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Dubnium Jazz Chant

Zim zalabom zim zim zim zalabom G-2:
zim zim zalabom zim zim 3x Yes, I hear you
but that’s not true, I think your lying
Group 1: Show us more proof, make it
Vege’s on the plate convincing start it now
fruits on the side and when that happen then we’ll
water while we eat follow you
and no! no! for fries G-1:
G-2: Sure! Why not?!
Juice! Juice! Juice! 1 of the g-2: Arghh… It hurts!!
no to water All:
Juice! Juice! Juice! (shockt!!)
No to water G-1:
G-1: Friends that’s what happen
Stop! Wait a minute Stomach aching
Did you know that juice should be Everything crumbling
limit? 1.1.1
G-2: She’s in pain
I don’t care eh-are 1.1.2
junkfoods and juice should be She’s in pain
everywhere All:
I don’t care eh-are What will we do?
G-1: Tik tok tik tok
Haystttt…(sighing na mga G-2:
panuhak!) We shouldn’t have eaten more fries
healthy foods make us fall in love Tik tok tik tok
illnesses can’t touch us Vege’s should not be set on side
muscles grow so fast
this time G-1:
G-2 There’s only one thing to do
ohh.. I am flattered in Opposite And that’s making our life better
way ohhh~~ohh~~ohh~
Why are people so persistence ` Zim zalabom zim zim zalabom zim zim
Can’t they hear my heart screaming all:
Ju- junk food
Vege’s on the plate
Can’t they hear my saying
fruits on the side
ju-junk fo-oh-od
water while we eat
and no! no! for fries
can you hear me? Zim zalabom zim zim zalabom zim zim
I’m talking to you
To much junk foods, can make you Push natin to!!!!!!!
Drink more water start it now
That way its easier to live your life

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