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Never Ignore the Warning Signs of Developmental Delay

Developmental Delay is when a child is not growing or developing normally in

terms of language, speech, cognitive abilities, social, gross motor and fine
motor skills. The delay can be major, minor or an ongoing delay in the process
of normal development. The common developmental delays in children include
language or speech delays, vision delays, movement (motor skills
developmental delays), social and emotional skills developmental delays and
cognitive skills delays. To know more about the types of delays in children, see
“Recognizing Developmental Delays in Children”
If a child doesn’t seem to be progressing or developing compare to other
children of the same age, then it could be a potential indication of
developmental delay. Therefore, after noticing the delay in development never
assume it be a temporary phenomenon unless ruled out by a specialist because
your child doctor may use several screening tools during your frequent visits to
the clinic. Experienced paediatric neurologist can pick up the delay diligently.
Parents Should Become Attentive
The initial years of child’s life – in fact, the first three years are very crucial for
growth and development. Anything that slows down during those years can
impact the later years of development; therefore, parents must approach a
paediatric neurologist if they suspect problems. To ensure early medical
intervention, as a parent, you must keep an eye on the signs of delay in
development. The sooner the child get medical intervention, the better their
progress will be.
What does a developmental delay mean to parents is not just being slower or
sluggishly lagging behind than normal, but it is more than that. Which means
the delay is continuous or progressively lagging behind phenomenon when
compare to other kids of same age.
Developmental Delay is most often a diagnosis made by a doctor based on strict
guidelines. Usually, though, the parent is the first to notice that their child is not
progressing at the same rate as other children of the same age.
Risk Factors
Certain conditions like autism, trauma, injuries during birth, Angelman
syndrome, Down syndrome, and foetal alcohol spectrum disorders can cause
developmental disabilities or developmental delays in some children. In
addition, other risk factors may include complicated pregnancy and child birth,
premature birth, chronic infections, lack of oxygen at birth, low birth weight,
poor nutrition, exposure to smoking, alcohol, lead and other environmental
toxins, chronic ear infections, vision problems, etc.
Bottom Line
Parents play an important role in picking up the signs early on.
Though there are several risk factors that can contribute to developmental
delays, yet there is no specific cause of delay.
Developmental delays can be an early sign of a learning or attention issue.
Early detection and intervention are important to help your child develop skills.
Intervene Early and Act Fast for a Successful Outcome
If you think that your child is not developing or progressing as compared to
other children of the same age or he or she seems to be slow or lagging behind
in growth and development – Then, IT IS THE HIGH TIME TO TALK WITH
YOUR PEDIATRIC NEUROLOGIST. The sooner a delayed child gets medical
attention and care, the better their progress will be. So, if you have concerns, act

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