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Article appeared Friday, August 2nd, 2019 in The News Today, Bangladesh

The Revelation (581) yousuf mahbubul Islam, PhD

Why do we call God by the attribute of Compassionate? Is it possible to work out the
meaning of the word compassionate as it relates to God? To find the meaning, we may
approach the analysis in two ways. The first is to look up the meaning and the second is
to compare the level of compassion of human beings to that of God. Looking up the
dictionary vocabulary.com, we find the following description.
“If you are compassionate, you feel other people's pain and struggles as though
they were your own. Compassionate people are often moved to work to end the
suffering of others, perhaps by feeding the hungry or educating the poor.” {1}

Further, as word origin, it {1} tells us that the word compassionate comes from the Old
French noun compassion, which means "sympathy, pity". The adjective compassionate,
meaning "sympathetic", like a compassionate friend who shares in your joys and
sadness, wanting the best for you. Having looked up the meaning, can we picture how
the adjective applies to God? For example, by working out an analogy? Just like God
creates humans, humans in turn put together things like cars and/or robots. For energy,
we would arrange for inputs of petrol or gas in the case of a car, and electricity in the
form of batteries or a power cord in the case of robots. Would we, for example, feel for
the car and/or the robot that it should enjoy the petrol or the electric current being input?

In contrast, what has our Maker done for us? How has He arranged input? In a place in
the Qur’an, He says,
“O you who believe! Eat of the good things that We have provided for you and be
grateful to God if it is Him you worship.” [2.172]

What are the good things He has arranged for our enjoyment? How has He done this?
For example, not only has He arranged fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, dairy,
pulses, etc., each may be prepared in variety of presentations. Dairy alone can be
prepared as ice creams, cheeses, sweetmeats, milk chocolates, etc. For tasting the
good things, He has arranged for a remarkable sensing device – the tongue {2}. Yet the
relationship of food to humans is much the same as petrol is to the car or electricity is to
the robot. In addition, He has created a digestive system {3} that accepts and processes
all types of good food that converts the food to energy and supports other body needs in
a highly integrated and miraculous manner. Two questions arise. Does the comparison
bring out the way in which our Creator is Compassionate? Also, should humans be
grateful and acknowledge His Compassion towards His created human beings?

To provide humans with the things they need He has created laws in nature – laws
which all things follow. Yet, when needed, He restrains the law. The following Verse from
the Qur’an informs us of one such example.

25.53 “It is He Who has let free the two bodies of flowing water: one
palatable and sweet and the other salt and bitter; yet has He made a barrier
between them a partition that is forbidden to be passed.”
Normally, on the dining table, a glass of salt-water will mix with plain or freshwater – the
salt water is itself has been made by mixing salt in fresh water. Yet, when fresh river
water with low salt content flows into the sea or ocean (which is much more salty), these
do not readily mix, i.e., the salty ocean or sea water does not mingle with the fresh water
to produce a less dense mixture. God tells us why He prevents ready mixing in another
“Nor are the two bodies of flowing water alike the one palatable sweet and
pleasant to drink and the other salty and bitter. Yet from each (kind of water) do
you eat flesh fresh and tender and you extract ornaments to wear; and you see
the ships therein that plough the waves that you may seek (thus) of the Bounty of
God that you may be grateful.” [35.12]

In addition to drinking, the two kinds of water, fresh water (palatable, sweet) and
seawater (salty and bitter) provide different kinds of fish nutrients {4}. As an example,
Salmon is fresh water while Tuna is seawater fish {5}. The makeup of the seawater not
only enables pearls to form, but it allows big ships to easily float in the denser seawater.
He has done this so that humans can use ships to easily go to places to search for food
and things to trade to further recognize His Compassionate nature. How should humans
react when they eat the different variety of fish, do trade and wear the ornaments

25.54 “It is He Who has created man from water: then has He established
relationships of lineage and marriage: for your Lord has power (over all
Scientists agree {6} that life appeared when water first formed on earth. God tells us that
from chemical life He created relationships through marriage and reproductive
“O mankind! Reverence your Guardian-Lord Who created you from a single
person created of like nature his mate and from them scattered (like seeds)
countless men and women; reverence God through Whom you demand your
mutual (rights) and (reverence) the wombs (that bore you): for God ever watches
over you.” [4.1]

God has nurtured us and made each of us grow into complete individuals through
various processes and given us a unique personality complete with parents and children.
He has given an environment to live in and looks after us. Should we work out the
difference between Him and the rest of the things on earth that we revere and give
priority to?

25.55 “But they worship rather than God that which does not benefit them
or harm them, and the disbeliever is ever, against his Lord, an assistant (to
Is not understanding His Compassion and not acknowledging Him a sin? Such behavior
also helps Satan accomplish his purpose – to misguide mankind away from the Creator.
Is it possible to demonstrate belief in things other than God? For example, we can ask
God to solve our problems or should we ask God to give us money to solve our
problems? Which prayer demonstrates belief in the fact that God Provides? If God can
create from nothing, can He arrange whatever we need or should we ask for money to
solve our problems? The article {7} the surprising ways we reject God’s kingship at
oakpark.com looks into ways that one may easily reject God’s sovereignty over our lives.
Should we logically work things out and put our trust in the Most Compassionate?
{1} https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/compassionate
{2} https://www.brainfacts.org/thinking-sensing-and-behaving/taste/2018/do-different-parts-of-the-tongue-taste-different-things-010319
{3} http://www.biology4kids.com/files/systems_digestive.html
{4} https://thehealthyfish.com/lake-vs-ocean-fish-need-know/
{5} https://sciencing.com/type-habitat-do-shrimp-live-8205288.html
{6} http://www.earlyearthcentral.com/early_life_page.html
{7} https://www.oakpark.com/News/Articles/11-1-2016/The-surprising-ways-we-reject-God's-kingship/

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