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AngularJS $http.

get Example

On this page we will provide AngularJS $http.get example. $http.get is a shortcut for HTTP GET
method. $http is a core angular service to communicate with remote HTTP services. $http.get
accepts a HTTP URL and an optional configuration object. On the promise object returned by
$http.get, we can call .then callback or .success callback. .success has been deprecated. Here on
this page we will provide example for both .then and .success.


AngularJS $http.get() is a shortcut to perform HTML form GET method. The syntax is given

get(url, [config]);

Where url is a HTTP URL that needs to be accessed and config is a configuration object and it is
optional.$http.get returns HTTP promise object on which we can call .then along
with .catch and .finally. On promise object we can also call .success along
with .error and .finally.

promise in AngularJS
AngularJS promise is a HTTP promise that will run asynchronously. It is a concept in which a
HTTP request started to execute asynchronously such as fetching a URL that can either be
successful or fail. promise object is provided by AngularJS $q service. On the promise object
we can call other AngularJS functions. $http.get returns promiseobject.

$http.get with .then

Calling .then callback on promise object obtained from $http.get returns new promise object
and can be used as sequential operation. It takes a single object for response.

promise.then: On successful promise .then is called. If $http.get fetches a URL successfully

then AngularJS.then is executed.
promise.catch: It is called when promise is failed.
promise.finally: This method is called in both scenario whether promise is successful or failed.

Find the sample example.

var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.controller('myController', function($scope, $http){
.then(function (response){
$scope.jsondata = response.data;
console.log("status:" + response.status);
}).catch(function(response) {
console.error('Error occurred:', response.status, response.data);
}).finally(function() {
console.log("Task Finished.");
Find the properties of response object.
data: It contains response body.
status: HTTP status code.
headers: Access headers.
config: Configuration object to generate request.
statusText: HTTP status text.

In .then() we get response object and using this object we get the properties as response.data,
response.status etc. Now find sample JSON data used in our example.
"id" : "1",
"name" : "Shankar",
"location" : "Varanasi"
"id" : "2",
"name" : "Ram",
"location" : "Ayodhya"
"id" : "3",
"name" : "Krishna",
"location" : "Mathura"
<script src=
<script src="app.js"></script>
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myController">
<li ng-repeat="row in jsondata">
{{ row.id + ', ' + row.name + ', ' + row.location}} <br>
Find the output.

$http.get with .success

$http.get returns promise object and on this object we call .success which returns same
promise object. We need to pass response properties to get their values. .success callback
along with .error has been deprecated.
.success: On successful run of $http.get, .success callback is called.
.error: If $http.get is unable to access URL, then .error callback is called.
.finally: In both case it runs whether success or failure.

Find the sample example.

var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.controller('myController', function($scope, $http){
.success(function (data, status){
$scope.jsondata = data;
console.log("status:" + status);
}).error(function(data, status) {
console.error('Error occurred:', data, status);
}).finally(function() {
console.log("Task Finished.");

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