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Health care jobs are one of today's fastest growing areas of employment. With a
wide variety of available occupations, job hunters may wonder whether they are well
suited for a particular line of work. Astrology can shed some light on such career
decisions because it has a long tradition of providing vocational counseling. Certain
planetary configurations in a birth chart can suggest the natural inclination or
potential in a person to be satisfied or successful in a specific type of profession.

By the broadest definition, the healing professions are said to be ruled by Virgo and
the Sixth House, while human health in general is indicated by the Sun and the First
House. The details of one's own career, employment, vocation or "calling" are shown
in the birth chart by the Sixth and Tenth Houses, the signs on their cusps, the ruling
planets of those signs and any planets located within those houses. This apparent
complexity of astrological factors merely reflects the numerous considerations you
must make in choosing a career.

Health Career Indicators in Your Chart

Looking at some examples may help to illustrate how certain professions are
represented by a combination of astrological factors. Suppose you wish to consider a
job in one of the creative therapies such as art, music or dance therapy. While
therapy by itself is indicated by Pluto, Scorpio and the Eighth House, the creative
arts are represented by Venus, Neptune, Taurus, Libra and Pisces. An interest in art
therapy will be suggested by a combination of these factors in your birth chart, such
as a Venus-Pluto conjunction in Libra in the Eighth House. Working in family planning
or birth control would combine the rulers of conception (Venus), control (Saturn) and
parenthood (Fourth and Tenth Houses).

The Astrology of Anatomy

The clue to some kinds of health work is found in the anatomical rulers in astrology.
For instance, the bones and teeth are ruled by Saturn and Capricorn, so these
factors are associated with a job in chiropractic or dentistry. Hearing problems are
expressed by Saturn and Mercury, which would be prominent in charts of
audiologists. Vision and the eyes are ruled by Aries and the Sun, symbols that point
to optometry and iridology. Massage, physical therapy and similar "hands-on"
bodywork involve the planets ruling muscles (Mars) and the hands (Mercury).

The heart is ruled by the Sun and Leo, blood by Mars and circulation by Aquarius—all
symbols that are associated with cardiovascular careers. Gynecology and midwifery
involve the planets of birth (Pluto) and babies (Moon). The skin is ruled by Saturn, a
planet prominent in dermatology. Careers involving the nervous system, such as
neurologist, are ruled by Mercury and Uranus. Brain wave (EEG) technology would be
indicated by the rulers of the brain (Moon, Aries and Mercury), while foot reflexology
would involve Pisces, ruler of the feet.

Diet and Nutrition

The jobs of dietician and nutritionist are represented by the astrological rulers of
food, such as Virgo, the Moon and Cancer, as well as vitamins, ruled by the Sun, and
minerals (Saturn). Dietary work that concerns weight loss would involve the planets
of fat (Jupiter) and fasting (Saturn). Work with terminal patients involves the
symbols for death (Pluto/Scorpio/Eighth House) and compassion (Neptune, Pisces).

Crisis Situations

An emergency medical technician needs the quick reactions of fast-moving Mars or

Aries. A pharmacist or an anesthesiologist works with drugs, which are ruled by
Neptune, Pisces, and the Twelfth. Crisis intervention is ruled by the great
disturber/intruder, Uranus. Working with the aged or with chronic health conditions
is represented by the slow-moving ruler of time, Saturn, and his sign Capricorn. The
hospital environment is associated with Neptune, Pisces, the Twelfth House, plus
Saturn (confinement). Working with animals is shown by a strong Virgo, Sixth
House, Leo and Moon. Dream therapy is an appropriate career for those with strong
Moon or Neptune.

Technical Health Careers

Technology is ruled by Uranus/Aquarius and Virgo, which will be prominent in the

charts of medical technicians who work with X-rays or EKG equipment. Nuclear
medicine jobs will feature Pluto. If measurement is part of your health job, you need
a strong Saturn. If photography is involved, Neptune is indicated. Surgery requires
emphasis on Mars/Aries, Pluto/Scorpio or the Eighth House. All nursing work and
assistive personal care is ruled by Virgo, the Moon, Cancer, Neptune and the Sixth
and Twelfth Houses.

Alternative Health

The alternative health fields have astrological rulers as well. Magnetic healing, which
works with subtle vibrations, can be shown by a prominent Neptune. Energetic
healing involves the Sun and Mars with Pluto. Healing with meditation, hypnosis or
past life regression is shown by a strong connection of Saturn with Neptune or the
Twelfth House. Aromatherapy and flower essence therapy are associated with Taurus
and Venus. Applied kinesiology involves muscle testing, which is a Mars-Saturn
combination. Prayer therapy is indicated by Jupiter, Sagittarius and the Ninth House.

With the serious study of astrology, you can learn to identify the planets, signs and
houses in your birth chart that match the "rulers" of various types of health work.
Astrology can be useful in career decisions, but one must always remember the
ancient advice, "the stars incline, they do not compel." When in doubt, it is best to
consult an experienced, professional astrologer who specializes in vocational

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