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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Children: A Short Review

and Literature

Article  in  International Journal of Pediatrics · December 2014

DOI: 10.22038/ijp.2014.3749


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5 authors, including:

Bibi Leila Hoseini Gholamreza Khademi

Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences Mashhad University of Medical Sciences


Masumeh Saeidi
Tehran University of Medical Sciences


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Review Article

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Children: A

Short Review and Literature
Bibi Leila Hoseini1, Maryam Ajilian2, *Habibolah Taghizade Moghaddam1,
Gholamreza Khademi4, Masumeh Saeidi5
Midwifery M.Sc., Instructor, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Sabzevar,
Ibn-e- Sina Hospital, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.
Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical sciences, Mashhad, Iran.
Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences,
Mashhad, Iran.
Students Research Committee, Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a chronic condition that affects millions of
children and often persists into adulthood. ADHD includes a combination of problems, such as
difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior. ADHD is estimated to affect
about 6 to 7 percent of people aged 18 and under when diagnosed via the DSM-IV criteria.
Hyperkinetic disorder when diagnosed via the ICD-10 criteria give rates of between 1 to 2 percent in
this age group. Children in North America appear to have a higher rate of ADHD than children in
Africa and the Middle East; however, this may be due to differing methods of diagnosis used in
different areas of the world. If the same diagnostic methods are used rates are more or less the same
between countries. While treatment won't cure ADHD, it can help a great deal with symptoms.
Treatment typically involves medications and behavioral interventions. Early diagnosis and treatment
can make a big difference in outcome.

Key words: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; Children; Prevalence; World.

*Couresponding Author:
Habibolah Taghizade Moghaddam, Mashhad University of Medical sciences, Mashhad, Iran.
Email: Taghizademh1@mums.ac.ir
Received date: Jul 10, 2014 ; Accepted date: Nov 12, 2014

International Journal of Pediatrics , Vol.2, N.4-3, Serial No.12, December 2014 443
ADHD in Children

families and society, which characterizes it
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
as a major public health problem.
(ADHD) is a disorder of childhood and
adolescence characterized by a pattern of An understanding of the epidemiological
extreme pervasive, persistent and aspects of ADHD/HD may provide insight
debilitating inattention, overactivity and into its distribution and etiology as well as
impulsivity. It is believed to be one of the information for planning the allocation of
most common reasons for mental health funds for mental health services. In past
referrals to family physicians, decades, investigators from all regions of
aediatricians,paediatric neurologists and the world have made substantial efforts to
child and adolescent psychiatrists. define the prevalence of the disorder.
Although originally thought to remit Several literature reviews have reported
during childhood, the symptoms of ADHD highly variable rates worldwide, ranging
have also been shown to persist in patients from as low as 1% to as high as nearly
through adolescence and into adulthood . 20% among school-age children. Several
The disorder is often chronic, with one investigators have suggested that
third to one half of those affected retaining prevalence rates in Europe were
the condition into adulthood . It interferes significantly lower than rates found in
with many areas of normal development North America (2).
and functioning in a child’s life. Children
with ADHD are more likely than their Alternative Names
peers to experience educational
underachievement, social isolation and Attention deficit disorder (ADD); ADHD;
antisocial behaviour during the school Childhood hyperkinesis.
years and to go on to have significant
Methods and Materials
difficulties in the post-school years (1).
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder The current study was a review survey
(ADHD) is one of the most common which was conducted to evaluate some of
neurodevelopmental disorders of children’s Attention deficit hyperactivity
childhood. The worldwide prevalence in disorder that is mentioned in science
children ≤18 years has been estimated at website by studying articles and books
5.3% in a systematic review of 102 studies science texts.
from all continents, with a majority from
North America and Europe (2). To evaluate the texts, the singular or
combination forms of the following
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder keywords were used: “ADHD”,
(ADHD) is characterized by pervasive and “Prevalence”, “ADD”, “Hyperkinesis” and
impairing symptoms of inattention, “Children”.
hyperactivity, and impulsivity according to
DSM-IV (3) . The World Health To evaluate the electronic Persian
Organization (WHO) (4) uses a different databases the following websites were
name—hyperkinetic disorder (HD)—but searched: Google, Scientific information
lists similar operational criteria for the database (SID), Ministry of healthcare,
disorder. Regardless of the name used, Medical articles library of Iran (medlib.ir),
ADHD/HD is one of the most thoroughly Iranian research institute for information
researched disorders in medicine. It has (Iran Doc), publication database (Magiran,
been associated with a broad range of Iran medex), and also search in other
negative outcomes in affected subjects electronic databases such as Google
with a serious financial burden to Scholar, Scopus and PubMed. Also, library
search was performed by referring to the

International Journal of Pediatrics , Vol.2, N.4-3, Serial No.12, December 2014 444
Hoseini et al.

journal archives of libraries, and  Avoids or dislikes tasks that

evaluating the available Persian and require sustained mental effort
English references such as text books and (such as schoolwork)
also articles of research-scientific and  Often loses toys, assignments,
educational journals, and articles of the pencils, books, or tools needed for
annual seminar of medicine and tasks or activities
psychology.  Is easily distracted
 Is often forgetful in daily activities
Hyperactivity Symptoms
 Fidgets with hands or feet or
Symptoms of ADHD fall into three squirms in seat
groups:  Leaves seat when remaining seated
is expected
 Not being able to  Runs about or climbs in
focus (inattentiveness). inappropriate situations
 Being extremely active  Has problems playing or working
(hyperactivity). quietly
 Is often "on the go," acts as if
 Not being able to control
"driven by a motor"
behavior (impulsivity).
 Talks excessively
Some people with ADHD have mainly
Impulsivity Symptoms
inattentive symptoms. Some have mainly
hyperactive and impulsive symptoms.
 Blurts out answers before questions
Others have a combination of different
have been completed
symptom types. Those with mostly
 Has difficulty awaiting turn
inattentive symptoms are sometimes said
to have attention deficit disorder (ADD).
Interrupts or intrudes on others (butts into
They tend to be less disruptive and are
conversations or games).
more likely not to be diagnosed with
ADHD. Different Symptoms
Inattentive Symptoms Boys and girls display very different
ADHD symptoms, and boys are much
Fails to give close attention to details or more likely to be diagnosed with the
makes careless mistakes in schoolwork attention disorder. Why? It’s possible the
nature of ADHD symptoms in boys makes
 Has difficulty keeping attention their condition more noticeable than it is in
during tasks or play girls.Boys tend to display externalized
 Does not seem to listen when symptoms that most people think of when
spoken to directly they think of ADHD behavior, for
 Does not follow through on example: impulsivity or “acting
instructions and fails to finish out”hyperactivity, such as running and
schoolwork or chores and tasks hittinglack of focus, including
 Has problems organizing tasks and inattentivenessphysical aggressionADHD
activities in girls is often easy to overlook because
it’s not “typical” ADHD behavior. The
symptoms aren’t as obvious as they are in

International Journal of Pediatrics , Vol.2, N.4-3, Serial No.12, December 2014 445
ADHD in Children

boys. They can include:being methodological and cultural differences,

withdrawnlow self-esteem and and variability in identification and
anxietyintellectual impairment and medical classification systems used for
difficulty with academic diagnosis (2).
achievementinattentiveness or a tendency Prevalence factors ADHD prevalence rates
to “daydream”verbal aggression: teasing, may vary depending on several factors:
taunting, or name-calling (Figur.1) (5-7). Age – ADHD can affect children from pre-
school age2-4 and increasing recognition
is now given to the fact that ADHD can
extend beyond childhood and adolescence
into adulthood (8, 9-12). Gender – a higher
prevalence is often reported in males
(8,13,14). Subtype of ADHD – combined-
type ADHD is generally considered most
prevalent in all age-groups (15,16). ADHD
is often present alongside comorbidities
such as oppositional defiant disorder
(ODD) and anxiety disorder (9,16-19)
which may further complicate
understanding of true prevalence rates.
It is estimated that ADHD affects between
5.4-8.7% of children in Africa. Data
quality however is not high(20).
A 2008 evaluation of the “KiGGS” survey,
monitoring 14,836 girls and boys (age
between 3 to 17 years), showed that 4.8%
of the participants had an ADHD
diagnosis. While 7.9% of all boys had
ADHD, only 1.8% girls had it, too.
Another 4.9% of the participants (6.4%
boys: 3.6% girls) were suspected ADHD
cases, because they showed a rate ≥7 on
Fig.1: Different ADHD symptoms in children the Strengths and difficulties questionnaire
Epidemiology (SDQ) scale. The number of ADHD
diagnoses was 1.5% (2.4%: 0.6%) among
The mean worldwide prevalence of ADHD preschool children (3–6 years old), 5.3 %
is between 5.29% and 7.1% in children (8.7% : 1.9%) at age 7–10 years, and had
and adolescents (<18 years) (2, 8). The its peak at 7.1% (11.3% : 3.0%) in the age
prevalence of ADHD in Europe was group of 11–13 years. Among 14 to 17
estimated at just under 5%, however, there years old adolescents the rate was 5.6%
are still few global or European data on (9.4%: 1.8%) (21).
rates of incidence, prevalence or
epidemiology of ADHD(2). Estimation of Spain
the prevalence of ADHD may be
complicated by a range of factors such as

International Journal of Pediatrics , Vol.2, N.4-3, Serial No.12, December 2014 446
Hoseini et al.

Rates in Spain are estimated at 6.8%

among people under 18 (22).
United States
In the United States it is diagnosed in 2-16
percent of school children. The rates of
diagnosis and treatment of ADHD are
much higher on the east coast of the Treating ADHD is a partnership between
United States than on its west coast. The the health care provider and the patient. If
frequency of the diagnosis differs between the patient is a child, parents and often
male children (10%) and female children teachers are involved. For treatment to
(4%) in the United States. This difference work, it is important to:
between genders may reflect either a  Set specific, appropriate goals.
difference in susceptibility or that females  Start medicine and/or talk therapy.
with ADHD are less likely to be diagnosed  Follow-up regularly with the doctor
than males. to check on goals, results, and any
Boys outnumber girls across all three side effects of medicines. During
subtyping categories, but the exact these visits, information should be
magnitude of these differences seems to gathered from the patient and if
depend on both the informant (parent, relevant, parents and teachers.
teacher, etc.) and the subtype. In two
community-based investigations, If treatment does not seem to work, the
conducted by DuPaul and associates, boys health care provider will likely:
outnumbered girls by only 2.2:1 in parent-  Confirm the person has ADHD.
generated samples and 2.3:1 in teacher-  Check for medical conditions that
based input (23-29). can cause similar symptoms.
Exams and Tests  Make sure the treatment plan is
being followed.
If ADHD is suspected, the person should  Medicines
be evaluated by a health care professional.  Medicine combined with
There is no test that can make or exclude a behavioral treatment often works
diagnosis of ADHD. best. There are several different
The diagnosis is based on a pattern of the ADHD medicines that may be used
symptoms listed above. When the person alone or in combination. The health
with suspected ADHD is a child, parents care provider will decide which
and teachers are usually involved during medicine is right based on the
the evaluation process. Most children with person's symptoms and needs.
ADHD have at least one other  Psychostimulants (also known as
developmental or mental health problem. stimulants) are the most commonly
This problem may be a mood, anxiety or used ADHD medicines. Although
substance use disorder; a learning these drugs are called stimulants,
disability; or a tic disorder. A doctor can they actually have a calming effect
help determine whether these other in people with ADHD.
conditions are present.  Follow the health care provider's
Treatment instructions on how to take ADHD
 Some ADHD medicines have side
effects. If the person has side

International Journal of Pediatrics , Vol.2, N.4-3, Serial No.12, December 2014 447
ADHD in Children

effects, contact the health care things as bedtime, morning time,

provider right away. The dosage or mealtime, simple chores and TV.
medicine itself may need to be Avoid multitasking yourself when talking
changed (30-34). with your child, make eye contact when
giving instructions, and set aside a few
Risk factors for ADHD include: minutes every day to praise your child.
 Blood relatives (such as a parent or Work with teachers and caregivers to
sibling) with ADHD or another mental identify problems early, to decrease the
health disorder impact of the condition on your child's life
 Exposure to environmental toxins (2-9).
— such as lead, found mainly in paint
and pipes in older buildings Conclusion
 Maternal drug use, alcohol use or
smoking during pregnancy Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
 Maternal exposure to (ADHD) is a chronic condition that affects
environmental poisons — such as millions of children and often persists into
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) — adulthood. ADHD includes a combination
during pregnancy of problems, such as difficulty sustaining
 Premature birth attention, hyperactivity and impulsive
Although sugar is a popular suspect in behavior. Children with ADHD also may
causing hyperactivity, there's no reliable struggle with low self-esteem, troubled
proof of this. Many things in childhood relationships and poor performance in
can lead to difficulty sustaining attention, school. Symptoms sometimes lessen with
but that is not the same as ADHD (6, 35). age. However, some people never
completely outgrow their ADHD
Prevention symptoms. But they can learn strategies to
To help reduce your child's risk of ADHD: be successful. While treatment won't cure
ADHD, it can help a great deal with
During pregnancy, avoid anything that symptoms. Treatment typically involves
could harm fetal development. Don't drink medications and behavioral interventions.
alcohol, smoke cigarettes or use drugs. Early diagnosis and treatment can make a
Avoid exposure to environmental toxins, big difference in outcome.
such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
Protect your child from exposure to Children with ADHD have trouble
pollutants and toxins, including cigarette functioning at home and in school and
smoke, agricultural or industrial chemicals, often havedifficulty making and keeping
and lead paint (found in some old friends. If left untreated, ADHD may
buildings). interfere with school and work, as well as
with social and emotional development.
Limit screen time. Although still ADHD is more common in boys, whose
unproved, it may be prudent for children to impulsivity and hyperactivity may be
avoid excessive exposure to TV and video evident. Inattentiveness is a hallmark of
games in the first five years of life. ADHD in girls, but because they aren't
If your child has ADHD, to help reduce often disruptive in the classroom, they may
problems or complications: not get diagnosed.
Be consistent, set limits and have clear Conflict of interest: None
consequences for your child's behavior.
Put together a daily routine for your child References
with clear expectations that include such

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