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General Template


Now a days, rephrase the topic which attracted numerous controversies and drawn the attention from the public. It can be agreed/ said that (answer to the question), while on
the hand stands a perspective that … This essay will elaborate on both sides and thus will lead to logical conclusion./// this essay will elaborate how IDEA1/problem and how
idea2/solution and thus will lead to logical/ reasoned conclusion.


At the outset there are numerous reasons why // ways was (topic sentence) and the most conspicuous one stems from that IDEA. As an illustration example. Further more In
addition, moreover, write one more sentence about the topic or you can explain the example and relate with the topic. Thus, there, so, Hence, for the reason, because of that.


1.Topic sentence

 Another key justification for upholding this notion is that IDEA 2(same sided ideas).
 Nevertheless some people hold an opposing view and tend to believe that IDEA 2(CONTRASTING IDEAS FOR ARGUMENT ESSAYS)
 Nevertheless, there remain some drawbacks, which can certainly overshadow the potential influence of (TOPIC), and the most alarming one is rooted in the fact that
IDEA 2(contrasting ideas for benefit /Drawback essay).
 Approaches to deal the setbacks originated by TOPIC are numerous, and the most effective one is that SOLUTION.

2. For instance provide example. A recent research /study published on scientific America revealed that…. (Make sentence about the topic.). In addition,moreover,furthermore
explain the idea or example. Thus by this way, therefore, so,Hence,For this reason, because of that…


In the light of discussion above, it can be concluded that the impact of TOPIC is prominent, although/and the way IDEA 1/IDEA2 (make a sentence about the TOPIC) should be
well handled/ should not be overlooked.

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