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Work description

Hello, dear friend, I have written this letter to tell you about the new job I have. I
am currently working in a social work company, a long time ago we did not
communicate in any way, you should change that between the two. I keep telling
him that I like this job because it allows me to travel through different cities in the
country to help in community work that should be done in vulnerable
communities, and it is also a job that allows me to be in contact with the
population. More needed communities, I like that. I do not have schedules, I have
to work at different times but always during the day, I often travel at night; I think
you like this job that I currently have, because you are a psychologist and, as
such, you are passionate about social work and helping people in need in
different communities. I think you think it's very interesting to work on.
Description of the workplace
As I mentioned earlier, my new job allows me to travel through different cities in
the country, however, I stay most of the time in Bogotá since that is where the
main headquarters of the foundation with which I am working is located, my
office is wide AND nice, I have the help of two professionals in psychology and
sociology. I should travel to visit me. Bogotá is the capital and the largest city in
Colombia. A melting pot of people from all over the country, it is diverse and
multicultural, the city of Bogotá has a great variety of tourist places, the area of
La Candelaria, with several museums, cultural landscapes and art exhibitions, La
Plaza de Bolívar, surrounded by government. buildings that represent various
styles and times, the weather is usually pleasant during the day and cool at night.
It is important that people wear warm clothing. Getting around is relatively easy
and economical thanks to the city's TransMilenio metro-bus service. If you want
to come, you can stay at my house.
Say what you like about work
Dear friend, I want to share how happy I am to make this work. I really like to help
people develop their abilities that allow them to face their social, individual and
collective problems. This work makes me feel fulfilled and useful. Because with it
I can serve in different environments, such as: social work in the field of health,
work with children, social work with drug addicts, elders, among others. This
work allows me to do everything related to social intervention, favoring social
Say what you do not like about work
Although I tell you that work is not perfect because I have to travel so much I can
not be with my family and that discourages me a little since you know that the
engine that drives me to move forward is to be able to help the community and
my family and in this work I have a part of it but I need the other part to be able to
complete my absolute happiness; also sometimes, I do not like different things,
such schedules or long trips that must be done, and the schedules that must be
fulfilled, really are very strict with the delivery dates of reports. Friend, I would
like you to be here so that you can advise me and support me in many decisions
that I sometimes wish to make, but in the same way I know that
Tell your best friend why do you think he / she would like your job
This work that I do would like you very much, since it would allow you to help in
different environments, and that makes this profession more pleasant. for
example: in prisons to prepare a reinsertion process, in the hospital to
accompany the process of a patient's illness and even terminal illnesses, also in
the help of the inhabitants of the street, as in the mediation of intrafamilial
conflicts. Being able to serve in this profession is gratifying because it makes us
feel good when we approach those who are grateful for having helped or oriented
them in the resolution of their conflicts. I would like very much in this way as a
social worker to be able to use tools such as: The creativity to adapt to the
peculiarity of each case, The empathy to know how to put myself in the place of
the other, The flexibility that allows me to respond to different realities, The
responsibility of making me aware that I am working with life. from others, the
commitment to work for a more just world, the patience that allows us to give the
time each person needs, confidence in the capacity of others and, above all, the
defense of the dignity of people. Well, dear friend, this is what I wanted to share
with you about my work, I hope to see you soon. whom do you appreciate your

Federico Contreras

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