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Forest Ecology and Management 256 (2008) 1910–1917

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Forest Ecology and Management

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Profound impoverishment of the large-tree stand in a hyper-fragmented

landscape of the Atlantic forest
M.A. Oliveira, A.M.M. Santos, M. Tabarelli *
Departamento de Botânica, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 50670-901 Recife, PE, Brazil


Article history: Large tree species have a disproportional influence on the structure and functioning of tropical forests,
Received 22 January 2008 but the forces affecting their long-term persistence in human-dominated landscapes remain poorly
Received in revised form 3 July 2008 understood. Here we test the hypothesis that aging forest edges and small fragments (3.4–295.7 ha) are
Accepted 17 July 2008
greatly impoverished in terms of species richness and abundance of large trees in comparison to core
areas of forest interior. The study was conducted in a hyper-fragmented landscape of the Atlantic forest,
northeast Brazil. Large tree species were quantified by recording all trees (DBH  10 cm) within fifty-
Anthropogenic landscapes
eight 0.1-ha plots distributed in three forest habitats: small forest fragments (n = 28), forest edges
Edge effects
Forest emergent layer
(n = 10), and primary forest interior areas within an exceptional large forest remnant (n = 20). Large tree
Habitat fragmentation species and their stems 10 cm DBH were reduced by half in forest edges and fragments. Moreover, these
Large trees edge-affected habitats almost lacked large-stemmed trees altogether (0.24  0.27% of all stems sampled),
and very tall trees were completely absent from forest edges. In contrast, large trees contributed to over 1.5%
of the whole stand in forest interior plots (2.9  2.8%). Habitats also differed in terms of tree architecture:
relative to their DBH trees were on average 30% shorter in small fragments and forest edges. Finally, an
indicator species analysis yielded an ecological group of 12 large tree species that were significantly
associated with forest interior plots, but were completely missing from edge-affected habitats. Our results
suggest a persistent and substantial impoverishment of the large-tree stand, including the structural collapse
of forest emergent layer, in aging, hyper-fragmented landscapes.
ß 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction be permanently favored in truly hyper-fragmented landscapes

(Tabarelli et al., 1999; Oliveira et al., 2004; Michalski et al., 2007).
Collectively, habitat loss and fragmentation represent the most These shifts in the functional profile of tree assemblages, including
pervasive and disturbing results of present-day human land use the collapse of aboveground biomass, have been recently described
dynamics (Wright, 2005; Laurance et al., 2007). As human as a fragmentation-induced degeneration process (Santos et al.,
population continues to expand, even vast remote tracts of old- 2008), which may impair conservation and ecosystem services, as
growth tropical forests are likely to be converted into severely well as the economic opportunities provided by forest remnants
fragmented landscapes (Aide and Grau, 2004; Wright and Muller- embedded in anthropogenic landscapes (see Nascimento and
Landau, 2006) and force small fragments to remain embedded Laurance, 2004; Michalski et al., 2007).
within open-habitat matrices (Turner and Corlett, 1996; Gascon Large-stemmed (DBH > 70 cm) and very tall trees (>31 m
et al., 2000). Increasing empirical evidence indicates that habitat height) represent the most conspicuous population component of
fragmentation rapidly drives many ecological groups of tree the canopy/emergent tree species, and their large crowns
species to decline at landscape scale, such as large-seeded trees constitute one of the building blocks of tropical forests—the
that are gut dispersed by vertebrates (Stoner et al., 2007), emergent layer (Primack and Corlett, 2005). In the lowland forests,
desiccation-sensitive shade-tolerant species (Laurance, 2001), large canopy and emergent tree species (hereafter referred to as
and tree species depending on long-distance pollen movement large tree species) usually represent less than 10% of the overall
and animal-mediated pollination services (Laurance et al., 2006; tree species richness (10 cm DBH), and their large individuals
Girão et al., 2007). In contrast, some short-lived pioneers appear to account for 1–6% of all tree stems (Clark and Clark, 1992; Oliveira
and Mori, 1999; Turner, 2001; Small et al., 2004; Castilho et al.,
2006). However, large trees provide a disproportional contribution
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +55 81 2126 8945; fax: +55 81 2126 8348. regarding aboveground biomass, nutrient cycling and carbon
E-mail address: mtrelli@ufpe.br (M. Tabarelli). storage (Chambers et al., 2001; Nascimento and Laurance, 2004;

0378-1127/$ – see front matter ß 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.A. Oliveira et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 256 (2008) 1910–1917 1911

Vieira et al., 2004), primary productivity (Chambers et al., 1998), Brazil (88300 S, 358500 W). We selected an aging, large (667 km2)
and the natural disturbance regime driven by treefall gaps hyper-fragmented landscape containing 109 forest fragments, all
(Brokaw, 1982; Putz, 1983). Although the full complement of of which are entirely surrounded by a uniform, stable and
organisms inhabiting the emergent layer is yet to be documented inhospitable matrix of sugar-cane monoculture (Fig. 1). Sugar-
(see Lowman and Nadkarni, 1995), it is likely that a substantial cane cultivation in this landscape dates back at least to the 19th
portion of tropical forest biodiversity relies on resources provided century, and the remaining forest has been protected against
by the sun-exposed crowns of large trees as they provide an wildfires and logging to provide watershed protection and water
irreplaceable light environment. Through mast events of repro- supply for sugar-cane irrigation (Santos et al., 2008). This has
duction, for example, several emergent tree species can tempora- ensured the positional stability of forest fragment borders and the
rily offer to herbivores immense supplies of flower, fruit and seed subsequent establishment of reproductive pioneer and shade-
resources (Gribel et al., 1999; Curran and Leighton, 2000; Newbery tolerant trees along post-closure forest edges (Melo et al., 2006).
et al., 2006). Many birds and primates, in fact, are strictly Currently, 9.2% of forest cover is left, including the 3500-ha
dependent on large trees for nesting or food supply, leading Coimbra Forest—the largest and best preserved forest patch in the
several large tree species to be recognized as key-stone plants (see region (Grillo et al., 2006). Coimbra still retains a full complement
Poonswad, 1995; Peres, 2000; Delannoy and Tossas, 2002). of plant and vertebrate groups typical of vast undisturbed tracts of
Unfortunately, large trees appear to be highly vulnerable to Atlantic forest, including large-seeded trees, large frugivorous
habitat fragmentation and the establishment of artificial forest birds, and large populations of valuable timber trees such as the
edges. Long-term tree inventories in the Amazon region have softwood Ucuuba (Virola gardneri) and the hardwoods Sapucaia
documented a chronic, increased mortality of large trees near forest (Lecythis pisonis) and Jatoba (Hymenaea courbaril); see Pôrto et al.
edges surrounded by open habitats (Laurance et al., 2000; (2006) for a comprehensive mutitaxa checklist of plant and
Nascimento and Laurance, 2004). Specifically, large trees may face vertebrate species inhabiting the Serra Grande landscape. The
a 40% increase in mortality near edges (particularly in the aftermath predominantly lowland terra firme forest (sensu Whitmore, 1998)
of habitat fragmentation) and die three times faster than those includes two physiognomic subtypes: evergreen and semi-
inhabiting spots located over 300 m into the forest (Laurance et al., deciduous forests (Veloso et al., 1991). Leguminosae, Lauraceae,
2000) due to elevated rates of uprooting and breakage caused by Sapotaceae, Moraceae, Chrysobalanaceae and Euphorbiaceae
increased wind turbulence near forest edges: the ‘‘wind damage account for half of tree species richness (Grillo et al., 2006).
hypothesis’’ (sensu D’Angelo et al., 2004). In addition to this direct,
edge-induced mortality, surface forest fires and logging may 3. Methods
constitute aggravating sources of large tree mortality in human-
impacted, fragmented landscapes (Barlow et al., 2003). However, 3.1. Tree surveys and large tree species
increased mortality has been documented primarily in recently
created fragmented landscapes, severely limiting accurate insights In 2003–2004, all live trees 10 cm in diameter at breast height
about the long-term persistence of large trees in consolidated, (DBH) were inventoried within fifty-eight georeferenced 0.1-ha
human-dominated landscapes. Assuming that the edge-induced plots (10 m  100 m) in three habitats (as described in Santos et al.,
mortality observed in the Amazon region represents a more 2008)—(1) forest edge: 10 plots located in the peripheral areas
persistent fragmentation-related effect, one would expect a within 100 m of the border of the largest fragment (the Coimbra
profound impoverishment or even the structural collapse of the Forest, 3500 ha); (2) core area: 20 plots located in the old-growth
large-tree stand in aging, hyper-fragmented landscapes, regardless forest interior of Coimbra Forest beyond 200 m of any border and
of whether these landscapes have experienced expressive forest showing no detectable edge influence; (3) small forest fragments:
fires and logging. This prediction has not been examined thoroughly one plot per fragment located at the geometric center of 28 forest
despite its far-reaching consequences for biodiversity conservation fragments ranging between 3.4 and 295.7 ha in size and being
in landscapes vastly dominated by edge-affected habitats. entirely surrounded by sugar-cane fields. The distance between
Therefore in this study we examine whether edge-affected plots and the nearest forest edge was 0 m for edge plots, 200–
habitats are able to retain the large-tree stand and the forest 1012.7 m for forest interior plots, and 60.4–502.7 m for plots in
emergent layer in a hyper-fragmented landscape of the Atlantic forest fragments. The average distance between all 58 plots
forest with no detectable signs of forest fires and logging. In exceeded 1000 m. All trees 10 cm DBH within the 58 plots had
particular, we test the hypothesis that aging forest edges and small their diameter at breast height measured and total height visually
fragments (3.4–295.7 ha) are greatly impoverished in terms of estimated (upper crown height). Height estimates were provided
species richness and abundance of large trees in comparison to exclusively by Oliveira, who initially calibrated his estimates
forest interior patches of an exceptionally large fragment (the against previously height-measured poles. In order to reduce the
control area). First, we provide scores for the relative importance of influence of any error in these estimates, tree heights were
large tree species and their stems 10 cm DBH within these three assigned within seven broad classes of height. Trees were
habitats—forest edges, small fragments and primary forest interior identified to species level and plant vouchers are available at
areas. Second, we describe tree distribution within categories of the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFP) Herbarium, Brazil
DBH and height, and tree architecture across the habitats. Third, a (voucher nos. 34,445–36,120).
set of large tree species serving as indicator species of the forest We defined large trees as those species that usually occur with
interior habitat is presented. Finally, we address plausible edge- individuals >70 cm DBH or taller than 31 m as adopted by Clark
related mechanisms driving the impoverishment of the large-tree and Clark (1996), Turner (2001) and Laurance et al. (2000). These
stand and its potential implications for the persistence of species represent a functional group in tropical forests as they
biodiversity in anthropogenic, hyper-fragmented landscapes. share life-history traits: large-stemmed adults in the population,
high requirements of light (obtained via crow exposure) for
2. Study area flowering and fruiting, long-life span, lower rates of recruitment
and mortality, and higher woody density as compared to other tree
This study took place at Usina Serra Grande, a private sugar- guilds of tropical forests (Clark and Clark, 1992; Nascimento et al.,
cane landholding located in the State of Alagoas, northeastern 2005). Finally, large tree species encompass two subsets: (1)
1912 M.A. Oliveira et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 256 (2008) 1910–1917

Fig. 1. (A) Map of northeastern Brazil, showing (B) the distribution of the Atlantic forest in the Pernambuco Center of Endemism region; the original and current distributions
of forest cover are indicated by grey and black areas, respectively. Study landscape (white rectangle, C) showing the 58 floristic plots located along forest edges, small forest
fragments, and core forest interior (dark grey polygons), including the 3500 ha Coimbra Forest (lower right). Light grey and white areas represent unsampled forest fragments
and sugar-cane monoculture, respectively. Adapted from Santos et al. (2008).

emergent tree species, those with large adults reaching the highest structure of Atlantic forest tree assemblages, particularly because
forest layer; and (2) canopy species, those with the largest adults tree assemblages may be approaching near-equilibrium conditions
reaching intermediate canopy layers (Tabarelli et al., 1999). (Santos et al., 2008).
Tree species assignment into these functional groups was
carried out based on (1) an intensive tree survey conducted in Serra 3.2. Explanatory variables
Grande, including seventy-five 0.1-ha plots located in forest
fragments, forest edges, second-growth stands and forest interior Because a number of patch and landscape-scale environmental
areas (Oliveira et al., 2004; Grillo et al., 2006; Santos et al., 2008); variables may contribute to differences in the structure of tree
(2) a comprehensive literature review, including books, papers, assemblages (Laurance et al., 2007; Santos et al., 2008), we
plant monographs, and MSc and PhD dissertations (e.g., Roosma- explicitly considered fragment size, distance to the nearest forest
len, 1985; Lorenzi, 1998; Barroso et al., 1999; Ribeiro et al., 1999; edge, the amount of core area (percentage of forest fragment areas
several issues of Flora Neotropica); and (3) the examination of considering an edge effect of 50 m), and the amount of forest cover
voucher descriptions housed in the eight major herbaria of retained in the surrounding landscape as explanatory variables for
northeastern Brazil. These sources were further supplemented the proportion of large tree species and their stems in forest
by our own personal knowledge of the life-history traits of Atlantic fragments (n = 28). Additionally, landscape-scale forest cover is
forest tree species (see Tabarelli et al., 1999; Silva and Tabarelli, believed to be positively correlated with both overall connectivity
2000; Tabarelli and Mantovani, 2000; Tabarelli and Peres, 2002; between patches (Gorresen and Willig, 2004) and amelioration of
Oliveira et al., 2004; Melo et al., 2006, 2007; Santos et al., 2008). edge effects (Laurance et al., 2002); therefore, it was quantified as
Based on this collective information, we calculated the number and the percentage of forest within a 1-km external buffer set from the
proportion of large tree species and their stems (DBH  10 cm) for perimeter of each fragment. To examine the effects of habitat type,
all plots within the three habitats (i.e. forest edge, forest fragments vegetation type and soil type on between-plot species similarity,
and forest interior). As mentioned elsewhere (Santos et al., 2008), these baseline variables were considered as factors in ANOSIM
we are aware that the study design was limited by the landscape tests (Clarke and Gorley, 2001). We also performed a Mantel test
configuration available to us; the Coimbra Forest does not fully with weighted Spearman rank correlation to address the effect of
represent a ‘continuous forest’ and consists of a single, unrepli- plot location on levels of taxonomic similarity. Straight-line
cated tract of forest at the landscape and regional scales. Moreover, distances between plots were ln-transformed, as suggested by
reduced forest cover at landscape scale greatly limited plot size and Condit et al. (2002) and Jones et al. (2006), and postulated by
number, as only small plots could be accommodated in small forest Hubbell (2001) neutral theory. Patch and landscape metrics were
fragments. Our sampling limitation contrasts with the large-scale quantified using two GIS packages (ArcView 3.2 and Erdas Imagine
approach (plots 1–50 ha in size), which is frequently adopted to 8.4) on the basis of (1) three Landsat and Spot images (years 1989,
examine demographic aspects of tropical trees. However, the Serra 1998, 2003); (2) a set of 160 aerial photos (1:8000) taken from
Grande landscape is the best available contemporary scenario to helicopter overflights commissioned in April 2003; (3) digital
assess the long-term effects of habitat fragmentation on the vegetation and soil maps (IBGE, 1985); and (4) a soil map provided
M.A. Oliveira et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 256 (2008) 1910–1917 1913

by the Usina Serra Grande Agriculture Office. It should be noted species in these habitats, whereas they reached nearly 25% in forest
that possible effects of selective logging on the size structure of interior plots (Fig. 2). This 50% decline was highly significant for
tree assemblages across habitats were not explicitly examined both species and stems (F = 20.02, d.f. = 2, p < 0.0001; F = 30.5,
here. Although this human-induced disturbance is an impacting d.f. = 2, p < 0.0001) and resulted from the low occurrence of large
source of large tree mortality in tropical forests (Brown and tree species in forest edges (1.8  1.1 large tree species per plot) and
Gurevitch, 2004), the Serra Grande landscape has long been forest fragments (3.5  2.8 species) as compared to forest interior
protected against logging (Santos et al., 2008). This current status plots (9.5  2.4 species; F = 45.5, d.f. = 2, p < 0.0001). Collectively,
of unlogged forest was confirmed by the complete lack of stumps these scores revealed a robust decline on large tree species richness in
across both the habitats and plots inventoried in this study, via edge-affected habitats regardless of measurement in absolute or
interviews with long-term residents and company employees who relative terms. Finally, stepwise regressions detected a small but
had long been in charge of forest protection, and by our own rather significant effect of forest cover, which ranged from 0% up to
experience in Serra Grande landscape since 2000. 31.1%, on the proportion of large tree species (adjusted R2 = 15.3%,
F = 5.87, p = 0.023) and their stems 10 cm DBH (adjusted R2 = 14.7%,
3.3. Data analysis F = 5.65, p = 0.025, n = 28).
Although large-stemmed and very tall trees were consistently
Between-habitat differences in the proportion (i.e. relative rare across habitats (see Table 1), the distribution of trees within
importance) and absolute number of large tree species and their size classes greatly differed among habitats, and it clearly revealed
stems 10 cm DBH were compared via one-way ANOVA (followed the current status of the large-tree stand in the study landscape. As
by Tukey post hoc comparisons). Stepwise multi-linear regressions expected, forest edges and forest fragments did not differ (p = 0.84,
(sensu Sokal and Rohlf, 1995) were used to detect any influence of contrast analysis) since they were completely dominated by small
the explanatory variables on relative importance of large tree and medium-sized stems (Fig. 3) and almost completely lacked
species and their stems within the 28 forest fragment plots. Forest large-stemmed trees (DBH > 70 cm); 0.24  0.27% of all stems. In
interior and forest edge plots were excluded from regressions forest interior plots, stem distribution was less asymmetric and
because they were unavoidably placed within the same large significantly differed from edge-affected habitats (F = 17.6, d.f. = 1,
fragment (Coimbra Forest). Explanatory variables were trans- p < 0.0001). Large-stemmed trees reached 1.68  2.16% of the whole
formed as follows: fragment size (square root transformed), plot plot stand in this habitat, a five-fold increase in comparison to edges
distance to the nearest forest edge (log transformed), amount of and small fragments. The tree distribution across height classes in
forest cover (arcsine transformed), and amount of core area within forest edges and fragments showed a drastic and similar shift towards
fragments (square root transformed). shorter trees; these habitats were largely dominated by those shorter
In order to compare the distribution of trees (considering all than 21 m (Fig. 4). Moreover, very tall trees (31 m height) were
tree species) within size classes across the three habitats, we completely absent from all forest edge plots and represented only
adopted a planned comparison approach sensu Sokal and Rohlf 0.22  0.7% of the stems sampled in the 28 fragment plots.
(1995). First, cross-habitat distributions were compared via two- Conversely, this group of trees accounted for 2.9  2.8% of all stems
way ANOVAs assigning habitat and size classes (DBH and height) recorded in forest interior plots, where distribution was more
as independent factors; i.e. one ANOVA for DBH and another for symmetric and substantially differed from those in forest edges
tree height. ANOVAs were then followed by contrast analyses and fragments (F = 4.58, d.f. = 1, p = 0.032). These remarkable
which tested for differences between forest edge and forest differences resulted from the dramatic rarity of large-stemmed trees
fragments (first comparison) and between these two habitats and in edge-affected habitats—7 stems (0.25% of all stems, Table 1) within
forest interior (second comparison). Percentage of trees within size 2 plots (5.2%) vs. 27 large-stemmed trees distributed over 50% of
classes (dependent variables) were arcsine transformed in order to forest interior plots (G = 10.7, d.f. = 1, p = 0.002). Relative to their DBH,
stabilize variance, improve normality of data and consequently forest edges and fragments supported relatively shorter trees as well
increase the explanatory power of models. To infer the proximate (adjusted R2 = 39.7%, F = 1046.69, p < 0.0001). Precisely, trees 10 cm
mechanisms of large tree erosion in the edge-affected habitats (i.e. in DBH were approximately 30% shorter in comparison to forest
edges and small fragments), we also examined stem-specific DBH– interior trees (Fig. 5), which implies a depressed height/diameter
height relationships across habitats via an ANCOVA; tree-height
log was fitted to stem-DBH log (covariate) and habitat type (factor).
Finally, we performed an indicator species analysis (sensu Dufrêne
and Legendre, 1997) based on two groups of tree plots: one
consisting exclusively of forest interior plots (n = 20) and the other
group comprised of forest edge and small fragment plots (n = 38).
Analyses were carried out using Statistica 6.0 and PC-Ord 4.36
(McCune and Mefford, 1999).

4. Results

A total of 4799 living trees belonging to 198 tree species were

recorded within the 58 plots across the 3 habitats; 34 species
(17.1%) and 794 stems (16.9%) were assigned to the functional
group of large tree species, most of them as long-lived emergent
species. Edge-affected habitats were greatly impoverished in terms
of tree species: 18.4  4.5 species per plot (mean  S.D.) in forest
edges and 22.5  8.5 species in forest fragments vs. 34.8  7.7 species
in forest interior plots (F = 20.61, d.f. = 2, p < 0.0001). Edge-affected Fig. 2. Average percentage (S.D.) of large tree species in terms of stems (10 cm in
habitats were far more impoverished in terms of large tree species as DBH) and species in fifty-eight 0.1-ha plots in forest edges (n = 10), forest fragments
this functional group accounted for less than 15% of all stems and tree (n = 28) and forest interior plots (n = 20) in Serra Grande, Brazil.
1914 M.A. Oliveira et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 256 (2008) 1910–1917

Table 1
Number of tree species and stems recorded within fifty-eight 0.1-ha plots in forest
edges, forest fragments, and forest interior plots in Serra Grande, Brazil

Habitats No. of tree No. of stems No. of stems No. of trees

species 10 cm in DBH >70 cm in DBH >31 m height

Forest edge 59 601 2 0

Forest fragments 138 2125 5 6
Forest interior 154 2073 27 56

Total sampled 198 4799 34 62

ratio (a drastic change in tree architecture) and an evident

simplification/loss of forest vertical structure in edge-affected
Therefore, forest edges exhibited the largest differences
compared to forest interior plots in terms of the size structure
of tree assemblages despite the fact that these two habitats
were embedded within the same large remnant (Coimbra Forest)
Fig. 4. Average percentage (S.D.) of trees (10 cm in DBH) within seven classes of
and separated by shorter distances; edge and forest interior
height in fifty-eight 0.1-ha plots in forest edges (n = 10), forest fragments (n = 28) and
plots were on average 2480.4 m  960.2 m apart (n = 200 random forest interior plots (n = 20) in Serra Grande, Brazil.
pairs), whereas forest fragment and forest interior plots were
20,373.9 m  3836.28 m apart (n = 200 random pairs). This finding
reinforces our assumption that both historical and contemporary 5. Discussion
logging has not structured tree assemblages; it is unreasonable to
suppose that logging completely eroded the vertical structure of Our findings revealed a substantial shift in the size structure of
Coimbra forest edges, but saved large trees only 200 m apart in forest tree assemblages and the impoverishment of the large-tree stand
interior areas. in an aging, hyper-fragmented landscape. Such erosion refers to a
ANOSIM uncovered no significant correlation between soil type robust decline of large tree species richness (in relative and
and degree of taxonomic similarity between plots (R = 0.102; absolute terms), reduced abundance of large-stemmed and very
p = 0.987), but detected a small effect of vegetation type (R = 0.38; tall trees (a distorted size structure), and the complete elimination
p = 0.01) and a stronger effect of habitat type (R = 0.706; p = 0.01). of indicator emergent species in edge-affected habitats. In fact, the
Tree community structure in forest interior plots was significantly abundance of large trees in the edge-affected habitats of the Serra
different from that along edge (R = 0.934; p = 0.01) and those in Grande landscape was far lower than the scores reported for
small fragments (R = 0.79; p = 0.01). This was confirmed by a undisturbed tracts of lowland tropical forests (including Coimbra
Mantel test, which failed to uncover any large-scale spatial effect Forest), where this group usually represents 1–6% of all tree stems
on the taxonomic similarity across the 58 plots (Rho = 0.329; 10 cm DBH (Clark and Clark, 1996). Increased mortality of large
p = 0.99). Finally, an indicator species analysis yielded a set of 12 trees resulting from forest fragmentation has been reported,
large tree species, including emergent, long-lived pioneer, hard particularly close to forest edges (Laurance et al., 2000). A recent
and softwood timber species (e.g. Virola, Lecythis, Manilkara, study (Santos et al., 2008) also reported a sharp decrease in the
Aspidosperma genera), which were significantly associated with richness of emergent tree species in edge-affected habitats of the
forest interior plots (Table 2). In contrast, forest edges and Serra Grande landscape. However, by examining tree distribution
fragments (edge-affected habitats) lacked any large tree species within size classes we were able to accurately document the
serving as indicator of these altered habitats. floristic erosion faced by the large-tree stand in these habitats,

Fig. 3. Average percentage (S.D.) of trees (10 cm in DBH) within seven classes of Fig. 5. Average tree height (0.95 confidence interval), considering an average stem–
DBH in fifty-eight 0.1-ha plots in forest edges (n = 10), forest fragments (n = 28) and DBH of 19.6 cm (the average DBH for the whole tree stand) in forest edges, forest
forest interior plots (n = 20) in Serra Grande, Brazil. fragments and forest interior plots in Serra Grande, Brazil. n = 4799 stems.
M.A. Oliveira et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 256 (2008) 1910–1917 1915

Table 2
Indicator tree species (sensu Dufrêne and Legendre, 1997) recorded in 20 forest interior plots in the Coimbra Forest, with their respective families, regeneration strategies and
indicator values (IV) at Usina Serra Grande, Brazil

Indicator species Family R. strategya IV Randomized IV p

Virola gardneri Myristicaceae S-tolerant 87.7 29.1  6.1 0.001

Manilkara salzmanii Sapotaceae S-tolerant 45.9 19  5.3 0.001
Balizia pedicellaris Fabaceae LL pioneer 38.8 17.2  5.0 0.006
Sloanea obtusifolia Elaeocarpaceae S-tolerant 37.3 15  4.5 0.001
Diplotropis purpurea Fabaceae S-tolerant 36.3 20.7  6.2 0.02
Ficus guaranitica Moraceae LL pioneer 34.2 18.3  4.9 0.011
Sloanea guianensis Elaeocarpaceae S-tolerant 33.4 14  4.8 0.004
Couepia rufa Chrysobalanaceae S-tolerant 32 20.6  5.1 0.045
Pterocarpus violaceus Fabaceae LL pioneer 30.6 16.2  4.7 0.009
Aspidosperma spruceanum Apocynaceae LL pioneer 30 11.5  4.3 0.001
Aspidosperma discolor Apocynaceae LL pioneer 25 10  3.9 0.007
Pradozia lactescens Sapotaceae S-tolerant 25 10  3.9 0.011
S-tolerant = shade tolerant; LL pioneer = long-lived pioneer.

including the structural collapse of the forest emergent layer in the 2006). Chronic wind stress in fact not only shapes tree architecture
edge of the largest and best preserved forest remnant of northeast (including tropical trees), but also the size structure of tree
Brazil. This marked pattern emerged despite our relatively reduced assemblages across tropical and temperate regions (Webb et al.,
sample effort and cannot be explained by either baseline variables 1999). It appears that those Serra Grande fragments buffered
(e.g. vegetation and soil type) or plot spatial location. against wind loading/disturbance (via increased surrounding
Therefore, our findings represent a consistent set of empirical forest cover) are more able to retain large trees established prior
evidence for a persistent impoverishment of the large-tree stand to fragmentation; but also provide suitable conditions for the
associated with the establishment of aging, hyper-fragmented recruitment of new ones as growing, young trees are less exposed
landscapes, in which edge-affected habitats prevail. They also to winds. This rationale is highly consistent with and reinforces the
indicate that many floristic and structural trends documented in notion that the more closely the matrix resembles the structure of
more recently fragmented forest landscapes, such as those in the forest fragments the less pronounced are the edge effects
central Brazilian Amazonia (see Laurance et al., 2000), represent the (Mesquita et al., 1999; Harper et al., 2005).
first steps towards a more drastic and pervasive simplification of In synthesis, this paper outlines some noticeable shifts in the
forest vertical structure. However, the forces promoting the shifts size structure of tree assemblages in response to habitat
documented here are not completely understood. Some investiga- fragmentation, including the floristic impoverishment of the
tions have observed elevated mortality of large trees due to large-tree stand in edge-affected habitats. Despite the relative
uprooting driven by increased windshear and turbulence near forest lack of knowledge about the mechanisms that make edges and
edges, i.e. a mechanical force as an agent of tree death (D’Angelo small fragments hostile to large tree species, our findings reinforce
et al., 2004). Physiological stress imposed by edge-related micro- the notion that edge-dominated, hyper-fragmented landscapes
climatic changes has also been proposed as an additional source of tend to retain degenerated/altered tree assemblages (sensu Santos
increased mortality among large trees (Laurance et al., 2000; et al., 2008). Furthermore, this impoverishment is likely to trigger
Nascimento and Laurance, 2004), but this mechanism still lacks devastating impacts, via extinction cascades, across other func-
empirical support. In addition to these edge-induced sources, large tional/taxonomic groups, which require resources exclusively
canopy and emergent trees are particularly susceptible to selective provided by large trees. In the Atlantic forest of northeast Brazil, for
logging (Brown and Gurevitch, 2004), droughts (Nepstad et al., instance, the illuminated crowns of large trees offer an irreplace-
2007), and delayed mortality induced by surface fires (Barlow et al., able habitat for at least two-dozen species of bromeliads (nearly a
2003; Barlow and Peres, 2008). Logging and fire, in fact, are likely to quarter of the bromeliad flora in this region), which exclusively
rival fragmentation-induced processes as the major forces leading inhabit the sun-exposed crowns positioned in the forest emergent
large tree populations to collapse (extinction filters) in intensively layer (Siqueira-Filho and Tabarelli, 2006). By retaining only edge-
human exploited landscapes (see Nepstad et al., 1999). affected habitats, severely fragmented landscapes face a severe
Our study site consisted of an aging, hyper-fragmented threat of biodiversity loss, which clearly impairs their eligibility as
landscape in which the impoverishment/collapse of large-tree future conservation targets and degrade their potential value in
stands had probably occurred a long time ago. Although this terms of ecosystem services and economic opportunities (sensu
scenario provides an interesting opportunity to investigate long- Zarin, 2004). This clearly weakens the justification to avoid further
term effects of habitat fragmentation, it does not permit a proper deforestation in already severely fragmented Atlantic forest
investigation of the proximate causes of large tree mortality, as landscapes; one of the most endangered global hotspots of
most of these trees have already succumbed in edge-affected biodiversity (Myers et al., 2000). We hope that our findings
habitats; standing-dead large trees were inexpressive across encourage wider-scale studies addressing the whole set of
habitats. However, some findings in this landscape apparently proximate mechanisms leading the impoverishment of the
support the wind damage hypothesis. Large tree species in Serra large-tree stand, particularly in edge-affected habitats. This is a
Grande positively correlated with the amount of forest cover crucial step towards the definition of land-use regulations and
around fragments. Furthermore, trees inhabiting edge-affected conservation guidelines designed to avoid a persistent degradation
habitats were drastically shorter (relative to their DBH) than those of hyper-fragmented landscapes.
in forest interior areas. Depressed height/diameter ratio has long
been accepted as resulting from plant acclimation to better Acknowledgments
withstand increased wind loading and its impacts (Ennos, 1997;
Read and Stokes, 2006; Zenner, 2008), as stem mechanical safety We are enormously grateful to Alexandre Grillo for making his
decreases with increasing height/diameter ratio (van Gelder et al., tree database available for the authors; Luis Antônio Bezerra and
1916 M.A. Oliveira et al. / Forest Ecology and Management 256 (2008) 1910–1917

José Clodoaldo Bakker for authorizing our fieldwork at the Usina Laurance, W.F., Lovejoy, L.E., Vasconcelos, H.L., Bruna, E.M., Didham, R.K., Stouffer,
P.C., Gascon, C., Bierregaard Jr., R.O., Laurance, S.G., Sampaio, E., 2002. Ecosystem
Serra Grande landholding; CNPq (research grant to M. Tabarelli), decay of Amazonian forest fragments: a 22-year investigation. Conserv. Biol. 16,
Fundação O Boticário de Proteção à Natureza; and Conservação 605–618.
Internacional for essential financial support. Two anonymous Laurance, W.F., Nascimento, H.E.M., Laurance, S.G., Andrade, A., Ribeiro, J.E.L.S.,
Giraldo, G.P., Lovejoy, T.E., Condit, R., Chave, J., Harms, K.E., D‘Ângelo, S., 2006.
referees offered constructive criticisms on the manuscript. Rapid decay of tree-community composition in Amazonian forest fragments.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 103, 19010–19014.
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