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Design of Wye Branches for Steel Pipe

H. 5. Swanson, H. J. Chap ton,W. J. Wilkinson,

C. L. King, and E. D. Nelson
A contribution to the Journalby H. S. Swanson,StructuralEng.
Assoc; H. J. Chapton,ProjectDesignEngr.; W. J. Wilkinson;C. L.
King; and E. D. Nelson; all fromLos AngelesDept. of Water &
Power,Los Angeles,Calif.

thepast30 yearsa num- broaderprogramwas theninstituted,

berof countrieshavebeendoing and large-diameter pipeswerebrought
independent workon wye branchde- intothe investigation. The resultsof
sign. Workin Europehas beencar- thisprogram werepublished(3, 4) in
ried on primarily by the Swiss and 1946_47.
the English. In 1928 the Swiss firm Priorto WorldWar I theSouthern
of Sulzer Brothersbegan using a CaliforniaEdison Co. had a large-
circular-collar eneronwyebranches diameter
stiff wyebranchfabricated at the
to be installedin the PuenteNuevo KruppWorksin Germany.A forge-
powerstationin SouthAmerica(1). weldedpenstockfittingwitha cast-
A patentforthistypeofreinforcement steelcrotchsection,ithas beenin serv-
was grantedSulzer Brothersin 1931 ice in Big Creek Plant No. 1 since
by the Swiss government.Several 1913. In thefollowing 10 years,sev-
yearslaterthecountries ofcentralEu- eralotherwyebrancheswerebuiltfor
ropebeganusingtwo-and three-opiate thiscompanyby M. W. KelloggCo.
reinforcingdesignsforwye branches, The staticpressurerequiredof these
withthe Swiss takingthelead in ex- sectionsvariedfrom1,700to 2,400ft
perimentalwork. The resultsofsome ofhead.
of this workwere published(2) in Early in 1936 the Metropolitan
1941. Water Dist. of SouthernCalifornia
The English began experimentingbegan work on a series of large-
withwyebranchreinforcement in 1934, diameter wyebranches.The firstwas
withoutthe knowledgethat Sulzer a 10-ftdiameterpipe branching into
Brothers werealreadyacquainted with three6-ftdiameterpipes. The re-
theproblem.This earlyworkof the inforcement was unusualin thatit was
Britishwas done on small-sizepipe; mostly insidethesectionand so placed
theyestablished a systemof basic de- thatit did not encroachon the area
sign forone- and two-platereinforce-of flowto any greatdegree. It was
mentfor wye branches. J. S. Blair installed in theHayfieldPlantin 1936,
was mainlyresponsible forcarryingon andsincethattimea number ofsimilar
thiswork. In 1938 the investigatorssectionshave beenfabricated and put
weregranteda Britishpatent. Dur- intoservice.
ing World.War II, workon the ex- In 1930 the Los AngelesDept. of
periments halted,and it was notuntil Waterand Powerbeganinvestigation
1946 that it began again. A much and construction ofstifferier-reinforced
582 H. S. SWANSONET AL. Jour.

wye branches. In the followingyear a as a consequence,therewas no oppor-

systemof basic designand stressanaly- tunityto correlate the data. When
sis was devised,and in May 1935 the the need forbuildinga numberof wye
firstmajor hydraulictest was made. branches at the same time arose, it
The wye branch,a 36 X 36-in.,45-deg was decided to consolidatethe design
section,was checked for stress distri- workand testinganalysisinto a report
bution by strain gages placed on the which covered a range of sizes and
reinforcing plates,and the resultswere pressures.
analyzed in a report. This unit was
later installedin the city'sdistribution GeneralPurpose
system. Since 1935 this method of The generalpurposeofthispaperis
using plate stiffenersto reinforcethe to presenta practicaland economical

The above sectionswere fabricated for the SouthernCaliforniaEdison Co. by the
KruppWorksof Germany priorto WorldWar I. Theywereinstalledin Big Creek
PlantNo. 1 in 1913and havebeenin continuous serviceeversince. The breechjoint
is caststeel,and thepenstockpipe is forgewelded.

crotchseams has been used in the dis- methodto be used in designinglarge-

tributionsystemwheneverpossible. A diameterwye branches. In attempting
postwarconstructionprogramhas re- this,the authorshave soughtto estab-
sulted in the installationof more than lish standardsand good practicein de-
100 stiffener-reinforced wye branches terminingthe propertypedf reinforce-
since 1947. ment and other basic facts connected
In the past each wye branchat Los with the design. Tables, charts,and
Angeleswas designedindividuallywith nomographs have been included to
respect to sizes and conditions,and, simplifythe workas muchas possible.
June1955 wye BRANOU DESIGN 583

The generalassumptions in thisre- staticload into"the stiffener beams.

portare based on the use of a tested Temperature is ignoredin tfcedesign
modelthatis similarto theactualwye becausethe effectis negligiblewhen
branchto be designed(5). The actual thesectionis underground, ffthesec-
pipeand the model must be fabricatedtion is to be laid aboveground,how-
from thesamematerial so thatthemod- ever,temperature mustbe includedin
ulus of elasticity,
modulusof rigidity,fhedesignor allowedforthrough the
and Poisson'sratiomaybe givencon- mseof expansionjoints.

1936 Installation
phis juncture of three6-ftdiameterpipes
1928 Installation Enteringa 10-ft diameterline was fabri-
cated in 1936 for the Hay field Pumping
This band-reinforced wye was also fabri- Plant on an aqueduct of the Metropolitan
cated for the Southern California Edison Water Dist. of Southern California. The
Co. by Krupp. It was placed in opera- vertical wye stiff ener plates continue
tion in Big Creek Plant No. 2A in 1928. through the pipe as tension diaphragms
The large penstockis 3 in. thickand the and Aretied togetheron the uphill end by
two 48-in. branches are 2'-in. thick. the circumferential ener ring.

siderationin the predictionequations. Design and Test Methods

The freeends of the unequal-length The
areassumedto be affected design methoddevelopedfor
by thetwo-plate wyesectioninvolvesesti-
a balancingforcewhichcauses equal matingtheamountof
deflections.This assumption is made thereinforcement and applying there-
so thattheprinciplesof staticscan be sultantcircumferentialstressfromthe
appliedtotheproblem.The maincon- pipeshellson it. In a tee section,the
cernis findinga meansoftransmitting curved-beamequationscould thenbe
circumferentialstressesdue to hydro- used to calculatethe criticalstresses.

The 24 X 24-in., 45-deg wye branch at

left shows the two stiffenerplates in
place. The inside curve of the plates
match the inner surface of the pipe shell.

At right,the branchpipe is being lowered

into position.

At left,the assembledunit is being fitted

for welding. If a thirdplate were to be
added, it could be welded on when this
portionis completed.

Fabrication Methods

When,the sectionis otherthan90 deg, (d). Upon examinationof the prob-

however,one plate will have a larger lem, it was concluded that the plate
load thantheother,so thatthecalcula- could vary anywhere from a ring
tionsmustincludebalancingthe deflec- girderto a two-platedesign,depend-
tions of both plates at the junctionin ing upon the ratio of pipe diameters.
order to arrive at the amountof load Equations were set up under this as-
whichthe longerplate will transferto sumptionand some designstested. As
the shorterplate. In dealingwiththe a resultofthiswork,a graphwas made
larger-diameterpipe, many designs whichis used in conjunctionwiththe
whichwould hold the deflections down nomograph.

1935 Installation
In 1935 thissectionwas testedhydro forstressdistribution
statically by theLos An-
gelesDept. of Waterand Power. Followingthetest,thestresseswereanalyzedin a
reportand thesectionwas putintoservicein thedistributionsystem.

were tried. The most economicalof As an aid in devising a practical

these proved to be the three-platede- methodof design,severalexamplesare
sign in which a half-ringplate was given, with accompanyingtables and
added to a two-platedesign to hold sketches. The nomographsection of
down the freeends. the report contains simplifications
The design of the single-platewye whichgive resultswithinthe range of
began with the suppositionthat the accuracy necessary,but, to use the
plate could be treatedas a ringgirder nomograph(Fig. 15) properly,a few

( 11

J/ro Symbol
Explanation of Symbols

Explanation Units

A deflectionangleof pipeline deg

D diameterof pipe in.
Rb radiusoflargepipe in.
Rs radiusofsmallpipe in.
R' centroidalradiusofreinforc-in.
a inside radius of reinforcingin.
ftsinaL,- »^f
d depthofreinforcing plate in.
^r^-^J^T «-/>sinAL2
Load Due to ^-^ d' d at 1-in.thickplate (as in in.
InternalPressure y* W**A
_^_M^ s^ nomograph)
dw d at acute crotch in.
• ] db d at obtusecrotch in.
l__f__ _K__ '
dt d at junctionof reinforcingin.
Reinforcing '^ x^^ ft; y I plates
' *-^ / L' lengthof axis of largerein- in.
forcing plate
_ . . . k Plate Junction L2 lengthof axis of smallrein- in.
Section A -A Line or Origin forcing plate
Fig. 1. Intersectionof Equal- W' totalwaterload on largere- lb
Diameter Plates inforcing plate
Wi totalwaterload on smallre- l|>
As is unitlengthalong centroidalaxis; inforcing plate
x is horizontaldistanceto centerof As. y' theoretical reactionon large lb
reinforcing plate
factsmust be noted. First, the depth yi theoretical reactionon small lb
of plate read fromthe nomographis reinforcing plate
3>3 theoreticalreactionon ring lb
for 1-in.thickplate; when this is used plate
withpipe of a verylarge diameter,the T=P resultantload on horizontal lb
curved-beamK factor (7) becomes axis of plates (equal to
very great, increasing the critical W±y)
p internalpressurein pipe psi
stress. If the value fromthe nomo- / thickness ofreinforcing plate in.
graph is convertedto a thickerplate A cross-sectional area sq in.
with a smallerdepth,however,the K M momentin section due to in.-lb
factoris lessened,giving a betterde- load
m momentat any point due in.-lb
sign. It is recommended thatthedepth to load of unitywherede-
of plate, dw,should not exceed 30t (t flectionis to be found
equals thicknessof crotchplate). E modulusofelasticity forsteel psi
Second, under some very high head u Poisson'sratio
conditionsin smaller-diameter pipe,the
depth of plate has a tendencyto ap- usually include a safetyfactorwhich
proachthe diameterof the pipe. This will keep stressesbelow the yieldpoint
also will increase the K factor. It is of structuralsteel. Because the maxi-
recommended, in such a case, thatthe mumallowable stressof the steel used
depth of plate be made less than the in this reportis 30,000 psi, however,
diameterof the pipe. it shouldbe understoodthatthe design
If these recommendationsare fol- pressure used in the nomographwas
lowed, the nomographicdesign will keptto 1.5 timesthe workingpressure

-■ , i [t
w ^
* 1U k I

_ i 11 i mm

f = R- r

-- I <; 1 __. I

-J ,-Ll . .1 11
bi f1 •« 6i f t»

r= r=
6l loge~ + b2loge-d + &3loge- b' loge~ + &2loge-
a g g
e = R- r e = R- r
(c) (d)
Fig. 2. Typical Cross Sections of ReinforcingPlates
in orderto approximate an allowable theuse of a factorbased on thedata.
stressof 20,000psi. Anotherfactor The variousdesignsweretestedby
to be notedis that,althoughthe de- placingthe sectionunderhydrostatic
signsused in thereportare basedon load and usingelectricalstraingages
a rectangular cross sectionfor the to indicatethe amountof stressto
crotchplates,thetestsshowedthatthe whichthe sectionwas subject (8).
weldingin the crotch,plus a portion These data were comparedwiththe
of the pipe shell,acted as a flange design stresses,and the methodof
whichdecreasedtheinsidefiberstress. designwas corrected to conformto the
This was taken into account through resultsof thetests.

V Hi ^

^ 5 -^


Ci ^ **^
^ Ck) tu

?5 ^
« o ^

i s r*
*-§ s

■Cx, ^

§: ^> e


2 S^-

^ - - ._ Inside Fiber

~ " ====
0.9 |
^, outsideFiber

0.7 _^

0.5I I 1 1 1 1 ' 1 ' 1 ' ' ' '

12 3 4 5 6 7 8

Fig. 3. K Factor for Curved Beams (RectangularCross Section)

R is radius ofcentroid;c is one-halfdepthofplate; fmax= K - - .

The use of single-directionSR-4 SR-4 electricalstrain gages to be at-

straingages in the testingof the wye tached to the inside peripheryof the
sectionswas desirablebecause thistype crotch stiffenerswithoutshortingout
of gage required less mountingroom under the high hydrostaticpressures
and fewer connectingwires than the used. Single SR-4 gages applied in
rosette type and gave stress results this manner gave test results in sec-
while the sectionwas still under test. tions that had not previously been
The Baldwin-Lima-HamiltonCorp., available. - (See photos on pages 590
Philadelphia,developed a method of and 594.)
using these gages on sectionswith bi- On one large wye branch,the Mag-
directionalstress,but the directionof naflux Corp., Chicago, was called in
the principal stress must be known. to use the "Stresscoat"methodforde-
The rosettegages are essentialfor ob-
terminingthe stresses,in conjunction
tainingstressesin locationswhere the with the electricalstrain gages which
directionof the principalstress is not
known. The equations used in com- were normallyused. It was consid-
ered advisable to try this methodbe-
puting stresses from rosette strain
cause of the completecoverage that it
readingsare so involvedthatthecalcu-
lations had to be made in the office gives. The resultsof the two methods
afterthe testshad been run (8, 9). compared very favorablyand gave a
During the tests a waterproofce- good pictureof the stressesin the sec-
ment was found which allowed the tion. The "stresscoat"test confirmed
590 H. S. SWANSON ET AL. Jour.AW W A




^u o

I ^> e

! 11




the locationsof the criticalstresses was apparentthattherewouldbe diffi-

thathadbeendetermined in thedesign cultyin proportioningtheplatesso as
analysis. to haveeachone carryits shareofthe
load. By the use of the methodof
Conclusionsand Recommendations balancing a balanceddesign
Throughout thesetests,it was found for a three-platesectionwas found;
thatthe designof the actual section becausethereduction in thesize ofthe
couldbe predictedfromthe modelto platedepths,comparedwiththatof a
a degreewithintherangeof accuracy two-platedesign,was verysmall,how-

r'i 11iii111^^
inun Axis
Neutral -/' '£ ^ ^- '

4 V' f%;
A^-H j

* ' ■*+-

0 01
I 1 I I 1I111
0 02 0.03 0 04 0 05 0.06 0 08 0 1
0.2 0.3
0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.0

of Eccentricity,
Fig. 4. Determination e
Based on Timoshenko
(10) equation:
h* [, 4 / h VI Mhi P Mh2 P

in whiche is eccentricity(distancefromcentroidalaxis to neutralaxis in curved

beam); h is depthof curved axis of curvedbeam.
beam;and R is radiusof controidal

required. Because of the difficultiesever,it was concludedthat,if a third

encountered in analyzingthe typeof platewas to be usedto holddownde-
curvedbeam used in these designs, flectionson larger-diameter pipe, it
however, it becamenecessary to apply shouldbe added to the two-platede-
stipulationsto thedesignprocedure in sign and the dimensionsshouldcon-
orderto conform to thetestresults. formto thetopdepth. Also,it should
It was foundrelatively easy to ob- be weldedto the otherreinforcement
taingoodbalancein thetwo-platede- platesonlyat top and bottom,being
sign,but,in the three-plate design,it leftfreefromthe pipe shell,so that

General Formulas (See Fig. 1)
R R ^sinALl2- P Sin ALg2
T -
Li-- •, L2=-
T -, ^=
W , W2 =
sin - cos -

W at any point x fromorigin (triangular load) :

Wx= P
Moment at any point x fromorigin (triangular load) :

m= ; M = m ± xy (use minus for larger plate, L' ; use plus for smaller plate L2)

a = Rpipesin - (for acute angle of two- and three-plate design)

a = ^pipe cos - (for obtuse angle of two- and three-platedesign)

Two-Plate Design
P = total shear at any point x fromorigin
_ p sin Ax2 _ p sin-Ax2 ,
^i=^-2 y' P2=^ +y

y = load necessary to cause equal deflectionof plates

Deflection at x = 0 for Plate 1 = 2 ^^ - 2 ^^

El El

Deflection at x = 0 for Plate 2 = 2 ^^ + 2 ^^

As deflectionsmust be equal:

v ntiXAs v yx2As ^ w2xA5 ^ yx2As


y,=y1+y>; Plate i, a = S -
^ S^;

Plate2,J = S ^ - S Plate3, a = Jf^ (halfring)

iii *g£;
iLi El

Maximum Stresses

Mm^ w[-3+ (0.2)^] ± y[l + (0.2)^]
, _ Afma,fti , W"d=y
~ , -_ M^x h<,- W±y*
/max - ~A I I /min ~.
Aea A Aec A~A

- ~ ~
/max - A -j ; /min -

* Timoshenko(10) ; c equals one-halfdepth of plate; forhi and hi, see Fig. 4 (page
t Seely (7).

none of the shellstresswould be trans- actual pipe is maintained,the safety

ferredto the ring plate. It appears of the structureis assured.
practicalto beginaddingthe ringplate The principal symbols used in the
to a two-plate design on high-head, design equations and sketches are
equal-diameterwye brancheswithpipe listed in Table 1 ; other symbolswill
diametersgreaterthan 60 in. be explainedwhen used. The general
During early testingof the models, formulasemployedare shownin Table
it was foundthat,in the criticalsec- 2. Following the section on analysis
tions,themeasuredstresseswerelower and design proceduresis a description
than the design stresses withoutex- of the nomographmethod,includinga
ception,givingan additionalsafetyfac- discussion of the developmentof the
tor. It was concludedthat the flange curves (pages 617-623). Test results,
effectof the weld metal and a portion in the formof drawingsand tables,are
of the pipe shell in the crotchhad ac- shown on pages 624-627.
ceptedsome stresseswhichit had been Appendix A (page 628) containsa
comparison betweena Sulzer Brothers
assumedwould be in the reinforcement
design and one based on the authors'
plates. By correctingfor this in fur- method. Appendix B
thertesting,the design methodswere nomograph illustratesthe deflec-
(pages 628-629)
improved to give more economical tionsthatoccurredon two 45-deg wye
proportions. branch pipes. The deflectionsare
A review of the test data evaluated
plottedon a nomograph,to providean
for a practicaland economicaldesign indicationof what
mightbe expected
shows that the dimensionsfor the re- in other45-deg sections. A discussion
inforcement plates for a wye branch of the results of overstress in wye
may be chosen from the nomograph. branchpipes is found in Appendix C
If similaritybetweenthemodeland the (pages 628 and 630).

Analysis and Design Procedures

In the designsdescribedin this por- used in Seely's methodcan be found
tion of the paper, a trial depth and fromthe curves in Fig. 3 and 4.
thicknessofstiffenerplatewereselected A series of typicaldesigns are pre-
and the stressesin the criticalsections sented: single plate, A = 90 deg ; two
werecomputed. Then a new depthand plate, A = 90 deg ; two plate, A = 53
thicknesswere chosen,as indicatedby deg; two plate, A = 45 deg ; three
the resultingstresses. These stresses plate, A = 90 deg ; threeplate, A = 45
were evaluated by using the loading deg; and three plate (alternate de-
assumptionsshown in Fig. 1, along sign), A = 45 deg.
with a carryoverload, y, found by a In an early effortto use the model
methodof balanced deflections. The theoryas an aid to futuredesign, a
solution equations were taken from numberof tables were computed,such
Timoshenko(10) and Seely (7). as theone in Fig. 6 (page 597). This
The various cross sectionsof curved table was based on the two-plate24-in.
beamswhichcould applyto wyebranch wye branchshown in Fig. 7 and was
design are shown in Fig. 2, although retained as an example only. The
only the rectangularsection will be nomograph(Fig. 15) has greaterver-
consideredin this report. The eccen- satilityand lends itselfbetterto corre-
tricity,e, and the K factorwhich is lationwithtest data.

Two-Plate Wye Under Test

This photographof a 30 X 30-in., 90-deg wye under test shows the mercuryswitches
and deflectiongages.

Three-PlateWye Branch

One-Plate Design
For one-platedesign:

0.3 = 0.6 rv
^ i
1 Flow 1I
Wi= stP= pRB ' **

' sin2A / 4
U2 , dt
rz = +
R: 2 _________
At sides: J[
Momentdue to W1 = s^ ^' H
j^^ -j- >'dt
. __ - /, /^^ *A ^X '' -*
Momentdue ^to Wi = ^_ f 4-^l 11 J^c**i ' -*

_ Vsin2A / Le-I ' / L-jJ

^2,^ II I I I I I I I I I

r2= L7+T
Fig. 5. General Equations for One-Plate Wye Design

Example Maximum momentat side, M2 = {W' - W2) ~r

Main piperadius,Rb = 30.5 in. = 114,400 in.-lb
Branchpiperadius,Rs = 10 in.
As a trial, use a 6 X 1-in. collar to stiffenthe
Deflectionangle,A = 90 deg
joint. Then:
Designpressure, p - 300 psi
Uniform load at top, Wx = pRB = 300(30.5) /max - -^*-T j 1 a
= 9,150psi
^5 300(30.5) 6M WRS
Uniform1 a at -j XT, ^
load side, W2 = £-r- = ^
' bd2 ~^ bd
sin A
= 4,575 psi
At theside,on the innercurve:
Maximum momentat top, Mi = (PF3- PFi) -j- ^ = 4.2
- -114,400 in.-lb
♦ Pans {11). t K is Seely'sconstant, on thecurvature
596 H. S. SWANSON ET AL. lour. AW WA

K = 1.185 no7x -H4,400(6) 4,575(10)

CAW = ((-0.87)
(/2)max ,0,114,400(6) + 9,150(10)
= i1.185 1(5.5)2 +-[(5^-
1(6)2 1(6) = 19,700+ 8,300 = 28,000psi
= 22,600+ 15,200= 37,800psi (tension)
At thetop,on theinnercurve: In thefirsttrial,theouterstressat theside
was ignoredbecause it could not exceed the
* = innerstress. At the top,however,thedirect
c stressis additiveto the outerstressdue to
K = 1.18 moment,increasingthe total stressto the
point whereit must be investigatedalong
(*' < 1O -114,400(6) + 4,575(10)
(/i)max- 1.18 withtheinnerstress.
^ 1(6) The final design is a 1-in. thick collar,
= -22,500 + 7,600 = -14,900 psi weldedat the junctionof the pipes,with a
(compression) depthof 7 in. in the crotchesand a depthof
5Jin. at the top and bottom.
At thetop,on theoutercurve: Note : Bier (6) statesthat the assumption
ofa uniform load is on theside ofsafety,but
*=4.3 it shouldbe notedthat,at smallerdeflection
angles,the ringbecomesegg shapedand the
K = -0.86 ringgirderequationformomentbecomesless
«' - n o.-n4,400(6) + 4,575(10) applicable.Also,whenthe branchpipe diam-
(/i)max eterapproachesthediameterofthemainpipe,
^ 1(6)
theassumption thatthecollarliesinone plane
= 16,400+ 7,600 = 24,000psi causes inaccurateresults.The conclusionis
(tension) thatthismethodofone-platedesigncan apply
For Trial 2, use 5J in. as the top depthand onlyto limitedcases of wye brancheswhere
7 in.as thecrotchdepth. By inspection, thedeflection angleis closeto 90 deg and the
tensionwill governat both the top and diameter of the branchpipe is substantially
the crotch. At the side, on the inner smallerthanthatof themainpipe.
curve: The ASME BoilerCode (12) coversa good
portionof the one-platedesignin the lower
* =
ratiosbecause the reinforcement pad is close
c to the plane of stress. It appears that this
methodis good up to a ratioof diametersof
K = 1.21
pipe of 0.3:1. By the same token,the ring
tf' 114>400(6) 9,150(10)
(Mnax-l^li ?i + girderassumptionappears to be satisfactory
1(7)2 1(?) up to a ratioof 0.7:1, but above this ratio,
= 17,000+ 13,000= 30,000psi the curvatureof the plate is such that it has
(tension) been foundadvisable to use an equal pipe
diameter designand a truncated coneto reduce
At thetop,on theoutercurve: thediameterof the outletpipe to the desired
size. In the one-platedesign curve in the
^ = 4.63 nomographsection,an attemptwas made to
join the methodsof designtogetherso that
K = -0.87 theymergeintothe two-platedesign.

Example1 Note : As thetwo platesare identical,it is
Rb = 12 in. notnecessaryto set up a tableforthecompu-
R8 = 12 in. tationof forcey,whichautomatically reduces
A = 90 deg to zero. The selecteddepthsforcrotchand
p = 350 psi crown were obtained from the prediction
Pipe shellthickness,f in. tablesforpipe tees whichrangedin diameter
Depth at crotch,12 in. from12 in. to 120in.,at a pressureof350 psi.
Depthat crown,5 in.

yS ^^rT°P Section ( J

ly WyeSection
vj ^f ir^ ^-^T - ^

bd2, . , , x For top section,K equals:

S„ = - (sectionmodulus) d= '
6 ^A»8 0.0521at 6.25, 1 in.
S = N*Sm* d = #£* 0'0425at 6'25' !* in'
0.0368at 6.25,2 in.
Data: 0.0301at 6.25,3 in.
^ = D_
5m= 36 in.,6.25 For wyesection,K equals:
</2= - = = Dm = 24 in 0.125at 36, 1 in.
b b hD™ 0.102at 36, li in.
" ii ''o ?•^
<V refers
♦Subscript tomodel. at 36, 2 in.
' = 350
p ^ ^ psi ^.0884
0.0722at 36, 3 in.

PlateDepth,d- in.
D D* WyeSide Top
b = 1 in. 6 = 1Jin. 6 = 2 in. b = 3 in. b = 1 in. 6 = 1Jin. 6 = 2 in. 6 = 3 in.

12 41.5 5.19 4.23 3.67 3.00 2.16 1.76 1.53 1.25

24 117.6 14.7 12.0 10.4 8.49 6.12 5.00 4.33 3.54
30 164.4 20.5 16.8 14.5 11.9 8.56 6.99 6.05 4.94
36 216.0 27.0 22.0 19.1 15.6 11.25 9.19 7.96 6.50
42 272.4 34.1 27.8 24.1 19.7 14.2 11.6 10.0 8.19
48 332.6 33.9 29.4 24.0 14.1 12.2 10.0
54 396.9 40.5 35.1 28.7 16.9 14.6 11.9
60 465.0 47.4 41.1 33.6 19.8 17.1 14.0
66 536.0 47.4 38.7 19.7 16.1
72 611.0 54.0 44.1 22.5 18.4
84 770.0 68.1 55.6 28.4 23.2
96 941.0 67.9 28.3
108 1,123.0 81.1 33.8
120 1,313.0 94.8 39.5

Fig. 6. Two-Plate Design (Example 1) - Plate Depth Calculations

forSelectionofPlate Thickness

Wi-W- (f )W*L* = f (16.97)*

= 50,400

M"Wx i) =50'400
(§+(0-2) t ] ^345?500
[~F+(0*2) in-"lb

^V = lj"'
*«" PlateThickness
^| j ;$O^
^- to*' ^s. i65"_4"#i3 '

#12 £-2
) |
o s ip |^ ioi-'-^rUh1"
(( 4* 12" A
Scale inInches 16if"

Stress*- Ib Stress*- Ib
Item Item .
Computed Measured Computed Measured

#12 9,760 9,260 #17 -8,180 -5,710

#13 7,980 9,250 #18 -5,525 -3,090
#14 3,760 6,490 #19 -3,550
#15 1,760 E-2 -4,020 -5,650
#16 -4,880 -4,000
* At 350-psipressure.

Fig. 7. Two-Plate Design (Example 1) - Plan of Stiff

ener Plates

For any pressureotherthanthe designvalue (350 psi in thisinstance),afterthe

criticaldimensionshave been selectedfromthe nomograph(Fig. 15), the outside
curveof thisplateshouldconform withtheshape shown.

a = R sin^ = 12 sin^ = 12(0.707) = 8.48 in.

R = 1A48 =
1207. e = OO71(12) = 0.852 in.; hi = 5.148 in.; h2= 6.852 in.
h 12

By Timoshenko
Mhi W 345,500(5.148) , 50,400= . . _n . . . w -.
f- = ^ +, A - + ,
fOrUn' pkte
12(0.852)(8.48) "IT
Use lj-in. plate:

/m« - 1(24,700) = 16,500psi

. -Uh* , W 345,500(6.852) 50,400 * " .
/-to = ~AiT + A = " 12 + 4>7S0psl (comPression)
(1.5)(0.852)(20.48) (12) (1.5)
June1955 wye branch DESIGN 599

By Seelyequation:

*=Mf8 = 2.413;
K- 0.77
c 6
/„,„ = - + = 1.40(345,500) +, 50,400 = «*„„„.,
16-200 Psl (te««on)
j 0.167(L5)(i2), i2(T5)

/-. = *f + J = ^-j^y = -4,600psi Oppression)

+ 2,800
i?B = 18 in.; Ra = 18 in.; A = 45 deg; p = 385 psi
Pipe shellthickness,f in.; depthat crown,12 in.
Table 3 showsthe correctedvaluesas constructed ; it also providesa simpleexpedientfor
converting thedesignvalue ofy to a newy forany otherpressuredesired.
CalculatedStressesfor Larger Plate
2' in.
Depthat crotch,30 in.; platethickness,
Note : Owingto theflangeeffectofthepipe shell,a factorof 0.2 is appliedto - . The cen-
troidalaxis is taken as beingparallelto the curvewherethe stressesare beingcomputed.


^=^[f+(0.2)f]-,[f + (O.2)f]
= 277,000 - 45,800 = in.-lb
[l6.13+ (0.2)y] [48.38+ (0.2)y ] 2,946,000
a = R sin = 18 sin22J° = 18(0.3827) = 6.9 in.

- =- = 0.73;e = 0.128(30) = 3.84 in.; hi = 11.15 in.

h 30

/™' = Mh + T = 2,946,000(11.15) + 231,000 = 19>95°+ 3'6°° = 23'6°° PS1
-JTa A 30(2.125)(3.84)(6.9) 30(2ji25)
= 1.46^ = 2.01
c 15

CalculatedStressesfor Smaller Plate

2j in.
Depth at crotch,20 in.; platethickness,

^ =w,2[| + (o.2)f]
+ (o.2)f]+,[f
= 52,500 + (0.2) ] + 45,800 = in.-lb
[7.02 y [2I.O6+ (0.2)y ] 1,530,000
600 H. S. SWANSON ET AL. Jour. AW W A

Two-Plate Design Calculations (Example 2)

" " 47'04' U ~ ~ " 19*48

Ll = . A 0.3827 A 0^239
sin - cos -

Li (scaled fromPlate 1) = 48.38; L2 (scaled fromPlate 2) = 21.06

d' - 30 in. ; &i - 20 in.

^ = ^sinAO^ _ 385(0.707)(48.38)* _ ^^ ft

^ _ ,«,A(LQ* _ 385(0.707)(21.06P = ^^ Jb

/>x3sinA = 385(0.707)x3
mi = -- -- - = 45.36jc3
o 6

x M = mi - xy I x(As) x(As) x(As) ~ B^tl} of

in. in.-lb in* in. "T~ ~~T~ (wi xy) P-ate

5 = 9.5 ± in.; / = 2| in.

4.70 5,000- 4.7y 313 44.66 0.143 1,000- 0.67? 12.1

14.1 127,000-14.1? 371 134.0 0.361 46,000- 5.09y 12.8
23.5 588,000 -23.5;y 486 223.0 0.460 270,000 -10.80? 14.0
32.8 1,601,000-32.83; 767 311.5 0.406 650,000 -13.32? 16.3
42.0 3,360,000-42.0? 1,416 399.0 0.282 947,000-11.85? 20.0
51.2 6,036,000-51.2? 3,111 487.0 0.157 948,000- 8.04? 26.0
51.38 6,093,000-51.4? 4,875 488.0 0.100 609,000- 5.14? 30.2
51.38 6,093,000-51.4? 4,875 488.0 0.100 609,000- 5.14? 30.2


5 = 7.5 in.; t = 2.5 in.

3.7 2,000+ 3.7? 378 26.25 0.0694 0+ 0.26? 12.2

10.9 59,000+ 10.9? 559 81.75 0.1465 9,000+ 1.60? 13.9
18.0 264,000+ 18.0? 886 135.0 0.153 40,000+ 2.75? 16.2
23.06 544,000+23.1? 1,235 173.0 0.1401 76,000+ 3.23? 18.1
23.06 544,000+23.1? 1,519 173.0 0.1139 62,000+ 2.63? 19.4
23.06 544,000+23.1? 1,664 173.0 0.1040 57,000+ 2.40? 20.0

244,000 + 12.87?

4,080,000 - 244,000 = 60.05? + 12.87?; ? = 52,600 lb *

* To obtainnewvaluefory foranyotherpressure, y bynewpressure

multiply anddivideby385.

^/d o ... rentroidalAxis ... z n|2 %'«H S

= 2i"
PlateThickness .^ r S,« - 2 2 I

A -2 i1^! T552 2 • ^|*~ PlateThickness

= 2£M 28i"-?S. '

~l£±I 30" >' 1 J-i-i ^ ^^^ ^'->l

U 78|" -^^r- ^ J+c-i - ' /^-^
0 5 10 IM^^-mJCJ X/34l"4'
I 1 1 N' 7« w 1 y's o '
Scale inInches '
' -*-F~/np '% '
( n I 'y# ' A#11

' /^ I |X ' ^j1 I /-2

H 21^» 4» 20" >

Stress* - Ib Stress* - Ib
Item Item
Computed Measured Computed Measured

A-l 9,220 10,620 H-2 -8,320 -6,710

A-2 -6,520 -5,420 /-I 13,300 11,070
B-' 7,540 11,140 J-2 -7,470 -7,300
5-2 -5,270 -4,260 #1 9,560 12,250
C-l -4,600 980 #2 2,460 3,930
C-2 -7,890 -6,450 #3 -7,690 -270
DA -2,800 -930 #4 -6,020 780
D-2 7,560 5,900 #5 -6,120 -6,320
E-l -2,780 -2,860 #6 -5,120 -3,760
E-2 3,210 820 #7 370 210
.F-l 2,010 2,850 #8 10,270 8,600
F-2 -2,290 -1,480 #9 -6,320 -5,750
G-' 6,980 10,970 #10 -8,290 -6,780
G-2 -6,610 -5,690 #11 -9,140 -7,050
H-' 8,680 11,920
* At335-psipressure.

Fig. 8. Two-Plate Design (Example 2) - Plan of StiffenerPlates

See italicnotebelowFig. 7.
602 H. S. SWANSON ET AL. Jour.AW W A

a = = 18 cos =-=18(0.9239) = 16.63 in.

#cos^ ^-

= = 1.33; e = 0.064(20) = 1.28 in.;fci = 8.72 in.

^ ^

Maximum fiberstress (tension) :

;max " Mhl ^i T- ~ ^530,000(8.72)
98,300 ,,-nn
' ^
Aea A 20(2.50) (1.28) (16.63) 20(2.50)

Seely :
* = 1.35
= = 2.66;*
c ^ 10

_ KMc +, T _ 1.35(1,530,000) + 98,300 ~ 14>400 .

/max- j A- 0-167(2.s)(20)*

72" *
^ :

- plate
1 66|^Kf
I §£8~K-r? y-2^**
ti "S >'^eThickness,
if '

*-27rl" .. §.
=,."i7-i'5r ' ' 1

PlateThickness= / /v-

bk2 i 7 /


1"~il^I - 13^" >| I 0 5 10 15

< -19H H I L- 1 1
^ 43-" ► Scale in Inches

Fig. 9. Two-Plate Design- Plan of StiffenerPlates

Data: RB= 21 in.; Rs = 21 in.; A = 53 deg; p = 192 psi. See italicnotebelowFig. 7.

Table of Stress Values (see Fig. 9)

Stress- Ib

Item Comp. Meas. Comp. Meas. Comp. Meas. Comp. Meas.

192 psi 285 psi 385 psi 510 psi

Plate 1

A-' 11,600 12,000 17,240 16,896 23,350 21,030 29,300 27,500

A-2 -5,600 -7,400 -8,310 -12,288 -11,150 -16,450 -13,900 -21,000
B-' 8,100 8,052 12,025 17,480 16,240 24,010 22,700 26,900
B-2 -5,000 -7,800 -7,470 -9,248 -10,090 -11,590 -14,000 -13,900
C-l -300 -4,200 -429 6,816 -485 9,840 -140 13,000
C-2 -5,500 -5,350 -8,100 -10,016 -11,000 -9,290 -15,880 -15,140
D-l -8,130 1,779 -12,100 1,768 -15,700 3,880 -21,780 3,080
D-2 8,070 8,150 11,980 11,984 16,600 16,810 19,900 22,240
E-l -2,740 5,652 -4,060 7,184 -5,430 10,430 -7,270 6,800
£-2 4,150 2,110 6,190 -1,864 8,330 -1,616 10,160 -1,240
#1 -5,700 -7,050 -8,490 -10,650 -11,020 -14,400 -15,900 -18,000
#2 -9,000 -14,130 -19,100 -25,000
#3 -2,100 -1,200 -3,157 -2,850" - 4,125 -3,600 -7,210 -2,100
#4 13,010 9,150 19,300 14,070 26,100 17,520 34,800 23,400
#5 6,100 6,150 9,020 10,500 12,210 16,500 16,830 22,200
#6 5,400 8,250 7,930 10,500 10,700 15,150 15,250 20,100
#7 -5,930 2,850 -8,779 1,950 -12,104 3,150 -15,600 5,400
#8 -7,280 -10,800 3,150 -14,600 4,950 -19,300 6,450

Plate 2

F-' 7,940 16,260 11,520" 20,968 15,910 31,590 +18,730 41,210

F-2 -8,800 -9,940 -12,480~ -15,728 -17,640 -20,080 -18,570 -26,900
G-' 5,280 15,500 7,810 20,232 10,540 27,260 +12,740 35,980
G-2 -8,940 -8,970 -12,690 -13,888 -17,940 -18,710 -20,400 -24,000
H-l 7,140 10,740 10,560 14,032 14,300 19,900 +19,300 25,000
H-2 -9,840 -6,520 -14,578 -9,832 -19,690 -26,500
JA 390 1,200 977 2,472 1,310 -2,850 440 2,010
J-2 -530 -1,315 -1,765 -1,580
#9 -9,250 -9,600 -13,130 -13,800 -18,480 -19,200 -21,430 -21,800
#10 -8,050 -8,700 -10,270 -13,200 -16,070 -17,250 -19,130 -21,900
#11 -9,600 -6,450 -14,300 -9,600 -19,300 -13,050 -25,600 -17,250
#12 9,540 13,200 13,700 20,550 19,060 28,350 23,150 37,650
#13 8,600 12,450 12,700 16,500 17,220 23,820 11,550 30,720
#14 5,600 9,000 8,053 12,150 11,000 17,100 -14,500 22,050


^Plate3 ^l(=^2)^ir<Tl

, V n *> ,«-rtT''''

Fv PlateV
"■/f/' i
I ' A^ Ve^
^' '
' '

L ^
/ '| J" II 'I , 4.
_ , _ '1
^- ^r*--^ 7/77777 'x//////////
I |*
Half-RingPlate Plates 1 & 2
(Plate 3)

Fig. 10. Three-PlateDesign (Example 1)

Data: RB = 12 in.; Rs = 12 in.; A = 90 deg; p = 350 psi; pipe shell thickness,■§tw.;
depthat crown,5 in.

DesignAssumptions =0
1. Rotationoftangentto centroidalaxis of Jf,(^)-2yr(l)
plate at crownequals zero; that is,
half-ring 4vr
thisplateis freebut guidedat thecrown. Jlfa= -
x (Eq 1)
2. Momentsat crownof Plates 1 and 2
V2timesthemomentat crownof half- , _ r Mmds
at crown= JI - - -
8S = deflection
equal - El
~ r (- Mz + 2yx)xds
MethodofSolution J El
The three unknownquantities,Mi, Ms, (- M3 + 2yrsin0) (r sin0)rd0
and y, requirethreeequationsfor solution.
Two oftheseequationsare obtainedfromthe
two design assumptions,and the third is - 'yr fa r sin0d0
derivedfromthecondition thatthedeflections =
7T Jo El
ofall threeplatesat thecrownare equal.
For half-ring
- 4:yr3 iryr3 yrz/ w 4'
ttEI +2£/ £7'2~x/
r(- Ms + 2yx)(-l)ds = (0.2976)
J El ^

pi (- M3 + 2;yrsin0)(-l)rd0 ComputationofMaximumStresses
Jo £7 plate:

' =lW-3-28
~_ rl {Mzr 2yr2sin0)d0
~ ~~ _°
Jo El h 4.5
(M3rS- 2yr2
cos 9)r = 0 e = 0.1151 in.

Three-PlateDesign Calculations (Example 1)

Ll=-^ u =u
=ra =16-97in-:
sin -

Wi = Li2 sin A =
^ (16.97) (0.7071) = 50,400 lb
A 350x3
m = -px*s'm
- = - - - = 58.33x3
6 6

_ V2j^ _ Vjgg) = 2V2(14.75)y_

2 2?T 7T

Plates 1 and 2 (/ = 1.5 in.; As = 4.17 in.; dw = 9 in.):

2.10 540- 2.10^ - 13.283/ 5.0 15.62 8.76 0.561 300- 8.63y
6.22 14,037- 6.22;y- 13.28^ 5.15 17.08 25.94 1.519 21,300- 29.62?
10.27 63,175-10.27y-13.28y 5.5 20.80 42.83 2.059 130,100- 48.49?
14.09 163.157 -14.09?- 13.28? 6.1 28.38 58.76 2.070 337,700- 56.66?
17.50 311,976-17.50?-13.28? 7.0 42.88 72.97 1.702 531,000- 52.39?
20.32 366,912 -18.59?- 13.28? 8.0 64.00 77.52 1.211 444,300- 38.59?
22.06 366,912-18.59?-13.28? 8.9 88.12 77.52 0.880 322,900- 28.04?

l,787,600-262.42? = £5i

For half ring:

0.2976?r3 e e ,_ _,
53 =■ =ry^-; «i = 53 (Eq 3)

= °-^
1,787,600-262.42, = «-2^ft209) _^
i li .»5y

4r(5>162) =
? = 5,162 lb; Mi = 96,940 in.-lb; Mi = 68,550 in.-lb

Maximum moment:

2?r - ikT3= 2 (5,162) (14.75) - 96,940 = 55,340 in.-lb

Maximum tensile stress:

Mln T 2(5,162)
_ 55,340(2.25-0.115) + t^.1'" I" ^ _ i" • V
4ea .4 1.5(4.5)(0.1151)(12.5) 1.5(4.5)

Maximum compressivestress:

= 11" '
/ I*"14!" / V on JL A 012345 '
/ / (jA 0 ii iiii '' 1 '' '
/ *M J^" Scale in inches

-3H'H ^^ M U- 6|"- iJ
^-4I"4^ 121" A U 16}|M *U 9" A

Stress*- Ib Stress*- Ib
Item Item .
Computed Measured Computed Measured

AA 7,360 6,840 #4 8,380 6,150

A-2 -3,160 -3,260 I #5 -8,860 -8,850
B-2 -2,080 -730 [ #6 -20 -1,650
C-2 7,780 5,090 #7 4,000 6,510
D-' 8,610 11,780 #8 12,360 11,350
#1 6,950 7,350 #9 2,750 3,600
#2 -2,030 3,380 #10 -6,000 -3,450
#3 -4,400 -3,450 #11 -8,380 -6,900
* At 350-psipressure.

Fig. 11. Three-PlateDesign (Example 1) - Plan of StiffenerPlates

See italicnotebelowFig. 7.

Horseshoeplate (Plates 1 and 2) :

a = = 12.0(0.7071)= 8.49 in.


-r = 8.485+4.5
- .... .
= 1.443; e = 0.536 in.


= 50,400 + 0.72 + ~ - 5,162 + 0.72 + - ~ (96,940)

(j^jt- ) (l6.97 ^)
= 366,760- 95,920- 68,550= 202,290in.-lb
* This additionaldistancewas made necessaryin the fabricationof the wye by the requirementsforfittingthe
plates togetherproperly.

Maximum tensile stress:

Mhi ,T_ " 202,290(4.5 - 0.536) 50,400 - 5,160

+ +
~Ae~a A 1.5 (9.0) (0.536) (8.49) 9.0(1.5)
= +13,050 + 3,350 = +16,400 psi

Maximum compressive stress:

s +1-mmmm+*»--«»+*»--«•>-
f Q A i M] I
I ^^

Half-RingPlate (Plate 3) Plate 1 Plate 2

Fig. 12. Three-PlateDesign (Example 2)

Data: RB=J0.5; Rs = 30.5; A = 45 deg; ^ - 300 psi; pipe shell thickness,
-^ in.;
depthat croivn,12 in.

DesignAssumptions Solution
1. Momentat crownofPlate 1 (Mi) equals For half-ringplate:
2. Rotationof tangentsto centroidalaxes -
ofPlates2 and 3 at crownequals zero; thatis,
theseplatesare freebut guidedat thecrown.
r(- Mz+yzx)(-l)ds
Methodof Solution J El
- yi, yi, yi,
, The five unknownquantities IT

M2,and Mz- requirefiveconditionsforsolu- f2 - Md + y3rsin0) ( - l)rd0

tion. Theyare: J0 (

1. Rotationoftangentto centroidalaxis of X IT

Plate 2 equals zeroat crown. = 2 - f2 yzr2sin 0d0 = 0

2. Rotationoftangentto centroidalaxis of Jo M3rd6 Jo
Plate 3 equals zeroat crown.
3. Deflectionsof Plates 1 and 2 at crown

are equal. (MirO)* + (y*r2cos $)* = 0

4. Deflectionsof Plates 2 and 3 at crown
are equal. Mzr - - yzr2= 0
5. Shear at end of Plate 3 equals sum of
shearsat endsof Plates 1 and 2.
2yzr = 2 (y3)(36.875)
The methodof virtualworkis used to ob- 7T 7T
tain equationsbased on the firstfourcon-
ditions. = 23.475^3 (Eq 2)

Three-PlateDesign Calculations {Example 2)

sin - cos -

Li (scaled from Plate 1) = 82.72 in.; L2 (scaled fromPlate 2) = 33.53 in.

Wi = A = ~ (79.7O)2(O.7O71) = 673,700 lb

W2 = A = (33.01)2(0.707l) = 115,600 lb
|z,22sin ^

m= £- = 300^(0.707) = 35.36x3
6 6

x M=m-xyx P^te / ^(A5) Mx(As)

t«. tn.-/6 in* x{As) ~T~ ~~i

Plate 1 (/ = 1 in. (assumed); As = 15.1 in.; dw= 54 in.)

7.6 15,500- 7.6yi 12.0 144 114.8 0.7972 12,400- 6.06^i

22.7 413,600-22.7^1 13.2 192 342.8 1.7854 738,400- 40.53^i
37.8 1,909,800-37.83/1 15.5 310 570.8 1.8413 3,516,500- 69.60^i
52.9 5,234,600-52.9^1 19.4 608 798.8 1.3138 6,877,200- 69.50;yi
67.7 10,971,800-67.7yi 25.4 1,366 1,022.3 0.7484 8,211,300- 50.67yi
82.2 19,584,500-82.2yx 35.5 3,728 1,241.2 0.3329 6,519,700- 27.36;yi
85.1 21,538,200-85.1^! 48.0 9,216 1,285.0 0.1394 3,002,400- 11.86^i
85.1 21,538,200-85.1^1 53.3 12,618 1,285.0 0.1018 2,192,600- 8.66^i


Plate 2 (t = 1 in. (assumed); As = 10.7 in.; db = 22 in.)

5.4 5,600- 5Ay2-M2 12.5 163 57.8 0.3546 2,000- 1.91^2-0.3546M2

15.8 139,500-15.83;2-Ar2 15.0 281 169.1 0.6018 84,000- 9.5l3>2-0.6018Af2
25.8 607,300- 25.83/2-AT2 17.7 462 276.1 0.5976 362,900- 15.42^ -0.5976ikf2
34.1 l,398,800-34.l3/2-lf2 19.9 657 364.9 0.5554 776,900-18.94^-0.5554^2
35.2 1,525,900-35.2y2-M2 21.2 794 376.6 0.4743 723,700-16.703>2-0.4743 AT2
35.2 lf525,900-35.2y2-Jlf222.0 887 376.6 0.4246 647,900-14.95;y2-0.4246Ar2

2,597,400- 77.433/2
- 3.008M2

Plate 1: tEdi = 31,070,500- 284.243/1

Plate 2: tE82= 2,597,400- 77.43^2- 3.008Af2
Plate 3: /£53= 62.883/3

TABLE 5 (contd.)
Plate 2 EquationforZero Ratationat Crown

x M Platft / (-D(Af) M(-l)(As)

in. in.-lb D^>th in* J 7

5.4 5,600- 5Ay-M2 12.5 163 -0.06564 -368 +0.354,2 +0.0656ikf2

15.8 139,500- 15.8, -Af2 15.0 281 -0.03808 - 5,312 +0.602,2 +0.0381 M2
25.8 607,300- 25.8, -M2 17.7 462 -0.02316 - 14,065+0.598,2+0.0232M2
34.1 1,398,800- 34. 'y-M2 19.9 657 -0.01629 -22,786+0.555,2+0.0163ilf2
35.2 l,525,900-35.2,-Af2 21.2 794 -0.01348 -20,569+0.474,2+0.0135M2
35.2 1,525,900-35.2,- AT2 22.0 887 -0.01206 - 18,402+0.425,2+0.0121Af2


M(-l)(As) - 81,502 + 3.008,2 + 0.1687ilf2

a= _ = _ =0 n

M,-***^^- 483,100-17.83,2 (Eq 1)

(" M> +
53 = deflection
ofcrown= f^ =
f ^)xAs
ir ir

= 4? P i-M^r sin6)rd0
+ 4? &**sin2
111 **o jli uPo

= 1 /^ • cos6)>
J , if Je sinecose'V
Tl(M>r> +_[^(---^-)J
1 /-2y3r2 7T^3' rWTT 2'
X( ur2,^'

_ 0.1488r3y3_ 0.1488(36.875)3y3(12) ~_ 62.88y,

El £(1.0)(11.25)3 E
Note: In solving simultaneous equations for shears and moments at the ends of plates
(crown), all plates are taken to be 1 in. thick. As / occurs in the denominator of all three
deflectionequations, it does not matter what thickness is used, so long as all three thicknesses
are equal. When solving for stresses in the plates, the actual thicknesseswill be used.

Plate 1 :
EtSi = 31,070,500 - 284.24yi
Plate 2 :
E», = 2,597,400 - 77.43,2 - 3.008ikf2
= 2,597,400 - 77.43,2 - 1,453,200 + 53.63,2 = 1,144,200 - 23.80,2

Plate 3:
Etfa = 62.88,3
31,070,500 - 284.24,i = 1,144,200 - 23.80,2 (Eq 3)
610 H. S. SWANSON ET AL. Jour. AW W A

284.24?! - 23.80^2 - 29,926,300 = 0

1,144,200 - 23.80^2 = 62.88?3 (Eq 4)
y* = yi + y2 (Eq 5)
f 62.88?! + 86.68?2 - 1,144,200 = 0
i - (62.88?! - 5.26?2 - 6,620,300 = 0)
91.94?2 + 5,476,100 = 0

y2 = _ 59,560 lb; y3 = + 40,740 lb; yx = 100,300 lb

M3 = 23.475?3 = 956,400 in.-lb
M2 = 483,100 - 17.83 (-59,560) = 1,545,000 in.-lb

Computationof Maximum Stresses

Plate 1:

a = 12sin = 30.5(0.3827) = 11.68in.



= 673,700 + 3.02 + - 100,300 3.02 +

( 7-^ ^ ) (79.70 + ^ )
= 23,573,000- 8,838,000= 14,735,000in.-lb

Mhi , T - 14,735,000(27.0-7.1) , 673,700-100,300 = .
1^ + I + 26'2°°+ 4'25° ' 3°'45°P§1
54.0(2.5)(7.098)(11.68) 54.0(2.5)
Maximum compressive stress:

Plate 2:

- = 3.18; UTi= 1.28; UTo= 0.799


* Thisadditional wasmadenecessary
distance inthefabrication
of thewyeby therequirements forfitting
t c istheradiusofcurvature scaledinthiscase (seeFig.22,page626)owing
to theoutsidefibers(Timoshenko),
to extremely curves.
| Scaled.
1955 wye branch design 611


0.52* - yt + 0.52+ - M2
JP.(y + +^b) (l, ^)
= 115,600 + 0.52+^) + 59,560(33.01+0.52 +^tt) - 1,545,000
= 1,586,000 + 2,127,500 - 1,545,000 = 2,168,500 in.-lb
Maximum tensile stress (Seely) :
- T 115,600 + 59,560 = 13'77° - 15in= ,lftOrn ■
+I = 1.28(2,168,500) (6)
+ 1,r7n, + 3'18° +16'95°PS1
2.5(22.0)* 22.0(2.5)

- -8,600+ 3,180
+ 3,180 - -5,420psi
Plate 3 (half-ring)
"= = X, = 1.109;Ko = 0.910
5.625 6.56;
c TT7T
Maximummoment :
y»(r) - Mz = 40,740(36.875)- 956,400= 545,900in.-lb

- »■«+'■«-+».• »*

Three-PlateDesign (Example2)- Comparison ofResultsObtainedUsing
(a) All platesfreebut guidedat crown(s' = s2 = 53 =0).
(b) Plate 3 freebut guidedat crown,otherssimplysupported.
(c) Plates 2 and 3 freebut guidedat crown,Plate 1 simplysupported.

Stress- psi

Plate Location Computed

■ • Measured
(a) (b) (c)

1 outsideofcrotch - 5,500 - 7,050 - 8,090 - 5,850

1 insideofcrotch +26,900 +28,400 +30,450 +34,300
2 outsideofcrotch - 6,600 - 6,780 - 5,610 - 6,150
2 insideofcrotch +19,500 +16,950 +16,950 +16,700
3 outsideofcrotch -10,100 -13,680 - 7,930 -10,350
3 insideofcrotch +16,490 +22,330 +12,970 +15,750
3 outsideofcrown +18,960 +25,700 +15,800 +16,200
3 insideofcrown -23,300 -31,500 -19,300 -29,100
612 H. S. SWANSON ET AL. Jour.AW W A

Fromtheseand othercomparisons it may one anotherand providethe fixityneededby

be seen that the best resultsare obtained each plate for zero rotationat the crown.
whenusingthe designassumptionsin which Plate 1, however,is muchlongerthaneither
Plates 2 and 3 are consideredfreebut guided of the others,has less rigidity,and has no
(thatis, slopesoftangentsare zeroat crown) opposingplate to restrainits rotationat the
and Plate 1 is consideredsimplysupported. crown.Therefore, even thoughit is not com-
The justificationfortheseassumptions, aside pletelysimplysupported,its degreeof fixity
frombetteragreementwith test results,is is relativelylow,and forpracticalpurposesis
that Plates 2 and 3 are almostin line with consideredzero.

Platel3/ / Cp|ate 2 Plate1 ' ' Plate2 I I Plate3 ' '
y/ | If

Fig. 13. Three-Plate Design (Example 3)

Data: RB = 18 in.; Rs = 18 in.; A = 45 deg; p = 335 psi; pipe shell thickness,f in.;
depthat crown,12 in.

Design Assumptions 5. Deflection at crown of Plate 2 equals

1. Moment at crown of Plate 1 (Mi) equals that of Plate 3.
zero. The equations for virtual work are applied
2. Rotation of tangents to centroidal axes to conditions 1, 2, 4, and 5:
of Plates 2 and 3 at crownequals zero ; that is,
these plates are freebut guided at the crown. Eql:
Methodof Solution M2 = 206,000 - 15.17^2

The method of solution is similar to that Eq 2:

used in Example 2, the main differencebeing Mi = 16.47^3
that Plate 3 is elliptical, not circular. In the
followinganalysis, fiveunknownswill be con- Eq4:
sidered: 3>i,3>2,and y$ (the shears at the ends
4,022,500 - 64.713/1
of Plates 1, 2, and 3, respectively); and Mi = 1,079,400 - 72.61^2 - 4.028M2
and Mz (the moments at the crown ends of
Plates 2 and 3). M' is assumed to be zero, 2,943,100 - 64.7l^i
while Mi and ilf3are such that the tangents = - 72.61y2 - 4.028(206,000 - 15.17y2)
to the plates at the crownremainat zero slope
= - 72.61^2 - 829,800 + 61.10;y2
under load.
These unknowns are solved under the fol- 3,772,900 - 64.71yi + 11.51y2 = 0
lowing fiveconditions:
Eq 5:
1. Slope of tangent to Plate 2 at crown
equals zero. 1,079,400 - 72.61^2 - 4.028M2
2. Slope of tangent to Plate 3 at crown = 91.44^3 - 4.500 AT3
equals zero. 1,079,400 - 72.61^2
3. yz = yi -'- yi - 4.028(206,000 - 15.17^2)
4. Deflection at crown of Plate 1 equals
that of Plate 2. = 91.44y3 - 4.500(16.47^)


sin- cos -

L' (scaledfromPlate 1) = 49.5 in.; L2 (scaledfromPlate 2) = 19.75in.

PLS sin A = 335(47.04)>(0.7071)_ ^^
m = ^


sin A _ 335^(0.7071) =
m=Px> ^^
6 6

L inM,b -? ••- •<"»^ ^F

Plate 1 (h = 2 in.; As = 9.48 in.; dw= 30 in.)

4.7 4,100- 4.7yi 12.4 318 44.6 0.1403 600- 0.66^i

14.2 113,000-14.2yi 13.0 366 134.6 0.3678 41,600- 5.22^i
23.7 525,600-23.7yi 14.3 487 224.7 0.4614 242,500-10.94^1
33.1 l,431,700-33.1yi 16.5 749 313.8 0.4190 599,900-13.87^1
42.5 3,030,700-42.5;yi 20.2 1,374 402.9 0.2932 888,600-12.46^1
51.6 5,302,900-51.6yi 25.2 2,667 489.2 0.1834 972,600- 9.46yi
52.5* 5,538,700-52.5yi 29.2 4,150 497.7 0.1199 664,100- 6.29^i
52.5 5,538,700-52.53fi 30.0 4,500 497.7 0.1106 612,600- 5.81yi


Plate 2 (t2= 1 in.; As = 6.52 in.; db = 12 in.)

3.2 1,300- S.2y2-M2 12.3 155.1 20.9 0.1348 200- 0.43y2-0.135ilf2

9.5 33,800- 9.5y2-^2 12.2 151.3 61.9 0.4091 13,800- 3.89;y2-0.409ilf2
15.3 141,400-15.3^-^2 12.1 147.6 99.8 0.6762 95,600- 10.35y2-0.676M2
20.1 319,700-20.1y2-ilf2 12.0 144.0 131.0 0.9097 290,800-18.28y2-0.910ilf2
20.95 357,900-20.9y2-M , 12.0 144.0 136.6 0.9486 339,500-19.83;y2-0.949ilf2
20.95 357,900-20.9y2-ilf2 12.0 144.0 136.6 0.9486 339,500- 19.83y2-0.949M2
- 72.61y2
1,079,400 -4.028M 2

Plate 3 (t3= 1 in.; As = 6.56 in.; db = 12 in.)

3.3 0+ 3.3y3-Mz 12.0 144.0 21.6 0.1500 + 0.50y3-0.150ilf3

9.7 0+ 9.7^3-^3 12.0 144.0 63.6 0.4417 + 4.28y3-0.442M3
15.5 0 + 15.5^3-^3 12.0 144.0 101.7 0.7062 + 10.95?,-0. 706Af3
20.5 0+20.5^3-^3 12.0 144.0 134.5 0.9340 +19.15y,-0.934M3
24.0 0+24.0y,-M3 12.0 144.0 157.4 1.0933 +26.24y,-1.093Jlf3
25.8 O+25.8y,-Jkf, 12.0 144.0 169.2 1.1753 +30.32y,-1.175ikf3

* Maximum depthofplatefrominsideedge.
x distanceis to pointone-tenth
614 H. S. SWANSON ET AL. Jour.AW W A

TABLE 7 (contd.)
Equation for Zero Rotation at Crown

x M = m - xyi - M« Xlatfe. / (-U(As) M(-l)(As)

in. in.-lb DJnpth in* 7 7

Plate 2

3.2 1,300- 3.2y2-M2 12.3 155.1 -0.04204 -50+0.135:y2+0.0420ilf2

9.5 33,800- 9.5y2-M2 12.2 151.3 -0.04309 - 1,460+0.409^2 +0.043 'M2
15.3 141,400-15.3^2-iW2 12.1 147.6 -0.04417 - 6,250 +0.676;y2+0.0442 Af2
20.1 319,700-20.1^-^2 12.0 144.0 -0.04528 - 14,480+0.910y2+0.0453ilf2
20.95 357,900-20.9^2-M2 12.0 144.0 -0.04528 -16,200 +0.946^ +0.0453 M2
20.95 357,900-20.9^-^2 12.0 144.0 -0.04528 -16,200+0.946^+0.0453^2

-54,640 +4.022^2 +0.2652il/2

Plate 3

3.3 + 3.3ys-M3 12.0 144.0 -0.04555 -0.150^+0.0455^3

9.7 + 9.7^3 -Mz 12.0 144.0 -0.04556 -0.442y3+0.0456M3
15.5 +15.5y3-M3 12.0 144.0 -0.04555 -0.706y3+0.0455ikT3
20.5 +20.5^3-^3 12.0 144.0 -0.04556 -0.934y3+0.0456ikf3
24.0 +24.0^-^ 12.0 144.0 -0.04555 -1.093y3 +0.0455 Af3
25.8 +25.8^-^3 12.0 144.0 -0.04556 -1.175y3+0.0456M3


^MtnAs - 54,640 + 4.022y, + 0.26527lf2

a2 = s-Er = s^M(-l)As = =0n
ei e
- 15'17^ CEq1)
" 206'000
_,MmAs = -
a3= 2^r -
M(-l)(As) =- 4.500y3 + 0.2733 M3 = n0
ei e
1,079,400 - 72.61y2 - 829,900 + 61.10y2 yx = +54,060 lb
= 91 My t - 74.12^3
y3 = +30,240 lb
249,600 - 11.51^2 = 17.32;y3 M% = 567,400 in.-lb
Eq3: Ms = 498,000 in.-lb
ys = yi + y* Computationof Maximum Stresses
249,600 - 11.51y2 = 17.32(yi + y2) Plate 1 :
r 249,600 - 28.83y2 - 17.32yi = 0
a = ^ = 18.0(0.3827) = 6.89 in.
1-1,009,800 - 3.08^2 + 17.32yi = 0 sin|
-760,200 - 31.91yj ^0 r _ 6.89 + 15.0 _ 2L89 _
~ " ~ *
3/2= -23,820 lb c 15.0 15.0

2fi' 14l%j#8 25^ 37JfV 49§'^ 6lI"-H

KH^i" ' ' -
f *M* ?qii -^l#6+vl
I E-2 D-2 C-2
™ ° ° =
2 = 2"
T p i 7 T 2 ^.ic* ,?^K

411 '"V-Z J f1" ' '

*ii,- ^nTTF*?*'^--^ #12 ' i» I
I yUr-^f xr ^^' !«
' 22" >il«
//-2 ^ 11 = 1" X!*
PlateThickness 30" ^

/"164 '
#9-/_3o() I 18nt^#15 <^^ y^^
/F-2 F-l/ 1
±1 lAf-1 A/-2| 0 5 10
Lj_f f_jL/ L| p
l'ij ^ 10" >1k-1" 1"*| h« 10" H kl" I I I
k 12" 4* 18}" A U 19" A* 12" »l scale ininches

- Ib
Stress* - Ib
Item Item
Computed Measured Computed Measured

A-l 6,950 9,310 L-l 4,710 4,100

A-2 -2,340 -3,730 L-2 -630 -800
5-1 8,000 10,130 M-l 13,760 13,550
B-2 -3,440 -4,060 M-2 -6,400 -6,220
C-l -3,890 -5,180 #1 7,760 5,460
C-2 -5,570 -3,190 #2 1,160 3,750
ZM -7,870 -5,580 #3 -8,450 -1,290
D-2 9,250 8,380 #4 -5,980 300
£-1 -1,630 -4,390 #5 -2,740 -4,800
E-2 1,990 2,440 #6 -3,920 -4,350
FA 14,500 12,500 #7 1,520 2,400
7^-2 -3,000 -4,420 #8 11,360 8,550
G-l 14,070 10,900 #9 -4,360 -3,810
6-2 -4,000 -420 #10 -800 2,460
HA -4,520 4,800 #11 13,950 9,210
H-2 6,300 7,010 #12 7,220 6,450
JA -14,310 -5,150 #13 -5,840 -4,590
J-2 17,700 11,800 #14 -5,530 810
KA -12,180 -12,870 #15 10,380 12,150
K-2 13,110 9,850
* At335-psipressure.
Fig. 14. Three-PlateDesign (Example 3) - Plan of Stiff
ener Plates
See italicnotebelowFig. 7.

Ki = 2.00; Ko = 0.641

= 262,000 + 2.46*+ - 54,060 + 2.46+ ~) = 2,700,000

(^f^ yjj) ^47.04
KiMc , T = 2.00(2,700,000)
(6) , 262,000-54,000 = «o/w, „ „ = „
-T + A 2.0(30)*
+ 18'°0°+ 3'47° + 21'470

^p +f=~°ToxTo)(6) - -5-770
+3-470 --2-300
+3-470 psi
Plate 2:

a = = 18.0(0.9239)= 16.63in.

£ = !*"±«4 . = 3.77; * = 1.220;*. = 0.840

c 6.0 ^ 6.0

= -567,400 + 44,960 + 0.27* + - 23,820 + = 281,400in.-lb

(^j^ j^) (l9.75 j^)

-KiMc +, T = 1.220(281,400)(6) +, 44.960 + 23,820= 14'3°°

4AOM r^
+ 5'73° = 20'03°PS1
A 1.0(12)* 1.0(12.0)
=E^+T_ + 5730 _ _9>850+ S73O _ _4>i2o ^

Plate 3
Ki = 1.220; Ko = 0.840
- Mi + yz = -498,000 + 30,240 0.52* + ^~' = 288,200in.-lb
(l« + y ^ (l9.48 +
KiMc T -1.220(288,200)(6) +, 30,240 = 14'650
4Adegn = +17'170
+ 2'520 PS1
-t+a= i.o(i2)2 rofe
~-K0Mc , T -0.840(288,200)(6)
+ 2'52° = -10'090 + 2>520= -7'570 Psi
*A= 1.0(12)'
* This added distancewas made necessary fabrication
during ofthewyeinordertofittheplatestogether.

Duringthe periodof this studya them. Thereremainedone otherim-
meanswas soughtby whichthe data portantdimensionof the reinforcing
on similitude of designcould be pre- plate to consider - thatat the top of
sented. Curveshad beenmadein the the sections. When this was investi-
past, but these provedcumbersome.gated,it was foundto varyquiteclosely
Finallyit was decidedto presentthe ina gooddesignwiththesmaller crotch
materialin the formof a nomograph depth(db). By checking through all
(Fig. 15). After the authors had in- thepastdesigns,it was possibleto plot
vestigated thepossibility and developed anothersetofcurvesof topdepthver-
theform,a seriesof two-plate 90-deg sus base depth. One of thesecurves
wye branches were designed pres- was based on the one-platedesigns,
suresfrom100to 600 psi. The result- theotherson thetwo-plate designsat
ing crotch depths were found to follow variousdeflection
angles (Fig. 18).
a curvedpattern, and thiswas usedto In examiningtheequationsofsimili-
plottheinterpolated pointson theplate tudeand theirrelationto thiswork,a
depth scale. Later the pressurescale methodof converting the depthand
was extended to 1,200psi bythesame thicknessof plate for curvedbeams
procedure. When the 90-deg wye was sought. Usingthesectionmodu-
branchdesign appearedcomplete,a lus equationdid not give accuratere-
seriesof designswas madeat various sultsin thiscase, becauseit did not
angles of deflection.These results holdthestressesconstantas theplate
were comparedwiththe 90-deg de- was variedin cross section. By em-
signs,and thereappearedto be a con- piricalmethodsa conversion equation
stantproportion betweenthe two at was derivedby whichthe depthand
any particular deflection angle. This thickness of plate could be variedso
proportion, called the N factor, was thatthe depthwas nevermorethan30
plottedagainst the deflectionangle of times the thickness. This equation
thewyebranch(Fig. 16). was based on test resultsand was
Up tothispointtheauthorshadcon- checkedby being used on sections
sideredonlysections withequaldiame- whichwerelatertested. Fromthisit
ters and two-platedesigns. Next a was assumedto be reasonably accurate.
seriesof one-platedesignswas calcu- In orderto checkthe nomograph,
latedforvariousratiosof pipe diame- completethe curves,and derivethe
ters. When the resulting dimensionsequationsused,a greatnumberof ex-
of thesedesignswere comparedwith amples was required. These were
thoseof thetwo-plate designs,a rela- mostlybasedon theoretical knowledge.
tionship was found thatdependedon Test resultshad beenused throughout
thedeflection angle. In orderto graph as a basis forthe designdata, but it
the comparisons, it was necessaryto was stillnecessary to makeothertests
plota familyof curvesat variousde- to check the curves as they were
flectionangleson a graphof pipe di- formed. In this series of complete
ameterratioversusa proportion called testson sectionswhichwerebasedon
theQ factor(Fig. 17). Thesecurves the nomograph methodof design,the
fellso closetoeachotherthatit seemed stressesin the criticalsectionswere
simplerto plotonlythosefor90, 60, analyzedto ascertaintheireffecton
and 30 deg and interpolate between anycurvesused in thedesign. From
- ' |-2io
- ' | - 190
i2- ' b180
- |- 170
- ' | - 160
- ' |-150
24- ' [L 140
- 1-130
30 ' i-
- |-120
36 ' [ HO
- ^-100
' z-
42 '

: i90
48- ^-'
%pOoA j-80
c 54 a00 ^K% l~70 .E

3 60- VA' ^6°l

72- a^°^' 5- 40

: %o° ' ^~30

84 '

<i>0 1- 20

96 ^^ A -
' - 10

108 '

120 * J} 0

Fig. 15. Nomograph Plate Depths
of Equal-Diameter
1 in.; deflection
Plate thickness, angle,90 deg.

thisinformation the curveswere ad- and dhshouldbe converted to conform

justedby making the designpressure to a greater thickness,
t, by use of the
thatpressurewhichgave thesectiona generalequation:
stressof 30,000psi at its mostcritical
point. An effortwas madeto balance
the stressesin the variousparts so
thateachhada stresscloseto thecriti-
cal stressin magnitude. in whichd± is the existingdepthof
On the following pages the nomo- plate; t± is the existingthicknessof
graphicmethodofdesignis illustrated,plate; d is the new depthof plate;
alongwithexamplesand testresults. t is thenewthickness ofplateselected ;
Superimposed on the drawings of the
testedsectionsare the stresseswhich 90c f 1 1 1
occurredon theinnerand outerfibers
of thereinforcement plates. The ten- 80 = +
thecompression stressesinward.
- -V
Step 1. Lay a straightedge across - ~~ '
thenomograph (Fig. 15) through the < 60= 1 V
appropriate pointson the pipe diame-
ter(see Step2b) andinternal-pressure q 50 = 1 i '-'-I
scales; readoffthedepthofplatefrom
its scale. This readingis the crotch
depthfor 1-in.thickplatefora two- 40
= V -V

plate90-degwye branch pipe.

Step 2a. If thewyebranchdeflec- ^i nil in In ii |' 11 n nl n ii 11ii 11in*mi Iiiii
tionangleis otherthan90 deg,use the 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
N factorcurve (Fig. 16) to get the N Factor

factorswhich,whenmultiplied by the Fig. 16. N Factor Curves

depth plate found in Step 1, will For wyeswithdeflection anglesfrom30
givethe wye depth,dw,and the base to 90 deg, the N factorsobtainedfrom
depth,rf&, forthenew wyebranch. theabove curvesare appliedto theplate
Step 2b. If the wye branchhas depth,d,foundfromthenomograph (Fig.
unequal-diameter pipe, the larger- 15), in accordancewith the equations:
diameterpipe will have been used in dw= Nwd;db= Nbd.
Steps 1 and 2a, and these results
shouldbe multiplied by the Q factors
found on the single-platestiffenerand is
A thedeflection angleofthewye
curves(Fig. 17) to give d'wand d'b. branch.
These factorsvary withthe ratio of Step 4. To findthe top depth,dt
the radius of the small pipe to the or d'u use Fig. 18, in whichdt or d't
radiusof the largepipe. is plottedagainstdhor d'. This di-
Step3. If thewyedepth,dw, found mension gives the top and bottom
so far is greater than 30 times the depths plate at 90 deg fromthe
thicknessof theplate (1 in.), thendw crotchdepths.
620 H. S. SWANSON ET AL. ] our.AW WA

1.0p 1 1 1 1

"I ~M~
l2 =~ >A, / / / / /

02 - / f *r r f

0 ^mTTmii i 11111111111111111111ii 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111n 11111111111111111

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

Fig. 17. Q Factor Curves

For pipes of unequal diameter,finddw and db for the larger-diameterpipe {from Fig.
15 and 16) ; then: Qwdw= d'w, crotchdepth of single-platestiffener;and Qbdb= d'b,
base depth of single-platestiffener.

Step 5. The interior curvesfollow The importantdepthsof the re-

the cut of the pipe, but the outside inforcement plates,dw,db,and dt (Fig.
crotchradiusin bothcrotchesshould 19) can be foundfromthenomograph.
equaldtplustheradiusofthepipe,or, If a curvedexterior is desired,a radius
design,d' plus the
in thesingle-plate equal to theinside pipe radiusplus dt
radiusof the smallerpipe. Tangents can be used,bothfortheoutsidecurve
connectedbetweenthesecurvescom- of thewyesectionand fortheoutside
pletetheoutershape. curveof thebase section.

: I I I I I I I I I /I V' l/f

: / / / /
¥ / Z Z

30 / / -■vVriy
/ / / A

1 20 1-7-/7


or 1 1 1 1 1I 11 1I 111I 111 11I 111I I 1 l

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160
Base Depth,db ord'b- in.

Fig. 18. Selection of Top Depth

d'tand d' are one-plate
designdimensions; designdimensions.
dtand dbare two-plate
622 H. S. SWANSON ET AL. Jour.AW W

X ' '.«<s$*"/> TopSection

WyeSection ^O^ BaSeSection ' *v
' ~&j/ y*

-* -:S=* - WyeSection
U^dw-U Base Section
jr 1 H'^'H

^ *•$ '

Fig. 19. Plan and Layout

Example 1- One-PlateDesign Try a thicknessof 1J in. :

Rb = 30 in.
Rs = 21 in.
d=di'u) -di'i)
A = 45 deg d = <Ji(0.725)
Working pressure,230 psi d'w = 63.4(0.725) = 46 in.
Design pressure,230 X 1§ = 350 psi d'h = 40.5(0.725) = 29 in.
Step 1. With the larger pipe diameter 60 Step 5. Find the top depth, d'tj from the
in. and the design pressure 350 psi, read the curve for one-plate design in Fig. 18:
critical plate depth, d, from the nomograph
(t = 1 in., A = 90 deg) : ford'h = 29 in., d't = 18 in.

d = 50 in. Final results:

Thickness of reinforcingplate, / = li in.
Step 2. Using the deflectionangle 45 deg, Depth of plate at acute crotch,d'w = 46 i
find the factors on the N factor curve which
Depth of plate at obtuse crotch,d'h = 29 ir
will convertthe depth foundin Step 1 to apply
Depth of plate at top and bottom, d't =
to a 45-deg wye branch (t = 1 in.) : in.
Outside radius of plate at both crotch;
dw = KJ, = 2.45(50) = 122 in.
equals the top depth plus the inside
db = Kid = 1.23(50) = 61.5 in. radius of the smaller pipe, d'*-'- R8 = 18
+ 21 = 39 in.
Step 3. With the ratio of the smaller pipe
radius divided by the larger pipe radius
Example 2- Two-PlateDesign
(?±- = ?A = and the deflection angle
o.7o) RB = R8 = 36 in.
(A = 45 deg), use Fig. 17 to findthe Q factors A = 53 deg
which give the crotch depths for a single-
Working pressure, 150 psi
plate pipe wye stiffener(t = 1 in.):
Design pressure, 150 X 1} = 225 psi
Qw = 0.52
Step 1. With the pipe diameter 72 in. and
Qb = 0.66 a pressureof 225 psi, read the critical depth of
d'v, = 0.52(122) = 63.4 in. plate fromthe nomograph (/ = 1 in., A = 90
d'h = 0.66(61.5) = 40.5 in. deg):
d = 49 in.
Step 4. As the depth, d'w, is greater than
30 times the thickness,t, the conversionequa- Step 2. From the N factor curve, find the
tion should be used : two factorsat A = 53 deg; then, at t = 1 in,:

dw = 1.97(49) = 96.5 in.

db = 1.09(49) = 53.4 in.

Step3. As dwis greaterthan30 timesthe If a thirdplateis desiredas an addi-

thicknessof the plate, try t = 2 in. in the
tion to the two-platedesign,its size
conversionequation: shouldbe dictatedby the top depth

= dx(0.586)
(dt). Becausetheothertwoplatesare
flushwiththe inside surfaceof the
pipe,however, theshellplatethickness,
= =
dw 96.5(0.586) 57 in. plus clearance,should be subtracted
= =
db 53.4(0.586) 31 in.
from the top depth. This dimension
shouldbe constant throughout, and the
Step4. Read the top depth,dtyfromthe plateshouldbe at
two-platedesigncurvein Fig. 18: placed rightangles
dt = 15 to theaxis ofthepipe,givingit a half-
Final results: ringshape. Its thickness shouldequal
thesmallerof themainplates.
Thicknessof reinforcing / = 2 in.
Depthofplateat acutecrotch,dw= 57 in.
Depthofplateat obtusecrotch,db = 31 in. References
Depthof plateat top and bottom,dt = 15 1. Force Mains. Sulser BrothersCatalog
Outsideradius of plate at both crotches, (1931).
51 in. 2. Sulzer Patented StiffeningCollars on
the Branchesof High-PressurePipe-
Three-PlateDesign lines for HydroelectricPower Works.
Sulser Tech.Rev., No. 2, p. 10 (1941).
The precedingnomographsection 3. Blair, J. S. Reinforcement of Branch
has coveredthe designof one- and Pieces. Engineering (Br.), 162:1
two-plate wyebranches without touch- 4. (Jul. 5, 1946).
Blair, J. S. Reinforcement of Branch
ing a three-plate designbecauseof Pieces. Engineering (Br.), 163:63
.l;itssimilarity to the two-plate.The (Jan. 17, 1947).
ftfunction ofthethirdplateis to act like 5. Murphy, Glenn. Similitudein Engi-
a clampin holdingdownthedeflection neering. Ronald Press Co., New
York (1932).
ofthetwomainplates. In doingso,it 6. Bier, P. J. Welded Steel PenstocksDe-
acceptspartofthestressesoftheother sign and Construction. US Bur.
platesand permitsa smallerdesign. ReclamationEng. Monographs,No. 3
This decreasein thedepthsofthetwo (Jul. 1949).
mainplatesis smallenoughto make 7. Seely, F. B. Advanced Mechanics of
Materials. JohnWiley & Sons, New
it practicalsimplyto add a thirdplate York (1932).
to a two-plate design. The additional 8. Hetenyi, M. Handbook of Experi-
plateshouldbe considered a meansof mentalStressAnalysis. JohnWiley&
holdingdown the deflection at the 9. Sons, New York (1950).
Method for the Determina-
junctionof the plates. The two fac- tion of Stresses From Strains on
torswhichdictatethe use of a third Three IntersectingGage Lines, and
plateare diameter ofpipeand internal Its Applicationto Actual Tests. /.
pressure. When both of these are ResearchNatl. Bur. Stds., 10: (May
abovea certainlimit,a ringplatecan 10. 1953).
Timoshenko,S. Strengthof Materials.
be used advantageously.Duringthe D. Van Nostrand Co., New York
workon thisreport,it was concluded (1930).
thatthese limitscould be 60-in. ID 11. Paris, J. M. Stress Coefficientsfor
and 300 psi. If eitherofthesefactors Large HorizontalPipes. Eng. News-
Rec. (Nov. 10, 1921).
is belowthelimit,thedesignershould 12. Unfired Pressure Vessel Code. Am.
be allowedto choosea thirdplate. Soc. Mech. Engrs.,New York.
624 H. S. SWANSONET AL. Jour.

Test Results

One-Plate Wye
A singlecurvedplateservesas reinforce-
ment for this 30 X 61-in., 45-deg wye
section{see Fig. 20).

#1712" ffii2'Umr%jH
"HITS 12"4 21
" ^19 j"j r-^^u^^.
P.ate 1" .
jS ^^T

#1 8 8 #12
^1 ^>'"" "c^ ^
#13^ A3 ' #25
111r"24" j 0 10 20
Scale in inches
Y^^^ J^^

Item Measured T-ttW1
Item Measured Tfot_,
Item Measured
Stress*- Ib Stress*- Ib Stress*- 16

#1 32,000 #11 22,000 #21 -8,000

#2 34,000 #12 23,000 #22 -9,000
#3 31,000 #13 -12,000 #23 -12,000
#4 12,000 #14 -12,000 #24 -12,000
#5 -8,000 #15 -11,000 #25 -12,000
#6 -20.000 #16 -10,000 #26 28,000
#7 7,000 #17 -11,000 #27 0
#8 21,000 #18 -4,000 #28 22,000
#9 25,000 #19 10,000 #29 3,000
#10 23,000 #20 1,000
* At 250-psipressure.

Fig. 20. One-Plate Design- Plan of Stiffener

Data: RB = 30.5 in.; Rs = 15 in.; A = 45 deg; p = 250 psi. See italic note below
Fig. 7.

Two-Plate Wye
This 30 X 30-in.,90-degwyesectionhas
twocrotchplates{see Fig, 21).

... cn #16 fill #17 #18 63ii #19

=1" • ob

. im^ILL«,


W • #22
If J# ^J
#104i-J #20 '•
i |-.Vj«l:fl #2
17" 2i£" »T
p| l-::-;j|«
Ȥ 1M^#1 0 5 10
i,c^ - - - ""■"""""""""" Scale in inches

Tt«m Measured T. _ Measured Tt.m
Item Measured
Item Stress*-^& Item Stvzss*-lb Stress*- Ib

#1 30,000 #9 -7,000 #16 -5,000

#2 30,000 #10 -8,000 #17 -4,000
#3 30,000 #11 -7,000 #18 -1,000
#4 24,000 #12 -7,000 #19 -1,000
#5 15,000 #13 -7,000 #20f 6,000
#6 11,000 #14 -6,000 #21f 15,000
#7 7,000 #15 -6,000 #22f 6,000
#8 14,000
* At 360-psipressure. t Principalstressesof rosettes.

Fig. 21. Two-PlateDesign-Plan of Stiffener Plates

Data: RB = 15 in.; RB= 15 in.; A - 90 deg; p = 360 psi. See italic note below
Fig 7. See also Table 8 (page 627).

Tension *■
j-r^'T r^ ^r t>
n #2120" '££ 20" g| #27
Compress.cn =2},,
p,ateThickness ^M
. J^ ; J_

^'" 4.liptical *•
^ ,£M$* Curves-"; ♦laf&^SL

^fe ^- 54" p;>y£ 82.72" >+«- 33.53"fibgW::122"-^S

#17^"""' Angle-mounted^

pension IIT/11^"

I () 0 10 20 30
^V>^/#36 (_ x^^^A
y'^-22" Scale ininches
#34j^>v ^^Compression ^^^
Compression*<3<3>^ vJa^u. ^' y^

- -3l^ Tj,

ltem Measured Tt
ltem Measured T,
Item Measured
Stress*-^6 Stress*-^ Stress*- Ib

#1 25,000 #16 22,000 #30 -6,000

#2 34,000f #17 -8,000 #31 -7,000
#3 27,000 #18 -6,000 #32 16,000
#4 16,000 #19 -9,000 #33 3,000
#5 12,000 #20 -10,000 #34 -31,000
#6 4,000 #21 -10,000 #35 -10,000
#7 -4,000 #22 -15,000 #36 -2,000
#8 -8,000 #23 -13,000 #37 17,000
#9 -5,000 #24 23,000 #38 -3,000
#10 -1,000 #25 24,000 #39 -1,000
#11 5,000 #26 0 #40 4,000
#12 13,000 #27 -2,000 #41 28,000
#13 21,000 #28 -5,000 #42 1,000
#14 21,000 #29 -6,000 #43 11,000
#15 21,000
* At 335-psipressure. t 22,000 at 200 psi.

Tig. 22. Three-PlateDesign- Plan of Stiffener

Data: RB = 30.5 in.; Rs = 30.5 in.; A = 45 deg; p = 300 psi. See italic note below
Fig. 7.

In this61 X 61-in.,45-degwye,theplate
on thebackis notweldedto thepipeshell
{see Fig. 22).

for30 X 30-in.,90-degTwo-PlateWye
{See Fig. 21)

Stress- Ib*
Gage -
100 psi 200 psi 300 psi 360 psi 400 psi

#1 9,400 18,500 26,500 30,400 33,000

#2 8,600 17,300 25,400 29,500 32,300
#4 5,600 13,100 20,000 24,200 27,000
#5 3,300 7,500 12,300 15,200 17,100
#6 2,500 5,600 9,400 " 11,300 12,500
#7 1,700 3,500 5,400 7,100 8,300-
#8 2,900 7,100 12,100 14,400 16,000
#9 -1,700 -3,800 -5,600 -7,100 -8,100
#10 -1,700 -4,100 -6,000 -7,600 -8,600
#11 -1,500 -3,600 -6,000 -7,400 -8,300
#12 -1,700 -3,600 -5,400 -7,000 -8,000
#13 -1,800 -3,800 -5,400 -6,800 -7,800
#14 -1,500 -3,600 -5,000 -6,300 -7,100
#15 -1,200 -3,300 -4,700 -5,800 -6,600
#16 -1,200 -3,300 -4,500 -5,400 -6,000
#17 - 800 -2,300 -2,900 -3,600 -4,100
#18 - 200 - 900 -1,100 -1,500 -1,700
#19 - 200 - 800 - 800 -1,200 -1,400
#20J 2,500 3,100 4,900 5,700 6,200
#21J 4,200 7,800 12,300 14,800 16,500
#22J 1,600 3,000 4,900 5,600 6,100
* Minus 6ignindicatescompression.
t Gage No. 3 failedbut was consideredto have the same stressesas No. 1 because the two weresymmetrically

ComparisonofSulzer and NomographDesign
In 1941 Sulzer Brothersreported
(2 *) a wye branchwhichwithstood Item Sulzer Nomo-
an internal pressure of2,410psi before
it failed. For thesakeof comparison,Main pipe diameter - in. 23.6 23.6
Branch diameter - in. 9.8 9.8
theirdata were convertedfromthe pipe
Deflectionangle- deg 60 60
metricsystemintoinchesand pounds, Service pressure- psi 750
and the presentauthors'nomographTest pressure-psi 1,140 1,140
methodof designwas used to obtain Failurepressure - psi 2,410
valuesforoveralllengthand widthof Shellstressat failure-psi 64,000
thereinforcing plate. The resultsare Thicknessofreinforcing plate 0.79 0.79
compared in Table 9. - in.
Overalllengthofcollar- in. 31.5 35.2
Overallwidthofcollar- in. 26.3 27.4

The nomograph in Fig. 23, basedon amplerepresented bythebrokenline-
testdata,can be used forfinding de- a 54-in.ID welded-steelpipe at a de-
thatwilloccurat thejunction
flections signpressureof350 psi- thedeflection
ofthereinforcementplatesin two-and fora three-platedesignis foundto be
wye branches. In the ex- 0.068in.; fora two-plate,0.098in.

During the testingof the various at thecrotchappearedto act in an er-
wyebranchpipesin thisreport,there raticmanner.Whentheinternal pres-
was opportunity to observetheirac- surewas released,a numberof gages
tionswhenoverstress occurs. In the failedto returnto theirzero reading.
latertests,whenthedesignswere,cut Examinationof these gages showed
to a minimum and straingages were thatthesteelin theirvicinity was per-
placedinsidethe sections,the critical manentlydeformed. In still other
areas of stressreachedtheyieldpoint areas,thesteelwas undercompression.
verycloseto thetestpressure.When It appearedthat,underhighstresses,
additional pressurewas appliedto the the sectionacted in a plasticmanner
section,thestraingageson theinside and distributed stressesfromcritical
* See reference
list,page623. areas to less criticalones by yielding.

0 - * 0.40

' 0.55

' 0.35
' 0.50 _

24"" ' Z~
' 0.45 -
30 - ' 0.30

0.40 -~
"" -
42 - '

' I °25
48 - ' 0.35
"" "
' -
.5 M _ V
54 ' 5« - -
I '

I -
a: o.3O-
' ' |

'' I Z7"0
° 66 -

x '
' '% &
V 0 25 - _

- j:
- °15

o.15- _01Q

' 0.10 ^S -
' :-
"' - 0.05
108- '°K

120J O-^~°
Fig. 23. Nomographfor Deflectionsin 45-degWyes

Then,whenthepressurewas released, actuallybe stressedin tension.Thus,

the yieldedmetalwas put into com- the elasticlimitof the sectionas a
pression,along with nearby areas wholewillbe raised.
whichhad notbeenoverstressed.The Severalsectionsweretestedfarbe-
conditionthat remainedwas a pre- yondtheirtest pressurein orderto
stressedcriticalarea whichwas under watchfor visiblesigns of failureor
a permanent compression at zeropres- deformation in the steel. Lueder's
sure. When this sectionis nextput lines appearedin the reinforcement
underinternalpressure,the apparent plates at about twice the pressure
stresswillhaveto exceedtheresidual whichfirstbroughtthe criticalareas
compressive stressbeforethearea will to theyieldpoint.

forQuicklimeand HydratedLime-
The TentativeStandardSpecifications
AWWA B202-52T (January1953Journal) containan error. In Paragraph
4C.2.3,theamountof concentrated acid is givenas 37.5 ml. The
correctfigureis 87.5 ml.

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