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1. Historical and Theoretical Background

A. Dancing in General
1. Dancing defined in the simplest way is the expression of emotion through rhythmic movement.
2. Dancing arose out of the activity of the people – people danced to appease the gods, to ask for
rain, for victory in a battle, safety on journey, etc.
3. Dances are divided into many classes or types, the most common on familiar ones being folk
dances, ballet, natural dances, gymnastics dances, and character dances.
B. The Concepts of Dance
1. It is an expression of emotion through rhythmic movements
2. Its movement set to music where an organization emerges, structure and pattern emerge;
3. It is a composition that implies arrangements of parts into form;
4. It arose out from the activities of the people such as to appease the gods, to ask for rain, for victory
in a battle, safety on journey, and other meaningful activities.
5. It is a way of lie and an art.
1. Means of expression
2. Means of communication 1. Rhythm that propels
3. Form of celebration 2. The forms interwoven by its
4. Form of relaxation participants
5. For emotional release 3. The message it communicates
6. For recreation 4. The quality and dynamics of
7. For exercise movement
8. For neuromuscular development
Definition of Folk Dance
1. It is dance which evolves from the life, customs and traditions of the people and was
handed down from generation to generation;
2. It is peculiarly human and intimate expression of an individual or people; it is
considered the heartbeat of the people;
3. It is an intimate bond and customs, ideals, and tradition of the past through which a
multitude of national characteristics in music, steps, customs and costumes are
4. It is a tradition-social expression characteristic in music, steps, customs and costumes
are preserved;
5. It is a dance originating among and characteristic of the common people off a country
transmitted from generation to generation.
A. Brief History of Philippine Folk Dance
1. Singing and Dancing are the favorite pastime of the Filipinos.
2. When the Spaniards first landed in 1521, they found young men playing musical
instruments while young women danced for the visitors.
3. Through the centuries, the dances of the Christian Natives gradually become modified due
to influences of Spanish, English and French immigrants.
4. The Non-Christian (Muslims and Lumads) Native dances retained their distinct Malayan
B. Objectives of Philippine Folk Dances
1. To foster patriotism and nationalism through the study of dances.
2. To arouse better appreciation of Philippine folk and music and dances
3. To provide through folk dancing a healthful form of recreation and relaxation
4. To develop grace and rhythmic coordination of body movements and posture.
5. To arouse and keep the interest of the students in taking part and in joining folk dances
6. To preserve the prosperity of folk dances and music, indigenous to the different regions of
the Philippines
7. To demonstrate the growth of the Filipino culture through the evaluation of Philippine Folk
C. Characteristics of Philippine Folk Dances
1. Dances are usually done by couples or pairs
2. They usually in a long formation
3. Most dances begin and end in “saludo” or “bow”
4. There is little, if any, body contact.
5. Dances usually stand apart
6. Hand movements play an important part
7. Dances from the lowland Christian groups bear foreign influences, while those of Non-
Christian (Muslims and Lumads) are pure and typical
8. War dances are usually found among the Non-Christians or Pagans
Characteristics of Dance:
1. Rhythm that propels
2. The forms interwoven by its participants.
3. The message it communicates and
4. The quality and dynamics of movement
Two Main Kinds of Dance
1. Dances for Participation
2. Dances for presentation
Four basic elements that the body uses in Dancing
1. Space
2. Time
3. Gravity
4. Dynamic
D. Kinds of Folk Dances
1. Regional/ Local Folk Dance – those dances which are popularly only in a certain part of the
2. National Folk Dances – those dances which are widely danced throughout the country.
3. International Folk Dance – those dances from foreign countries.
E. Sources of Folk Dances
1. Religion
2. War
3. Imitation of animals and bids
4. Occupation
5. Special Ceremonies
a. Courtship
b. Marriage
6. Domestic Activities
7. Superstitious Beliefs
F. Factors Influencing Folk Dancing
1. Customs and Traditions
2. Climatic Conditions
3. Economic Conditions
G. Values of Folk Dances
1. Cultural Values
2. Social and Recreational Values
3. Neuromuscular values

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