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Published August 17, 2017

Soil & Water Management & Conservation

Superabsorbent Polymer Properties and Concentration

Effects on Water Retention under Drying Conditions
Superabsorbent polymer (SAP) efficiency in water absorption and release
Jian Yu* depends on soil properties and SAP type and concentration. Our objective
J. G. Shi was to examine the effects of soil texture, SAP concentration and properties
Xin Ma on water absorption and release from soil–SAP mixtures during 10 h of drying.
Water Resources Research Institute Four SAP types, five SAP concentrations, and five soils were used. Initial water
of Inner Mongolia quantity absorbed by SAPs (53–171 g g-1 of SAP) was more than two orders of
No. 11 Genghis Khan Street magnitude greater than that absorbed by soils (0.35–0.53 g g-1 of soil). Water
New Town District absorption by soil–SAP mixtures (i) significantly improved water holding
Hunhot 010051
capacity relative to the soil, and (ii) increased with an increase in SAP concen-
tration and soil clay content. The ability of soil–SAP mixtures to retain water
after 5 h of drying relative to the initial water content was greater than that of
P. F. Dang
the soils alone, especially in coarse-textured soils. After 5 h of drying, the spe-
Y. L. Yan cific amount of water retained by a unit weight of SAP in the soil–SAP mixture
Inner Mongolia Agricultural Univ.
was higher than that at 0 h. This observation suggests a continued absorption
Hohhot 010010
of water by SAPs from soils during the first 5 h of drying. The fraction of water
loss from SAP with large-size beads (BJ-2101M) was smallest in all the mix-
Amrakh I. Mamedov tures among the four SAPs after 10 h drying. Our results showed that addition
Arid Land Research Center of SAPs to soils not only decreases water loss to evaporation from soils but
Faculty of Agriculture also from the SAPs, especially for a SAP with large size beads.
Tottori Univ.
Tottori, Japan Abbreviations: SAP, superabsorbent polymer; EC, electrical conductivity; SAR,
and sodium adsorption ratio.

Institute of Soil Science and
Agrochemistry and Institute of Botany any soils from arid and semiarid regions having low clay and organic
ANAS, Baku matter contents are characterized by low water holding capacity and
poor efficiency of water and fertilizer use by crops. These problems are
Isaac Shainberg aggravated in Northwest China where summer temperatures are high, and rainfall
Guy J. Levy is characterized by irregular distribution and high intensity, shorter duration of rain
Institute of Soil, Water and Environ. Sci. thus causing a large portion of the rain water to drain deep below the root zone
Agriculture Research Organization (Wang et al., 2002; Fan et al., 2005). These problems require the use of an inte-
Volcani Center
PO Box 15159
grated approach that includes agronomic water-saving techniques, and appropriate
Rishon LeZion 7505101 management practices (Huang et al., 2003; Yu et al., 2011). The use of water absorb-
Israel ing polymers (i.e., hydrogels) or superabsorbent polymers (SAPs) such as polyacry-
lates cross-linked with polyacrylamides (PAM) can effectively improve the top soil’s
Core Ideas
ability to store water available for plant growth and production (Buchholz, 1998;
• SAP amount for optimal water Burke et al., 2010; Yu et al., 2011), and reduce seepage of water, and fertilizer and
absorption is influenced by soil
heavy metal leaching down the soil profile (Lentz, 2007; Qu and Varennes, 2009).
properties, SAP type and concentration.
Mixing SAPs with soils has been found to (i) decrease soil bulk density (similar
• Soil–SAP mixtures had significantly to organic matter function) and penetration resistance, (ii) increase soil aggregation,
greater water holding capacity
porosity, aeration and water retention capacity (Huttermann et al., 1999; Akhter et
compared with soil alone.
al., 2004; Busscher et al., 2009; Bai et al., 2010; Han et al., 2010), (iii) decrease soil
• Improvement in water holding saturated hydraulic conductivity and drainage (Abedi-Koupai et al., 2008; Andry et
capacity increased with an increase in
al., 2009; Bhardwaj et al., 2007), and (iv) serve as a source of slow release of nutri-
SAP concentration.
• Improved retention is from reduced
Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 81:889–901
evaporation and from SAP absorption
of water from soil during drying. Received 25 July 2016.
Accepted 15 Mar. 2017.
• Efficiency of SAP application *Corresponding author (jianyu192005@aliyun.com).
depended on soil type, SAP type, SAP © Soil Science Society of America. This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC-ND
concentration, and their interactions. license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

Soil Science Society of America Journal
ents, and reduce plant sensitivity to soil salinity (Liu et al., 2006; ported favorable effects of increasing SAP concentration (0–0.3%)
Teodorescu et al., 2009; Dorraji et al., 2010; Qu and Varennes, on soil moisture and crop growth indices (Bai et al., 2010; Nazarli
2009). The application of SAP increased soil water content at et al., 2010; Malekian et al., 2012). Recently, Banedjschafie and
field capacity and at permanent wilting point, which may lead to Durner (2015) clearly showed for a sandy medium that addition of
a considerable increase in available water content in soils of dif- 0.2, 0.6 or 1% SAP increased plant available water (determined as
ferent texture used under various crops’ management (Karimi et the difference in water content between field capacity and wilting
al., 2009; Agaba et al., 2010; Shahid et al., 2012; Banedjschafie point) from 0.3% in the control to 3.7, 12.2 or 17.7%, respectively.
and Durner, 2015; Montesano et al., 2015). This increase in the The amount of water being absorbed by SAPs is affected by the
content of plant available water can, under conditions of climate soil matrix and SAP grain size. Bhardwaj et al. (2007) investigated
change, mitigate abiotic stress (plant water shortage, high tem- the effect of three application rates (0.5, 2.5 and 5.0 g kg-1) on water
perature and salinity stress); it could thus enable longer intervals retained by SAPs in soil–SAP mixtures and found that much less
between consecutive irrigations, and improve plant growth rate water was retained in the mixtures compared with that under free
and performance (El-Hady et al., 1981; Baker, 1991; Silberbush et swelling of the SAP. With increasing SAP application rate, more
al., 1993; Singh, 1998; Hüttermann et al., 1999; Viero et al., 2002; water was absorbed by the mixture (Bhardwaj et al., 2007) due to
Han et al., 2005; Beniwal et al., 2010). the increased number of SAP grains in the mixture that enhanced
However, SAPs as soil additives have not been widely used the pushing ability of the swelling grains so as to gain more space in
on field-scale in agriculture, possibly because of the uncertainty the soil matrix and thus absorb more water. Yu et al. (2011) noted
regarding (i) the high cost of the SAPs, (ii) the effects of applying that the addition of a small amount of SAP to soils (5 g kg-1 soil)
SAPs on water availability and crop yields (Kim and Nadarajah, was more effective in increasing water holding capacity of sandy
2008; Bhardwaj et al., 2009; Yu et al., 2011; Langaroodi et al., soils than in soils with high clay content. Confinement by the soil
2013), and (iii) SAP longevity in soils with respect to its water re- particles was suggested as the dominant factor that controlled the
tention ability (Sivapalan, 2006; Lentz, 2007; Busscher et al., 2009; amount of water absorbed by these SAPs at the initial stage of wet-
Han et al., 2010; Yu et al., 2012). Some studies have shown that ting (Yu et al., 2011). The observed subsequent reduction in the
addition of SAPs reduces the sensitivity of plants to water short- amount of water was ascribed to a decrease in the swelling of the
age and increases crop production (Silberbush et al., 1993; Singh, SAPs imposed on by the gradual replacement of Na or K cations that
1998; Viero et al., 2002; Han et al., 2005) or at least enhances was adsorbed on the SAPs, with Ca and Mg cations released from
plant growth at the early stages of production (Frantz et al., 2005). the exchange complex of the soil and CaCO3 (Yu et al., 2011).
Conversely, other studies have either reported no saving of water The ability of SAP-amended soils to retain absorbed water
and effects on wilting point (Ingram and Yeager, 1987; Chatzoudis under evaporative conditions is an additional important aspect
and Rigas, 1999), or that there were detrimental effects on plant when evaluating the contribution of SAPs to soil water balance,
survival and yield (Sarvaš et al., 2007; Han et al., 2010). crop development, abiotic stress tolerance and management of ir-
These inconsistent results could be ascribed to a variation rigation scheduling. Yu et al. (2012) observed that addition of a
in soil and SAP properties, and the specific conditions during small amount (5 g kg-1 soil) of SAP to soils was very effective in
the experiments, such as wetting-drying intensity, type of SAP increasing the amount of water retained and extending the first
and SAP particle size, irrigation water quality (level of salinity stage of evaporation (i.e., the stage where evaporation is controlled
and the composition of the ions present) and crop species ( James by both external and soil-surface conditions) compared to the
and Richard, 1986; Wang and Gregg, 1989; Salem et al., 1991; quantity of water retained by the soils alone. The rate at which
Bakass et al., 2000; Koupai et al., 2008; Xie et al., 2009; Bai et al., the soil–SAP mixtures dried was much slower than that of these
2013; Langaroodi et al., 2013). SAPs in SAP only systems. This observation was associated with
The studies on the effects of SAP concentration on soil wa- the existence of a limited hydraulic gradient that drives water for
ter status and crops have also yielded varying results. Akhter et al. evaporation in these soil–SAP mixtures that ultimately reduced
(2004) reported that plant available water increased with the in- evaporation from both SAP and soil particles (Yu et al., 2012).
crease in SAP concentration (0, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3%). Seed germina- The effects of SAP amount and type, soil properties and their
tion of chickpea was higher with 0.2% SAP addition, but wheat and interactions on water retention under evaporative conditions, criti-
barley were not affected by the treatments (Akhter et al., 2004). In cal for its effective field-scale use in agriculture, are not well un-
a sandy loam, increasing SAP concentration from 0 to 0.4% signifi- derstood. It is hypothesized that water absorption and retention
cantly increased its porosity and reduced its hydraulic conductivity by SAP in a soil–SAP mixture (i) does not depend solely on the
relative to the control, but led to a remarkable increase in moisture amount of SAP added, but is dictated by soil properties, SAP type
content and plant-available water, and enhanced wheat seed germi- and concentration, and their interaction, and (ii) these interactions
nation and seedling growth (Shahid et al., 2012). Keshavars et al. may affect the hydraulic gradient among soil particles, SAP parti-
(2012) noted that application of SAP (0–0.4%) compensated for cles and the air content in the soil pores and in turn, affect the water
the negative effects of drought stress of pearl millet, especially in retention ability of each of the two components in the SAP–soil
high polymer application rates for all studied traits (e.g., four SAP mixtures under evaporative conditions. Consequently, the objec-
concentration and four irrigation levels). A few other studies also re- tives of this study were to examine the effects of soil type (soil tex-

890 Soil Science Society of America Journal

ture), amount of SAP application (concentration), SAP properties

(particles size and chemical composition) and their interactions on

the absorption and retention of water by SAPs in soil–SAP mix-
tures under different drying conditions (drying time).


Materials and Methods

cmolc kg-1
We studied five soils (representing four different soil types,



Shi et al., 2006) taken from the cultivated layer (0–250 mm) of
arable fields from five sites in Inner Mongolia, China (Table 1).
Samples from a loamy sand (Typic Ustochrepts) from Heling



County (40°20´ N, 111°52´ E), another loamy sand (Typic
Calciborolls) from Chayou Zhong County (41°6´ N, 111°55´
E), a sandy loam (Oxyaquic Ustifiuvents) from Dengkou County

(40°13´ N, 107°05´ E), a sandy clay loam (Typic Calcic Ustalfs)


from Zhungeer County in Loess Plateau (39°16´ N, 110°5´ E),
and a loamy clay (Fluventic Ustochrepts Aeric Endoaquepts)

from Hangjinhou County (40°55´ N, 107°09´ E), were used.


Hereafter, the two loamy sands are referred to by county of ori-
gin as “loamy sand-Heling” and “loamy sand-Chayou Zhong”.

cmolc kg-1
The soils were characterized for particle size distribution


using the hydrometer method (Gee and Bauder, 1986), cation
exchange capacity by sodium acetate (Rhoades, 1982), exchange-
able cations by ammonium acetate (Thomas, 1982), calcium car-
—————— %——————

bonate content using the volumetric calcimeter method (Nelson,
Particle size distribution

1982), organic matter content by wet combustion (Nelson and

# OM, organic matter (calculated by multiplying the organic carbon content by a conversion factor of 1.724).
Sommers, 1996), and pH in a 1:1 soil to water extract. The re-
sults are presented in Table 1.

Superabsorbents 35.6
Four non-degradable SAPs were studied: WOTE (Changan


Group Limited Corporation, Dongying, Shandong Province,

China), GNKH (Boya Limited Corporation, Tangshan, Hebei
Fluventic Ustochrepts Aeric Endoaquepts
† Soil type is according to the US soil classification system based on soil texture.

Province, China), and BJ-2101M and BJ-2101S (Beijing Hanli

Table 1. Some physical and chemical properties of the soils studied.

Polywater New Technology Co., Ltd). Some properties of the

polymers are given in Table 2. The polymers differ in their bead size
and/or the type of the adsorbed cation (K or Na). Furthermore,

except for the WOTE polymer, all other polymers consist only of
Oxyaquic Ustifiuvents

a synthesis of different ratios of acrylamide and acrylic salt. The

Typic Calcic Ustalfs

‡ CEC, cation exchange capacity; Ca+Mg is soluble extract.

Loamy sand-Chayou Zhong CHYZQ Typic Calciborolls
Typic Ustochrepts

WOTE consists of a negatively charged acrylic-acrylamide poly-

mer synthesized with attapulgite. Various clay minerals, and espe-
cially attapulgite, are incorporated in SAPs to reduce production
cost, and also to improve the properties (e.g., swelling ability, gel
strength, mechanical and thermal stability) of the SAPs (Li et al.,
¶ EPP, exchangeable Potassium percent.

2004, 2005; Zhang et al., 2007). Moreover, it has been reported

§ ESP, exchangeable Sodium percent.


that, compared with other clay minerals, such as kaolinite or ver-


miculite, attapulgite-based superabsorbent composite is more

effective in absorbing high levels of water in systems containing
univalent cations (Li et al., 2004, 2005; Zhang et al., 2007). Prior
to using the SAPs, the samples were dried in an oven at 60°C for
Loamy sand-Heling

Sandy clay loam

3 h to obtain ~ 95% active ingredients and only ~5% water.

Sandy loam

Clay loam
Soil type†

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Table 2. Some physical and chemical properties of the superabsorbent polymers (SAP).
Superabsorbent polymer Composition Bead size Adsorbed cation
mm mmolc g-1
WOTE 15% acrylic + 85% acrylamide (65%) + attapulgite (35%) 0.4–1.5 K, 2.81
GNKH 60% acrylic + 40% acrylamide 0.5–1.0 Na, 7.37
BJ-2101M 15% acrylic + 85% acrylamide 3–4 Na, 2.13
BJ-2101S 15% acrylic + 85% acrylamide 0.2–0.5 Na, 1.85

Water Absorption and Release Measurements

~2 (mmolc L-1)0.5. This concentration and composition of
Samples of the soils were crushed to pass through a 2-mm electrolytes in the tap water was used to prevent clay dispersion
sieve. We studied (i) 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 g of pure SAP, (ii) soil– (Shainberg and Letey, 1984), and to assure that no clay colloids
SAP mixture where 100 g soil samples were mixed with 0.1, 0.5, could move through the nylon bag. Thus, the recorded changes in
1.0 or 2.0 g of SAP, and (iii) soil samples with no addition of poly- weight of the bags were considered to be due to changes in water
mer which served as the control treatments. This range of SAP absorption by the SAP and/or the soil only. After 15 min of im-
concentrations (0.1–2.0% by weight) was selected because it is mersion in tap water, the bags were taken out, allowed to drain
anticipated to be used in the field. Soil samples (100 g), pure SAP for 3 min, weighed and then put into an oven at 60°C for drying
samples and the soil–SAP mixtures were put respectively in nylon (e.g., as in Yu et al., 2011). Thereafter, every hour, for 10 h, the
bags (16.5 by 8 cm with a volume of 829 mL) weighing 5.4 ± 0.1 bags were weighed. The amount of water retained by the soil, SAP
g. These nylon bags are permeable to water and salt, but not to the or soil–SAP mixtures for each drying period was then calculated.
soil and the SAP grains (Isik and Kis, 2004; Huang and Li, 2005).
Water absorption and the kinetics of water release were stud- Statistical Analysis
ied as follows. Three bags with the same soil, SAP or soil–SAP All the treatments in each of the experiments were conducted
mixture (serving as replicates) were placed in a container filled in three replicates. The effects of (i) SAP type, concentration, time
with 2000 mL of tap water for 15 min. Wetting for 15 min was of drying and their interactions, (ii) soil type, time of drying and
chosen based on the results of Yu et al. (2011), who observed that their interaction, and (iii) soil–SAP mixture (i.e., soil, SAP and
after 15 to 20 min of wetting, water absorbed by three of our SAPs time and their interaction), on the amount of water retained were
(WOTE, GNKH, and BJ-2101S) in soil–SAP mixtures starts to evaluated via a repeated measures analysis using the MIXED pro-
decrease, presumably because of cations exchange between tap wa- cedure of the SAS statistical software (SAS Institute, 1995). The
ter or the soil and the SAP. Hence, to (i) avoid artifacts because correlation structure for the repeated measures factor, time, was
of cation exchange phenomena, and (ii) maintain identical experi- modeled as first order autoregressive. Mean separation of signifi-
mental conditions, we have kept saturation time to 15 min for all cance between treatments (or their interactions) were made using
SAPs and systems (soils only, SAPs only, and soil–SAP mixtures), Tukey HSD test. Moreover, to quantitatively analyze the interac-
while knowingly taking the risk that not all the SAPs may reach tion between SAP concentration and soil properties, and between
complete saturation at the specified wetting period. SAP concentration and SAPs’ properties on water retaining ability
The tap water used had an electrical conductivity (EC) of the SAPs in the soil–SAP mixtures, average water absorbed by
of 0.50 dS m-1 and a sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) of four SAPs in one soil or by one SAP in five soils and standard devia-
tion for each value were used. Regression analyses were also made
to understand the characteristics of the changes of water retained
by the soil–SAP mixtures during the drying time, and hence the
contribution of soil and SAP properties to water retention.

Results and discussion

Results of a multifactor ANOVA (SAS Institute, 1995)
(Supplemental Table S1) showed that the effects of the main fac-
tors (soil type, SAP type, SAP concentration and drying time), as
well as most of their interactions, on water absorption and reten-
tion were highly significant (P < 0.001).

Drying of the soils resulted in a common two-stage drying
curve (Fig. 1). The first stage, that took place during the initial
3 to 5 h (depending on soil type) of drying, was a constant rate
stage during which water release is controlled by external and
Fig. 1. Quantity of water retained by the soils during 10 h of drying.
soil-surface conditions. The second stage (after >4 h of drying)
Bars indicate two standard deviations.

892 Soil Science Society of America Journal

was a falling rate diffusion-controlled drying process at which with drying time, and to exhibit an increase in the quantity of water
the evaporation proceeds at a rate ever lower than the evapora- absorbed by all three SAPs (but GNKH was exceptional) with an
tive demand (Hillel, 1971). increase in their amount (0 to 2%) during the first 1 to 2 h of drying
The results of the water retained by the soils during 10 h of (Fig. 2). Furthermore, a much narrower range of drying curves was
drying indicated that the five soils can be divided into two dis- noted for the SAP with the largest bead size (BJ-2101M) compared
tinct groups, one contained the two loamy sands (7.5 and 12.5% with the SAPs with the smaller bead sizes (Fig. 2). A decrease in the
clay) and the second contained the sandy loam, sandy clay loam, quantity of water absorbed by all four SAPs with an increase in their
and clay loam (18.5, 25, and 34.5% clay, respectively) (Fig. 1). amount during 1 to 2 h drying was noted (Fig. 2), which could prob-
The initial level of water absorbed (i.e., at time 0 h of drying) by ably be ascribed to the bonding of SAP particles during their swell-
the loamy sands was ~0.35 g g-1 soil, while for the other three ing. The bonding mechanism prohibits some particle free swelling
soils it was, as expected, significantly higher (~0.53 g g-1 soil). and thus decreases the water absorption by SAPs. With the increase
After 10 h of drying, all the soils were nearly dry. However, after in SAP amount in a bag, the number of SAP particles, and thus the
5 h of drying, water content in the loamy sands was 0.01 and particle bonding increases which leads to the greater reduction in
in the three finer-textured soils 0.09 to 0.13 g g -1 soil (Fig. 1). water absorption (Turan and Caykara, 2007). However, the impact
These results indicate that, in relative terms, the difference in the of SAP amount on water retention by four SAPs was reversed after
amount of water absorbed between the two groups of soils at 0 h 2 h drying and water retained by the SAPs tended to increase with
of drying was smaller than the differences in the amount of water an increase in SAP amount in a bag after 10 h of drying, especially in
retained by the two groups of soils after 5 h of drying. This ob- the two SAPs (WOTE, and BJ-2101S) with the smaller-size beads,
servation clearly signifies that the water holding capacity of the which has moderate swelling capacity (water absorption rate is be-
two loamy sands was much poorer than that of the three finer- tween 74 and 129 g g-1) (Fig. 2).
textured soils; yet water retained after 10 h drying was near dry For the amount of SAP 0.1 and 0.5 g per bag, the three
conditions even for the clay loam with the highest clay percent. SAPs with the small-size beads (WOTE, GNKH and BJ-2101S)
exhibited, after 10 h of drying, a similar fraction of water loss
Superabsorbent Polymers (SAPs) to evaporation. However, for all SAP amounts, this fraction de-
Four amounts (0.1, 0.5, 1, and 2 g) of SAPs per bag were creased with the increase in SAP concentration, which became
tested for water absorbed by the pure SAPs to compare with evident especially after 10 h drying (Table 3; Fig. 2). This ob-
water absorbed by the mixtures. The initial quantity of water served decrease in the fraction of water loss to evaporation could
absorbed by the SAPs (30–171 g g-1 SAP) was more than 2 or- probably be related to the decrease in the quantity of water ab-
ders of magnitude greater than that absorbed by the soils (Fig. 2). sorption with the increase of SAP amount (Fig. 2), and to the
However, the quantity of water absorbed by the SAPs studied aforementioned suggested bonding mechanism. The latter leads
was much lower than that reported
in former studies, ~500 g g-1 of SAP
(Kazanskii and Dubrovskii, 1992;
Buchholz, 1998; Bhardwaj et al.,
2007). The lower quantity of ab-
sorbed water by our SAPs could be
ascribed to the fact that in our study
tap water with an EC of 0.50 dS m-1
was used whereas other studies used
deionized water (e.g., Bhardwaj et
al., 2007). Presence of electrolytes in
the solution is known to decrease the
absorption capacity of SAPs (Taylor
and Halfacre, 1986). In addition, the
lower water absorption in our study
could also arise from allowing only
15 min for water absorption by the
SAPs in tap water, which particu-
larly in the case of the GNKH and
BJ-2101M SAPs, may not have been
enough time to reach full saturation
(Fig. 2; Yu et al., 2011).
Water retained by the SAPs
alone tended, generally, to decrease Fig. 2. Quantity of water retained by the different SAPs during 10 h of drying. Bars indicate two standard

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Table 3. The fraction of water lost to evaporation out of the are discussed separately from the results obtained for the soil–SAP
water absorbed (% by weight) for the superabsorbent poly-
mers (SAPs) alone during 10 h of drying. mixtures with the other three SAP concentrations.
SAP weight, g WOTE GNKH BJ-2101S BJ-2101M
Mixtures Containing 0.1% SAP
% g g–1
0.1 96.7Aa† 92.6Aab 91.3Aab 85.3Bb
The nature of the curves for the mixtures containing 0.1%
0.5 75.9Bb 71.4Bb 73.5Bb 90.5Aa SAP (Fig. 3; SAP 0 and 0.1 g) resembles that observed for the
1.0 49.6Cc 24.1Dd 63.6Cb 89.2Ba soils only treatment (Fig. 1) in that they exhibited an exponential
2.0 21.1Dc 29.4CDb 21.5Dc 73.5Ca type decay, albeit of a more moderate slope, and positive qua-
† Means labeled with same letter are not significantly different at P < 0.05 dratic coefficient (details for the parameters of the fitted curves
level. The uppercase letters reveal difference within a column (between are presented in Supplemental Table S2). Furthermore, the ini-
SAP concentration for each SAP type), and lowercase letters reveal
difference within a row (between SAP type for each SAP concentration). tial level of water absorbed (i.e., at time 0 h of drying) by the
soils amended by 0.1% SAP was comparable among the different
to the increase in the size of the water swollen SAP particles and SAPs and in a range similar to that absorbed by the soils alone
thus, to the decrease in the surface area of these particles (com- (0.40 to 0.60 g of water per gram of soil or soil–SAP mixture).
pared to smaller particles with a larger surface area) which sub- However, unlike the case of the soils alone where after 10 h of
sequently limits the sensitivity of the swollen SAP particles to drying the soils were nearly dry (Fig. 3), in the soil–SAP mix-
evaporation. For GNKH with highest water swelling (Fig. 2; Yu tures the amount of water retained for all the SAPs was in the
et al., 2011), the water absorbed by the SAP reached the highest range of 0.05 to 0.10 g per gram of the mixture (Fig. 3). These
value when the amount of the SAP increased by 1 g per bag due observations suggest that, in general, the impact of addition of
to binding effect. Thus, water absorbed decreased at the initial 0.1% SAP to the soils studied on the initial absorption of water
water absorbed when the amount is 2 g, compared with that at was negligible while the SAPs impact on the quantity of water re-
the amount of 1 g. For the BJ-2101M with its large-size beads tained during drying was of some importance in all types of soils.
and low initial level of water adsorption (Fig. 2), large fractions
of water loss were noted for all SAP amounts; these fractions Mixtures Containing 0.5, 1, and 2% SAP
were significantly higher than those for the other three SAPs at Unlike the drying curves for the soils only and the soil–SAP
the amount of 0.5 to 2 g per bag (Table 3). The chemical compo- mixtures with 0.1% SAP, the drying curves for the other three SAP
sition of BJ-2101M is similar to that of BJ-2101S, but the beads concentrations tended to demonstrate a linear type decay during
of the former are ~10 times larger (Table 2). A higher SAP con- the 10 h drying (Fig. 3: SAP 0.5, 1, and 2 g), with the rate of the
centration leads to a smaller average distance between the par- decay generally increasing with the increase in SAP concentration,
ticles, thus enhancing the probability for particles binding when and the R2 for all linear function reached 0.99 (Supplemental
these particles absorb water. Binding of the water swollen small Table S2). This linear decay of the drying curves indicated the ab-
particles created the larger size particles, and thus to a smaller sence of the falling rate diffusion-controlled drying process that
hydraulic gradient between the particles surfaces due to a smaller had been observed in the drying process of the soils only (Fig. 1).
specific surface and finally to a lower water loss by evaporation. Our observation further suggests that SAPs mixed with the soils at
The higher fractions of water loss for the BJ-2101M resulted these three concentrations prolonged the first stage of the evapora-
from the larger distance between adjacent particles due to the tion process; in the soils alone it lasted only 4 to 5 h, while in the
larger bead size, leading to less particles, smaller water absorption soil–SAP mixtures the first stage lasted 10 h. It is evident that for
and less binding even at higher concentration, which ultimately these SAP concentrations, the presence of SAPs in the mixtures
resulted in the lack of notable differences in the water retained by resulted in a water content in the mixture throughout the drying
the SAP at different amounts (Table 3; Fig. 2). period that was sufficiently high and above the threshold value
below which diffusion is dictating the manner by which drying is
Soil–SAP Mixtures progressing. Our data (Fig. 3) further suggest that, based on the
The drying curves for the soil–SAP mixtures showed similar findings of Banedjschafie and Durner (2015), the higher water
trends among the five soils studied, hence only the data for the loamy content in the soil–SAP mixtures compared with the soil alone
sand-Heling are presented in Fig. 3. Water retention (Supplemental combined with the linear decay of the drying curves for the soil–
Tables S1 and S2) by the soil–SAP mixtures increased with increase SAP mixtures, have a substantial contribution to plant available
in SAP concentration. Water retention at the beginning of the dry- water over that provided by the soil alone.
ing was ~0.58 g, 0.65 to 0.80 g, 0.78 to 1.18 g, and 1.10 to 1.60 g per Water content in the soil–SAP mixtures with the 0.5, 1, and
gram of the mixtures for 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0% SAP concentration 2% SAP was much higher than that observed for the respective soils
respectively (Fig. 3). Following 10 h of drying, water retention by only treatment throughout the entire drying curve (Fig. 3), indicat-
soils alone was closed to zero while these ranges (for all, but 0.1%) ing the contribution of the SAP to the absorption and retention
for the mixtures ranged between ~0.50 and 0.80 g per gram of the of water by the mixtures. Yu et al. (2012) suggested that the differ-
mixtures (Fig. 3). Following major differences in the characteristics ences in water release between soil–SAP mixtures and the soil only
of the curves, the data for the mixtures with addition of 0.1% SAP systems could be related to the balance between two affecting op-

894 Soil Science Society of America Journal

posing mechanisms. The presence of water containing soil particles increased from 0.1 to 1% (Fig. 3). The particles of SAPs with small-
that are surrounded by the SAP grains may reduce the hydraulic gra- er or larger bead size were separated by soil particles, which reduce
dient difference between soil particles and the swollen SAP. This, in binding between SAPs particles, thus water retention by the SAP
turn, results in slower water evaporation rate from each component increased when SAP concentration increased. The BJ-2101M with
in the soil–SAP mixtures compared with a system containing soil the larger bead size significantly decreased the rate of water loss
particles alone. However, contrary to the former mechanism, a pos- compared with the other three SAPs of smaller bead sizes (Fig. 3;
sible gradual replacement of Na or K cations adsorbed on the SAPs Supplemental Table S2) as can be seen from the slope of curves of
with Ca and Mg cations released from the exchange complex of the BJ-2101M which was smaller than that of the other three SAPs
soil and/or from soil-CaCO3 dissolution may take place (Yu et al., SAP concentration >0.5%. However, the actual amount of water
2011). This process of replacement renders the SAPs a lower level retained by the BJ-2101M–soil mixtures was smaller compared
of swelling and leads to enhanced release of water from the SAPs, with that of the other soil–SAP mixtures after 10 h drying (Fig. 3).
which, in turn, becomes available for evaporation. Our observation This phenomenon was ascribed to the lower water absorption of
of the increase in soil water holding capacity (in the presence of the the BJ-2101M–soil mixtures at the initial stage of drying due to the
SAP relative to the control), suggests that in these soil–SAP mix- lower water absorption rate and longer saturation time commonly
tures, the first mechanism (confinement) predominated due to the observed for SAP with large bead size (Yu et al., 2011).
presence of a large number of grains of the SAPs that yield a large Although there are some difference in determination of water
surface area available for contact between the SAP grains and the retention of soil–SAP mixtures recent studies showed that addition
soil particles, and thus to a smaller loss of water to evaporation. It of SAPs to soils improves water availability to plants by increasing
should be noted that unlike the curve of BJ-2101M alone, where no water content at field capacity and wilting point (Agaba et. al.,
change in water retention when SAP concentration increased from 2010; Shahid et al., 2012; Montesano et al., 2015). Our results (Fig.
0.1 to 1% (Fig. 2) was noted, water retained by the BJ-2101M–soil 3) further suggest that SAPs mixed with soils significantly increased
mixtures presented significant increases when SAP concentration water content compared with the soil alone during the entire evapo-

Fig. 3. Water content (g water per gram of the mixture [SAP + soil]) of the soil–SAP mixtures for the loamy sand-Heling soil as a function of drying
time. SAP application rate (0.0 = soil only, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 g) corresponds to SAP concentration of 0, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0 and 2%, respectively. Bars
indicate two standard deviations.

dl.sciencesocieties.org/publications/sssaj 895
ration process for SAP concentrations of 0.5, 1, and 2%. Moreover, dry SAP for a given concentration [0.1, 0.5, 1 or 2 g]); M is the
SAP addition to soils at these three concentrations significantly weight of dry soil and dry SAP.
prolonged the first stage of the evaporation process of the soil–SAP (ii) The normalized fraction of water retained after 5 h of
mixtures that could be seen from the fitted regression equations in- drying (NFWR), which was calculated as follows:
dicating linear relationships between the amount of water retained
by the soil–SAP mixtures and drying time for five soils and four NFWR = A/B[2]
SAPs during 10 h drying (Supplemental Table S2), thus dominat-
ing the amount of water available to the plants. However, the in- where A is the ratio of the average quantity of water retained after 5
crease in water availability to plants depends on soil properties, SAP h by the four SAPs mixed with a given soil to the average quantity of
concentration and SAP type (e.g., SAP particle size). water retained at 0 h of drying by the four SAPs mixed with the same
soil; and B is the ratio of the quantity of water retained by the same
Interactions between Soil Type soil alone after 5 h of drying to the quantity of water retained at 0 h
and SAP Concentration of drying by that soil. We calculated the NFWR 5 h drying because
The interaction between soil type and SAP concentration for sandy soils B was approaching zero after 5 h drying.
regarding water retention is associated with the water absorbed In Tables 4 and 5, only data for the loamy sand-Heling and
by the mixtures and by SAPs only in the mixtures. Thus the dis- loamy clay were presented because the two sandy soils and the three
cussions on these two aspects are separated. clay soils exhibited similar results. The degree of WA by the mixtures
increased with SAP concentration. The effect of SAP concentration
Water Absorbed by the Mixtures on WA increased with drying time for SAP concentration ³0.5%.
Large differences in the initial water absorbed by the differ- The differences in WA values in the loamy sand-Heling were 2 fold
ent soil–SAP mixtures at 0 h of drying were noted (Fig. 3). To after 5 h drying and 4 to 7 fold after 10 h drying for the four SAPs
evaluate the ability of the soil–SAP mixtures to absorb and re- (Table 4). Similar trends were noted in the loamy clay (Table 5).
tain water, and the interactions between soil type and SAP con- All the NFWR values were >1 (Table 6) indicating that the
centration on the aforementioned ability, two criteria were used. ability of the soil–SAP mixtures to retain water after 5 h of drying
(i) The degree of water absorbed (WA) by the soil–SAP relative to the initial water content (i.e., at 0 h of drying) was greater
mixtures (expressed in terms of weight percentage), that than that of the soils alone. The NFWR values seemed to be affected
was calculated as follows: by soil clay content and SAP concentration (Table 6). The NFWR
decreased from 6 to 1.6 with the increase in clay content from 7.5%
WA = L/M x 100 [1] (loamy sand-Heling) to 34.5% (loamy clay) at 0.1% SAP concen-
tration; a similar increase in clay content yielded a greater decrease,
where L is the weight of water in the mixture at a given drying from 14 to 2.3, at 2% SAP concentration. Furthermore, the effect of
time (calculated as the difference between the weight of wet increasing in SAP concentration on the NFWR values was larger in
soil–SAP mixtures and the weight of the dry soil [100 g] and the the coarse textured soils than in the fine textured soils. The NFWR
values increased from 6 to 12–14 for two loamy sands while for

Table 4. The degree of water absorbed (WA, % by weight) by Table 5. The degree of water absorbed (WA, % by weight) by
the soil–superabsorbent polymer (SAP) mixtures for the loamy the soil–superabsorbent polymer (SAP) mixtures for the loamy
sand-Heling soil. clay soil.
Time, SAP concentration, % Time, SAP concentration, %
h SAP 0.1 0.5 1 2 h SAP 0.1 0.5 1 2
0 WOTE 44.07Bd† 68.51Cc 91.57Bb 132.2Ba 0 WOTE 58.83Bd† 74.02ABc 91.18Cb 126.87Aa
GNKH 47.28Ad 73.06BCc 94.9Bb 141.28Ba GNKH 62.43Ad 78.66Ac 123.59Ab 135.61Aa
BJ-2101S 45.44Bd 79.72Ac 109.99Ab 157.41Aa BJ-2101S 58.71Bd 77.11Ac 108.82Bb 133.59Aa
BJ-2010M 43.57Bd 64.17Cc 78.69Cb 109.01Da BJ-2010M 58.29Bd 70.08Bc 85.25Cb 113.86Ba
5 WOTE 5.9Dd 32.97Ec 48.56Fb 73.36Fa 5 WOTE 24.62Dd 36.22Dc 54.7Eb 79.24Ea
GNKH 10.11Cd 33.53Ec 57.52Eb 96.26Ea GNKH 25.7CDd 41.6CDc 77.05Db 90.8CDa
BJ-2101S 9.38Cd 42.64Dc 70.81Db 115.13Ca BJ-2101S 25.14Dd 44.7Cc 70.53Db 95.36Ca
BJ-2010M 10.74Cd 34.04Ec 51.05EFb 78.44Fa BJ-2010M 28.07Cd 40.9CDc 55.77Eb 81.52Da
10 WOTE 0.01Gd 6.44Gc 20.4Ib 46.17Ha 10 WOTE 5.22Fd 12.15Fc 24.51Gb 41.42Ha
GNKH 0.04EFd 12.75Fc 32.69Hb 65.31Fa GNKH 6.44EFd 17.85EFc 43.8Fb 56.48FGa
BJ-2101S 0.38Ed 16.08Fc 42.42Gb 85.33Ea BJ-2101S 5.68Fd 19.7Ec 39.54Fb 64.47Fa
BJ-2010M 0.06EFd 14.31Fc 32.65Hb 55.72Ga BJ-2010M 8.63Ed 20.01Ec 34.2FGb 54.48Ga
† Means labeled with same letter are not significantly different at P < † Means labeled with same letter are not significantly different at P <
0.05 level. For each drying time uppercase letters reveal difference 0.05 level. For each drying time uppercase letters reveal difference
within a column (between SAP type for each SAP concentration), within a column (between SAP type for each SAP concentration),
and lowercase letters reveal difference within a row (between SAP and lowercase letters reveal difference within a row (between SAP
concentration for each SAP type). concentration for each SAP type).

896 Soil Science Society of America Journal

Table 6. The normalized fraction of water retained (NFWR) Table 8. The specific water retained (SWR, g g–1) by GNKH in
for the five soils studied. The NFWR was calculated as the the soil–superabsorbent polymer (SAP) mixtures at 0, 5, and
ratio of the average water retained after 5 h by the four super- 10 h drying. The SWR was calculated as the ratio of the water
absorbent polymers (SAPs) mixed with a given soil to the aver- absorbed by the SAP in the soil–SAP mixture to the dry weight
age quantity of water retained at 0 h of drying for the same of the SAP in the mixture.
soil–SAP mixtures, normalized to the ratio of the quantity of
water retained by the same soil alone after 5 h of drying to the Time, SAP concentration, %
quantity of water retained at 0 h of drying by that soil. h Soils 0.1 0.5 1 2
0 Loamy sand-Heling 76.17BCa† 68.17Aab 57.01Bbc 53.14Ac
SAP concentration, %
Loamy clay 85.23Ba 47.31Bc 71.57Ab 42.86Cc
Soils 0.1 0.5 1.0 2.0
5 Loamy sand-Heling 95.3Ba 66.95Ab 58.37Bb 49.74Bb
Loamy sand-Heling 5.9Ad† 11.2Ac 12.8Ab 13.8Aa
Loamy clay 133.37Aa 58.37ABbc 66.14ABb 40.79Cc
Loamy sand-Chayou Zhong 5.9Ad 9.0Bc 11.1Bb 12.2Ba
10 Loamy sand-Heling 5.17Db 27.81Ca 34.6Da 34.61Da
Sandy loam 1.8BCa 2.1Da 2.5Da 2.7Da
Loamy clay 69.37Ca 37.17Cc 45.44Cb 29.73Ec
Sandy clay loam 2.3Ba 3.1CDa 3.6Ca 3.9Ca
† Means labeled with same letter are not significantly different at P <
Loamy clay 1.6Ca 1.9Da 2.2Da 2.3Da 0.05 level. For each drying time uppercase letters reveal difference
† Means labeled with same letter are not significantly different at P < 0.05 within a column (between soil type for each SAP concentration),
level. The uppercase letters reveal difference within a column (between and lowercase letters reveal difference within a row (between SAP
soil type for each SAP concentration), and lowercase letters reveal concentration for each soil type).
difference within a row (between SAP concentration for each soil type).
mixtures. It is also of interest to evaluate the specific amount of water
the sandy loam, sand clay loam and clay loam the values increased retained (SWR, g g–1) by a unit weight of SAP in the soil–SAP mix-
from 1.6–2.3 to 2.3–3.9 (Table 6). The WA values showed similar ture at a given time of drying which was calculated as follows:
trends whereby an increasing SAP concentration resulted in larger
differences in WA in the loamy sand-Heling than that of loamy SWR = (D-b)/C[3]
clay (Tables 4 and 5). The interaction between soil type and SAP
concentration resulting in higher NFWR values and to larger incre- where D is the weight of the soil–SAP and the water absorbed by the
ments for the coarse-textured soils compared with the fine-textured mixture (g), b is the weight of a soil only (g) with the water absorbed
ones could be ascribed to (i) larger water absorption due to larger by it, and C is the dry weight of SAP in the soil–SAP mixture (g).
size of soil pores in the coarse textured soils, and (ii) the potential The specific amounts of water retained by the four SAPs in
for replacing of K and Na ions on SAP particles by Ca and Mg ions the soil–SAP mixtures for the loamy sand-Heling and the loamy
originating from the soils in the soils with higher clay content, which clay amended with four SAP concentrations at 0 and after 5 and
leads to reduced water adsorption and retention by the SAPs in the 10 h of drying are presented in Tables 7–10, respectively (only data
mixtures (Yu et al., 2011). Increasing SAP concentration enhanced for these two soils are presented because the two sandy soils and
the aforementioned impact because it resulted in more water swol- the three clay soils yielded similar results). The specific amount of
len SAP particles surrounding soil particles and increasing the capac- water retained by the SAPs alone in free swelling ranged between
ity for water retention by the soil–SAP mixtures. 30 and 171 g g-1 at 0 h of drying (Fig. 2) while the SWR by the
SAPs in the soil–SAP mixtures at 0 h of drying was, as expected
 ater Retained by the SAPs in the
W much smaller, 32 to 85 g g-1 (Tables 7–10). Evidently, the pres-
Soil–SAP Mixtures ence of a soil matrix limited SAP swelling and thus water absorp-
The data in Tables 4 and 5 present the interaction between SAP tion by the SAPs in the mixtures was restricted (Bhardwaj et al.,
type and concentration on the water retaining ability of the soil–SAP 2007; Yu et al., 2011). However, unlike the case of the soil–SAP

Table 7. The specific water retained (SWR, g g–1) by WOTE in Table 9. The specific water retained (SWR, g g–1) by BJ-2101S
the soil–superabsorbent polymers (SAP) mixtures at 0, 5, and in the soil–superabsorbent polymer (SAP) mixtures at 0, 5,
10 h drying. The SWR was calculated as the ratio of the water and 10 h drying. The SWR was calculated as the ratio of the
absorbed by the SAP in the soil–SAP mixture to the dry weight water absorbed by the SAP in the soil–SAP mixture to the dry
of the SAP in the mixture. weight of the SAP in the mixture.
Time, SAP concentration, % Time, SAP concentration, %
h Soils 0.1 0.5 1 2 h Soils 0.1 0.5 1 2
0 Loamy sand-Heling 44.2Cb† 57.94Ba 53.68Aab 48.5Aab 0 Loamy sand-Heling 56.83Cc† 81.14Aa 72.19ABb 61.33Ac
Loamy clay 46.57Ca 39.76Ba 37.97Ca 38.42Ba Loamy clay 49Ca 46.71Ca 59.23Ba 43.40Bb
5 Loamy sand-Heling 53.37Ba 64.74Aa 49.36ABa 38.05Bb 5 Loamy sand-Heling 87.1Ba 84.85Aa 71.74ABb 59.33ABc
Loamy clay 119.97Aa 46.94Bb 42.7Bb 34.92Bb Loamy clay 128.8Aa 64.72Ba 96.51Aa 61.82Aa
10 Loamy sand-Heling 0.33Dc 14.05Cb 22.23Da 24.85Ca 10 Loamy sand-Heling 2.6Dc 34.09Db 44.38Ca 44.79Ba
Loamy clay 54.6Ba 24.33Cb 25.09Db 22.07Cb Loamy clay 62.83BCa 40.23Ca 72.57ABa 49.75Ba
† Means labeled with same letter are not significantly different at P < † Means labeled with same letter are not significantly different at P <
0.05 level. For each drying time uppercase letters reveal difference 0.05 level. For each drying time uppercase letters reveal difference
within a column (between soil type for each SAP concentration), within a column (between soil type for each SAP concentration),
and lowercase letters reveal difference within a row (between SAP and lowercase letters reveal difference within a row (between SAP
concentration for each soil type). concentration for each soil type).

dl.sciencesocieties.org/publications/sssaj 897
mixtures where water retention increased with the increase in all soils was not significantly different when SAP concentration was
SAP concentrations (Fig. 3), SWR by the SAPs in the soil–SAP ³0.5%, (Tables 7–10), showing that the SAPs still played a domi-
mixtures exhibited an inconsistent behavior with change in SAP nant role in all soils when SAP concentration was ³0.5%, even after
concentration and duration of drying. At 0 h, no specific trend long drying time. The results highlight the important fact that the
could have been identified with respect to changes in the SWR interaction between soil type and SAP concentration increased the
with the increase in SAP concentration from 0.1 to 2% for all ability of water storage (in the scope of water available to plant) of
SAPs. However, after 5 h of drying, a significant decrease in the the soil–SAP mixtures, with this ability increasing with the increase
SWR by the SAPs with the increase in SAP concentration, was in SAP concentration (Fig. 3; Tables 4–6); however the above in-
generally noted (Tables 7–10), which was opposite to the trend teraction decreased the ability of water absorption by the SAPs in
noted in the case of the SAP only system (Table 3) where the frac- the mixtures as the ability of water absorbed by SAPs in the mix-
tion of water lost to evaporation decreased with the increase in tures decreased with SAP concentration (Tables 7–10).
SAP concentration. This implies that when the SAP is placed in The interaction between soil properties and SAP concentra-
a swelling restricting medium such as soil, the SWR of the SAP tion regarding water absorbed by SAPs in the mixtures seemed to
is inversely related to the number of SAP particles in the system. also depend on drying time. No differences in SWR values were
The limited soil matric pores resulted in sharing smaller spaces by noted among the soils for each of the four SAPs tested at SAP
singular particles of SAP and lower swellings when concentration concentration of 0.1% and 0 h drying (Tables 7–10). However,
increased. Moreover, the SWR by SAPs in the mixtures after 5 h after 10 h drying water retained by the SAPs in the mixtures con-
of drying was higher than at 0 h, especially at the lowest concentra- taining 0.1% SAP was significantly different between the two
tion. Based on this finding it is postulated that during the drying soils (loamy sand-Heling and loamy clay).
period, in addition to water loss to evaporation from the SAP and
the soil, a continued absorption of water by the SAPs from the soils Interaction between SAP Type
occurred, thus, further suggesting that the SAP water absorption and SAP Concentration
energy was higher than the evaporation energy (Yu et al., 2011) To quantitatively evaluate the interaction between SAP
before 5 h drying. The relatively high SWR levels in all the soils af- type and SAP concentration on water release by the SAPs in the
ter 10 h of drying but for the loamy sand with SAP concentration soil–SAP mixtures, the data for the average fraction of water loss
0.1% (Tables 7–10), further support the latter mechanism that the to evaporation (FWE) by a given SAP in five soils at different
particles of SAPs continued absorbing water from the soil during SAP concentrations was calculated as follows:
the drying process prior to losing them to evaporation.
For the WA values (representing the water storage ability of FWE = (F-f)/F x 100 [4]
the mixtures) and NFWR values (representing the water retaining
ability of the mixtures normalized to that at 0 h drying), increas- where F is the average amount of water absorbed by a given SAP
ing SAP concentration resulted in an increase in WA and NFWR in five soils at 0 h drying, and f is the average amount of water
values (Tables 4–6), while the SWR values (water retaining ability absorbed by a given SAP in five soils after 10 h of drying. The re-
of SAPs in the mixtures) decreased when SAP concentration in- sults obtained could be assembled into two groups according to
creased after 5 h drying (Tables 7–10), or presented a small change soil type, the first group included data for the loamy sand-Heling
at 0 h drying and after 10 h drying when concentration increased and loamy sand-Chayou Zhong (Table 11) and the second group
from 0.1 to 2%. An additional surprising result is that even after 5 included data for the three finer-textured soils, sandy loam, san-
h of drying, the amount of water absorbed by the SAPs (SWR) in dy clay loam and loamy clay (Table 12).
The results showed that generally, the average FWE for the
Table 10. The specific water retained (SWR, g g–1) by four SAPs was smaller in the mixtures than under free swelling
BJ-2101M in the soil–superabsorbent polymer (SAP) mixtures
at 0, 5, and 10 h drying. The SWR was calculated as the ratio conditions (Tables 11 and 12) for concentrations of 0.1% and
of the water absorbed by the SAP in the soil–SAP mixture to
the dry weight of the SAP in the mixture. Table 11. The fraction of water lost to evaporation (FWE, % by
weight) calculated for each superabsorbent polymer (SAP; aver-
Time, SAP concentration, % age of two soils) as the ratio of the difference in the amount of
h Soils 0.1 0.5 1 2 water absorbed at 0 and 10 h of drying to the amount of water
0 Loamy sand-Heling 37.33Da† 49.43Ba 40.49Ba 36.6Ba
absorbed at 0 h of drying for the coarse textured soils (loamy
sand-HeLing and loamy sand-ChayouZhong).
Loamy clay 37.37Da 31.96Da 32.07Ca 31.76Ca
5 Loamy sand-Heling 99.9Ba 67.12Ab 51.7Ac 40.57Ac SAP Concentration, % WOTE GNKH BJ-2101S BJ-2101M
Loamy clay 150.67Aa 56.47Bb 43.87Bc 36.05Bc 0.1 97.0Aa† 88.4Ab 87.0Ab 71.1Ac
10 Loamy sand-Heling 5.67Ec 30.08Db 34.43Ca 29.64Cb 0.5 77.3Ba 60.3Bb 60.2Bc 35.9Bd
Loamy clay 84.8Ca 40.24Cb 34.97Cb 28.71Cb 1 57.0Ca 39.7Cb 39.8Cb 13.7Cc
† Means labeled with same letter are not significantly different at P < 2 47.2Da 34.6Cb 29.2Db 18.9Cc
0.05 level. For each drying time uppercase letters reveal difference † Means labeled with same letter are not significantly different at P < 0.05
within a column (between soil type for each SAP concentration), level. The uppercase letters reveal difference within a column (between
and lowercase letters reveal difference within a row (between SAP SAP concentration for each SAP type), and lowercase letters reveal
concentration for each soil type). difference within a row (between SAP type for each SAP concentration).

898 Soil Science Society of America Journal

0.5%. Moreover, the change in water loss to evaporation for the BJ- Table 12. The fraction of water lost to evaporation (FWE, %
by weight) calculated for each superabsorbent polymer (SAP;
2101M with the large bead size in the mixtures was different from average of three soils) as the ratio of the difference in the
that in free swelling. In free swelling and for SAP concentration amount of water absorbed at 0 and 10 h of drying to the
>0.5%, the fraction of water lost to evaporation by the BJ-2101M amount of water absorbed at 0 h of drying for the fine texture
soils (sandy loam, sandy clay loam, and clay loam).
was the largest (73.5–90.5%) among the four SAPs (Tables 11
and 12). Conversely, in the soil–SAP mixtures the BJ-2101M pre- SAP Concentration, % WOTE GNKH BJ-2101S BJ-2101M
sented the lowest fractions (even negative values) in both group of 0.1 22.2Db† 34.4Ba 14.2Cc −51.2Dd
0.5 53.9Aa 37.9Ab 33.9Ab -10.2Cc
soils (Tables 11 and 12). The negative fractions of water loss for the
1 39.2Ca 37.0ABa 31.3ABb −4.5Bc
BJ-2101M in the three loamy soils at concentrations of 0.1 to 1%
2 45.2Ba 29.6Bb 25.8Bb 10.7Ac
or the lowest fractions in two sandy soils resulted probably from †M eans labeled with same letter are not significantly different at P < 0.05
the following two mechanisms: (i) a larger water absorption energy level. The uppercase letters reveal difference within a column (between
(can be seen from the higher slope of the curve in Fig. 1 (Yu et al., SAP concentration for each SAP type), and lowercase letters reveal
difference within a row (between SAP type for each SAP concentration)
2011) which indicates larger water absorption as cumulative time
increased within 0 to 90 min for the SAP with the large bead size), increase in clay content. Water absorption by the SAPs decreased
than evaporation energy because of the longer saturation time and with the increase in SAP amount, but during 10 h of drying, the
the smaller specific area of the SAP with the large bead size, hence amount of water retained by the SAPs tended to increase with an
resulting in an increased amount of water being absorbed; (ii) the increase in SAP amount. Water absorption by the soil–SAP mix-
three loamy soils in which this phenomenon occurred have a rela- tures increased with an increase in SAP concentration, irrespective
tively high clay content, thus having a larger water retaining capacity of soil texture. The SAPs mixed with the soil significantly improved
and the ability to supply water to satisfy higher water absorption by water holding capacity, especially in the soils with low clay percent.
the SAP with large bead size during the drying process. These two Moreover, the SAPs in the soil–SAP mixtures continued to absorb
mechanisms could lead to the continued water absorption during water from the soils during the first 5 h of drying. The SAP with the
the first 4 h of drying and to a larger amount of water to be retained large-size beads (BJ-2101M) appeared to be the most effective SAP
by the SAP with large bead size after 5 h drying compared with the in maintaining the smallest fraction of water loss in the soil–SAP
original amount of water absorbed by the SAP (at 0 h of drying). mixtures among the four SAPs after 10 h drying.
The type of SAP had a smaller effect on water retaining Our results clearly showed that SAPs mixed with soils reduce
ability of the soil–SAP mixtures than SAP concentration (Fig. the contribution of clay to the water retaining ability of soils even
3; Tables 4 and 5). Generally, water retained by the mixtures for at drying conditions. The efficiency of SAP application depended
WOTE and BJ-2101M was lower than that for the other two not only on a single factor such as a soil type, SAP type and con-
SAPs (GNKH and BJ-2101S). This resulted most likely from centration, but also on interactions between soil type, SAP type
lower water absorption at initial time (Fig. 3). The interaction be- and concentration. These interactions showed different degrees
tween SAP types and concentration had significant influence in of improvement in SAP efficiency under different drying condi-
water retaining ability of SAPs. For the two sandy loams the high- tions. A main advantage of adding a SAP to the soil seemed to be
est SAP concentration (2%) and the SAP type with large bead size its ability to absorb water from the soil during a drying period and
(BJ-2101M) achieved the lowest water loss of the water absorbed thus decrease water loss to evaporation and increase water avail-
(Table 11). For the three soils with the higher clay percent (sandy ability for crop production. For agricultural practices, the type and
loam, sand clay loam and clay loam), a similar trend was noted amount of SAP to be applied to achieve higher efficiency in pro-
(Table 12). Moreover, despite the larger water absorption by SAPs viding plant available water should be specifically tailored based on
in the mixtures at 0 h of drying for GNKH and BJ-2101S com- the different soil properties and the differing weather conditions.
pared with BJ-2101M, a much smaller differences in the amount
of water adsorbed by the SAP in the mixtures between these two Acknowledgments
types of SAPs were noted after 10 h drying (Tables 7–10). The The research was funded by the international cooperation project of China
“Using SAP combined with PAM Conditioning Technologies to Reduce
aforementioned finding that water retaining efficiency relative to
Soil Evaporation and Salt Accumulation in Hetao Irrigation Areas, Inner
its initial water absorption increases for a SAP with large bead size Mongolia of China” (2014DFA71080) and National Natural Science
(e.g., BJ-2101M) was not only due to reduction of ions replace- Foundation of China project “The effects of SAPs mixed with soils in upper
ment by Ca and Mg ions in the soil, but also because of a higher layer on reduction of soil evaporation and salt accumulation” (51379096).
water absorption energy and a longer period of water absorption
time from soils (even after 4 h of drying), is a significant one. References
Agaba, H., L.J.B. Orikiriza, J.F.O. Esegu, J. Obua, J.D. Kabasa, and A. Huttermann.
2010. Effects of Hydrogel Amendment to Different Soils on Plant Available
Summary and Conclusions Water and Survival of Trees under Drought Conditions, Clean– Soil, Air.
We studied water absorption followed by water retention dur- Water 38:328–335.
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