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Jewish Conspiracies Against Islam: Changes in the Hadith and in

the Holy Qur’an
By: Mustafa Ismail Ph.D.

* “My collection of the Holy Qur’an, was eaten by a hungry goat!” (i.e., many verses /Chapters
of the Holy Qur’an are missing, today!)

From “Ayisha” the youngest wife of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H)

Ref.1) Sahih Muslim vol.4 /p.167. Ref.2) Sunan Ibn Maja (=Magi) vol. 1 /p.625. Ref. 3) Imam Sayuti’s
“Durrul Manthur”/ vol.6 /p. 56. Ref.4) Musnad Imam Ahmad Hanbal, vol. 6 /p. 269. Ref.5) Sahih
Bukahri vol. 8 / Hadith 817, etc.

* “Surah Al-Ahzab was Originaly 200 verses! But now 70 only” Ref. “Ayisha” in Imam Sayuti’s “Al-
Itqan Fi Tafsiril Qur’an”

* “Some verses of the Holy Qur’an were different, during the time of the Holy Prophet
Mohammad (P.B.U.H). Ref. “Omar Bin Khattab”, the 2nd Caliph of Islam.

* “Two surahs of the Holy Qur’an are missing!” Ref. “Omar” the 2nd Caliph of Islam, (according to Imam
Sayuti in “Al-Itqan”).

* “A big Chapter is missing from the Holy Qur’an”! Ref. “Abu Musa Ash-ari” the Sahabah of the Holy
Prophet A.S. see “Imam Sayuti’s “Al-Itqan.

*”Burn all the copies of the Holy Qur’an (7 copies collected by the other Sahaba) and keep my
collection, only!” ( i.e. “Rasmul Othmani”)

Othman, the 3rd Caliph of Islam Ref. “Sahih Bukhari” vol.6 / Ch.61 / Hadith No. 510.

*”No one today has the original Qur’an of the time of the Holy Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H.)
Abdullah Bin Omar, son of the 2nd Khalifa Omar/ see “Imam Sayuti’s “Al-Itqaan fi Tafsiril Qur’an.”

*”My father, Abu Bakr / the 1st Caliph of Islam / burned 500 Hadith / teachings of the Holy Prophet A.S.”
(also known as “Sunnah”).

From “Ayisha” the youngest wife of the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. and the daughter of the 1st
Caliph Abu Bakr /Ref. “Faza-il Amaal”/ Lahore, Pakistan 2005 / p. 40

Those were some of the many testimonies about the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith, coming from
the “First generation Muslims”, immediately after the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S.

Now, if those statements, from the most trusted personalities in Islam, and the earliest Muslim
leaders, and the closest people to the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. has not opened your eyes to the
“tragic events that took place, in the Islamic history and traditions” then nothing else will do. Because
there is nothing more for me to say, except to explain and to further expand those quotations, or just to

add more references i.e. books, Hadith, historical evidences, etc.. in order to support what they have
already said, and what you have already read.

Historical Background

In order to better understand this “tragedy” that befell this on so-called “Last Abrahamic
Religion, i.e. Isalm” we have to look at the earlier “tragedies” that also took place, in the “second and the
first Abrahamic Religions,” i.e. Christianity and Judaism, as well.

As the Persian proverb says: “The fish goes bad, from the head, first” (Rumi, in Math-nawy). So, we shall
also look at “Jeudaism” and Christianity first! After all the “Fish,” which is the symbol of Christianity
and the Pope, came from the Jews, who also got it from the Pagan Babylonian “Fish god” called “Nuun!”
(Remember Jonas and the fish story in the Old Testament and the New Testament, and also in the Holy
Qur’an, as “Zan Nuun!?). A very “fishy story” indeed!

Abraham : “The Father of Faith” (Fish?)

All those three so-called “Monotheistic” Religions claim to be the followers of Abraham. The
Jews even claim “Abraham” as a Jew, and the Arabs claim him to be an Arab, and yet Abraham was
neither a “Jew, nor an Arab” but just a Babylonian (Persian Magi? Zoroaster himself?) and his first wife
“Sarah” (Princess?) was also a Babylonian, and his “Second wife, Hagar”, was an Egyptian: Now, how
could the “Babylonians and the Egyptians become Jews or Arabs? I don’t understand, let those “Proud
children of Abraham” explain it, in their own Hebrew language or even Arabic or Greek, or whatever!

Jews in Slavery of Babylon

Why did Nebuchad-Nesor the King of Babylon, take the Jews into captivity in Babylon, I don’t
really know. But here are some possible clues, and your guess is as good as mine:

1.) The Babylonians considered the Jews as their own distant “Cousins” and they wanted to
bring them back to their ancestral home of the “Father Abraham” (=Ab+Rahim or father of
many tribes).
2.) The Jews were worshipping many “gods and goddesses” like “Moloch”/ Ba-al / Ozairus /
Set/Adar/Uru/Sin/Nun/Ninip / Kivan / Saturn (of the Saturday!) etc. and they were even
“sacrificing their own first born babies to “Moloch” by “Burning them alive, and dancing
around them, and beating drums, in order not to hear the cries of those burning innocents, and
then “eating the flesh of their roasted children” as a sacrifice to god Moloch!—in other words
the Jews were involved in the worst kind of “Cannibalism” known to mankind, by “Eating
the flesh of their own children in the name of their god “Moloch”. (Ref. “The Ass in the
Lions Skin” or The great Jewish Mask/Published by The Bamboo Delight Co. USA,
Probably, even a “Beast” like Nebuchad-Nesor of Babylon also could not tolerate such a
Barbarism, committed by his own “distant Jewish cousins” and he had to save the Jews from
themselves, by hook or by crook (As did George W. Bush of America, using those lies about
the WMD in Iraq in 2003, to liberate the Iraqis / Babylonians / from Saddam Husain, and his
Baath party!).
3.) The “Karma” of baby-eating, as well as many other treacheries and conspiracies, which have
been the “Trade Mark” of the Jewish “tribe” since 5,000 years until today, caught up with
them, and they had to pay the price of their crimes against humanity, by suffering the
“Slavery in Babylonia” for 70 long years, (after their 400 years slavery in Egypt, earlier) until
finally being liberated by Cyrus the Great of Persia, in 500 B.C.

Babylonian Talmud and Jewish Plagiarism

Those 70 years of the Babylonian exile and slavery, turned the Jews and the Judaism “upside
down”! Not only were they totally corrupted by the Babylonian paganism, but all the following so called
“Monotheistic religions/Abrahamic religions” like Christianity and Islam, with their many branches, sects
and denominations, were also “polluted”, by the Jewish Babylonian Talmud (Some 33 big volumes of the
plagiarized / stolen Mythologies of Babylon, written by the Jewish Rabbis, like Ezra, Daniel, Hezekiel
Nehimiah and many others!).

The word “Talmud” in Hebrew means “Teachings” which is closely related to the Arabic word
“Tilmid” and “Ta-lim” meaning student, study and teaching, respectively.

In other words, the Jewish Rabbis, during the 70 years of their captivity in the hands of the
“Harlot of Babylon” had enough time to forget all about the “Taurah” (=the law) of the Prophet Moses
A.S. and to learn “each and every pagan mythology from the Magis, in Babylon, and the neighboring
Persia, that finally liberate them.

So, while the Muslims have got their own “Kitab and Sunnah” meaning the Holy Qur’an and the
Hadith (i.e. Sahih Bukhari, etc.) the Jews also have their own “Taurah” and more importantly to them, the
Talmud, the teachings of the many Rabbis, throughout several centuries. (i.e. 124,000 “Prophets” of
Israel?). Those teachings were first “oral” and after many decades, they were written down as well.

But, as I said before, those “Jewish Teachings”/Babylonian Talmud of 33 volumes /have nothing
to do with the “Original Teachings of the Prophet Moses A.S. Rather, they are the results of the 70 years
of the pagan “learnings” from the “whore of Babylon” (As the Bible calls them).

90% of Old Testament is Babylonian Myth!

Anybody who has read the Old Testament, can easily realize that from the first book (i.e.
Genesis) up to the last chapter of the Old Testament, (i.e. Malachi) are almost all made up of the “Stolen
Mythologies of Babylon” that the Jewish Rabbis plagiarized, labeling them with the names of their own
“Prophets and Champions”, like the King David and Eurea, King Solomon and Queen of Sheba, Samson
and Delyla, Jacob and Esau, Joseph and Benjamin, Saul and Samuel, etc.

Look at the following “nonsenses” that are being falsely attributed to some of the most respected
Prophets of God, in the Jewish Old Testament:

1.) The Prophet Abraham A.S., lied to the Egyptian border guards by saying that “Sarah, was his
sister!” to save his own life (See. Genesis/12 in the old Testament) This story has been
accepted by the Christians, too, and it’s in the Muslim Books of “Hadith” like “Sahih
Bukhari” of the Persian Imam of the Sunni Islam. (Note: The “Sahih Bukhari” says that the
Prophet Abraham lied three times in his life!. Once in Egypt about his own wife Sarah, and
twice in Babylon, when he said: “The sun is my God!” /the Moon is my God”!) Ref. Sahih
Bukhari /vol.3 /Hadith No. 372.

What kind of a “Liar”, as the father of Faith and the Prophet, those three
“Monotheistic” religions have got! And what a lying father the Jews and the Arabs are
Blessed with!

2.) The Prophet Jacob A.S. (whose name in Hebrew literaly means “someone to get you” /A
deceiver and a Cheat!) got into a wrestling match with God /angel of God/ from the early
night till the morning, and he “defeated God, by not being defeated by the God of the
Universe!” And he did not let Him go back to “His office in the Heaven” until He gave Jacob,
His own “Blessings”! (In other words “A hostage situation”, in which “God of the Universe
was taken hostage by Jacob, as did the Palestinian guerillas to the Israeli passengers in the
1970’s) A Prophet of God, forcing God Almighty, to give him the blessings (Ref. The Jewish
Bible / Old Testament / Genesis 10).
This “fantastic fiction” looks very similar to what the American Jews do to the American
Presidents, and congressmen, milking the American people for “Israel’s” sake, or what the
Israelis/ Jacob’s children / do to the European People, and to the rest of the world!

3.) Jacob also usurped the “Birth right” of his own elder brother Esau, by not giving him food,
until he surrendered his own “God given birth right”! (just like Israel’s blockade of Gaza, to
force those colonized Palestinians to submit to their “Ashk-nazi European Jewish colonizers”,
today!) For the full story of “Jacob Cheating his own brother Esau” see the Jewish
Bible/Genesis 27-28.

4.) Jacob had two wives and two “girl friends” and that made his 12 tribes “The Chosen people”
of God, and the “Apple of Gods eyes!” (What a bastard earth and heaven we have got!). How
many of those 12 tribes were from those “girl friends”/i.e. illegitimate relations? (Ref.
Genesis 10-12)

5.) Jehowah God told the Prophet Samuel, to tell his “chosen leader Saul”: Go to the Filistins/
the natives of Palestine / and kill everything that moved… kill their men, kill their women
(not the Virgins! Keep them for sex!) kill their cows, kill their donkys, kill their sheeps, kill
their goats, kill their dogs, kill their cats, kill their chicken oh, by the way, their “Babies”,
smash their babies heads on the stones! “(As I have told the ISIS/ISIL/Daesh to do with the
Muslims, Christians, etc. in Syria and Iraq, in 2014-2016)” Ref. “The Old Testament”
Genesis 10, ; and also Samuel 12/ 29; and Hosea 13/16, etc.

6.) Prophet “Noah” (of the Great Flood Miracle!) got “Drunk one day! His private parts were
exposed, lying flat in his tent. His elder son came in, and he saw his father’s “nakedness” and
he got blinded! So, his other son entered the tent walking backward, in order not to see
“everything” and he was able to cover up his father’s “Ass”! (What a great Prophet with
almost 3 billion believing followers today, from the Jews to the Christians and the Muslims
of all colors and shapes and tribes!)

7.) “Prophet” Lot (the nephew of Prophet Abraham) was made drunk by his own daughters, who
“raped their own father” and they got pregnant in order to continue the “tribes of Sodom and
Gommora” which were destroyed by the Lord. (So, how many children of incest are now
among the Jews of today?)

8.) The wife of “Lot” turned into “Salt” when she looked back towards Sodom! (Ref. The Old

9.) Earlier, the same Lot the Prophet, was offering his own daughters for sex, to a dozen of
homosexual mob, who wanted to rape his “Angel guests”! That shameful story has been
repeated in the Old Testament, the New Testament and in the Holy Qur’an, too!(Ref. Holy

10.) King David had 700 wives and concubines, and yet he fell in love with a “married woman,
whom he had watched naked from the top of his palace, when she was taking a bath!”

So, he inquired about that woman, and when he learned that she was the wife of his
own soldier “Eurea” he asked his generals to send Eurea to the war front, and to make sure
that he got killed, and then Prophet David “married Eurea’s widow, as his 701st wife or
concubine!” (Ref. The Jewish and the Christian Holy books! This story is also repeated in the
Holy Qur’an, a little less offensively!) See The Holy Qur’an: 38/24. That story resembles the
Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. marrying the wife of his own step-son, Zaid, which we shall
discuss, later.

11.) King David’s son raped his own sister! (like father, like son?)

12.) King Solomon (i.e. the wisest man who ever lived!) had his own “harem” of 1,000 wives and
concubines! So, how many Jews are now the illegitimate grand children of the King
Solomon? (Chosen people, or Chosen bastards?)

13.) Both King David and his son King Solomon worshipped “Idols” and pagan gods! (Yet,
according to the Bible, David was the man after God’s own heart, and King Solomon was
given a Kingdom by God, to last forever!!! So, where is even a single proof of those King’s
Palaces? While the Romans, the Persians, and even the Babylonians, have their own. There is
not even a “column” or a wall or a room, to prove those “Two great Kingdoms” ever existed,
at all. (Ref. “The Philippines People’s Journal, Sep.2/1998 The King David’s Palace Myths”).
It’s just another myth, or a big lie, by the Jewish Rabbis from the Babylonian Myths that has
polluted even the Christian and the Muslim Holy Books, too!

14.) Noah’s Flood! An old man of 1,000 years of age, (with an unbelieving wife and an
unbelieving son!) built a “wooden boat” that cold carry one pair of all the living animals (
How many hundred thousands?) for 6 months on a wooden ship (feeding those wild beasts
with grass and meat, only by 8 people on board?) and the water reaching up to the top of the
mount “Ararat” (now in Turkey) without rushing to the Mediterranean sea or to the Euphrates
or the Tigres rivers or the Persian Gulf or the Arabian sea, or the Indian Ocean???

And how did those 10 people survive, till the next harvest, with hundreds of
thousands of animals, like the African elephants, tigers, chitahs, leopards, wolves, foxes,
sheeps and goats, camels, cows, donkeys, horses, snakes, birds, chickens and a million other
species of roaches and flees, worms, etc. etc. (The first zoooo in the world!)

And how did those 3 sons of Noah/Sam, Ham, and Japheth/ repopulate the whole
world again, by impregnating their own sisters, when their father, Noah, was 1,000 years old
and his children were 900 years old, or even older! (How could 900 years old people still
make babies and make so many??)

Jewish Bible Polluted Christianity

Actually, the main purpose of this research is to focus on the “Plague” of Judaism in the Islamic
Traditions, and in the Holy Qur’an. But, since Christianity is a “connecting link between Islam and
Judaism” we have no choice but to mention Christianity also in passing, if not in full details, in order to
help us complete the picture, for a better and clearer understanding of this “biggest catastrophe and hoax”
in the history of mankind --- The Jewish “Fake-ology!”

So, before we go into the Islamic part of the story, here are just a few examples of how
Christianity was also polluted by the Jewish Talmudic adaptations of the Babylonian mythologies:

1.) First of all, all those shameful lies that we counted above, regarding the Jewish Bible, are
also accepted by the Christians - - hook, line and sinker, without even questioning their
validity, authenticity or even their possibility!
2.) As we all know, some 30% of the Christian Bible has been created by “Paul” the
“Pharisee” (= Persian magi / similar to the Jesuit order). He claimed to have been
inspired by the Holy Spirit! (While the Original 12 disciples of Jesus were being inspired,
also by the Holy Spirit, in a very opposite direction!).
3.) The most shameful and very visible pollution by the Jews, that did pollute the Christian
(and the Sunni Muslim) practices, too, was the word “Amen!” This word refers to the
pagan “god of gods of Egypt”, the “Amon-Ra” or the “Mithra”, the sun-god of the
Persians, the god of the “Sunday”/sun – day / Lord’s Day, who was also worshipped by
the Greeks as Appolo, and by the Romans as the “Sol Invictus” and by the Jews as
“Shemesh” and by the early Arabs as “Shams”. (Mithra of the Persians is the most
worshipped “diety” in the history of the world).

Islamic Traditions Polluted by the Jews

The Islamic Traditions, called the Hadith, especially the Sunni and the “Wahhabi” versions of it,
are full of thousands of “Israel-iyyat” (= the Jewish and Biblical pollutants that have entered into the
religion of Islam, too. That’s clearly visible in the most “reputable book of the Sunni Islam” called “Sahih
Bukhari”, (Note: Sahih litteraly means, those “correct narrations” from the Holy Prophet Mohammad
(A.S) This book is a nine volume collection of the Islamic Traditions (Just like the Talmud in Judaism)
compiled by a “Persian Imam from Bukhara” in central Asia (Ancient Persia) some 150 years after the
Prophet Mohammad A.S.

This so-called “Sahih” contains many of those foolish Old Testament stories of the Jews (i.e. the
stolen mythologies of the whore of Babylon). It’s not possible to mention all of them here, but just to
prove the point, we shall be quoting a few examples out of the many “Jewish Myths”, in that so-called
“best book of Islam, after the Holy Qur’an”:

1.) When Prophet Mohammad A.S. migrated to Medinah, from Mecca, he saw that the Jews
were observing “Ashura” (from the Indian “Ashura” and the Persian “Ashura” and Japanese
“Akura” meaning the “Titans”). He asked them what was that all about? And the Jews said:
“It’s Prophet Moses A.S and the Israelite’s freedom-day from the captivity of Egypt!” The
Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. said: “We are closer to Moses A.S. than you! So, we will also
observe “Ashura!” (Ref. “Sahih Bukhari”/ vol.3/p.54).

Now, why the Prophet of Islam didn’t know much about Prophet Moses A.S whose
stories and name are mentioned 136 times in the Holy Qur’an, and why he had to “follow the
Jewish Traditions” while he himself had brought “Islam” for the mankind? Those questions must
be answered by the “Sunni” and “Wahhabi” followers of the Persian Imam of Bukhara!

2.) According to the “Sahih Bukhari” the Prophet Solomon A.S in one night “made love to 99 of
his wives!?” (How many minutes for each woman? Did he wash or not? Who was changing
the bed-sheets for the King? What happened to his Maghrib and Isha and the morning prayers
How about his “Mid-night prayers”? or did this great Prophet of Allah S.W.T. not pray at
all?? I almost forgot to ask about his “Dinner”!).

Then, “Imam Bukhari” goes on to say that: “Miraculously” all those women got pregnant
in those “Quicky mice-style sex” of the great Prophet King of Allah S.W.T. And miraculously all
the babies were born alive, and again miraculously all the babies were “boys!” (God doesn’t like

But, there was only “one problem!” All those boys were born “gay”! (Eat your heart out,
Los Angeles, the “First gay capital of the world” was Solomon’s Jerusalem, some 3,000 years

Why were all of them “gays”? Well, according to the “Persian Imam of Bukhara” and his
source “Abu Huraira” (= Father of a Kitten!) quoting direct from the Holy Prophet of Islam (!!!)
the reason for all the children of the Prophet Solomon being born “gay” was that: “He forgot to
say “Bismillah…” before having sex with his 99 wives!”

The “moral of the story” is that saying “Bismillah…” is so important for the believers,
even for “sex”! But how come 90% of the “Wahhabi” and Sunni “Imams” do not say
“Bismillah…” even for their “Daily Salat to Allah!!!” (Some claim saying it “silently”/hiding it!)

However, “Shaikh Abdul Wahhab”, the founder of the Saudi Wahhabism, in his own
book of “Al-Salat” openly says that “Bismillah” is not part of any “Qur’anic Surahs, even in the
Al-Fatiha” (But it’s a must for “sex” only?!)

3.) The Imam of Bukhara also says: One day Prophet Moses A.S. was taking a bath. He placed
his clothes on top of a stone. But the stone run away with his clothes! So, Moses had to run
after that stone “naked in public”, and the people could “see” that Moses was “Circumcised”
after all (What a Miracle!).
4.) Imam Bukhari says: Prophet Moses A.S. boxed the Angel of Death in the eye, and rendered
him blind, because he did not want to die, yet.
5.) Imam Bukhari again says: “God Created Adam in His own Image! “(That’s exactly what the
Jewish Bible says. So, we know how God looks today!)
6.) Imam Bukhari says: “Allah put His right foot in the Hell, to stop the Hell from complaining
and asking for more people to burn”!
7.) Imam Bukhari says: The Holy Prophet A.S. wanted to commit suicide by jumping from the
mountain, because he was feeling so lonely and depressed, after the angel Gabriel did not
show up for a long time!
8.) Imam Bukhari said: “The Holy Prophet A.S. used to buy and sell “wine” in his early days as
a businessman!!
9.) Imam Bukhari says: “When the call for prayer starts, Satan runs away “Farting”!
10.) Imam Bukhari says: Don’t pray during “sunrise” and “sunset”, because the earth is on the
“horn of the cow!” (Another Jewish mythology from Babylon)
11.) Imam Bukhari says: “Caliph Omar used to drink “wine” even up to the last day before his
12.) Imam Bukhari says: The Holy Prophet A.S. ordered a woman, to “Breastfeed his servant boy
of mature age” to make him her “Mahram” – As “Ayisha” used to breastfeed the youngmen
of Quraish, both during and after the Holy Prophet A.S.!!! etc. Ref.1) Sahih Bukhari Hadith
No. 2504/Also 2) Sahih Muslim, vol.8/Hadith 3421-26/ Also 3) Sunan Abu Dawoud
Sistani/Lahore, Pakistan, 1984/vol.11 Kitab Nikah/Hadith No. 2056/vol.6 p. 302/Also 4)
Sunan Tirmidi Hadith No. 944/Also “The Gulf News” Aug.22/2010 “Muslim Adult
Breastfeeding”/ Also “The New York Times”/June 4/2007 as well as in Apr. 16/2007

These were only a few of thousands of such “Jewish stories” to pollute and to destroy
Islam, as they did to the Old Testament and to the New Testament of the Christians, as well.

Jewish Plague in the Holy Qur’an

Now, we are reaching the most sensitive part of this saga, which is the “Jewish Conspiracies
against the Holy Qur’an”.

For an average Muslim (especially the fanatic ones, just like the fanatic Jews and Christians) it’s
absolutely “shocking” to even hear that the Holy Qur’an, too, has been polluted by the Jews, in many
ways than one could even imagine!

But as we already quoted, in the beginning of this article, several of the most respected
personalities and the closest associates of the Holy Prophet A.S. have already attested to the “Changes” in
the Original version of the Holy Qur’an. Those were 1) Ayisha, the youngest wife of the Holy Prophet
A.S. 2) Omar, the second Caliph in Islam and the most controversial of them all. 3) Othman, the third
Caliph and the son-in-law of the Holy Prophet A.S. and the collector of the present version of the Holy
Qur’an (i.e. “Rasm Othmani”). 4) Abu Musa Ash-ari, the great companion of the Holy Prophet A.S. and
himself one of the collectors of the Holy Qur’an, as well. 5) Abdullah Bin Omar, the son of the 2nd Caliph
of Islam “Omar Al-Hattab” (= the “Wood gathering”/Not the “Lecturer”) etc. all quoted from the great
“Sunni Imam Sayuti” in his very famous “Commentary of the Holy Qur’an” and also many other Sunni
and even Shiah Scholars of Islam.

For example, the Sunni book of Hadith “Sahih Bukhari” says “Abdullah Bin Mas-ud” had a
“different Holy Qur’an Collection”; The same goes for “Mus-haf Hafsah”/ Mus-haf Ayisha/ Mus-haf
Umm Salamah/ Mus-haf Fatimah/ Mus-haf Imam Ali/ Mus-haf Othman (i.e. The Present day Holy
Qur’an) etc.

But, before going further, I must make it very clear that, by saying that the Jews infiltrated in the
collection of the Holy Qur’an, during the Caliphate of Othman, we do not mean:

1.) That the Holy Qur’an is totally missing

2.) That the Original Qur’an is not saved
3.) That the Holy Qur’an or the Holy Prophet A.S are not true (God forbid!)

Even ten or a hundred or a thousand verses of the Holy Qur’an are good enough for the guidance
of the mankind, as were the “Ten Commandments” of Moses A.S. and the “One Commandment” of Eisa
A.S. / Jesus Son of Mary A.S. / i.e. “Love Your Enemies, too!”

Yet, the Holy Qur’an today consists of 6,000 plus verse, full of guidance, for a better life, both in
this world and in the hereafter, as well.

The Original Holy Qur’an vs. “Othman Version”

As we have mentioned before, many great personalities in Islam have already attested to the
changes that have occurred in the Holy Qur’an; and both the Sunni and the Shiah Ulama (some of them,
not all) have also discussed this matter in details, in their many books (Pls. check them out).

But, here, very briefly, we would like to concentrate only on the “Jewish plague in the Holy
Qur’an” /the Version of “Othman”/ that all Muslims (both Shiah and Sunni) around the world, are using,

1.) Firstly, anybody who has read the Holy Qur’an, knows very well that the 114 chapters of the
Holy Qur’an are Not arranged, in the order of their revelation to the Holy Prophet

Mohammad A.S. On the contrary, those Chapters which were revealed earlier in Mecca, are
now placed at the End, while those which were revealed in Medina, are placed in the
beginning! And you ask yourself why this confusion and the absence of order, in the first
place? (Maybe the short and the long chapters had to be placed together? We don’t know!)
2.) Not only that, even the verses of the Holy Qur’an are not located in the order of their
revelation nor are they even related one to another, in most cases, and a big number of them
are “Repeated” many, times!! And again you ask yourself “why a God Whose world are
Endless” (see Holy Qur’an, ch.18/v.109) has to repeat Himself page after page after page?
3.) Many contradictory verses, like “Creation in ^ days” just like the Bible, says, and creation of
the earth in two days, etc. are visible, and according to the Holy Qur’an itself, any
contradictions is a sure “sign of them not being the words of God” (See the Holy Qur’an:
4.) Almost all the “Stories of the Prophets” of the Old Testament (the Jewish plagiarism and their
“thievery” from the Harlot of Babylon) are repeated, exactly the same; or with a little bit of
“Cleansing” in the Holy Qur’an, too! (We shall bring some examples, later).

How Did Jews Penetrate and Pollute the “Islamic Texts?”

It’s an open secret that the Jews penetrated the “Muslim Society” in Madinah, as “spies” and they
tried, and often succeeded in “infecting the Islamic Texts, both the Holy Qur’an and the Hadith” in many
ways, and in many days some of those Jewish infiltrators (i.e. spies) were also caught and they were
executed later by the Muslim rulers of their time. In the Islamic history, those “infiltrations” (i.e.
espionage activities) are known as the “Israel-iyyat.”

Here are a few examples, of those “Israel-iyyat” very briefly: 1) After the Jewish treason against
the Islamic Society, in Madinah and after they broke their peace treaty with the Holy Prophet A.S. by
Joining the war of “All parties”/Al-Ahzab/ the Holy Prophet A.S. fought them in Khaybar, and under the
leadership of the Champion of Islam, Imam Ali, the Khaybar was conquered.

When the Jews, were defeated, the Holy Prophet A.S. made peace with them again, and as it was
the tradition of those days, he even married the daughter of the Jewish Chieftain “Hay Bin Ahtab” ( So,
being a wife to the Holy Prophet A.S. doesn’t necessarily guarantee holiness, it may even be

Therefore, the first Jewish infiltration into the heart of the Islamic Ummah, took place, through a

Then came another Jewish woman whose children were killed by the Islamic forces, in the battle
of Khaybar. She invited the Holy Prophet A.S. to a dinner, and she poisoned him through the food, that
some Muslim historians believe was the cause of the Holy Prophet’s death, later.

But, the most damaging “infiltration” by the Jews into the Islamic society took place, after the
death of the Holy Prophet A.S. when all of a sudden “Three top Rabbis” of the Jews, converted into
Islam! (Something likes the Anti-Christ Paul, suddenly converting to Christianity on the “Road to

Those three “Dangerous Rabbis” (spies), who did the greatest damage to the “Islamic Texts”/both
Hadith and also the Holy Qur’an/ were the following:

1.) “Ka-bul Ahbar” or the “Ka-ba of the Rabbis” or the “Shaikh of Shaikhs”, “Shaikhul Islam”
something equivalent to the Christian Pope!
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2.) “Abdullah” bin Salam (Another Snake in the grass)

3.) “Abdullah” bin Saba ( A Satan with a human face)

Those three “Spies” did the greatest damages to the Islamic Ummah, although there were many
other Jews inside the Islamic Society, eating it from within, as the rats inside the cargo ships, do.

The number three and the number two, i.e. Abdullahs, created many “Islamic sects” like
the”Sunni” and “Shi-ah”/ “Asha-ira” and Mu-tazili/ Hanafi, Hanbali, Maliki, Sha-fe-iy, etc.

But the No.1, i.e. “Ka-bul Ahbar” was by far, the most dangerous “spy” who infiltrated into the
Islamic history, as a whole.

He apparently “Converted” to Islam and suddenly he became the “Mufti” of Islam and the “Chief
Judge” in the Islamic state, and an “Adviser to Caliph Othman” the collector of the “present day
Qur’an”!!! And that’s how he was able to enter all those “Old Testament Stories/ Mythologies of
Babylon” into the Holy Book of Islam, too. And no matter how much “Abu zar”, the great Sahaba of the
Holy Prophet A.S. fought against this Jewish infiltrator (spy), nothing happened, but instead, “Abu zar”
the great Sahabi was exiled by the “Khalifah Othman” first to Syria, and then to “Lebanon” (Where the
“Hezbollah” of today, are his converts/ children!) Finally, Abuzar as exiled again for the “Third time” to
Rabadha, where he died a lonely death! (No thanks to Caliph Othman and his “Jewish Right hand”, Ka-
bul Ahbar!)

How Did the Jewish “Ka-bul Ahbar” Pollute the Qur’an

As we said before, the present version of the Holy Qur’an is the “Collection of the third Khalifah
Othman” (i.e. Othman Version!).

Othman, actually, burned all the Holy Qur’an collections, by other Sahaba of the Holy Prophet
A.S. (i.e. Imam Ali, Abdullah bin Mas-ud, etc. --- All in all 7 “Collections”/Versions?)

Now, considering that “Othman” was never an scholars, but a “Businesman” (= Othman Ghani)
and his top adviser and “right hand” and “Shaikhul Islam” was a “Top Jewish Scholar of the Hebrew and
Arabic Languages” and he was also a Mufti of Judaism, Christianity and “Islam”, too, you could imagine
the fundamental role of this “Adviser/Scholar” on the entire “Islamic Caliphate, the Islamic Texts and
especially on the Holy Qur’an collected by his master, the third Khalifah Othman” – i.e. The Holy Qur’an
of the Othman version, which is being read in the Muslim world, today, both by the Shi-ahs, as well as
the Sunnis!

“Ka-bul Ahbar” was a master, not only in the so-called Abrahamic religions of “Judaism,
Christianity and Islam”, but he was also very well versed in literatures of the Jews, and the Arabs and
perfect in Hebrew, as well as its “Sister languages” like the Arabic and Aramaic, Syriac and other
“Semitic languages” ; And that gave him a “Perfect” opportunity of creating fake verses and giving them,
or better yet “Feeding” them to his “Master Othman” to create a “Collection of the Qur’an, in Othman’s

Examples of Jewish Bible in the Holy Qur’an:

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No.1) In the Holy Qur’an, just like in the Bible, Adam and Eve are projected to be the “First
Human Beings”; And just like the Jewish Talmud, the Islamic Traditions give the genealogy of
the Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. and Jesus up to Adam (the family tree) to be from 9,000 to a
maximum of 10,000 years! Meaning to say that the Human Beings were created some 10,000
years ago; while the Human Skulls found in Kenya, Tanzania Ethiopia and South Africa are some
2.5 million years old! And some scientists even believe that the early humanoids existed 5-6
million years ago.

So, how could we solve these great contradictions between the scientific evidences viz-a-
viz the “Babylonian – Jewish – Talmudic, Traditions”?

Probably, the best answer so far has been coming from the former lecturer of the Tehran
University, in Iran, Dr. Yadullah Sahabi, who said:

“Adam was the first “Guro”/Prophet/Khalifah for mankind, and not the first human
being!” (Ref. Dr. Yadullah Sahabi, “The Adam & Eve” 1970 Tehran, Iran)

No.2) The Holy Qur’an says, just like the Jewish Bible, that God Created the Universe in six
days. But in another place it contradicts itself by saying the earth was created in two days (Holy
Qur’an 7/54 & 41/verse.9). How could Allah S.W.T. contradict Himself, except in Jewish

No.3) The Holy Qur’an, just like the Jewish Bible talks about the “Great Kingdoms of the
Prophet David and Palaces of the Prophet Solomon” But, there is not even a “Single evidence” to
prove the existence of such a great kingdom! While the Romans, the Greeks, the Egyptians, the
Babylonians, and the Persians have left the traces of their great empires.

No.4) The Holy Qur’an, just like the Jewish Bible, talks about King David’s many wives and
even his plan to “Covet” his own younger brother’s wife, too! (or the neighbor wife!)??? Ref.
Holy Qur’an ???

But, that’s not the “Holy Prophet” that we believe in. At least not in the three major,
“Abrahamic” religions, who are so proud to be “Monotheistic”, too,! Not even the pagan’s people
do such dirty things! Wake up You Stupid “Believers” wake up! Enough is enough!

No.5) The Holy Qur’an, just like the Jewish Bible, says that the “Prophet Solomon” had “Statues”
in his palaces that were being built by the “Jinns”/ Under world / Bad Spirits! (What kind of a
man of God does those satanic acts i.e. creating “statues” and working with the Mafia?!) Ref.
Holy Qur’an ???

No.6) The Holy Qur’an, just like the Jewish Bible, says that King Solomon was very proud of his
Kingdom, and he even prayed to Allah S.W.T. “Please give me a Kingdom that no one else ever
had, nor anyone after me will ever have! (What kind of a selfish person / Prophet / Megalo-
maniac speaks like that?) Holy Qur’an Ch. 38/V. 35

No. 7) The Holy Qur’an says that one day Prophet Solomon was playing with his beautiful
horses/ touching their “Necks and legs!! until the sunset, and he forgot to pray to God!” (what
kind of a Prophet gives more priority to his sexy “Horses than to his God”!!.) See the Holy
Qur’an ch.38 / v.32

No.8) The Holy Qur’an says that “King / Prophet Solomon died while he was supervising the
“Genies” who were constructing his palaces (What palace? Where are they? Show us even one
column, just like the Egyptians the Romans, the Greeks or the Persians!)
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Then it goes on to say: “Solomon died in a sitting position, but the “Genies” did not know
that he was long dead, and they continued working for him, until a “Termite” ate into the King
Solomon’s cane, and he dropped dead! The Genies realized that they have been fooled (by
whom? by, Solomon or by Allah?) and they have been working needlessly. Ref. Holy Qur’an

Now, here are some very important questions to answer:

1.) Why God or his Prophets “Fool” anybody, the Jinns, included!
2.) How long will it take for a “Termite” to eat the cane of a King?! One month? One
year? Ten years?

Are you telling me that a King of a great Kingdom, who in every minute has to deal with
thousands of people, did not communicate with anyone that long? His body guards did wake him
up for “Food”/ urinating / not even “Daily prayers”/ A Prophet of God, who doesn’t even pray???
His many Children his wives, his brothers and sisters did not miss him, at all? For so long?!

No.9) The Holy Qur’an says: Abraham (=the father of faith?) joined the unbelievers (i.e. Sun
worshippers /the Babylonian and the Persian Magis/ “Mithra” devotees!) and when they said: The
Sun is our god! He also shouted: “That’s my God!” And when he saw the “Sabeians” (i.e. the
Madaies) worshipping the moon, he also said: That’s my God!” etc. (Ref. Holy Qur’an

Now, the question is:

1.) Was Ibrahim truly worshipping the “Sun and the Moon?” or was he a “Liar”?
2.) Was he just a “Pretender” to help others to see the truth? (Teaching the Truth, by
falsehood? By a good Prophet? The end justifies the means?)
3.) None of the above, but that he was just playing with his faith and the faith of the

No matter what the answer, still he will not be worthy of being called “Father of Faith or
a great Prophet!”

No.10) A few verses later, the Holy Qur’an says: “When the people of “Ur” (i.e. ur/ urok /Iraq /
Babylon) were going out of town for a “festival” Abraham said: “I am sick!” and he stayed
behind, and then he went to the “Babylonian Temple, and he beheaded all their idols, with an axe,
except the big one! (Just like what the ISIS were doing in the museum of Mosul in 2015???)
When Ibrahim was arrested and questioned about those destructions, he replied:” Maybe the
biggest god has done it to the small gods, you better ask him!”

Again here, the “father of faith” is lying by saying I am sick! to stay behind and to
destroy the idols of the Temple? (i.e. the end justifies the means, as the communist believe!) And
while he “Kills” all the idol gods, yet he leaves the biggest one untouched! This father of faith
even becomes funny by telling another “White Lie” i.e. “Maybe the biggest god has killed your
small gods!”

No.11) Again the Holy Qur’an repeats the story of the Old Testament that: “God told Abraham in
a dream, to kill his own first born son, for God!!!” ( As the Jews used to sacrifice their first born
children for their god “Molock”, by burning their children alive, and then eating their flesh –the
Jewish Cannibalism!)
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Here are some few questions, that I want to ask from some 3,000,000,000 foolish
Muslims, Christians and the Jews, who still believe in that story, after 5,000 years of falsehood:

1) How could God order the “Beheading of an innocent boy”?! (Except if that god is the
Jewish god “Molock” or the cruel Pharao, Nimrud, or Herod or ISIS/ISIL/Daesh any
other blood thirsty “monster”. But the Allah of Islam says: “Allah, surely, will never
order immoral and sinful practices! / Allah will never abuses his people!”) Holy
Qur’an 7:28 etc.
2) Was God really serious in the “Child sacrifice” or human sacrifice, (which was the
ancient pagan practice!) or was He just “playing a game” with Abraham and His son
(Ismael or Isaac, depending on which “Believer” you talked to, first!)
3) Is the “Child sacrifice”/ Human sacrifice still valid in the Abrahamic religions (As
the father of one young boy did in Karachi, Pakistan, in 1971)? And if not, then in
which verse of the Holy Qur’an, or the Bible it says that it was “Abrogated”, and why
is this God changing his mind?! While the Holy Qur’an clearly states that “Allah’s
style will never change!” (Ref. Holy Qur’an????)

No.12) The Holy Qur’an itself says: “Do they not think about this Qur’an, that if it were not from
Allah, they would have found in it many inconsistencies!” Holy Qur’an: Ch. 4:v.82

Now, here are some of those inconsistencies, just to prove that the present Qur’an (i.e.
Othman Version) contains many Jewish infiltrations:

a) While in many verses it says: “There is no compulsion in Religion” (Holy Qur’an

ch.2, verse 256) in many others it says: “Fight /kill those who don’t believe!” (Holy

Look at the following verses, and compare them with the verses mentioned

1.) “There is no compulsion in religion! Surely, the right is distinguished from the
wrong!” Holy Qur’an Ch.2/V.256

2.) H.Q. 18:29

b) Some other examples of “insulting the Holy Prophets of God” (Just as in the Old
Testament) are those stories in the Holy Qur’an regarding the “rumors” accusing the
Holy Prophet Mohammad A.S. and some of his wives of the “Immoral /Sensual”
behaviors (that lead the British Indian Muslim writer “Salman Rushdie” to write his
notorious book “The Satanic Verses” (= Gharaniq?) and the subsequent fatwa of the
late Ayatullah Khomeini, in 1989, to kill the “Apostate Salman Rushdie”).

Here are in brief, some of those “alleged immoralities” of the Holy Prophet A.S.
and one of his wives /Ayisha/ from the Holy Qur’an:

1.) Ayisha was rumored to have had illicit relationship wih “Safwan” her “Camel driver
/boy” in the verse of the Holy Qur’an, which was denied by the Revelation.
2.) Ayisha, again claimed that there were some verses “Allowing a woman, to breastfeed
adult men” to make them “Mahram!”(Ayisha and her sisters and cousins used to
breastfeed the young men of Quraish. See the Sunni books of Hadith 1) “Sahih
Bukhari” 2) Sahih Muslim 3) Sunan Abou Dawoud 4) Sunan Tirmizi
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Ayisha, claims that those verses regarding “Islamic adult breast feeding” were in
her Copy of the Collection of the Holy Qur’an, but they were later eaten by a hungry
goat, when she was not at home! (So, the Holy Qur’an that we have today is
“incomplete” according to this wife of the Holy Prophet, himself!).

3.) According to the “Othman’s version” of the Holy Qur’an, the Holy Prophet
Mohammad A.S. was sensually interested in the “Wife of his own step-son, Zaid!”
This, despite the Holy Prophet having 16 wives of his own (or just 9) and the
possibility of marrying any girl in Arabia, of those days!

Here is the “Othman”/ Jewish/ Version of the story, in the present day Qur’an:

A Question: What About Allah’s Protection of the Holy Qur’an

Allah in the Holy Qur’an has stated that: “We ourselves have sent the “Reminder”/the Holy
Qur’an? / and we surely are going to protect it, too.” Holy Qur’an /Ch.15/V.9

The short answer is:

1.) Is the “wordreminder” here referring only to the Holy Qur’an, or the “Islam” as a
whole? (i.e. the Qur’an and Sunnah)
2.) Allah has already saved the Holy Qur’an, with the “Rightful Khalifahs of Him,”
meaning i.e. the Holy Ahlal Bayt of the Holy Prophet A.S. the last one being “Imam
Mahdi” that all Muslim are expecting to come, at least 1,000 years before the end of
this world (See Islamic Books of Hadith)
3.) That “Reminder” is now with “the People of the Reminder” i.e. the Holy Ahlal Bayt
(see Holy Qur’an ________?) In other words the Holy Qur’an says: “The Ahl Ad-
Dikr” are the “Ahlal Bayt”! And the Holy Prophet A.S. has said: “Those are the two
heavy weights that I leave with you, and they shall always be together until they
come to me on the Day of Judgment” (See…?
4.) If protecting, the Holy Qur’an meant that there would be no “mischievous attempts
by the enemies of Islam, at all, and then how come He allowed “Ayisha’s Copy” to
be eaten by the goat (Lost!) And Omars saying that “Some verses were different,
before! And Abu Musa Ash-ari complaining about the changes in the Original copy
of the Holy Qur’an,and more importantly, the (7 copies that Othman burned, but
Allah did not stop those allegedly “wrong” copies from being written, in the first
place, and also being “Burned by Othman” later without being protected by Allah
5.) If it meant saving the “Book of Allah” then how come many other “Books of Allah”
before the Holy Qur’an were not protected? They were also the words of the same
Allah, too!
6.) As we have said before, a few “Israel-iyyat” in some Islamic Hadith did not destroy
the “Sunnah of the Holy Prophet” and a “few changes/additions or subtractions of a
few verse here and there, cannot destroy the whole Qur’an, just like a few broken
windows cannot destroy a big building, too.
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Even ten or a hundred or a thousand verses of the Holy Qur’an are enough to
satisfy us, and to protect the true believers’ souls from the spiritual domination!


While there is more than enough evidences of the Jewish conspiracies against Islam and the
Muslim Ummah, as a whole, and while there “are many evidences in the Islamic Hadith and in the Holy
Qur’an of the Jewish Taurah, yet there are enough truth left there, in order to guide the mankind, to the
“Right Path”. So, no doubt about the Authenticity of the Message of the Holy Prophet Mohammad
(P.B.U.H.) i.e. The Holy Qur’an and the Sunnah.

“Othman” was Buried in “Jewish Cemetery”

The story of Jewish conspiracies against Islam, will not be complete, without its “Final Chapter”
i.e. that not only the right hand of the Caliph Othman was a “Jewish Rabbi” by the name of “Ka-bah of
the Rabbis”, but that Othman himself as also killed by the first generation Muslims (=Sahaba amongst
them, and the Ta-be-in, too!.) and he was buried in the “Jewish Cemetery of Madinah” after the Muslims
refused to bury him in the Muslim Cemetery !!! But why?

The answer to that question could be an answer to a thousand other questions about the Caliph
Othman, and his followers, today too!

Everyone knows very well that even an ordinary Muslim is never buried in a Jewish Cemetery;
then how come the third Caliph of Islam was?! Just imagine that the so-called “Collector of the Holy
Qur’an” not only was not allowed by the “Great Sahabah” to be buried next to the Holy Prophet A.S (like
the first and the Second Caliphs) but he also could not be buried even in a ”Muslim Cemetery!” So, they
had to bury “Othman” among his “Jewish Friends!” in the old Jewish Cemetery of Madinah. (Which was
located near the Muslim Cemetery, and now it’s a part of the “Baqi Graveyard”).

That alone is enough to tell us volumes about the corruption of that man, as many Sunni Scholars
also have asserted.

The most recent book written about “Ottoman’s Corruption and Nepotism” that also lead to the
first “Revolution in Islam”, was by the most famous Pakistani Sunni Scholar, “Abul A’la Maududi”, in
1975. He wrote this book, titled “Khilafat Wa Molukiyyat” (=Caliphate and Kingdom) in the “Urdu”
language, which was later translated into Arabic, English and other languages, too.

In that book, Shaikh Maududi called Othman a “King” and not a “Caliph of the Holy Prophet
A.S.” (For details of that historic “Diviations in Islam” you may also refer to “Imam Tabari’s History of
Islam” or the “Al-Bidayah wan Nihayah” by Ibne Kathir, and many other classic Muslim history books).

That topic is beyond our study here, and it needs many other articles and books of its own.


1) “The Holy Qur’an” English Translation, by Abdullah Yusof Ali, The Arab Republic of
Libya, 1972.
2) “Al-Iqtan” by Imam Al-Sayuti, Cairo Egypt, 1050.
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3) “Sahih Bukhari” by Imam Bukhari, Damascus, Syria 1985.

4) “Sahih Muslim”, by Imam Muslim Neishaburi, Cairo, Egpyt, 1982
5) “Faizal A-mal”, Lahore, Pakistan 1989.
6) “Al-Bidayah wan Nihayah” by Ibn Kathir, Beirut, Lebanon 1988
7) “Khilafat wa Molukiyyat” by Shaik Abul A’la Maududi, Lahore, Pakistan, 1975.
8) “History of Islam” by Al-Waqidi, Cairo, Egypt, 1950.
9) “Al-Tahaqaat” by Ibn Sa-ad, Cairo, Egypt, 1958.
10) “TArikh Al-Tabari” by Imam Tabari, Cairo, Egypt 1980.

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