SlaveList Bradleys SlaveList
It_Book Book
It_Book_01 Book
It_Book_ALC_01 Grundlagen of Alchemic
It_Book_INT_01 Old Book
It_ChumanaBook The history of akasha
It_Ingvar_Recipe recept
It_Letter Letter
It_Letter_01 Letter
It_Map Map
It_Map_AncestorGraves Map of Anchestor's graves
It_Map_Ancestorgraves Map of Ahnengr�ber
It_Map_Caves Map of Caves
It_Map_SaturasTempleKeys Map of Temple Keys
It_Map_Saturastemplekeys Map of Ruin Temple Keys
It_Map_SaturasTempleKeys_KILLME Map of Ruin Temple Keys
It_Map_World Map of Wold
It_Map_World_Caves Map of Wold Caves
It_Map_World_Caves_KILLME Map of Wold Caves
It_Map_XardasExcavations Map of Xardas Excavations
It_Map_XardasExcavations_KILLME Map of Xardas Excavations
It_Masil_Debt Debt of Masil
It_Sancho_Letter Sanchos Letter
It_SanfordsRebList Letter of Sanford
It_Scroll Scroll
It_Scroll_01 Scroll
It_Stoneplate Stoneplate
It_Stoneplate_INT_01 Stoneplate
It_Stoneplate_INT_02 Verwitterte Stoneplate
It_Surus_Order Surus Order
It_TipplerList Tipplers List
It_Ugolf_Recipe recipe list
It_Xardas_Book Xardas Book
It_Hassan_Letter Hassans Letter
It_Hatlod_Blueprint ?
It_Nerus_Order Nerus Order

It_AlShedim_TempleKey_01 for the temple of Al Shedim
It_AlShedim_TempleKey_02 for the temple of Al Shedim
It_AlShedim_TempleKey_03 for the temple of Al Shedim
It_AlShedim_TempleKey_04 for the temple of Al Shedim
It_AlShedim_TempleKey_05 for the temple of Al Shedim
It_Key Keys
It_Key_01 Keys
It_Key_Ali Keys
It_Key_Fabio Keys
It_Key_Lockpick Lockpick
It_Key_Sigmor Sigmors Keys
It_Key_Tjalf Tjalfs Keys
It_MoraSul_TempleKey_01 for the temple of Mora Sul
It_MoraSul_TempleKey_02 for the temple of Mora Sul
It_MoraSul_TempleKey_03 for the temple of Mora Sul
It_MoraSul_TempleKey_04 for the temple of Mora Sul
It_MoraSul_TempleKey_05 for the temple of Mora Sul
It_HaranHo_Key Keys

It_Bens_Shovel Bens Shovel
It_Block Block
It_Bottle Bottle
It_Broom Broom
It_Brush Brush
It_Cup_Clay Cup
It_Drum Drum
It_DrumStick Drumstick
It_Fan Fan
It_Gancka_Wood Gancka Wood
It_Hammer Hammer
It_Hammer_Smith Smith Hammer
It_IronOre Iron Ore
It_IronOreNugget Iron Ore Nugget
It_Knife Knife
It_Knife_Butcher Butchers Knife
It_Lute Lute
It_MilkBarrel Milk Barrel
It_OrcPipe Orc Pipe
It_Pan Pan
It_Pickaxe Pickaxe
It_Plate_Silver_Ardea Hamlars plate
It_Poker ?
It_Rake Rake
It_Saw ?
It_Scoop Scoop
It_Shovel Shovel
It_Stick Stick
It_Sulfur Sulfur
It_SulfurNugget Sulfur Nugget
It_Sword stomp sword
It_Sword_Hot hot sword
It_Sword_PureOre pure ore
It_Sword_Raw raw sword
It_Sword_RawOre raw ore
It_Temmy_Fishpacks fishpacks
It_Torch Torch
It_Torch_Burning Burning Torch
It_WheatSack Wheat Sack
It_Anog_Supply Supply from Nordmar
It_Bozep_Supply Bozeps Chest with Woodberries
It_Connor_Supply Connors Supply
It_Enzo_Supply Heavy Supply
It_Flint_BoozeBarrel Booze Barrel
It_Giores_Supply Waren Supply
It_Iomar_Supply lampoil Supply
It_Jaffar_Weapons Jaffars Waffen
It_Lukjan_FurPack Supply Furs
It_Russel_Supply Russel Supply
It_Swampherb_Paket Swamp paket
It_Urkrass_Supply Urkrass Supply
It_WeaponPack Weapon Pack
It_Health_Sack Health Sack
Adanos godly shrine
Beliar_Tester Beliar
G3_Object_Interact_Alchemy_Table_01 Alchemic Table
G3_Object_Interact_Animated_BBQ_01 ?
G3_Object_Interact_Animated_ChestPod_01 Chest
G3_Object_Interact_Animated_ChestPod_02 Chest
G3_Object_Interact_Animated_Chest_01 Chest
G3_Object_Interact_Animated_Chest_01_Ashtons Ahtons Chest
G3_Object_Interact_Animated_Chest_01_Derecs Derecs Chest
G3_Object_Interact_Animated_Chest_02 Chest
G3_Object_Interact_Animated_Chest_02_Sigmor Sigmors Chest
G3_Object_Interact_Animated_Chest_03 Metal Chest
G3_Object_Interact_Animated_Chest_Ali Alis Chest
G3_Object_Interact_Animated_Chest_Tjalf Tjalfs Chest
G3_Object_Interact_Animated_Door_01 T�r
G3_Object_Interact_Animated_Door_02 Door
G3_Object_Interact_Animated_GrindStone_01 grind Stone
G3_Object_Interact_Animated_OrcBoulder_Faring orcboulder Stone
G3_Object_Interact_Animated_Waterpipe_01 waterpipe
G3_Object_Interact_Anvil_01 Anvil
G3_Object_Interact_Barrel_01 Water Barrel
G3_Object_Interact_Bed_01 Bed
G3_Object_Interact_Bed_02 Bed
G3_Object_Interact_Bed_03 Bed
G3_Object_Interact_Bed_04 Bed
G3_Object_Interact_Bed_05 Bed
G3_Object_Interact_Bed_06 Bed
G3_Object_Interact_Beliar_Statue_01 Shrine
G3_Object_Interact_Beliar_Statue_NAV Shrine
G3_Object_Interact_Bench_01 Bank
G3_Object_Interact_Bench_02 Bank
G3_Object_Interact_Bench_03 Bank
G3_Object_Interact_Bench_04 Bank
G3_Object_Interact_Bench_NAV Bank
G3_Object_Interact_Bookstand_01 Pult
G3_Object_Interact_Bookstand_Alchemy_01 Book stand
G3_Object_Interact_Bookstand_AncientWisdom_01 Book stand
G3_Object_Interact_Bookstand_Chronicles_01 the chronicles of control
G3_Object_Interact_Campfire_01 camp Fire
G3_Object_Interact_Campfire_02 Camp fire
G3_Object_Interact_Campfire_03 Camp fire
G3_Object_Interact_Campfire_04 Camp fire
G3_Object_Interact_Cauldron_01 cauldron
G3_Object_Interact_Innos_Statue_01 statue
G3_Object_Interact_Logstand_01 longstand
G3_Object_Interact_Lumberjack_01 lumberjack
G3_Object_Interact_Orc_Drum_01 Orc-Drum
G3_Object_Interact_Pick_Gold_01 pick gold
G3_Object_Interact_Pick_Iron_01 pick iron
G3_Object_Interact_Pick_Ore_01 pick ore
G3_Object_Interact_Pick_Sulfur_01 pick sulfur
G3_Object_Interact_Repair_Hut_01 repair hut
G3_Object_Interact_Stoneplate_01 Stoneplate
G3_Object_Interact_Stoneplate_AncientWisdom_01 Stoneplate
G3_Object_Interact_Stool_01 Stool
G3_Object_Interact_Stool_02 Stool
G3_Object_Interact_Stool_03 Stool
G3_Object_Interact_Stool_04 Stool
G3_Object_Interact_Stool_05 Stool
G3_Object_Interact_Thronee_Human_01 Thronee
G3_Object_Interact_Thronee_Orc_01 Throne
G3_Object_Varant_Story_Amphore_DeadKeeper_01 Amphore of Deadkeeper
G3_Object_Varant_Story_Amphore_Healer_01 Amphore of healer
G3_Object_Varant_Story_Amphore_Priest_01 Amphore of priest
G3_Object_Varant_Story_Amphore_Warrior_01 Amphore of warrior
Innos_Tester Innos
Sign_Ardea Ardea
Sign_Bakaresh Bakaresh
Sign_BenErai Ben Erai
Sign_BenSala Ben Sala
Sign_Braga Braga
Sign_Faring Faring
Sign_Fireclan Fireclan
Sign_Geldern Geldern
Sign_Gotha Gotha
Sign_Hammerclan Hammerclan
Sign_Ishtar Ishtar
Sign_KapDun Kap Dun
Sign_Lago Lago
Sign_Monastery Kloster
Sign_Montera Montera
Sign_MoraSul Mora Sul
Sign_Nemora Nemora
Sign_Okara Okara
Sign_Pass Pass
Sign_Pass_Nrd Nordmar
Sign_Pass_Varant Varant
Sign_Reddock Reddock
Sign_Silden Silden
Sign_Trelis Trelis
Sign_Vangard Vengard
Sign_Wolfclan Wolfsclan

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