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David Wolfe Nutrition Certification©

No Single Nutrition System Is the Only One

The biggest criticisms that I receive, now, 17 years into this, are from the people that are
like I was when I first got started. And, it’s interesting. It’s the argument that no diet is
simple, no you just need to eat raw food, no you just need to eat mostly fruit and a little bit
of vegetables, everything is going to be fine, that all this stuff about metabolic typing and
different Dosha types and elemental characteristics from the Chinese medicine system,
don’t mean anything. It’s all BS. And, obviously, time will prove that actually the ancient
systems are correct and that diet is more sophisticated that just eating fruits and some
vegetables, having an 80% fruit diet and 10% this and 10% that, is going to go by the
wayside with time and it’s difficult for people in the beginning to understand that. And
that’s an important point as a teacher that you’ve got to put out there.


That it’s very easy in the beginning to get caught up in kind of fascist this is the way, this is
right, this is the only way story because you’re new. It’s how politicians have taken
advantage of us from the beginning of time. They get a new movement going, this is the
thing, this is the way, and then that turns into Nazism, or it turns into Communism, or it
turns into Capitalism, or whatever. So it’s always a little more sophisticated than that. And
there is a relationship here between politics and gardening and food and that is shall we let
a man rule a nation who cannot rule his own garden, as the ancient Chinese proverb states.
And that’s kind of how it is with diet too, is that it’s a garden, it’s a variety of different
moving parts and it can be sophisticated. And the way I chunk it down, the way I simplify
it is that there’s food – right, that’s just food. It has caloric value, right, major macro
nutrients, like fruits or like carbohydrates from fruits or carbohydrates from other sources
and macro nutrients like


Oils and fats from say avocadoes and nuts and seeds, and other types of oils, olive oil, and
then there’s the major macro nutrients of protein that are in that category of food and that
should be a predominance of raw food and that will work for everybody if that can be in
say 80% raw food of the food we are eating, that’s going to benefit a lot of people greatly
exceeding the effectiveness of most food choices. But, that’s not all there is. There’s also
this category which is the superfood and insurance policy category which is making sure
you’re actually getting enough. Because we can’t guarantee you’re going to get enough
from say lettuce, of the minerals that you need in order to produce vigorous health for 20
years. We can’t guarantee that you’re going to get enough protein, for example, from just
plants that are in the fruits and vegetable category. But, with superfoods, yeah, we can
guarantee that. With that supplement category, maybe B12 or DHA, marine oils or
whatever that’s going to fit into that category too, then you’re


guaranteeing through an insurance policy that you’re not flying off the deep end. This
makes a lot more sense when you’re pregnant and makes a lot more sense when you want
David Wolfe Nutrition Certification©

to become pregnant because women know. They are not fooled by this kind of fascistic
nonsense about this is the only diet or you have to eat this limited stuff or whatever.
Women have a stronger intuition. Their body will tell them if they need to eat fish, if they
need to eat meat, if they need to eat fruit, if they need to eat chlorella, if they need to eat
olive oil, if they need to eat avocadoes, if they need to eat whatever. The women’s body
will tell them. And then we have a third category and that’s superherbs which is your
medicine. The food category doesn’t have any medicine in it. It’s just calories. It’s all
been breaded and domesticated. No matter what food you’re eating, unless you’re eating a
wild food diet, most likely there’s no medicine in your diet. And that’s where you come
over here into the herbal category which is actually medicine so that you can knock out all
those things in your body that are virally oriented, that are bacterially oriented, that are
developing into problems maybe down the road,


Right at the very infancy of it. This has been learned since the 1980 in the field of
medicine in the studies of bacteria growth, from population growth of bacteria, is that our
original idea that all bacteria behave like dogs. And that is if you leave your house for a
week and you leave a bowl of food for your dog, your dog is going to eat the whole food in
the first day. And that’s the model that is in all science in relationship to studying
population growth in bacteria right up until the 1980s. Until it was realized that there are
organisms on this earth that don’t eat like dogs, they eat like cats. Now if you have a cat,
you know that if you leave a bowl out for your cat and you’re gone for a week, your cat will
ration the bowl out. It will eat a little bit one day, a little bit the next day, a little bit the next
day after that. So there are organisms given an infinite amount of food that will only
populate at a certain level. And those are the organisms that are behind arthritis, those are
the organisms that are behind plaque formation in your body, those are calcification
organisms, bacteria that form shells, and viruses that form shells,


Leaving debris behind in your body, coral or muscles or oysters or barnacles that leave a
shell behind, and that’s arthritis, that’s plaque formation in our body. And, to fight those,
we need a very intense herbal program all the time. And that’s why I recommend tea.
When you have tea coming into your body you’re knocking down all different kinds of
medicine, all the time. It’s rocking into your body all the time. And when you put that all
together, you got your food sorted out, so it’s not toxifying you and giving you what you
actually need, you’ve got your superfood/supplement category sorted out, so you’re actually
completely covered, you’re not missing DHA, you’re not missing protein, you’re not
missing Vitamin B12, you’re not missing vitamin K2, you’re not missing Vitamin B9,
you’re not missing D3, and you have all that covered and you’re like ok, got it – Insurance
done. And then you have this whole superherbs category which is in essence, at its
foundation, the idea that we should be taking the top 20 herbs

David Wolfe Nutrition Certification©

Around us, the ones we can get access to and just not even worry about herb number
1111or herb number 108 or herb number 444, it doesn’t matter, we’re not getting there.
Let ‘s get herb 1 through 10 and then 10 through 20. That’s superherbs. And those are
the ones that are designed for everybody by the creator and by the higher power to be
eating on a regular basis like food, but they have medicine. What’s the best in that
category? Probably Reishi mushroom, it’s the most well studied, and if you don’t take
Reishi mushroom, then you haven’t actually learned enough about it. That’s the only
reason why you’re not taking it. It’s the most well studied herb in the world and I really
recommend researching it and if you want a good recommendation just for anybody right
away doing anything – Reishi mushroom. Do it right away because it starts giving people an
immune system and if you’re getting a cold, a cough, a fever, a scratchiness in your throat,
any kind of infection that’s chronic, then actually what it’s indicating is that there is no
immune system. Let me just reiterate this again. If you’re just eating food over here,
there’s no immune system.


You’re not getting immunity. And therefore you don’t really have the weapons. You don’t
really have an army that’s able to go out and knock out the bad bacteria, the viruses, and
the stuff that creeps up on you, the calcium forming organisms. They are actually having a
field day as well. But they creep up slowly so you don’t really notice it until you’re about
60 and all of sudden, it’s like crunch. Once the hormones go down and they get the signal
to go Oh wait we got our chance, boom, and they start coming up. All of a sudden the
arthritis starts, all of sudden the calcification and heart disease starts up and then we are
going to start paying attention. If you’re younger than that now, now is the time to start
rocking the medicines in. This is where we have to be careful with people going flying off
the deep end with these kind of crazy diets. It’s like if there’s no insurance policy there
then there’s no medicine in there. So I know what’s going to happen. What’s going to
happen is it’s going to cause hyper, kind of an anorexic kind of a look. It’s going to cause
demineralization and loss of brain oils which is going to cause that kind of cooky behavior,
and it can cause even insanity.


Or extreme personality distortions such as chronic and incessant anger. Chronic and
incessant energies that are destructive in the world and that’s like being – or chronic and
excessive talking, that’s another one. And, you’ve met people like that. They’re just “blah-
blah-blah –blah” and you just want to get one word in and they go “blah, blah, blah, blah”
and they just keep talking. That right there is a wind excess in the elemental theory of
Chinese medicine. And in the Ayurvedic system, it’s a Dosha, a Vata imbalance where the
Vata has gone out of control and really out of control. Now the number one thing people
have said to me over the years in the field of raw food, it comes up more than any single
thing is that “if I’m going to eat raw food, am I going to be crazy like that person?”. That’s
the number one thing I have heard over all these years. It’s like chronic, all the time. And
I’ve always wondered like God, there is a lot of crazy people in the raw food scene. Maybe
there’s crazy people in every scene in the world. I’ve always wondered is it different with
raw food than say in the heart
David Wolfe Nutrition Certification©


Of a corporation like a computer company or something or any other kind of social

group? And I think that actually it is a little different in raw foods. Because in raw foods, it
can be in a 1- be done totally wrong, we don’t have any insurance policy and we don’t have
any herbalism, so we’re just working with food and that’s it and 2- it can cause extreme
Dosha imbalances – extreme wind, extreme fire, extreme heat, or extreme cold, extreme
dampening, and this is where the medicine comes in because those superherbs actually will
modulate that for us. They’ll dry out our spleen, like poria, the medicinal mushroom
poria, dries out the damp, wet spleen. It’s exactly counteractive to the damp, wet spleen.
So is rhemmania, which is a Chinese herb, is also counteractive to the damp, wet spleen.
So it counteracts those things that raw food can create in some types of metabolisms.


What it really comes down to again is taking the food, and the superfood combination and
going ok, now I’ve got all this covered but am I in balance? And then using herbalism to
drive the balance to move it so you’re getting into the zone where you want to be so we
don’t get into extreme personality distortions, of extreme upset, extreme passivity is
another side effect, lack of drive is another side effect. And these things can be worked
with herbally in order to direct the energies where we want them to go. This is the overall
picture of the sophistication of food brought to its most simplest categories that we can play
with. Again, they are 1-Food, 2-Superfoods/Supplements, that’s your insurance policy, 3-
Superherbs which is your medicine, which are metable, and easy to eat on a regular basis,
almost on a daily basis if you want to and the effects of which are felt pretty much instantly.
And that’s the kind of thing we want to be feeding people out there because we don’t want
to be guessing anymore.


We don’t need to guess anymore. We want to be giving people things that we know are
going to work for a vast, large portion of the population that have been time proven and
time tested over thousands of years and boom, we go right to that and step by step, as we
learn more about that person, more about ourselves, we can dial it even tighter, even a little
bit more specific, dial in that frequency even a little bit more perfectly.

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