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ming method

fascial fitness/stretch - pandiculation - bodywork

foundation training

gokhale method

knee: foot - ankle - rafe kelley - strength side - youtube -

vmo poliquin - seiza - single leg complexity/misalignment (bulletproof
your knees - indestructible knees)


hip hinge - squat

leg alignment - foot-ankle-knee - leg awakening - single leg stance - grounding

open hips - diagonal stretch - hip flexors

glutes - posterior chain - foundation training - gokhale

squat - seiza - rest positions - sit for meditation - locomotion - low gait

psoas stretch - core stretch

spine work

breathing fix - breathing decompresion -

kl shoulder flexibility - cars - active stretch - dynamic stretch - softening

hanging - arch hanging - german hang - skin the cat - micromovements/directed


shoulder extension - flexion - open shoulders

handstand mobility work - manna

lateral seam - lateral undulation - lats hanging/micromovements - lateral flexion

backbend - thoracic bridge - active/loaded - movement/directed breathing

thoracic extension - mobility - differenciation/dissociation

rib cage

mexica handstand
lat tri stretch - pec partner stick - chest open

arm work

onbp - rynlysh - neck - upper traps


thoracolumbar fascia - diafragma - pelvic floor

hinge - pelvic tilts -

lumbo-pelvic-hip rithym/differentiation-dissociation/coordination/movement

gokhale method

craig glute activation

foundation training

glute activation drills

emmet louis posterior chain - head to toe - jefferson curl - hamstring rom
functions strength - posterior chain work and movements

glute rom strength (incluido kneeling single leg kb swing y otros)





hidroterapia - ba�o de tina - sales de epsom

foot-knee-ankle trigger points
automasaje - smr - gua sha

mindful pedaling exercises (glutes-hamstrings)

ritmo y cadencia
tipo de pedaleo

joint general mobility-CARS-magnificent mobility

hip flexors dynamic stretch - hip rotators - pigeon

core - pelvic floor - spiral stability - anti rotation

leg extension/leg sled
lunge - bulgarian split squat - step up - u otros con mayor enfasis en la posterior
posterior chain work

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