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Standard Operating Procedure: Shortage Process

By creating this SOP, we as a pharmacy hope to standardize our reactions to national shortages.
In doing so, this process can be started and maintained through the shortage period, to reduce
the usage and waste of precious medications. It has been decided that as technicians you will
closely monitor the patient’s that are prescribed these medications. With communication from
the floor Pharmacists, a count will be decided and stocked. Otherwise, the patient will be
switched over to a more readily available drug. By closely monitoring the supply and expiration
dating, we aim to reduce the amount that expires on the floors and then wasted in the
pharmacy. By motivating all technicians to consistently meet this new process, we hope to
reduce the cost of us buying during the priciest time.
Striving to maintain a constant stock, we are allowing patients to receive this valuable
medication for Post-operative care. Both Reports (shown below) are needed to discuss PCA
amounts for each side and floor. These reports will show the current supply and how many
patients had the medication dispensed in the last 24 hours.
To Print the Medication Report:
1. Open Connect RX
2. Login (using ICentra login)
3. Click on Reporting tab
4. Click on Acudose sub tab
5. Scroll down to Station Inventory
6. New screen will pop up
7. Continue through first screen
8. Using the scroll bar, select which floor and side you will need
9. Click Continue
10. Start typing Fentanyl, search through product list until correct strength is pulled up
11. Select Product
12. Print report
Station Transactions Medication Report:
1) Open Connect Rx
a) Login using ICentra Login
2) Click on Reporting Tab
3) Click on Acudose sub tab
4) Scroll down to Station Report By medication
5) New screen will pop up
a) Continue through this screen
6) Using the scroll bar, select which floor and side needed
7) Continue through screen
8) Select Report dating for Yesterday and Today
9) Continue through screen
10) Start typing Fentanyl
a) Select correct strength and vial size
11) Print Report
Acudose (Expire/Audit):
1) Sign into Acudose
a) Using fingerprint or login (Connect RX username and password)
2) Select Medications tab on right hand side of the screen
3) Select Expire/Audit
4) Select 1-2 days
a) Drawers will pop open if any medications are about to expire
5) Count current supply and continue to next screen
6) If any are expired, key in the correct number being removed
a) Keeping the narcotic count on

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