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Enrollment Number: 170420109014

Aim: To study about different Ubuntu Based Commands
Date: 5/07/19

 pwd : pwd stands for Print Working Directory. It prints the path of the
working directory, starting from the root.

 clear: The clear command clears every command, line, etc from the

 ls: The ‘List’ command, it shows the list of directory/file locations

available to the user in accordance to its present location.
 cd: The ‘Change Directory’ command, it allows user to change its
directory from a present one to the one required provided that the pwd
doesn’t change.

 mkdir : The ‘Make directory’ command, it allows user to make a

directory with an appropriate name in the present PWD.

 rmdir: The ‘Remove Directory’ command, it allows user to remove/

delete a directory provided it’s in the pwd of the system.
 touch: This command allows user to create a file of any certain extension
that the user provides.

 rm : The ‘Remove File’ command, it allows the user to remove/delete a

file of the specific name and extension provided that the user is in its

 cp : The ‘Copy’ command, it allows user to copy the contents of file1 to a

new file 2 with name and extension provided by the user in the same
 cat: Consider having two files (File1 and File2) in the Desktop directory.
Via above-mentioned cat command the user can create a new file
(File_Output) and append data from both the files (File1 and File2) into
this new file named as File_Output by using operand “>”.

 mv: The 'move' command, it helps the user to move a particular file to a
specified location.
 cd (space) .. : This command enables user to directly change the directory
to the previous one.

 cd(space) -- : This command enables user to directly change the directory

to the home directory.

 cd(space) // : This command enables user to directly change the directory

to the root directory.

 chmod abc filename.extension : The 'Change Mode' command, it

enables the user to change the mode of a particular file of the choice of
the user. The 'a','b',&'c' are numbers depicting user ID, group ID,&
outside ID respectively. The commands that the user can give include: 0-
no permission,1-execute,2-write & 4-read.
 df : The 'df' command stand for “disk file system“, it is used to get full
summary of available and used disk space usage of file system on Linux

 du : This command informs about the data usage of the whole system to
the user.

 free: This command informs the user about the net free space available in
the system.
 echo(space)”Display Message”: This command enables user to display a
particular message over the terminal window.

 man (commandName): This command enables user to seek help

regarding a particular command.

 last login: This commands shows us when the individual is last logged
 history: This commands shows us the recently used commands.

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