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University of Luzon

College of Accountancy
Dagupan City


This accountancy thesis entitled “ACP PROGRAM SATISFACTION


partial fulfilment of the requirements for the subject Principles and

Methods of Research/RES 11 has been examined and found to be

acceptable in form and in content.


Member, Oral Examination Committee

MR./MS. ________________________

Member, Oral Examination Committee


Research Professor

University of Luzon
College of Accountancy
Dagupan City





Researchers: Altezo, Ma. Ann Alaica N.

Anao, Elda Ella N.

Calma, Rowbby Gwyn C.

Casibang, Gladys C.

Imbat, Rhea S.

Peralta, Loren C.

Torio , Diana A.

Untalan, Anna Alexandra E.

Velasco, Rodecca L.

Course: Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology

Name of Professor: Prof. Darwin M. Juguilon

Institution: University of Luzon

University of Luzon
College of Accountancy
Dagupan City

Background of the Study

Internship or on-the-job training for many professional jobs plays a

pivotal role of preparing the students for the business world. It offers the

students the chance to jumpstart their career with invaluable

opportunities to gain professional industry experience while undertaking

their university degree. In addition to gaining exposure in the work, it

also provides students with both a competitive edge in the marketplace

and an opportunity to experience the activities undertaken in their

chosen profession. Trainings and activities like this are necessary to give

students first hand skill development and knowledge which they cannot

get within the confines of the classroom. It can also provide students to

apply theoretical knowledge gained through formal classroom learning

with the complexities, problem solving and analysis involved in the

structured working environment in a manner that cannot be replicated

in a normal classroom setting (Beard, 2007 cited by Warinda 2013 -

Retrieved 07/07/18).

As far back as 1986, the American Accounting Association (AAA)

acknowledges the benefit of a period of practical experience incorporate

in to the academic preparation of an accountant. One method used to

provide professional practical experience is through internship programs.

In addition, they have identified a number of specific opportunities for

accountancy students that an internship program can give; Integrate

academic knowledge with practical applications, create relevance for past

University of Luzon
College of Accountancy
Dagupan City

and future classroom learning, develop work place social and human

relations skills and provide the students to apply problem-solving skills.

These benefits are consistent with Schmutte findings that accountancy

students undertaking internship programs are able to clarify their career

objectives before graduating (Warinda 2013 - Retrieved 07/07/18).

In the Philippines, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)

was mandated to develop and promote policies, systems, procedures and

programs that address globalization, changing policies, and liberalization

of trade in higher education. CHED shall require student internship and

establishment by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) of strong

academic linkages with competitive skills and attitudes for employment

(CHED Memorandum Order, Art.1, Sec. 3 - retrieved 09/07/18).

Internship satisfaction defines as the extent to which people like or

dislike the program, and how they perceive and feel about the different

aspects of this. Satisfying internship experiences provide a plethora of

advantages (Klee, 2011 Heng Kawai et. al. 2012). Students who have a

satisfying internship experiences tend to have a more positive outlook

toward their career search process and also toward their educational

institution (Paulins, 2008 cited by Gupta et al., 2010). These students

with satisfying internship experiences will be able to contribute to their

companies when they kick-start their careers. Knouse and Fontenot

(2008) explored on the benefits of internships and obtained findings from

other researchers regarding the issue of satisfaction with internship

University of Luzon
College of Accountancy
Dagupan City

experience. Cook, Parker, and Pettijohn found that over a 10-year period,

the trend of satisfaction with internships is relatively stable. (cited by

Knoues & Fontenot, 2008 - Retrieved 07/07/18).

In order for the students to be prepared for the workforce, beyond

the constructs of formal education, students need to engage in work and

life as active learners. Perhaps more than anything else, internships

helps students in preparing for their careers. Career awareness of

students is enhanced, more so since they work in a related or

professional environment. The experience gained during the training

affords students the chance to evaluate, reflect upon and try a career

field after their graduation (Scott, 1992; MohdJaffri et al., 2011 cited in

Bukaliya 2012 - retrieved 07/07/18).

The primary focus of this study is to examine the students’ OJT

satisfaction and determine whether it helped to enhance the ability to

achieve the intended learning outcomes of the internship programs,

provide feedback to the students, university and employers to

continuously improve accounting internship for undergraduates.

University of Luzon
College of Accountancy
Dagupan City

Statement of the Problem

This study determined the level ofd internship satisfaction of the

College of Accountancy students. Specifically, it sought to answer the

following questions:

1. What is the level of satisfaction of the undergraduates in the ACP

Program of UL College of Accountancy along the following areas:

a. individual factors;

b. university support;

c. job characteristics; and

d. organizational environment?

2. What factors limit the satisfaction of the students in the internship


3. What measures can be proposed to improve the level of satisfaction of

the internship program?

Research Method Used

Descriptive research is a study designed to depict the participants

on an accurate way. More simply put, descriptive research is all about

describing people to take part in the study. There are three ways

researcher can go about doing a descriptive research project and these

are: observational, case study and survey.



University of Luzon
College of Accountancy
Dagupan City

Descriptive method used was Descriptive-Survey method, opted

as it provides accurate for portrayal or account of characteristics of

particular individual was individuals, situations, or groups from a

relatively large number of cases at a particular time. This survey was

used to assess the students’ internship satisfaction of the accountancy.

Summary of Findings

The following were the summary of significant findings. Relative to

the level of satisfaction, the results are:

 Majority of our respondents consist of students from Bachelor of

Science in Accounting Technology course, that is, 194 (79.84%),

whereas the other respondents are from Bachelor of Science in

Accountancy course, consisting of 49 (20.16%) respondents.

 Out of 243 respondents, 65 (26.75%) were male respondents and

178 (73.25%) were female respondents.

 On the areas covered by the questionnaire regarding the level of

satisfaction, the findings In area of individual factors “I often

volunteered for tasks” had the highest derived mean of 3.76 while

the statement “I proactively asked for feedback during internship”

had the lowest derived mean of 3.29 among the factors given.

 The statement “My university internship office provided students

with adequate internship orientation.” had the highest weighted

mean of 3.60 accumulated among the other factors. While the

University of Luzon
College of Accountancy
Dagupan City

statement “My university supervisor provided direct and

immediate feedback.” had the lowest weighted mean of 3.28.

 The statement “My internship provided me the chance to

completely finish the pieces of work I began” accumulate the

highest result in the survey having highest weighted mean of 3.70.

While the statement “My internship required me to use a number

of complex or high-level skills.” accumulated a weighted mean of


 The statement “My site supervisor was a good professional model

for me.” Had the highest accumulated weighted mean of 3.74.

While the lowest accumulated weighted mean of 3.42 with the

statement ‘”My site supervisor shared his/her personal experiences

to give me an alternative perspective to my problems.”

 In terms of General Internship Satisfaction among COA Students,

the third statement “I am generally satisfied with the kind of work I

did in my internship” had the highest computed mean of 3.65.

While the second statement “I often thought of quitting my

internship” had a lowest mean of 2.97 with descriptive equivalent

of “Neutral”.


This study examined the relationship of each independent variable

to determine the factors that contribute to the level of satisfaction of the

University of Luzon
College of Accountancy
Dagupan City

undergraduates of College of Accountancy. Therefore, individual factors,

university support, job characteristics and organizational environment

are imperative factors contributing towards internship satisfaction. The

University, the host companies, as well as students are the main players

capable of affecting and shaping internship satisfaction.

The researchers found out that majority of undergraduates are

satisfied with their internship. Most of the trainees volunteer and

finished all the tasks on time. This study also showed that most of the

onsite supervisors were a good role model for the trainees and that the

university provided the trainees a well-organized orientation. Based on

the findings.


Based on the findings and conclusion, the following

recommendations are advanced:

1. University support should take into consideration providing direct

and immediate feedback to trainee, being available at critical times

and fostering an open and trusting relationship to trainee because

those factors influencing internship satisfaction among

undergraduate were “neutral” selected by respondent. Thus

making action will give better satisfaction to the trainee and also to


University of Luzon
College of Accountancy
Dagupan City

2. To the future researchers, the researchers recommend to use the

research output in their future studies and to conduct item by

item analysis in the practical examination results in order to

analyse the data they have gathered in conducting their study.

Additionally, future researcher could look into whether a satisfied

permanent employee when they enter the real working world is it

in their former internship company or a new company.

University of Luzon
College of Accountancy
Dagupan City



Approval Sheet I

Thesis Abstract ii

Table of Contents xii

List of Figures and Tables xv

Acknowledgement xvi

Dedication xviii


Rationale 1

Statement of the Problem 6

Scope and Delimitation 6

Significance of the Study 7

Definition of Terms 8



Conceptual Literature 10

Research Literature 17

Synthesis 20


Research Method Used 22

University of Luzon
College of Accountancy
Dagupan City

Locale of the Study 22

Respondents of the Study 25

Data Gathering Instrument 26

Data Gathering Procedure 28

Statistical Treatment of Data 29



Demographic Profile of the Respondents 31

Individual Factors 31

University Support 33

Job Characteristics 35

Organizational Environment 37

Summary of Individual Factors, University 40

Support, Job Characteristics, Organizational


General Internship Satisfaction Among the COA 41


Factors that Limit the Level of Satisfaction in the 43

Internship program

Proposed Measure to Improve the Level of 44

Satisfaction of the Students in the Internship


University of Luzon
College of Accountancy
Dagupan City



Summary of Significant Findings 46

Conclusion 48

Recommendation 48

Bibliography 50

Appendices 56

Appendix A Letter of Permit to Conduct the 57


Appendix B Letter to Respondents 58

Questionnaires 58

Appendix C Tallied Data 62

Appendix D Factors Influencing Internship 64

Satisfaction among Students in Terms of

Individual Factors

Appendix E Factors Influencing Internship 65

Satisfaction among Students in Terms of

University Support

Appendix F Factors Influencing Internship 66

Satisfaction among Students in Terms of Job


University of Luzon
College of Accountancy
Dagupan City

Appendix G Factors Influencing Internship 67

Satisfaction among Students in Terms of

Organizational Environment

Appendix H General Internship Satisfaction 68

Among COA Students

Appendix I Class Lists 69

Curriculum Vitae 76

University of Luzon
College of Accountancy
Dagupan City



Figure 1 Site Map of University of Luzon 24



Table 1 Gender of the Respondents 25

Table 2 Courses of the Respondents 26

Table 3 Factors Influencing Internship Satisfaction 32

Among Students in terms of Individual Factors

Table 4 Factors Influencing Internship Satisfaction 34

Among Students in terms of University Support

Table 5 Factors Influencing Internship Satisfaction 36

Among Students in terms of Job Characteristics

Table 6 Factors Influencing Internship Satisfaction 38

Among Students in terms of Organizational


Table 7 Summary of Factors Influencing Internship 40

Satisfaction Among Students

Table 8 General Internship Satisfaction Among Students 42

University of Luzon
College of Accountancy
Dagupan City


This research project was possible to be successfully completed

with the assistance, guidance, and support from various individuals. We

would like to take this great opportunity to express our deepest pleasure

and gratefulness to those people who had been with us along our pursuit

in achieving and completing this valuable research.

First and foremost, we would like to express our cordial gratitude

and appreciation to our Research Professor, Prof. Darwin M. Juguilon,

for his exceptional guidance to us throughout the advancement and

development of our research project. His commitment in ensuring that

we fully understood the whole concept of research methods and

procedures. His patience in guiding us through complex statistical

analyses, act as motivating factors for us to strive and persevere despite

of challenges and adversities. His confidence towards our capabilities

and work drives us to excel for the best and steadfastly fight for

something what we really want to achieve.

Secondly, we would like to thank Dean Renante D. Balocating, the

dean of College and Accountancy, for his supportive and encouraging

word for us to come up with the most reasonable result in our research.

The interest and attention shown by him in our research project was a

strong catalyst that impels us to project excellence and quality in our

work. We would also like to express our appreciation for his care and

concern for the well-being of our team.

University of Luzon
College of Accountancy
Dagupan City

Thirdly, we would like to extend our deepest gratitude towards our

parents and family members who had been with us through ups and

downs and who had also been the driving forces that supports and

encourages us in our journey.

Furthermore, we would like to take this opportunity to thank those

respondents who had been part of the success of this study and made it

even possible. Finally, to all of our peers and friends for their moral

support and guidance as well as those who were directly or indirectly

involved in the entire process of completing this research project.

The Researchers

University of Luzon
College of Accountancy
Dagupan City


There are number of people without whom this study might not

have been written, and to whom the researchers are greatly indebted.

The researchers humbly dedicate this study to the Almighty God for

giving sense of direction, wisdom, guidance and strength to overcome all

the challenges in life. A special feeling of gratitude to the loving parents

and families, for their courage and support in all aspects. To the friends,

for being there when things look bleak. To the instructors, who in other

way contributed to the success of this study and to all the people who

touched our hearts and believed in us.










University of Luzon

Dagupan City

October 2018


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