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1. An 86 year old male with senile dementia has been physically abused & neglected for the past
two years by his live in caregiver . He has since moved & is living with his son & daughter-in-law.
Which response by the client’s son would cause the nurse great concern?
a) “ How can we obtain reliable help to assist us in taking care of Dad? We can’t do it alone.”
b) “ Dad used to beat us kids all the time . I wonder if he remembered that when it happened to
c) “I’m not sure how to deal with Dad’s constant repetition of words.”
d) “I plan to ask my sister & brother to help my wife & me with Dad on the weekends.

2. Angel, 52 years old lost her husband due to some diseases. 4 weeks later, she call her mother
and says that, "Yesterday my husband died... I didn't know that he was sick, I can't sleep and I
see rats and mites in the kitchen...". What is Angel's condition?
A. She can't adjust without her husband
B. Late grievance with signs of dementia
C. Alzheimer's with delirium

3. An 83-year old lady just lost her husband. Her brother visited the lady in her house. He
observed that the lady is acting okay but it is obvious that she is depressed. 3weeks after the
husband's death, the lady called her brother crying and was saying that her husband just died.
She even said, "I cant even remember him saying he was sick." When the brother visited the
lady, she was observed to be well physically but was irritable and claims to have frequent
urination at night and she verbalizes that she can see lots of rats in their kitchen. Based on the
manifestations, as a nurse, what will you consider as a diagnosis to this patient?
A) urinary tract infection leading to delirium
B) delayed grieving with dementia
C. Alzheimer with delirium

4. An old admitted patient comes up with a new confusion?

A. alzhimers
B. dementia
C. normal ageing

5. Your ward has been working on ways to improve the nutrition status of all patients with
dementia. Which action will best help you achieve this?
a. Ask relatives to bring food that patient likes most
b. Update the nutrition risk assessment sheet regularly
c. Provide each patient with supplemental high caloric drinks
d. Assign a nursing assistant to help feed the patients

6. Barbara, a dementia patient has suffered a mild stroke whilst under your care. She has been
given a red tray to remind others her need of assistance in feeding. How will you ensure she gets
the required assistance needed?
a. Check the food chart every meal times
b. Allocate a member of staff to assist her during meal times
c. Ask relative not to visit during meal times
d. Ask the patient if someone has helped her during meal times

7. How should be the surrounding area of the patient with dementia?

a. increased stimuli
b. Creative environment
c. Restrict activities
8. 45 year old lady diagnosed with dementia found to cry frequently and pulling her dresses at
night .which unrecognized cause might be the reason for this?
1 confusion
2 incontinence
3 Urinary tract infection

9. You are caring for a patient who is known to have dementia. What particular issues should you
consider prior to discharge.
a) You involve in his care: Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy Service (Mental Capacity Act
b)You involve other support services in his discharge: The hospital discharge team, social
services, the metal health team

10. A 72-year-old female is attending the outpatients' clinic for an ophthalmic appointment and is
accompanied by her husband; he has advised you that his wife has dementia and he is her main
How can you communicate effectively with this patient?
A. Due to confidentiality, only speak to the patient about their care
B. Give the information to the patient's husband
C. Give the patient written information
D. Speak with the patient and her husband
E. Talk slowly and repeat everything

11. Barbara, an elderly patient with dementia, wishes to go out of the hospital. What will be you
appropriate action?
A. Call the police, make sure she does not leave
B. Encourage the patient to stay for his well-being
C. Inform the police to arrest the patient
D. Allow her to leave, she is stable and not at risk of anything

12. An elderly client with dementia is cared by his daughter. The daughter locks him in a room to
keep him safe when she goes out to work and not considering any other options. As a nurse
what is your action?
a) Explain this is a restrain. Urgently call for a safe guarding and arrange a multi-disciplinary
team conference
b) Do nothing as this is the best way of keeping him safe
c) Call police, social services to remove client immediately and refer to safeguarding
d) Explain this is a restrain and discuss other possible options

13. Umbrella term describing a syndrome?

A. Down Syndrome
B. Delirium
C. Alzheimers
D. Dementia

14.What type of condition is the MMSE (mini-mental state examination) used to evaluate?
(Please select 1 option)
A. Dementia
B. Depression
C. Drug/alcohol addiction
D. Psychosis
15. Which of the following medications should be continued in the perioperative period and can
be given up to 2 hours before surgery with a sip of water?
A. ACE inhibitor
B. Drug for Dementia
C. Potassiun-sparing diuretics
D. Beta-Blockers

16. An allegation was made by Colin against the community

nurse who inappropriately touching her wife with dementia.
He made a complaint through the Patient Experience Team
at the Primary Care Trust. His complaint is reviewed for any
potential safeguarding issues in the period within:
a. 24 hours
b. 2 days
c. 7 days
d. 2 weeks
17. The least common form of dementia
1.vascular dementia 2
2.fronto-temporal dementia 4
3.dementia of lewy bodies 3
4. alzheimer’s 1

18. An old admitted patient comes up with a new confusion ?

A. alzhimers
B. dementia
C. normal ageing

19. Mr. Adams, 80 years old with dementia, has been shouting and swearing in his bed as you
start on your night shift. Mr Adams’ daughter was upset when she found out he was moved to
another bay on his own and wanted to complain. How will you best respond to this situation?
a. it was in his best interest to be moved away from others and she cannot complain about it
b. tell her the procedure on filing a complaint is a long process
c. refer her to the patient experience team to complain
d. acknowledge her concerns and discuss process on how to complain

20. Bob is showing early signs of dementia. Which of the following actions do not show effective
use of evidences in caring for him?
a. encourage families and caregivers of a person with dementia to create a playlist of uniquely
meaningful music on an iPod and offer it at any time of the day or night
b. use aromatherapy as a relaxation method
c. catheterisation during incontinence period
d. giving antipsychotic drugs on time

21. Colin, 65 year old, had been discharged home because of Parkinson’s syndrome. He is the
main carer of her wife with early stage dementia. They live in a warden controlled flat. As their
named visiting public health nurse, how will you ensure their safety?
a. Ask the warden to regularly visit the couple
b. Do a risk assessment
c. Refer to social worker for additional support
d. Increase frequency of visit
22. Which is not an appropriate way to care for patients with dementia/Alzheimer's?
A. Ensure people with dementia are excluded from services because of their diagnosis, age so
any learning disability.
B. Encourage the use of advocacy services and voluntary support
C. Allow people with dementia to convey information in confidence
D. Identify and wherever possible accommodate preference ( such as diet, sexuality and religion)

23. The NMC and the Royal College of Nursing expect nurses to act as a patient advocate.
Which statement illustrates this?
a. A patient was asked to fill out a form that limits their treatment options, especially if they have
several long term conditions that are expected to worsen over time
b. A do not attempt to resuscitate (DNAR) form duly signed by a doctor and a witness present in
patient record. Information passed during handover
c. A ‘forget me not’ flower sign clearly visible on top of the bed of an elderly patient with
d. All

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