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Transgenderism Activists detach gender from biology. Kids down to

kindergarten are being taught their body is irrelevant to their authentic self. Your
real sex is what you choose to be and not what your born with.
-Antonio Bernard
Part 18
How the LGBT Movement flunk the science test and
Lost Touch with Facts, True Love, and Common Sense
Twenty-eight years ago, the release of “When Harry
Met Sally” highlighted one big debate: whether men
and women could really be just friends.

That question may still be up in the air, but now we are

being forced to confront a more fundamental debate:
whether men can really become women.
America is in the midst of what has been called a
“transgender moment.” In the space of a year,
transgender issues went from something that most
Americans had never heard of to a cause claiming
the mantle of civil rights.
“But can a boy truly be “trapped” in a girl’s body?
Can modern medicine really “reassign” sex? Is
sex something “assigned” in the first place?

What’s the loving response to a friend or child

experiencing a gender-identity conflict? What
should our law say on these issues?These
shouldn’t be difficult questions.”
Parents are told that puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones may
be the only way to prevent their children from committing suicide.
Never mind that the best studies of gender dysphoria (studies
that even transgender activists cite) show that between 80 and 95
percent of children who express a discordant gender identity will
come to identify with their bodily sex if natural development is
allowed to proceed.

And never mind that “transitioning” treatment has not been shown
to reduce the extraordinarily high rate of suicide attempts among
people who identify as transgender (41 percent, compared with
4.6 percent of the general population).

“Unfortunately, 41 percent of people who identify as transgender will

attempt suicide at some point in their lives, compared to 4.6 percent of
the general population. And people who have had transition surgery

are 19 times more likely than average to die by suicide.”

Ryan T. Anderson, Ph.D., “https://www.heritage.org/civil-society/commentary/5-good-

Suicide Attempts among
Transgender and Gender
Non-Conforming Adults

Ann P. Haas, Ph.D. and Philip L. Rodgers, Ph.D.,

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Jody L. Herman, Ph.D.
Williams Institute, UCLA School of Law
January 2014

“People who identify as transgender suffer a host of mental health and social
problems—including anxiety, depression, and substance abuse—at higher rates
than the general population. Biology isn’t bigotry, and we need a sober and
honest assessment of the human costs of getting human nature wrong.”

Ryan T. Anderson, Ph.D., “https://www.heritage.org/civil-society/commentary/5-good-

In fact, people who have had transition surgery are nineteen times
more likely than average to die by suicide. These statistics should be
enough to halt the headlong rush into “transitioning” and prompt
us to find more effective ways to prevent these tragic outcomes.
Most of all, we shouldn’t be encouraging children to “transition,” or
making heroes and role models of those who have done so.

Many psychologists and psychiatrists think of gender dysphoria as

similar to other dysphorias, or forms of discomfort with one’s body,
such as anorexia. The feelings of discomfort can lead to mistaken
beliefs about oneself or about reality, and then to actions in
accordance with those false beliefs.
The most helpful therapies focus not on achieving the impossible—changing
bodies to conform to thoughts and feelings—but on helping people accept and
even embrace the truth about their bodies and reality.

For human beings to flourish, they need to feel comfortable in their own
bodies, readily identify with their sex, and believe that they are who they
actually are. …..The best biology, psychology, and philosophy all support an
understanding of sex as a bodily reality, and of gender as a social
manifestation of bodily sex. Biology isn’t bigotry.
“Satan is the originator of disease, and the physician is warring against
his work and power. Sickness of the mind prevails everywhere. Nine
tenths of the diseases from which men suffer have their foundation
here. Perhaps some living home trouble is, like a canker, eating
to the very soul and weakening the life forces.”
Counsels On Health, page. 324.2
“The relation that exists between the mind and the body is very
intimate. When one is affected, the other sympathizes. The condition of
the mind affects the health to a far greater degree than many realize. ”
The Ministry of Healing chap 18 Mind Cure Page 242
“Many of the diseases from which men suffer are the result of mental
depression. Grief, anxiety, discontent, remorse, guilt, distrust, all tend
to break down the life forces and to invite decay and death. ”
The Ministry of Healing chap 18 Mind Cure Page 242
At War with Biological Reality
Drs. Lawrence Mayer and Paul McHugh conclude in their review of
numerous scientific studies:

The hypothesis that gender identity is an innate, fixed property of

human beings that is independent of biological sex – that a person
might be “a man trapped in a woman’s body” or “a woman trapped in
a man’s body” – is not supported by scientific evidence…
At War with Biological Reality
Drs. Lawrence Mayer and Paul McHugh conclude in their review of
numerous scientific studies:

“Studies comparing the brain structures of transgender and non-

transgender individuals have demonstrated weak correlations
between brain structure and cross-gender identification. These
correlations do not provide any evidence for a neurobiological
basis for cross-gender identification.”

Former “transsexual” Walt Heyer wrote:

Gender dysphoria has been theorized to be a consequence of differences in the brain, but
studies don’t find any. A recent study at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska
Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, says, “The present data do not support the notion that brains
of male to female transgenders are feminized.” The study could not find a difference in the
brains between heterosexual men and that of male-to-female transsexuals.
Is it true thatTransgender brains resemble
their gender identity, not their biological sex ?
John Ritchie: Can a person ever be "trapped in the wrong
body"?  What does science tell us about this?

Dr. Cretella:  The argument, if you can even call it that -- I'll just
call it a claim -- the claim by the activist physicians on the other
side is that when a child persistently and consistently insists that
he (I'll use he for ease of example) is really a girl, well then that's
it -- that's how you diagnose transgender.  That is proof that they
have the brain of the opposite sex in their body. They say, "We
have proof, we have studies that prove changes or differences
between adult transgender brains and the brains of their
biological peers who are not transgender.”
Okay, so let's unpack that:

-Dr. Cretella on Transgenderism: A Mental Illness Is Not a Civil Right , By TFP Student Action
#1. The definition of a delusion is a fixed false belief. So if I
persistently and consistently insist that I am Margaret Thatcher,
or persistently consistently insist that I am a cat, or that I am an
amputee trapped in a normal body -- I am delusional. 

In fact, there are people who believe they're amputees trapped in

a normal body and they are appropriately diagnosed as having
Body Identity Integrity Disorder, a mouthful, but you get my drift.
So if you want to cut off an arm or a leg you're mentally ill, but if
you want to cut off healthy breasts and genitals then you are
transgender and you don't have a mental illness. That's
completely unscientific. That's no diagnosis.

-Dr. Cretella on Transgenderism: A Mental Illness Is Not a Civil Right , By TFP Student Action
#2.  Let's talk about the brain studies.  There have been several. 
Many have found no brain differences, but "we don't talk about
those." There are a few that have found some differences on
what's called functional MRIs and they prove nothing.

The reason they prove nothing is because the brain

changes due to behavior. We have documented in numerous
studies that behavior changes the appearance, the physiology
and function of the brain.  So to have a few studies that are very
small, have never been replicated, say, "Hey, there are brain
differences."  More than likely, the fact that the person has
lived transgender is what caused those differences, if
they're even real.

-Dr. Cretella on Transgenderism: A Mental Illness Is Not a Civil Right , By TFP Student Action
You may ask, "So how do we know, Dr. Cretella, that what you said, that no
one's ever born this way, is true?  How do we know that?" If a brain were
somehow the wrong sex, due to factors before birth, every single identical
twin would have the same gender identity all the time, but they don’t.

-Dr. Cretella on Transgenderism: A Mental Illness Is Not a Civil Right , By TFP Student Action
“Why? Identical twins have identical DNA.  So if it were in the genes and solely in the
genetic DNA, then 100% of the time they would both be transgender or both be non-
transgender. The best twin study we have shows that the vast majority do not match.
If you have one identical twin who's [considered] transgender, 72% of the time the
other twin is normal. That tells us that it's post-birth effects that primarily
impact your identity -- post-birth effects, not pre-birth.”
-Dr. Cretella on Transgenderism: A Mental Illness Is Not a Civil Right , By TFP Student Action
Inaccuracy #2: According to Jazz, “I have a girl brain but a
boy body. This is called transgender. I was born this way!”

The Facts: The “born this way” narrative contradicts known

medical facts involving twin studies. Gender identity has
been defined as the innate sense that one feels one is
male or female (or some combination of the two).
If gender identity is determined only by genes, then we
would expect that identical twins would profess having the
same gender identity nearly 100 percent of the time. This is
not the case. In fact, the largest transexual twin study ever
conducted included seventy-four pairs of identical twins.

They were studied to determine in how many cases both

twins would grow up to identify as transgender. In only
twenty-one of the seventy-four pairs (28 percent) did both
identical twins identify as transgender.
This is consistent with the fact that multiple factors
play a role in determining gender identity, including
psychological and social factors.

This study in fact shows that those factors are more

important than any potential genetic contribution.
Furthermore, no genetic studies have ever
identified a transgender gene or genes.
This is consistent with the fact that multiple factors
play a role in determining gender identity, including
psychological and social factors.

This study in fact shows that those factors are more

important than any potential genetic contribution.
Furthermore, no genetic studies have ever
identified a transgender gene or genes.
Inaccuracy #3:  Jazz says: “I have a girl brain.”

The Facts: As to Jazz having a “girl brain,”

consider, what does the brain comprise? There are
billions of neurons that make up this magnificent
structure. Neurons are very specialized cells that
transmit and store information. The control center, if
you will, of every cell in the body is the nucleus,
which contains DNA.
The DNA is wound up into specialized units called
chromosomes. There are 46 chromosomes in every
human cell. Two of these are specialized chromosomes
called sex chromosomes. Assuming normal development,
 females have two X chromosomes, and males have one
X and one Y chromosome. These sex chromosomes are
present in every cell in the body. They remain in the cells
from conception until death and do not change.
It follows from this that since Jazz is male, every cell of his
brain has an X and a Y chromosome (whereas a girl brain
would have two X chromosomes). Therefore Jazz in fact
has a “boy brain” right down to the very level of the DNA.

There is further development of the male body at 8 weeks’

gestation within the womb. At this point testosterone is
involved in a very intricate process that changes tissues in
the pelvis into male genitalia. And we know from the “I am
Jazz” show that Jazz has male genitalia.
Since the hormone testosterone is carried by the
bloodstream throughout the whole body—including the
pelvic region as well as the brain—we know that Jazz’s
brain was also filled with testosterone for development at
that time.

This is further evidence that Jazz does not in fact have a

“girl brain.” He has a boy brain. It is his mind that is giving
him the trouble. This is a psychological condition, rather
than a biological one.
The authors of the book present false information to
children and parents. Kids with gender dysphoria are
not born that way. Jazz was born with a male brain
that has not changed physically into a female brain.

There are numerous psychological and social factors

that account for the condition of gender dysphoria in
children, some of which are discussed below.
Neuroplasticity &
“Our life is what our
thoughts make it.”
Marcus Aurelius

o u r L i fe .
C h a n ge Y
k i n ga n d
o u r T h i n
Ch a n g e Y
“And be not conformed to this
world: but be ye transformed
by the renewing of your mind,
that ye may prove what is that
good, and acceptable, and
perfect, will of God.”
-Romans 12:2 (KJV)
Neuroplasticity & Epigenetics
"As time goes by, science provides more and more evidence that
your brain is malleable and continually changing in response to
your lifestyle, physiology, and environment. This concept is called
neuroplasticity, or brain plasticity—meaning, you are literally
reforming your brain with each passing day. It used to be thought that
your brain was static, except during some critical developmental
periods, but today, we know this isn’t true." -By Dr. Mercola
Neuroplasticity & Epigenetics
"Your brain possesses the remarkable ability to reorganize
pathways, create new connections and, in some cases, even
create new neurons throughout your entire lifetime. Our views of
the nature of the brain have changed in a similar way as our views
of DNA. It used to be thought that DNA did not change—in other
words, you’re stuck with what you’re born with." -By Dr. Mercola
Neuroplasticity & Epigenetics
"This, too, has been disproven by researchers like Bruce Lipton,
who have introduced an entirely new branch of biological science
called epigenetics. Your DNA changes continuously based on your
experiences, emotions, and environment." -By Dr. Mercola
Neuroplasticity & Epigenetics
"The point is, you have much more control over your body, mind,
and brain than you might think. If you can mold and shape your
brain, you are not entirely at the mercy of your genetics or the
neural pathways you brought into this world or formed
as a child—and this is great news!" -By Dr. Mercola
By contrast, “gender identity” is a psychological
phenomenon, not an immutable characteristic, and not
found anywhere in the body, brain, or DNA. There is no
medical test that can detect it. Because twin studies
show the infrequency of both genetically identical twins’
suffering gender dysphoria, the condition clearly is not

Nor is there any evidence to support the common claim

that a patient has a “girl’s brain in a boy’s body,” or vice
versa, as repeated in media sensations such as I Am Jazz.
To the contrary, every cell of a male’s brain has a Y
chromosome and every cell of a female’s brain has two
X chromosomes, which is true regardless of whether
the individual “feels like” the opposite sex.

Any “evidence” of an innate gender identity is utterly

fictitious; to the contrary, there is much unrefuted evidence
that various psychological and environmental factors are
Not only can the feeling change, research shows that it does
so in a great majority of cases (at least for child patients). For
example, children with gender dysphoria who are allowed
to experience natural puberty will come to accept their
sex by adulthood in 61 to 98 percent of cases.

By contrast, children who are subjected to transitioning

treatments such as puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones
(discussed below) almost always go on to live as transgender
Data on the persistence rate of adult patients is
unreliable, primarily because so many patients are
lost to follow up.

But many of those patients are increasingly

seeking medical help to reverse the procedures.
Dr. Margaret A. Hagen , J.D. & PHD.

-Margaret A. Hagen (JD, PhD, and Professor of Psychological

and Brain Sciences at Boston University) wrote in 2016:

“… there is no consensus on the etiology of

the diverse expressions of “gender identity
variants.” Some LGBTQ advocates theorize
that nonconforming sexuality is caused by
certain family dynamics in the context of a
bi-gendered patriarchal society.”

-Prof. Margaret A. Hagen, “Transgenderism Has No Basis in

Science or Law,” The Public Discourse , Jan. 13, 2016,
Dr. Margaret A. Hagen , J.D. & PHD.

-Margaret A. Hagen (JD, PhD, and Professor of Psychological

and Brain Sciences at Boston University) wrote in 2016:

“Others postulate that unidentified genetically

based sex-hormone abnormalities cause
transgenderism or homosexuality, even
when there are no abnormalities of
the reproductive anatomy.”

-Prof. Margaret A. Hagen, “Transgenderism Has No Basis in

Science or Law,” The Public Discourse , Jan. 13, 2016,
Dr. Margaret A. Hagen , J.D. & PHD.

-Margaret A. Hagen (JD, PhD, and Professor of Psychological

and Brain Sciences at Boston University) wrote in 2016:

“Evidence-based conclusions are utterly

lacking, whatever the claims of activists. Most
proposed legislation is driven not by medical
research or theoretical differences but by the
desire to make private or government
insurance money available for hormone and
surgical “treatment” for nonconformists
experiencing psychological distress. ”

-Prof. Margaret A. Hagen, “Transgenderism Has No Basis in

Science or Law,” The Public Discourse , Jan. 13, 2016,
Dr. Margaret A. Hagen , J.D. & PHD.

-Margaret A. Hagen (JD, PhD, and Professor of Psychological and

Brain Sciences at Boston University) wrote in 2016:

“The American Psychiatric Association has

stated this unambiguously in its DSM-5, the
current diagnostic manual. Pathologizing states
of mind – even distress – simply to make
insurance money available for attempts to
change those states through surgical, medical,
and cosmetic alterations to the body is simply
not sound science… ”
-Prof. Margaret A. Hagen, “Transgenderism Has No Basis in
Science or Law,” The Public Discourse , Jan. 13, 2016,
Dr. Margaret A. Hagen , J.D. & PHD.

-Margaret A. Hagen (JD, PhD, and Professor of Psychological

and Brain Sciences at Boston University) wrote in 2016:

“There is simply no rational basis for the laws

being proposed and imposed in the realm of
transgenderism. There is very little knowledge
at all – no common definitions of terms, no
accepted methodology, no outcome analyses,
no testing and rejecting of hypotheses, no
agreed-upon standards, no science.”

-Prof. Margaret A. Hagen, “Transgenderism Has No Basis in

Science or Law,” The Public Discourse , Jan. 13, 2016,
Rebecca Oas , PHD.

-Rebecca Oas, PhD, points to an internal

contradiction in the transgender ideology:

“A leading medical journal [ The Lancet ]

published its first series on transgender
health and reveals what appear to be major
contradictions. On the one hand the journal
argues there is nothing medically wrong with
transgenderism. On the other hand, it argues
transgenderism is a condition that requires
medical attention, setting up transgenderism
as the first non-medical condition that
requires a medical intervention...”
Rebecca Oas , PHD.

-Rebecca Oas, PhD, points to an internal

contradiction in the transgender ideology:

according to the authors of one of the

articles published in The Lancet , “gender
dysphoria” still imparts stigma since “the
diagnosis remains one of mental disorder.” In
an interview with Mother Jones , the article’s
lead author and sexology professor Sam
Winter pointed out that diagnoses enable
transgender persons to access drugs
and other therapies.
Rebecca Oas , PHD.

-Rebecca Oas, PhD, points to an internal

contradiction in the transgender ideology:

“The article raised but did not answer

the question about why, if being
transgender is not a disorder, it
requires so much therapy.”

-“Rebecca Oas, PhD, “Transgender Health Experts Contradict Themselves in New Publication,”
Center for Family & Human Rights, June 23, 2016, https://c-fam.org/friday_fax/transgender-health-

. Series on “Transgender Health,” The Lancet , June 17, 2016,

= mental illness

A person who wants to deny

biological fact, remove or
disguise healthy body parts,
or attempt to add opposite-
sex body parts, is clearly
suffering from a mental
= mental illness

Any Scientist or Doctor who think

that they can reassign one’s Sex, is
equally of an unstable mind along
with those who think they have
been born in the wrong body.
Paul McHugh , M.D
The transgendered suffer a
disorder of “assumption” like
those in other disorders familiar
to psychiatrists. With the
transgendered, the disordered
assumption is that the individual
differs from what seems given
in nature—namely one’s
maleness or femaleness.
Paul McHugh , M.D

Other kinds of disordered

assumptions are held by those
who suffer from anorexia and
bulimia nervosa, where the
assumption that departs from
physical reality is the belief by
the dangerously thin that they
are overweight.
-Antonio Bernard , dindinbernard1@hotmail.com

Part 18

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