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Lung Cancer

Lung cancer is the most common reportable cancer worldwide. It also causes the most cancer
deaths. According to the World Health Organization, lung cancer is responsible for the deaths
of about 1.35 million people worldwide every year. The survival rate for lung cancer is poor;
therefore, prevention is the best treatment.

What is lung cancer?

Lung cancer is the condition where irregular cell growth starts in the cells of the lung. This
growth begins to spread invading the lungs and the rest of the respiratory system including
the adenoids. In a later stage of the disease, the cancer cells attack other organs and systems
of the body.

What are the signs and symptoms of lung cancer?

Signs will differ depending on which area of the lung is affected. Generally, these are the
most common signs and symptoms:
u Severe continuous coughing that does not go away, especially if accompanied by blood
and/or wheezing.
u Acute shortness of breath.
u Chest pain that may radiate to the abdomen.
u Rapid weight loss.
u Loss of appetite.
u Chronic nausea.
u Constant fatigue.
u Streaks of blood in sputum (mucus coughed up from the lungs).
u Hoarseness.
What are the risk factors?
u Smoking tobacco is the major risk factor for developing lung cancer. According to the
American Lung Association, 87% of lung cancer cases are caused by smoking. Cigarette
smoke contains more than 4,000 different chemicals, many of which are proven cancer-
causing substances called carcinogens. Smoking a cigar, pipe or windpipe (shisha) also
increases the risk of lung cancer. When smoking is combined with other risk factors, the
risk of developing lung cancer is increased.
u Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke or passive smoking also results in greater
susceptibility as many of the harmful chemicals are inhaled from the smoke of the
u Exposure to certain carcinogens (e.g., asbestos and radon), radiation therapy to the
chest, and living where there is air pollution.

How can lung cancer be prevented?

1. Quit smoking: Quitting smoking – at any age – is the single most important action you
can take to prevent lung cancer. Stopping all forms of tobacco use – cigarettes, cigars,
pipes, smokeless tobacco (shamma), and sheesha – will lower your risk for lung cancer,
numerous other cancers, cardiovascular disease, and other health conditions. (Visit Saudi
Aramco Smoking Cessation Program to learn more about how you can quit smoking.)
2. Avoid exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). ETS has been proven to cause
lung cancer in nonsmokers. Smokers are also exposed to ETS when they smoke.
3. Detect and minimize exposure to air pollutions.
4. Screening: There is no generic form for screening lung cancer but it is recommended if
you are an active smoker to get a complete medical check-up (including regular chest
X-rays) on a regular basis. Follow-up with your general practitioner who is best able to
determine how frequent you need to do the screening tests.

HP-2008-075 L0413E

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