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1. Interview two entrepreneurs.

Find out about their reasons for going into business, how they
prepared or started, what were their challenges and learnings from both success and failures.
Use the 12 Ms to probe deeper. Share your findings.

You may use the following format to help you with your interviews but please make sure students listen
to the interviewee well so they can probe deeper and ask other questions not listed here.

1. Name of Entrepreneur:

2. Name of Business:

3. When Started:

4. Reason/s for going into business:

5. How did the business start?

6. What were the challenges faced?

7. How were the challenges overcome?

8. Please share failures encountered along the way. How did you recover from the failures?

9. What would you have done differently?

10. Please share how you put together the ff:

Gate 1: Preparation

1. How did you raise the MONEY?

2. Who were your MENTORs and how were you able to convince them to mentor you?

3. What was your business MODEL or how did you come up with your business MODEL?

Gate 2: Marketing

1. Who is your target MARKET and why did you choose this segment?

2. What is your MINDSET or beliefs on entrepreneurship? What was your MINDSET when you
started already focused on INNOVATION?

3. What was the MESSAGE you wanted to communicate to your target MARKET? How did you
communicate or reach your target market?

Gate 3: Execution

1. How did you set up your organizational structure or your MACHINERY that will deliver value
to your chosen target segment? What does your MACHINERY structure look like?

2. What are the METHODS or processes of getting information and maintaining control in your
business? What pieces of information was most important for you to monitor so you can
manage the business better?

3. What MANAGEMENT SKILLS do you feel were most important

• when you started your business,

• as you grew your business,

 During crises?

• What is your leadership style and how did you motivate your team?

Gate 4: Self-Mastery

1. What helps you to keep MOVING FORWARD especially during challenging times?

2. What is your MISSION or the reason why your business exists beyond profit?

3. How do you achieve personal MASTERY - especially building or upgrading your capabilities as
your business grew, including understanding and coping with the dynamic business
environment? How do you manage your personal life while running your business?

Write a summary and a conclusion that includes your learnings or analysis of the entrepreneurial
journey of your interviewee. Please include why you chose this Entrepreneur and any other suggestions
you would like to give the entrepreneur to improve his business.

2. Join organizations for networking. Networking can be rewarding especially when network
members enjoy each other's company and benefit from each other's help and support when
needed. It can also give you experience in dealing with people, which is important in running
your business, whether dealing with employees or suppliers. There are times when execution is
hampered due to conflicts like different working styles or even values so it is important to learn
how to manage emotions and to communicate to resolve conflicts and differences. If you have
some misunderstanding with someone in your team or circle of friends, find a way to approach
that person to reconcile. It is also good for your health.
1. You are create a journal that documents your activities and participation to the
organization’s activities and events.

Note: You can also ask an entrepreneur, a businessperson, or any professional how to network and how
networks helped in building positive reputation, or useful connections, in their work, etc. Or how they
handled differences in opinions, ideas or how they resolved conflicts in any past or existing situation.


Paper: Letter, Substance 20,

Font: Courier New, Size 12,

Spacing: 1.5

Alignment: Justify


Left: 1.5

Right, Bottom, Top: 1

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