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About Nicole Strong’s Campaign 


Vote Goal 

  Reasonable Estimate  Conservative Estimate 

2019 Projected Turnout  49% of registered voters  53% of registered voters 


Current Registered Voters in   33,665 


Projected Turnout:    16.496 voters  17,842 voters 

Vote Goal:    9,073 votes  9,813 votes 


Paid for by the ​National Democratic Training Committee​ PAC. 
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Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 

Kentucky Reporting Deadlines 

Primary Reporting Deadlines 

  Report Deadline  Reporting Period  Fundraising Goal 

P1  April 26, 2019  Oct. 18, 2019 - April 21, 2019  $50,000 

P2  May 13, 2019  April 22 - May 6, 2019  $10,000 

P3  Jun 26, 2019  May 7 - Jun 20, 2019  $60,000 

P4  July 26, 2019  June 21 - July 20, 2019  $20,000 

Primary Total      $140,000 

Primary - May 21, 2019 (uncontested) 

Gen. Election Reporting Deadlines 

  Report Deadline  Reporting Period  Fundraising Goal 

G1  Sept. 13, 2019  July 21 - Sept. 6, 2019  $50,000 

G2  Oct 11, 2019  Sept. 7 - Oct. 6, 2019  $85,000 

G3  Oct 21, 2019  Oct. 7 - Oct. 28, 2019  $100,000 

G4  Dec. 12, 2019  Oct. 29 - Dec. 7, 2019  $10,000 

General Total      $245,000 

General - November 5, 2019   

Paid for by the ​National Democratic Training Committee​ PAC. 
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Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 

Nicole Strong’s Main Campaign Issues  

Education Reform​ for Kentucky. Nicole believes it is imperative that 

Kentucky invest more in public schools and their faculty. Kentuckian 
children should have the right to have a quality education, where they 
1  shouldn't have to worry about the lack of essential technologies and 
school supplies in their classrooms or their teachers going on strike. And 
their teachers should be confident the retirement benefits they’ve been 
promised will be there when they need them.  

Living Wage​ reform. Kentuckians are working hard day in and day out, 
but their paychecks aren’t going as far as they used to. Wages are 
2  stagnant but raising a family in Kentucky costs more than ever. Nicole 
supports raising Kentucky’s minimum wage so that a person putting in a 
solid day’s work earns a living wage. 

Right to choose.​ The forced pregnancy law that the state legislature 
recently passed bans abortions after 6 weeks, at which point many 
people don’t yet know they’re pregnant. Taking this decision away from 
3  individuals and their doctors is an unconstitutional infringement on the 
freedom of people who can get pregnant, especially women, and it will 
cost Kentucky taxpayers millions of dollars in court. Money that could be 
spent on our public schools instead.  


Paid for by the ​National Democratic Training Committee​ PAC. 
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Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 

Nicole Strong’s Short Stump Speech  

Today we come together to talk about something that is vital to our community, 
education. Education is vital for our children, for ourselves, and for future generations. 
Our teachers are one of our most valuable resources. As a proud graduate of Ballard 
High School, I understand the necessity of creating strong public schools for every child 
in Kentucky. My Jefferson County public school was vital in shaping who I am today.  

After graduating I went on to volunteer on a board for a nonprofit program called Literacy 
for All. They tutor students with learning differences and who are learning English as a 
second language, because they knew how vital it is to give academic access to every 
single child, regardless of background, ethnicity, or upbringing.   

Now I need your help.  

There are over 700,000 students in Kentucky’s public school system. With your help and 
your voices, I want to make sure our children and our teachers have the tools and 
materials they need to thrive. We need to protect our public schools and protect our 
teachers, particularly from those looking to profit off of our kids' education.  

In addition, so much remains to be done to address our pension problem in Kentucky so 
that our teachers are properly compensated for the incredible work they do and we can 
continue recruiting high quality teachers to join our schools. Together we will unite as a 
community in order to make Kentucky and its future stronger.  

I want to give you the chance to let your voice be heard. I am Nicole Strong, and I am 
here for Louisville. I humbly ask for your vote on Election Day!  

Paid for by the ​National Democratic Training Committee​ PAC. 
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Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 

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