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framework and/or genre to the problem, question

information and/or multiple viewpoints related to

SLO-2. Students will be able to identify relevant
focused problem, question, or topic appropriate
SLO-1. Students will be able to clearly state a

findings and consider applications, limitations

SLO-6. Students will be able to reflect on or

conclusions that are logically tied to inquiry
SLO-3. Students will be able to synthesize

appropriate research methods, theoretical

SLO-5. Students will be able to formulate

SLO-4. Students will be able to apply
knowledge and/or credible sources

the problem, question or topic.

evaluate what was learned.

for the purpose of the task.

and implications.
or topic.

TLED 360 3.33 2.67 2.33 3 2.5 2.33

TLED 430 3.16 3.05 2.89 3.26 2.89 2.84
TLED 451 3 2 4 3 3 4
TLED 455 4 3 3 3.55 3.45 3.82
TLED 595 3.13 2.75 2.88 2.88 2.88 1.88
Average All Courses 3.38 2.91 2.87 3.22 2.98 2.87

Multicultural Attitudes
There was no significant difference evident through paired t-tests of the overall
TMAS. Additionally, ANOVAs did not indicate that there were any significant differences
in overall responses of students who differ in race/ethnicity, gender, or course enrollment
pre- or post-assignment. Through analysis of individual questions on the TMAS, paired t-
tests indicated that TCs were significantly more likely to frequently invite (or plan to invite)
extended family members to attend parent teacher conferences pre- (M=3.06, SD=1.30) to
post-assignment intervention (M=2.24, SD=0.97); t(16)=3.16, p=0.003. TCs also more
strongly agreed that increased classroom cultural diversity makes (will make) their teaching
job more rewarding pre- (M=1.71, SD=0.69) to post-assignment intervention
(M=1.35, SD=0.61); t(16)=2.95, p=0.005. However, following the assignment intervention,
TCs were less likely to believe that teachers’ roles need to be redefined to address the needs
of diverse cultures in their classrooms; pre- (M=1.71, SD=0.69) to post-assignment
intervention (M=2.00, SD=0.87); t(16)=2.58, p=0.01. Based on the qualitative data, the
research team believes that there may have been some confusion in the wording of the
statement that created this significant difference. It seemed as if students felt, following
their completion of the multicultural assignment, that teaching through a multicultural lens
is already part of a teacher’s job, thus, may not need to be “redefined” to include a focus on

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