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Tricks of the Trade Show 2017:

An Exhibition Booth Checklist

Exhibiting at a trade show can surpass any marketing or growth initiative — if done well. Follow our
checklist below to make sure you’re prepared for your next event.


At a trade show, your booth is like an open house. If you want people to buy, you’ve got to make sure it’s
clean, welcoming, and visually stunning.

☐  Use an open design.

This will allow traffic to easily flow through the booth.

☐  Ditch the chairs.

Too many seated people will make the environment look boring. Instead, opt for standing counters
and tables with chargers.

☐  Invest in a large display.

Whether it’s a sign, a screen, or something else, a beacon will help you stand out from the rest.

☐  Keep it cozy.
Whether it’s soft flooring or warm lighting, features that momentarily take visitors out of the hustle
and bustle are a plus.


The competition at trade shows is stiff and time is limited. Make sure you’re using your brief window with
visitors effectively.

☐  Be interactive..
A screen that plays your information on a loop is nice, but interactive presentations are more inviting
and engaging. See our trade show templates here and here, specifically designed for the exhibition

☐  Be mobile.
Don’t wait for visitors to approach you. Make sure your presentation is on a tablet so you can strike up
conversations no matter where you’re standing.

☐  Have a clear call to action.

Define your call to action and make sure it’s visible somewhere in your booth, attached to takeaways,
and thoroughly rehearsed by your staff.

☐  Have smart giveaways.

Don’t do swag for the sake of swag. Give visitors something that’s functional as well as communicates
the value of your products or services.


A trade show is a great place to start a ton of new conversations, but what happens after that? Keep new
prospects on your radar so you can reconnect at the opportune moment.

☐  Collect contact info.

Trade swag for names and numbers, or invest in a badge scanner that will gather them for you. The
easier and more creative you make this process, the more contacts you’ll gain.

☐  Use analytics.
Want to know who cared enough about your presentation to open it up after the conference? Use a
platform that features built-in analytics. These insights can help you determine your highest quality
leads before you call them.

☐  Bonus: customize content.

Research your contact before you reconnect with them in order to tailor your next presentation to
their needs. Customization is key!


Use an open design Display interactive Go mobile Use analytics


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