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If you are social, you like to be around people. A social butterfly is someone who is social or
friendly with everyone, flitting from pe

To me, a social butterfly visits all the flowers, and partakes of all the nectars. And in so doing, they
gather pollen, and spread that pollen far and wide. There will always be the flowers, the people that
cannot or will not be able to circulate. But the butterflies can bring together groups by learning a bit
about everybody, and assisting to bring different people together by what they have learned from them
all, fertilizing new relationships.

I can only speak for myself, but I think a "social butterfly" is a person who flits from person the person
and/or from group to group, never really belonging anywhere. My impression is that they have short
attentions spans, are vain and superficial, and are primarily interested in other people for what those
other people can give them. If they discover you have nothing useful for them to get from you, they
move on...not because they don't like you, but because you have no use to them.

20 Things You Should Know Before Dating A

Social Butterfly
Social butterflies are a really special species. Dating one will require a level of tolerance not
many people have, so if there’s someone you really like, prepare yourself to moving your limits.
They live in a world of their own where being an extrovert and an introvert is possible at the
same time; they have a lot of friends, but they aren’t close with anybody really; they date a lot,
but usually don’t have a single relationship that lasted more than three months; and they tend to
have a lot of talents, but not one of those are fully developed, except perhaps their social skills.
Dating a social butterfly will get you way out of your comfort zone, so you need to brace
yourself and do your homework.

1. They always hang out with a bunch of people

You can’t really expect from a social butterfly to devote their full attention to you, at least not in
the beginning of your relationship. You really can’t get mad at them because they are surrounded
by a lot of different people 24/7. Their attention needs to be deserved.
2. They like to be in the spotlight

You’ll easily be able to recognize a social butterfly if you just pay attention to which person is
the center of a social group. They would do and say practically anything to be noted, so prepare
yourself for the unexpected.

3. They change their mind quite often

In order to understand how they tick, pay attention to the way they plan their day – they tend to
keep all of their options open until they are proposed with something they really like. So, if you
don’t find what they say reliable, have in mind that their plans change by the minute.

4. They expect from everyone to have social skills

Dating a social butterfly usually means you’re on your own, and this doesn’t mean they don’t
care – they just don’t realize that not everyone has social skills. That lack of empathy isn’t
something they do on purpose; they just don’t realize what it’s like to be uncomfortable when
surrounded with a lot of unfamiliar people. If you’re determined to really put an effort into this
relationship, it’s probably time to learn how to develop your social skills.

5. They tend to be irresponsible

Considering the fact that even they don’t really know what kind of obligations they have during
the day, a real responsibility can easily slip from their mind. You can’t really expect from a
social butterfly to have a serious career, because they are already devoted to maintaining a
certain lifestyle – the show must go on!

6. They are extraordinarily spontaneous

If your life was steady and quite until now, prepare yourself for a major lifestyle change. There’s
no point in trying to resist them, and if you just go with the flow, you’ll have a lot – and I mean a
lot – of stories to tell.

7. They like to experiment with everything

Whether it’s about fashion, haircuts, gadgets, music or jobs, be sure they either tried it or they
plan on trying it. And, social butterflies will push whatever they are experimenting with – at least
until they become good at it, because then it becomes boring.

8. They will expect from you to appreciate their sense of humor

You two can’t really work if you don’t laugh at a social butterfly’s jokes. It’s important to
understand that they live of feeding with laughs. When you get there, it will be pretty simple,
especially because they are usually hilarious.
9. They have occasional depressions

With so many different things happening in their lives, they occasionally get tired. When that
happens, they feel alone, and that is when waves of depressions come along. It’s probably best to
give them space and let them fight it – you can be positive that this isn’t the first time in a social
butterfly’s life when they are struggling with who they actually are. However, if you notice that
they have more than just a few signs of depression, you should jump right in and do your best to

10. They tend to be artistic

One of more than just a few talents they poses will be related to at least one form of art, you can
be sure of that. Considering the fact they have a lot of experience in completely different areas,
it’s natural they have a need to express it someway.

11. They are great adventurists

Social butterflies tend to consider their lives to be a real life movie, with a theme song and
everything. So, if you get neglected because of something you think is less important, believe
me, they don’t look at things from your angle, because they’ll leave everything for an exciting

12. They need support even though they appear to be really confident

All of these characteristics create a strong figure that’s daring and confident, but that’s not the
whole truth. The greatest bond you can make with a social butterfly is through support, so make
sure you show a lot of it, even though you sometimes consider it isn’t necessary.

13. They have a really busy schedule

One day of a social butterfly is equal to several days of a regular person – they get up early and
they stay out really late. Scheduling a date with them may sometimes feel like making an
appointment with your dentist, but that’s just another part of their personality.

14. They have a big ego

You need to be very, very careful when you want to criticize a social butterfly. If you strike a
nerve that’s not to be touched, you can expect not to get your calls answered for a couple of
days. However, if you’re lucky to hear from them, they will undoubtedly hold a grudge and
expect an apology.
15. They have a lot of expectations from the person they date

When dating a social butterfly, you need to be able to understand everything they do without too
much talking. And not only that, be sure they’ll expect from you to be resourceful, cunning and
prepared for whatever they have prepared for you.

16. They have no regards for the consequences

If each day of your life was filled with various happenings and unexpected turns of events, I’m
sure you wouldn’t have enough time to think things through fully either. They are more in a deal-
with-consequences-when-they-arrive kind of mood, than comes planning and being responsible.

17. They have a lot of different interests

It can be impossible to keep track of everything a social butterfly likes. Also, you may be
surprised with how contradictory their interests may be – football and tango, reading and
developing apps, photography and philosophy – practically anything goes.

18. They like to enjoy various privileges

Every social butterfly enjoys demonstrating their influence, but they do it subtly. For example,
they always have a table waiting for them in a bar, they are asked to cut long lines and they can
ask for favors in the strangest places. Pretty cool, huh?

19. They take their appearance seriously

Don’t get surprised when you find out how much time your social butterfly spends in front of the
mirror or in the gym. The world is their stage, so if you’re not a fashionista, it’s definitely time to
learn about different styles and how to pull them off, without spending a small fortune in order to
look good all the time.

20. They are dangerously easy to fall in love with

You need to be really careful, because they are capable of sweeping you off your feet without
even being aware of that fact. Take things slow, try not to get too attached and your relationship
have real chances to actually work.

I hope you’ll find my pointers insightful, and that they will get you closer to understanding what
a social butterfly is all about. It will take some serious effort and a lot of devotion, but if you
think you can handle it, it will all be worth it. Good luck!


Social butterflies can be very intriguing to watch. They can work a room and effortlessly attract
people to them. They thrive on being the center of attention. These social butterflies have active
social lives. Posting on social media is something they live for. They actually live a life so many
of us envy. They make everything in life look so easy.

Are you a quiet, socially awkward person wishing you could be more like that? Have you ever
put yourself down for not being social enough? Would you like some advice on how to get over
the struggle of socializing and become a social butterfly? I have a few things to tell you.

First of all, do not see your silence as something negative about yourself. The problem with
struggling with your silence is partly that it can make you feel very lonely and misunderstood. It
can feel as if the bridge between you and other people is broken. Though being a social butterfly
seems great, there are great things about being a quiet person as well. So don’t put too much
pressure on yourself to be something that you’re not.

It’s not all or nothing. You can be something in between. There is no need to be a social butterfly
nor is it necessary to compare yourself to them. I’ve felt belittled and ignored many times
because of my silence. But I also know my own worth. If people can’t stop for a second to hear
you or notice you, then it’s not worth your time. If you’re anything like me, you might be more
comfortable with a few close friends rather than many acquaintances, anyway. Focus on the ones
close to you. Understand why they appreciate you and what you like about yourself.

Your friends appreciate you for who you are. I’m often the friend people can talk to because I’m
good at listening and let people vent. When I do say something, it’s not just for the sake of it. My
friends know they will get my honest opinion and genuine advice. I try to turn my “weakness” of
being quiet into a strength. Society might not favor your silence, but your close ones might. I’ve
been told by people that they feel honored that I’ve chosen to let them in. This is because they
know I don’t talk about things (deep talk or small talk) with just anyone. They feel treasured by
me that way, and in return, I feel so cherished because of how they feel. That’s how I was able to
start appreciating myself. I know that my worth doesn’t come from the outside. It’s what’s on the
inside and what I choose to share of it.

But if you’re really struggling with socializing and you want to change it, here are some tips:

Practice, practice, practice

For me, practicing came through my job. But you can socialize whenever you meet people. For
example, when meeting new people, try to have a couple of questions or comments ready in your
head. Just basic ones to always go back to. It’s something I do all the time.

Study the environment

Perhaps make a comment or ask a question about the meeting that just finished. Or the beverages
that are being served. I’ve heard that most people love to talk about themselves. So ask them a
question and listen so that you can ask a follow-up question. Afterwards, they will feel as if
they’ve had a conversation with you even though they’ve done most of the talking.
If anxiety kicks in

You will have moments of panic, where you start sweating and shaking, but accept it. Take a
deep breath and go back to a basic question you have ready. Or if they ask you something, try to
continue a one-word answer with a comment. It might feel unnecessary, but you are speaking
more words. Do this every time you feel you have the courage to do it. Baby steps are still steps

Start smaller if needed

Start small, like looking a cashier in the eye and greeting them with a smile. It’s not just using
words. Remember: it’s also about body language. With eye contact and smiling, you can show
someone that they have your attention. You don’t have to use words all the time to connect with
other people. This might seem scary as well, looking people in the eye and all. And you might
feel awkward, but you’ll also feel proud of yourself afterwards. Allow yourself to feel proud of
the most trivial things. Pat yourself on the shoulder when you do well, acknowledge it. Build up
your courage for next time.

Don’t set your standards too high

I think a lot of us visualise this completely different, better version of ourselves. Where we are
social butterflies, thriving in our extroverted work roles. We’re economically comfortable, self-
confident with a healthy lifestyle, have time to spend with our family and are in a loving
relationship. Our house is always clean. I think you know what I’m getting at (we’ve all seen it
on TV and social media). Hopefully, this could be where you find yourself at some point in your
life. But be realistic for a minute, and think about who you are at this moment and who you want
to be. How are you going to get there? Remember, every change you want to make in your life is
not an overnight thing. It’s a long process that will feel like a rollercoaster, but will be worth it in
the long run.

You’re not alone

I think a lot of us berate ourselves for having this “problem” because it just feels so ridiculous,
doesn’t it? We’re not children anymore and we should be able to socialize like everyone else.
But this is a common problem for a lot of people. So know that you’re definitely not alone in

Have any advice to add? Share below and then go out there and look a cashier in the eye!

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