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Detailed Lesson Plan in Math -1

At the end of 50 minutes discussion the pupils should be able to:
a. Compares light and heavy objects
b. Show heavy and light objects
c. Cooperate actively in small group activity.


a. Topic: Comparing objects using light, lighter, lightest and heavy, heavier, heaviest
b. Reference: k to 12 Curriculum Guide – pp.28 MIME-IVC.19
Mathematics 1 (teacher’s Guide) pp. 70- 73
Mathematics I (learners materials) pp. 137- 141
c. Materials: pictures, power point, realia
d. Values: cooperation


A. Preliminary Activities
Teachers Activity Pupils Activity
everybody please stand, let us pray
Hanna will you please lead the prayer
(Pupils will pray )
Good morning Children!
Good morning teacher, good morning classmates,
good morning.
Everybody take your sit. Who are absent today?

Very good, I’m glad that all of you are present. None ma’am.


Color the long ribbon yellow, longer ribbon orange,

and longest ribbon red.


(I will call three pupils to come in front, then one of

your classmates will arrange them from tall to tallest.)

(pupils will do)

What measurement do we used in measuring the
height of a person?
Ma’am we use tall, taller and tallest in measuring the
height of a person.
Very good!

Ma’am in measuring the height of a things or

animals, we use high, higher and highest.

How about measuring the height of a things or

animals? Camilo?
Yes, ma’am

Very good! I’m glad that you still remember our



okay, children let sing a song.

Do you know the song entitled “the six measurement”

Okay everybody lets sing.

“The Six measurement”

1, 2, & 3 measurement (2x)

Measure, measure, ment, ment, ment (2x)
1, 2, & 3 measurement
The first measurement is heavy
The second measurement is heavier (2x)
Heavy, heavy, vier, vier, vier (2x)
The second measurement is heavier
The third measurement is heaviest (2x)
Heavy, heavy, viest, viest, viest (2x)
The third measurement is heaviest.

4, 5, & 6 measurement (2x)

Measure, measure, ment, ment, ment (2x)
4, 5, & 6 measurement
The fourth measurement is light, (2x)
Light, light, light, light, light (2x)
The fourth measurement is light The title of the song is the six measurement.
The fifth measurement is lighter(2x)
Light, light, er, er, er (2x)
The fifth measurement is lighter Heavy, heavier, and heaviest
The six measurement is lightest(2x)
Light, light, est, est, est (2x)
The six measurement is lightest.
Light, lighter and lightest.
Okay children, what is the title of the song?

What are the first three measurement mentioned in the


Very good, what are the other measurement mentioned

in the song?
Ma’am the objects are light or magaan
Very good!

Developmental Activities

b.1 Presentation

Children, what can you say about the objects that are
easy to lift of push?

Correct! The objects are light or magaan.

Teacher, the notebook is lighter than book.


(I will show them a real objects of book, notebook and Teacher, board eraser is lighter than the notebook.
board eraser. I will allow them to lift or push the three

What can you say the weight of the notebook

compared to the weight of the book? Ronnabelle
The board eraser is “pinakamagaan”
Very good!
What can you say about the weight of the board eraser
compared to the weight of notebook?

Ma’am the objects are heavy or mabigat.

What can you say about the weight of the board eraser
compared to the weight of the other two objects?
Very good, “pinakamagaan” or what we called

What can you say about the objects that are difficult to
push? Mark jhon?

Very good!
Teacher, the table is “mas mabigat” than the wood

Wood Table Although we can push both the table and the wood
Cabinet chair, we could no longer lift the table that is why the
table is heavier than the wood chair.

Teacher, the cabinet is heavier than the table.

(pupils will lift or push the given objects.) We can neither lift nor push the cabinet unlike the
table we cannot be lifted but can be pushed.

What can you say about the weight of the table

compared to the weight of the wood chair?
Teacher, the cabinet is pinakamabigat compared in
two objects.
How did you know that the table is heavier than the
wood chair?

What can you say about the weight of the cabinet

compared to the weight of the table?

Correct, what made you say so?

Very good.
What can you say about the weight of the cabinet
compared to the weight of the other two objects?
Very good, pinakamabigat or what we called heaviest.

B.2 Performing the Activity

I have here some pictures of a cabinet, table and wood

chair. I have also a book, notebook and board eraser. Maam, we arrange them according to their weight
All you have to do is to paste it under the correct that we do a while ago from heavy to heaviest.
words of measurement posted on the board.

Teacher, means mabigat.

b.3 Processing the Activity

Teacher a chair.
okey, how did you arrange the pictures of a cabinet,
table and chair?
Camilo? Teacher, mas mabigat.

very good! Teacher a table.

When we say heavy, what does it mean? roger jhon

Very good, in that three things where is heavy? Mark Teacher the heaviest things is a cabinet.

Very good.
When we say heavier, what does it mean? Stephanie
Teacher, according to their weight also from light to
Correct, mas mabigat or what we called heavier. lightest.
Where is the heavier among the three?

How about the heaviest? Ma’am, light means magaan.

Correct! Ma’am a book

How did you arrange the notebook, book and board

eraser? Maam “mas magaan”

Maam notebook
Very good!
When we say light, what does it mean? Hanna
Ma’am “pinakamagaan”
Among the three things, where is light? Rhealyn Maam a board eraser.

very good!
When we say lighter, what does it mean? Jonrey (students will do)

Very good, which of the three is lighter? Sherlyn

Correct! What about lightest, what does it mean?

Correct, which of them are lightest? Irish

Correct! Give yourself a very good clap.

Teacher we use to compare using light, lighter and

B.4 Reinforcement The Concept And Skills. lightest.

I have here a pictures, you are going to do is to pick a

picture then paste it in a board, according to their We can also compare the weight of objects by telling
weight. which is heavy, heavier and heaviest.

B. 5 Summarizing the Lesson.

Children, based from the activities that we have done, Teacher, we can determine that an object is light or
what are the words we used to compare the weight of heavy by lifting or pushing them.
objects? Medonald

What else? Estela

Very good!
How do we know that an object are heavy or light?
Hanna Group 1. Arrange the objects from light to lightest.
Write 1 for light, 2 for lighter and 3 for lightest.

Very good! It is not true that big objects are heavier _________1.
than smaller objects.

B.6 Applying To New And Other Situation

now, I will group a class into three groups. Every

groups will choose their leader. I’ll give you five
minutes to do your activity.

_ f3_
_ hh
Group 2. Arrange the objects from heavy to
heaviest. Write 1 for heavy, 2 for heavier and
3 for heaviest.

. Tv speaker sofa

1. ________ 2. ___________ 3. _________

Bike bus tricycle

1._________ 2.__________ 3. ____________

Group 3. Solve the puzzle and arrange their

measurement according to their weights. ( light,
lighter, and lightest)

d. Assessment

1-3: direction : arrange the objects from light to

lightest. Write 1 for light, 2 for lighter and 3 for

Chalkboard Board eraser Umbrella

1.____________ 2. ___________ 3. _________

book Notebook Paper

1. ________ 2. _________ 3. ___________

Pair of Pencil Crayons

1. ______ 2. ________ 3. _________

Direction: arrange the objects from heavy to heaviest.

Write 1 for heavy, 2 heavier and 3 heaviest.

Cabinet Table Chair

1. ______ 2. ________ 3. _________

Black board Door Motorcycle

1.__________ 2. ________ 3. __________

c. home activity

draw 5 objects of different weight. Arrange them

according to their weight.

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